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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR1

বেসসক ইংসলশ টু ট্রান্সললশন

আসসালামু আলাইকুম|

এটি স্রষ্টার ইচ্ছা বা মর্জি যে আপনাদের সাদে আমার যেখা হদব ৷ এটি সর্যিই একটি আশ্চেিজনক
র্বষয় যে পৃর্েবীদয যকাটি যকাটি মানুষ আদে যার মধ্ি যেদক আপনাদের সাদে আমার পর্রচয়
হদয়দে৷ ঠিক যযমর্ন আমার সাদে আপনাদের পর্রচয় হদ া৷ বিাপারটা কাকযা ীয় হদয পাদর র্কন্তু
সবার সাদে র্কন্তু হদচ্ছ না। যকব আপনাদের সাদেই হ ৷ আর্ম জার্ন আপনারা সৎ আপনাদের মাযা
র্পযারা সৎ৷ যে নযিনযম র্ি টা আপনারা আমাদক র্েদয়দেন যসটি আপনাদের হা া ইনকাম, হা া
উপাজি ন , হয় আপনার নয়দযা আপনার মাযা-র্পযার৷ যাই আপনাদের র্পেদন শ্রম র্েদয় আর্ম এই
টাকাটা আমার জনিও হা া করদয চাই৷ আপনারাও আপনার মাযা র্পযা র্কিংবা আপনার কষ্টার্জি য
উপাজি দনর মেিাো অক্ষু ন্ন রাখদবন েোেে পর্রশ্রম কদর আর যের্েদকদটে হয়৷এটা আমার অনুদরাধ্৷

একটি সুন্দর সুষ্ঠু সৎ সাব ী মাধ্িদমর মধ্ি র্েদয় আমরা র্িক্ষা যেয়া যনয়া যক কােিকর ও সি কদর
যু দবা J এটাই যহাক আমাদের অঙ্গীকার।

আর্ম যকান বিবসা বা প্রর্যষ্ঠান খুর্ র্ন, আমাদক আপনারা আপনাদের যদর একজন যখদট খাওয়া
র্েনমজুর ভাবদয পাদরন৷ আমার ভু ত্রুটি র্কিংবা যেদকাদনা অনিায় আচরণ েৃর্ষ্টদ াচর হদ , যের্খদয়
র্েদবন ক্ষমা করদবন৷

Difference between“What” & “That”

1️⃣ “What" is usually a question word.

"What are you doing?"
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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR2

"What is your idea?"

1️⃣ But “that” is not usuallyy a question word.

2️⃣ “What" does not refer to a noun that comes before it.
"The book what I need" would mean "the book which thing I
This doesn't make sense, does it?

2️⃣ “That" refers to a noun that comes before it.

"The book that I need" makes perfect sense, because you
are giving a description of the book.

আলরা সকছু উদাহরণ বদখুন :

• We have shipped everything that you ordered.

(NOT We have shipped everything what you

• The only thing that keeps me going is my desire to

win. (NOT The only thing what keeps me going is
my desire to win.)

Other words that are often used as nominal

relatives include whatever, whichever, where,
wherever, whenever and how.

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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR3

• Take whatever you want. (= Take anything that you


• You can come whenever you want. (= You can

come any day that you want.)

• Look at how he treats his wife. (= Look at the way in

which he treats his wife.)

• I read whatever is available.

• Romantic stories are all the same, whoever the

author is.

• Take whichever book you like, I don't mind.

• I read all the time, wherever I am.
• when
• Do you remember when you first saw a
Shakespeare play?

Nominal relative pronouns what, when, where,

who and how can be followed by a to infinitive.
• We couldn't work out how to assemble the
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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR4

• I don't know where to find the books I wanted.

• I was so confused, but I didn't know what to do.
• I don't know who to give this book to.
• Mary doesn't know when to stop talking.

Compound Relative Pronouns

The term compound relative pronoun sounds complex, but it
really isn’t. Simply put, compound relative pronouns apply
universally to a number of people or things.

They include whoever,বেই বহাক, whomever, োলকই বহাক,

whichever, বেটাই বহাক, and whatever. োই বহাক।
o Please tell whoever may call that I am not available.

o Whomever you hire will be fine with me.

o Whichever train you take from here, you will end at

Charing Cross station.

o Carly will be successful at whatever she chooses to do in


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Where When Why

Relative Pronoun or Relative
In informal language, we often
use where, when or why to introduce defining relative
clauses instead of at which, on which or for which.

where places I know a restaurant where the food is excellent.

(… a restaurant at which the food is excellent)
when times Grandma remembers a time when radio shows
were popular.
(… a time on which I don’t feel rushed …)
why reasons Do you know the reason why the shop is closed
(… the reason for which the shop is closed …)

➢“Where” refers to places

সনলের দুটি োকয বখযাল করুন:

1) New York is one the most beautiful cities in USA.

2) I live in New York.

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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR6

(New York, where I live, is one of the most beautiful cities in


More Examples:
1. The moon is not seen where the sun shines.

2. Sign your name on the form where I’ve put a


3. My leg is still very tender (ভঙ্গুর) where it was

bruised. (যেেঁযান, যেেঁয ান, যেেঁদযা)

➢“When” refers to time

1. The highest possible stage in moral culture
is when we recognize that we ought to control our

2. The wolf যনকদে) has a winning game when the

shepherds (রাখা ) quarrel.

3. Let’s cross the bridge when we come to it.

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➢“Why” refers to reasons
1. She cited three reasons why people get into debt.
যকন মানুষ ঋণগ্রস্থ হয় র্যর্ন যার র্যনটি কারণ
েিিাদ ন।
2. Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.

3. I think you’d better tell us why you’re asking these

4. I’d like to know the reason why you’re so late.

Relative adjectives
Whose, what and which, Whichever and whatever

Whose is the possessive relative adjective.

What and which can also be used as relative adjectives, at

the start of a relative clause

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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR8

• Do you know what languages he speaks ?.

• I don't know which train to take
• The President knows which people he wants to talk to.
• Nobody could understand to which laws he was referring.
• He reached the village, at which point he stopped for a

Whichever and whatever

Whichever and whatever - but NOT whoever - can also be
used as relative adjectives, standing before a noun.


• Whichever team wins, he'll be a happy man.!

Meaning : The team that wins can be one or the other,
and he'll..

• We'll have to stay in whatever hotel we can find.

Meaning : We'll have to stay in any hotel which we
can find

• My Dad's promised to buy me whatever laptop I want if I

pass my exam.

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Defining vs. Non-Defining Relative Clauses

বাদকি যকান ক্লজগুদ ার আদ কমা বিবহার করা হয়

এবিং কখন কমা বিবহার করদয হয় না।

Defining clauses require no

additional punctuation:

➢Defining Relative clause টি Subject বা

object যক একার্ধ্ক বির্ি, বস্তু বা র্বষয় সমযহ
যেদক আ াো কদর পর্রচয় কদর যেয়।
➢Defining Relative clause টির প্রভাব
োকদবই অপর ক্লজ টিদয৷
A defining clause - also known as a restrictive clause - gives
essential information about the noun in question. It is so important
that it cannot be cut out of the sentence and still convey the
intended meaning. For example:

i. This is the dog that was hit by a car.

ii. I don't like people who interrupt me.
In both cases, the italicized clauses contain critical information. You
can tell because if you cut out the clause, the sentence's meaning
is fundamentally different.
For example, saying "I don't like people" is very different from
saying "I don't like people who interrupt me."

More Examples
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Basic English To Translation course By Razibul Hoq Raz RHR10
• Children who hate chocolate are uncommon.

• They live in a house whose roof is full of holes.

• An elephant is an animal that lives in hot countries.

• Let's go to a country where the sun always shines.

• The reason why I came here today is not important.

Non-defining clauses are set apart from the

main sentence by commas, which help to indicate its
less important status in the sentence.

On the other hand, non-defining clauses add information that's nice

to have but isn't essential to the sentence's overall meaning. They
could be deleted and the sentence would convey basically the
same information. For example:

1.This painting, which I adore, is worth over a million


2.The teacher, who was about to retire, began writing her

In both cases, you could cut out the non-defining clause and still
understand the point of the sentence. The important part is that the
paint is worth a million dollars; the fact that it is adored is merely
nice to know.

আলরা সকছু নন সিফাইসনং োলকযর উদাহরণ বদখুন:

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• John's mother, who lives in Scotland, has 6


• My friend John, who went to the same school as me,
has just written a best-selling novel.

• My grandmother, who is dead now, came from the
North of England.

• We stopped at the museum, which we had never
visited before.

• I've just come back from London, where John lives..

• Yesterday I met a woman named Susan, whose
husband works in London.

(এই বকালসে র োেতীয সিসিও ও সিসিএফ ফাইল আিনার কালছ

আমার আমানত সহলসলে রাখলেন। সেনা অনুমসতলত বকাথাও
বশযার কলর এই আমানলতর বখযানত করলেন না। আমানলতর
বখযানত করা অনযায ও একটি জঘনয িাি।)
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