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curren 2 Rizal's Break with Del Pitar ‘Mid. 100 sa the high pia ofthe Propaganda Movement el Pir, a sole editor, had sec up La Sedona in Madi. The paper was doing cl proud with eps articles by Del Pir, Ri, Blumen, Antonio Luna, Dominador Gime. and Mariano Ponce, “The Del Par and Rial parpletsof 1896-89 were crusting rele trely widely in the Philipines, and financial mipprt sent to Madd set apparent adequate and ep. Most ofthe Flipinos in Spa had been orange inn & Maonic lodge of thei wn in which Del Pla ad a Teaing roe, Togeter vith the Aton Hispano lips, twas proving mean of in nein Spanish planet enone Fin sms. The contact with Becera in para seemed wo augur well for the fore, and hi proposed educational and other refome inthe Phipine treat net eFode the influence of the fas and the charch, The bave of paramenary representaon had been rated and supported in the Cones, and seemed to hate the backing of the mere minister ane he ncambent Liberal goverment Rizal had publitied fis edton of Morga's history, which was ak ready ruling in the Phippines, and was tow working on te se ‘quel to the Hala novel that would enlarge onthe message of he [ob and forthe ir up the hers of his countymnen. The exential ‘objets gained, Rial could return to the Phppnes to devote ine Self the conning edvaton of his people while De) Par could ‘sume the post of deputy inthe Cares to conn 1 watch out for -ipinaiteret rom a rongerpoon. 26 $98 | als Brak wth Del Par These igh hopes rece thei et damaging blow Wi the a of the Sagasta mini, the promises of Becerra and Sagas sil thing ofthe ftire Del lar ew, however, the Daw ws by 0 ‘meats mora. Without wasting «moment on fale rer eating, he set about deploying hie forces once more to teew the bale The following six months were to See great actty on the part of the Fliinos in Madi Ris arr appeared og de Fp colony the shot in the arm it needed, making t more chet. Appedrancey ere deceing however, a the an of eens mi lead under ‘uhering momentum, that would events wreck the whole organ 2000 Inst of the achierements sl come ‘The Calamba Hacienda Troubles vent set in motion thee years ear when Rizal was in his Home town of Clam, were now coming to 1 head, In anor to an il inquiry on landholdings and ren. zh principle of Cals apparent inspired, oat ea aided by Ril, had taken ocasion to resent their Jongstanding gicances again the hacen adminis ‘tation. Allegng tat the boundaries ofthe hacienda had been ox tended beyond orginal i ocd ln cleaved by iti, ‘hat haclenda rene mere exenive and aed attain such awa 281 dacourage acral progres, they demanded er an ei ‘le foal contact Beaveen eran and hacen othe ale of the lands to those who hat deed them. A sbmoquetptton tothe go ‘ramen lo hing Rial sits eel autor called ine question the legitiac ofthe eto at et prof he hacienda "ven alter Risa’ departre from the Philippines, the Inger prov portion of the tenansfelused to pay father rent tothe hacienda, Alemanding wo se the Ulex, When the hacienda began to tae the ‘ses to court and procure evcon orders gaat hee io had ised wo py, Ril encouraged them in thir estan, so that the ‘ase might be ralsed to the Supreme Court in Spin, ae need 1 ‘rental as tm Calamba mean, the resistance we coordinated by Rial's brother and brothersindaw, parley Bane! Timoteo “Hidalgo. Tenants ected by court order retumed to thet lan and "jt Rn“ ely en a Sd 31 88, Te dca uct a Pa cin 9 ee a Re 8 ats Brak wih Da Par 247 when ellos were mad to tr over the Indo the disposed 10 ‘thers no one would take them, and they wete eft neaated Given the complicated tem of land tenure in operation at the Sime, de alsence of a adequte sem of lands egfton, te fact thatthe hacienda normally pred leses om father toh den, ic dca. if no impose i the preset sate of eidenee to sy just where lea righ in theater lay As the Rie fay lawyer, Felipe Buencamino, wrote to Jo ety in 1881, "The far ‘anno! prove thelr omertip ofthe lds of Clamba, bet you own men cannot do so either" The only thing cei, he went on tomy ‘as the hori fet of ret having heen paid hich cested fea ‘resumption in ve ofthe Dominicans 1 May 1690 Pacino wrote his brother on hearing that Noe, the new Donnican Archbishop of Manis, ta ae prope Dal Pie formula of accommedion 19 rahe the sage of the Flipino group in Europe agin the iar If the Csaba quesion em ‘ered ino the propoa.Pacane deed the maria the Cams ete in for f Some Kind of compromise, since they recogni he the larger part of the hacen land belonged to the Docs fe thee orignal purchase In the ent nintenth centr. However fer Imanieing the opinion of he people. Pacino wet onto make cer tha threw ore ned than he and dpe 2 pling. yu cin propos 00 pst ear ‘Sito ee pele nd hemes rt wal Behr {a wl gy ee at Ice of camry ede soa 6 Jot 5 Arc SJ “Doemena enstng ie ln Depron of 87 kip 0, 37-8) a eptard ee Oo| ‘an ac ie tS yf sn ef he haces Fy oe Dense Toh cna an Sri. ach ong Ps 8 Pnton, i pre sone fine apne tsi ape ‘or bth ses ol ont oe et ns paid Non ‘She my qnaan med Se Guo Rp a ip aa ‘tim th he empeme pny Nets wae kel at Ml 248 Ra Bak ih Dt Pilar Paciapo's ener makes clear that the Rizal lieved in the justice oftheir im and didnot press erly a¢ 3 weapon agaist the tars Howeer the page quoted bo makes it leat that hea east tt not unlit eth elm a weapon, Tn Jl, Rzal wrote to Del Plar tate was wag fr the power of atoracy to hve his fay’ ease presented before the Supreme {Cour and eds "My brie else, since at brought you here to Barope was the ght agit heft. we defeat the fan on ‘his cae), they wl Bevery much weakened "The eflort to bing the mhole matter belore the courts in Spain and to steue & juin verdict wich could not be challenged by Philippine autores ws pat of the strategy of esiniationsen. 1 the aeal theory of the Phipps beings nepal pat of Span treet be cried ois loa consequences, then shoul be pos Tic tw appeal the Cala depute tothe supreme judiciary by in the Pentnala and defeat the colonial extblshment there The 3p preach wat diferent from the appeal for Piippine representation In the Contes but the bi asthe ome. fle wast complete the (deuruton of Ras leads weth fh i he efacy of «campaign {or Piping sighs eased on in Spain. but the Flips saw the ji ate in ger comes han the immediate case ofthe Calamba ind apt, so id thee form (ble ares the Pilippinen, Goyer General Valerian Weyer He to saw it 2 seus for power, and was bn na ood twat for the reals of any appeal to the Supreme Cour. Ip Noversber 189 he ited Calas personal to s3¢ up the station, ad urged the Cation otto tien to the Nain romites of ungrateful sons He reamed the flowing month, droog the fll ght of his pres fige hind the Dominicans TEvdenty Weler consider the station a seow one from a po Tikal pint of ven, and refed! 0 Jook on the pasive restance of “Grong mcrae Rese dh en ome ye Bil ity ‘dbo nme bce. an nc ‘eur ian ny nn ye avs nb Mr Cae ep a Ah Fal Brat sth Dot Per 249 14 Clambetios as sorlething concerning only rate interests. Ashe sete 1 the overeat minis, today they coal rest paying the Feat forthe lnds, tomorrow the sme united purpose might be put Behind a moment refuse payment of tke, and he flor to evact fom the prestige ofthe Dominicans would be only the fis tps toward ie Independence movement Concehing the tg _xle io those term, any ealonial governor would have to tt pa “sown the challenge. Chen the Sm convicion inspired by Rial ‘he Calumbeos and dhe stern determination on Weye's part tat Inestable shat the consequences would be severe—and freaching Tn January 1890, Ris brothers, anipang deportation, took the precaution of sending him powertatomey In Ast the Spanish provincial governor, Juan Mompeda. on whom Pacino had relied as protector because ffs Kom ana sersimeny called {he leaders of the movement together aod warmed hat unl they ame wan agement vith te hacend there would he epreable onsequences. Rejecting thee pen to wat forthe decison ofthe Sr preme Gourton the appeal aeady fled by Frac Real and Niaso Elgin, he ordered Faia Ri, ht to brotersrlw, Siete Unaldo and Antonino Lépes and two other athe Mato Ede sed Leandro Les © repo tothe porn cpa. whence they ‘ere deported (othe land of Mindoro” Rizal in Madrid il a the meanine, had al 4 mind eo ret othe Philip pins regards ofthe consequences, frat he oi el Pil i Apel 1800, speaing of his plan to reir and devote hime to teaching once partamensary representation ns obtained,“ lee thet not ing ese can redeem ss except our hea, material ol iain ‘mpm Ihe could nt redeem hie county by puting is head at les sence, he Flt that ont he wlinges to scree his head a 0 marr othe cause of redom would suc, He won ceed wring “ec ee 0 cpa ep one i ‘a sp: a Tay Mo aie | oat ta ih a Pir regularly for La Sarid none 'o complet the sequel this Ne tetore rerbing wo the Pippin. "Though his intention fo go bore was hardening into a ree, i began to have second thoughts when his (ends vehement Spposed the idea, He wag find ou through Tas if she Comite xe Propaganda in Mania woul pension im wih «hundred pesos monty to cable him o werk i Madi as Ponce Rad ged him {od Serrano’ aril ery Aun ith anew poweroFatiorey From Pacino and a feter urging him 4 exer is tos in prone ing the Calan case before the Supreme Cour brought hist Mix ti il someat up hea. ‘Soon, however he dre hse into the ak at hand, and tthe endo September the Filipino colony, represented by Del Pia, Ril Shi Dominador Gomes, permonaly presented a pote o de ov eas minster, the Conserve Antone Fad agua the deporations {fom Calamba. Various Madrid newpaper of beral or Repos Iiaion mpported the Fine pote, and gave nereased ater tin wo Philippine fis, pbisng the resolutions ofthe Asecinin Hispano pina in fvor of parliamentary representation and ther ‘eforms Since ip home a his ime Was anything but adable Ine setled down to making the Filipino clony in Madrid a mote ‘ose knt orgie for furthering Fiipln iteress. "The conduct ef many ofthe Filipino stent in Modi ha bays teen sore pint with Ril, They were more serious about gambling thd women than abou their sal oabout joining in the national ‘campaign of La Sanda Ths he sent a Sead seam of amo ions and exhoratons to Madd and Barcelona by leer, and did fis bet to provide moral eaershp fr the Colony through sich ican orniing the lis Bravos. Though generally acknowl ‘ged asthe moral leader f the Fpinos, he had ever been able— fm om the scene minke bis leadership as elective ashe fli shout be. Now lng in Madi i diy contact withthe Cony, he Feel upon odo 50 ‘Cowey ound up in she cas that was about to break wat Ris nui dmgreement withthe methods used by Del Pa: indeed, with VB nt, 380-6, 9.80. 8. se a i ML 8 ats Bak wih Dy Pr 981 ‘he whole ides of De Pag and is deci Ril ad Jong. since ‘opted forthe venta independence of the Piipne. In am ex ‘ange of eters with Bismentit 1857 he Had dome a ‘ously, speaking ofthe evental peace evolution ofthe Pippines tonands an independent sate aparendy proposed by Blumen eee ce eae See ee Sree eee Soiree ee eee ees ae ciettee, peat meg aoe Siem c ase A month hater he is more definite. Speaking of the attacks of Quiogiap he say iter Cdloqusp + tee more ere ha Cataaque, Ma Agu, {5 tore honest he wants separation pial spon he igh The pins have lng deed Hapa, an hve bes Sg Sp th dee le Hirsi not pine Fhe oun rome Spt nd ero ao In his ares in La Slider, e vented the queso of Fare Independence forthe Philippines ar something dependent on how Spain would respond othe Philippine snation—nhether she wold "esto or fqore the reaorabe demands ofthe Flipinos. His ot espunidence shows he was cominced that Spain woud ot ten. Writ {ng t Bac and mentioning Rpidor’s ares in erly 1889, he ye ‘Seascale seems vo me that i Spal, on reading hove atin ‘many sy "A long ar you do no more thn complain, everyching wil eal gh” Venti, ming about fis mighing 0 Rin once the Aron Hxano ipa abot thi me te, reel thei tual concent the conction dat “all a can done ere eat fine since is proven hat te ar unig ten." 1B, 108 Camp, eg comes” La Sia 50 Na 18%; "gs ene en 8 Oe 252 als Brak th Da Par nce La Shiites fant, ial opted ih became slew ef eodpiee ln dete fo aed 4 Page ta hea shoe ely oy eed Fp fe. Bat Toque nec th the paper mt be ected the Pip pine ise tive Ct cn ache nd sm how oat og get typi any ina" os wie Ea a ea pr perf elcemed > Ses en rg Mis ene ke the cog for pote git he a ol ws ited ove w me gee me Shang he de f pir Shan clued teres Uc Med A 1am om te Self te dicoery hat Ras ther wa an et nines aie repens Ral ered ay {creo ibe owed chal hy eto of Se plats aes Fe peo em poe the au thy com snd io, the spel 6 Go He ok Cera fad peas br sm poe Dies in compe soe, elt aentonw themes ad se popejeud mets dernaias cera See ane tae ough nest rege this be ae) a prt mirine, ve Imutapind genet gd Who 197 er wal wa ow ‘yn oct wn a an ‘eijeule a naead twig he Nal me gre woud ave wi {io smenge ae diy so mye and wh rea ive ne ‘rotaing a han read nl ny wok nd wenger ‘ne diy rat me the opporunay oll my rome ood! Let ‘hn coe acne re be re ele, cet, god! Let Bestny be lied The ay on wih thy hy he had ow he fake treet, proiar gonertment. and pba, revel Sanh Paice, ae Ras Bok wh Dd Par 258 AIL hese sllevings, he continued, are Ie caterizaon he sky parol the Flipin may be burned ay, but the basally sound pat tail rear de following day with renewed ie ad igo Hs ele tht sllering i part of the pice o be pad or maton redemption undencores his fm confidence in the ultimate vtry ‘ot courage and virtue over ijt. Weng to Léper Jaen afer La Sotrdd bd pt ota few ses, Rial counseled (chen who male we of aol meats and ow ad ple Magn cnn heen We mut tow ou eee ate etpstorin hem rly and human pati Ped at we {peste hw ul ve wom ure, for en jee “The Flipinos n Europe mut set an example of courage, signing thei ow ames to thelr ales La Sarit ‘ur counsymen, on ig Go ourgs; 0 ing ot he counge of oe bute, om eg that Rial nwa xcept, the ert re il a Ge ouge andl ow he fea ere cting ike ample: Ou bem il be ened on fing he {Sher tice ace wi yuh of eight aed bythe vengeance compe, What {pike ow be hed ‘Siem het enounged lt ot ie ie andere = ye hy a eget th ot {each good campl of Fipin, owsndr odd se won ‘es tht the propsin ete at God or Deny ae on out SE ttn ye ied nn th nd ri Del Pilar to bad more than 3 spark of Heal inhi, hough ‘fen ticured by the geass dive of his pragma. He wrote 10 ‘sa on the ocason mentioned above: Rae se sine esateng "al ve eee phenomena nigh pace cach eae 6 sce acim colored he ew nono, Dt Pla an, "ocong to ele any ola meant acl sens For Ie leet he dct at head owe and wold ytd. Not Shing to allen Rial he sted ifoing him of weve he ih he fe Rial wo own om. Many of Ras rd WO Sellar ered apy othe of el Par Ra ade no sont spare he eig of Spach be they Bers plc Cf whstewe spe Since Del Pr sale Riss cooperation and read the exten his preigeamog Fins ne and svowd he wk cc ‘mem to pene hing and hi tes rer shoved the ghee Seniment at cera, perhaps scons ate of condoeenon in some of Ria’ eter But ence together in Made tou IKE in enperamen woud even ce Ae Rel sop ing the Colony around 1 his yo things Ma cme eo ton wo gence and vibe hard cated hi Yo many a the Fin dene ‘Things were bulig up 6 a cr which occured at he anna Now Yer’ Eve bung of Fp colony on 31 December 60. Ate wei ier when the Acca Hagan flips pes hae usin honor of cr Rl eed ated Bee lis promise 0 pate hippies parlamenary epee ton and is inaction on hs teria alg’ deprsose NedThedeporaon of Rats fly and th con fom els home and tat sc oe gener depen. ‘Ate Now Year's Be bangs ofthe Cony de wed late according 0 Del Pr, Rial proc the resennen of any fhe & P48 192. Bre hid, 118 86 ‘Reta polite nt Sano 10k fe oe commento Shc tre Ber ea hi rmbt on Ppa een he Cae eh hae pe mini ‘ea Brak wh Da Ptr 288, pins by is nines o accept» propo tht he psy fr the homage and by his remarks onthe Filipino student ack of ap ction to their sie This reentment sil fea, the following {iy some Fipinos called on Del Pla with «propia superied by Ri wo unite the Colony by electing» leader: Despite the presto el Pr that there wat no ed of foning 4 new ergata for 3 Colony already united all agreed onthe propos, and a commivee ‘ws maimed o draw up the constitution, a ak delegsed to Ril When Del Par oxnd that the propo consinon subordinated Laer othe leader of the Caley, who vas determine py, he prose that though dhe paper was atthe service ofthe Colony tnd i leader, ic could not abdieate te independence since it be- Tenge Wo another highly respecable en, whose instctons are (quis definite” refering. f coune, to the Com de Propagands ial announced tat he would sek authorisation fm tat eny to bind the paper to the Clon: “The voting that then took place beneen Riza and Del Pir se ‘led in tree inconclsve allo, thro more the flowing dy ‘Mer whieh Rial in a pique walled ot. Under isto rom Del Pir, Ponce pled singe to have the Plaias ote for Bi, who sas then elected Further sales ook place in dhe election of the ‘Courellon, in which Rial intervened to prevent the election of Sa ‘adr Vitencio del Rosario, declaring that wtherse he would resign [ison pos Ain the Pars ede oar now de the Cory. ‘On thing office afew ays ater, Raza, according to Del Pe t= proved the Colony fo turning the eleton into a dvs conte when the nas reguded in Manila a the lndsputble leader of the Calon, Inarmuch a “every ovement of opinion thee atthe preient mo ‘ment due to hit work,” He went onto level cern charges at Lete nd o remark tat # would bave been more proper if De Pls had thar bis cada rom the bagi "No oterverion of the afr are salable to quay or confirm el iar aecount which was sent to Marla afew mont Iter fa reply t0 inquiries about he dinensions Between himetf and Ril ‘The later, iting to Basa few weeks after the event sen hn an sccount (which bas not surived) to inform him "the conspiracy Mac Do (tp. Bh ih I Par hich hey wate to conbe against me, making we of ou end Del Par who lent hnnel wo unknosing Some months ater, t #reting ofthe Com de Propaganda, when De Bes team f the afr ws read, Moke Sadar roe 10 defend Riz ‘Hawever Del Pars account may be appraise it seems clear dat ne es of nganising the Colon under singe leader came from Til or ws atleast mediately seine upon by him a 29 poste nity to st the direction he belived Flip policy ought to ake ‘What Rial overlooked was that there was lead ade fact lender of| ‘he Filipino colony in Madrid and that Del Par had lead esa Tae himself ay that ener. We Rial had indeed ried the ‘hain insption of the eampign and yas he major idologst of Fino monly, many Fines were nt ready fo accept he spe {of lendenhip he nse to impone ypon them. Del Par, skill Prin, supplied a more eae ype of leadership. content 1 Feet the campuign though his pion in Mason the Asocacon sano Flip, and La Side witout rasing sues of iy in rziieion or trating hive ito the penooal conduct of id ial lignes ren though Rizal ad won the election, his helio wep as esin is mouth, A few week ter he atandoned adi for good. el Pilar ys elcid leader of the Caony in is place, but sree he ses the de facto leader ofthe Colony. Del Par presunbly dsmisied "Mvelerence to his offical designation. Rial stopped for 4 short de Binz and in Pars then re tumed wo Brose withthe itnton of nihing hi ove. A shore fine ler he moved o Ghent, having ard that peng cos were Cheaper there He was deterinined to leave Europe at 200m 5 bis book mas printed, though the Comité de Propaganda Hermandad de San Patricio, aia oy alle, bad ged him no to retin peri M826 Lp oo en prs a vt eg i he i a Pal’ Bh with Dt Par 257 {he Pippin, prombsing to send him 2 monthly pension This per ton, however, arsed with great regu, o Raal's extreme a ojance. He ltr node the Comité about is intention of leaving forte Philipines, Hong Kongo Japa, were he could ear i ont Tetihood. and characte wpe them wo yen the money they proposed w sed him on edueating seme oung man in Earp" “To the exhortations fom Mana that he and Det Bla should be econcle, he replied, denying that he harbored any rtenmient tint Del Par Angus 1491 Del Par sought to peraade Real {0 conuute again to La Sidra he interes ofthe common ase. Aguin Ral dene! musing any etenument, but declared th the had eened wring Decne of hi book and his desire hat other Flipnoe ae part apd also because he Bleed at a sige poly should be followed. Since Det Par wasn contr, was Beer for Rialto soi ierering with i diferent eas Nomethele he woud continue working forthe common end fom Mana oF Hong Kong When Del Par asempted again to prune Bin wo recone Ms stand shorty before he left Europe, he repeated his plea of nay to work fran “emprem parculr” and vetted hs intention © ‘ete om pols in words that leno doubt ast what he els ch pe Wee wy epee yee pcaconTundenand the dare of ey ina wo at he Pest and {reece my eof oring vty one he Sa pt wo Fe om orn "Coie herent ou ate opr ae we of oe pmewo ube pase yur Mem ti ey remain ng aed ‘Rte 301, Tes Ze me ag, pin at ae ‘Sra ute pcan Ms sth“ On tp a on te ‘Speer a Pe 258 als Bal wth Dot lar ‘Oiner teers om that Ril oe deeply ut by the Madi Cole ys thinly welled repudiation hie prenimpdve righ 0 leadersip Ein by what he coidered Del Plar's efor to supplant in, He ested al flores ty Bhmenst, Del lt, ad others ge im 0 Contibte once moe o La Slidanad. n Pars jt Delore Sting ou for Manis and the hip Aa Rua wot al eter to Del Pi, ‘suring him dha he tl pesred his former eee fr hn 1p a my ety ty my at sy es ‘tee 4 re ea yo weve my trun ch hey ave ished oertowel™ Neverthe, Ris retentment was no pety Ihing of personal wounds At odds were deepivheld convictions a the pole to be Followed” Ril could not have secenfly eased out any poiy Thad he remained a he lade ofthe Colony In Madea for he ee m0 ore by newspapers, plies, or aything eve done in Madd. Before {Ln Sidra vos foonded, he had ee thatthe sougge should be ‘are on in he Philipines, Now e wa convinced mote than eve 1 our couinmen ope aw here i Eaop, they ae cen state, blp we ca ge hem mor es ey The ‘oral ie lo ing ne cn ep ere faa 9 ea me (ike ndet Te mein mb ght ea oe ek an Had Tot teen unig to sorte the Ie of parent, T wed othe Ic the Pippin, no ster hat happened. ‘Thore fe ‘Movie I suyed tee vet mode! fe, book eve beter than the [No ne ag The dof ate he Pips her wee we Soule “To Blumen he wrote 2p nd, 4011, 967, 208-4 20-20-40 0-1 826-0. The ot he pn ec oe aperon of Utena loo ba nt a nn, nha pe hs {oT wee tb br pees nd cna ener be roma Pats Beak wih Par 259 tet hat hd Saad ge tl we my he to deal with anew srg ald te or our wah Ce ‘ete La Salona ut | ee item, Tease ne Tange ad Ae do ae’ ‘Though Rial and Del Par dered on ply, hey Bed tei his spech to dhe Colony after ial had then eth enimtnsich move oe the el ree se fin ry oper i ona We a pi el Par dd tot believe the core Ria advocate flected vas unlit let him assme ole leadership bute Bad mot the emotes intention of overthrowing or dacrecting him, the bes Tatlved and contin to et even in his eters of coneiiation, I was Rizal wh in elfect had ied wo orertrom Del Pil, thgh he ‘would never have admlted this even to hima His own leadership ‘as rel, Dut it was ofa diferent order. Asa inlet, a ama of eas, sone eapble of ching the welling of patios etng In his coumeymen, Rial ad no eq and Del Pla Knew i. Un ing a the later ast ye 1 Rial is politcal leader inthe Made Colon, dere war nothing he dees ore than Ris con ‘ined intellectual aod mora leadership. Thus in the acount he sent {e Arelano of the confit that taken place, he urged hin to ‘make prudent use ofthe information For he continued: 1am of the opinion tat we mae soldat any cst a judgment ‘utirrBle to Gor Rial ant wo ree ite pet mae he ‘is there. Yo il remeber hat sh ema ining on er Sg tere I recommended 0 you pct ote wa fo ao ce i a pin ep sso aR $60 Ria Baht Dd Par hing ich ul ih i se: wall a precy hat a “Tha Dal Par was cares in his deste Lo have Ria’ color sin, despite bis some paonizng judgment of Ri x ear om the sere of lever he wove Rial ting the ater’ hac mde In “Burope: He was comet in rain his need of Ria collaboration, 1s eves were soon to how, i away e dl not pesaps anda But Ras course was already chuted, ad vera diferent rout, for his ew novel yt ow to dle the diectons his thoughts ahd mpinons ad ken since the publiain of he Nol meting The New Novel Ril ogan work onthe sequel 10 the Nl ended 8 ibs, hen he tated resign Landon i 188. By the summer of 1891 Fe war being prt in Ghent section at a dine, as funds to defn Pring cons were ried rough desperate means By Jul he oa fed ll ha he had, and since neither the pension promised him bythe Comité de Propaganda nor fandom home ried he Ws reduced to nearstaraton a ties, a he hid Been when ying to et hs Nol printed In 186-87 inal he had wo spend the pn {ng complet unit a hs end Vila had come to his rescue ‘in TS, bis friend Valentin Ventura sent he fom Pars the money Ihe needed to nish the book In September the Book was at at com> ‘pleted. Rel sipped the ene eon of to Hong Kong to bes Fe oo she Pipe wth the exepion of a ew eps en 6 Tis Bends in Spin “The plot of the nove soo inthe extreme, nd a Reta noe, hardly serves as more than a connecting link for series of hlosphic pole! dacoures on Phlipine problems. The prego: fine Pr, fp. le 1205 Red 0-20; td 26 90 so hes oe spon he ered in Sala soph end 0 “to il Cnn ip nL aa pn Ped Senay kage te ‘Rea Boh wih Do Bier 251 nit ofthe noel Simoun, a sinter figure of uno origin who had come tothe Pipes withthe gvernorgeneal, ever whom he wielded. smoxt unlimited istuence: A jeweler bs rofession— thought by tne vo be Brith Indan by oder be Armerican om tht econsanh woe fre dk lame tht hie much ofthe per part of his face, Secre inthe gonernorgenera’s patronage he Was Ealinated by ll who sug proft fr thems, ad wed his oer {o-amas an ever greater fortune fr fins Shoniy alter the opening ofthe nove, the young medical student Bail, ers to ir nae town of Sa Digo, He the Boy san. fam hose breber bad been beaten to death by the ead cri of Fy Sainte carer move and whone mother Rad been den £0 Indes and death He now rears to the lonely spo in he forest there many yar ago bend met a haggard figure who had helped Fim bary hs mother here and had bua fanea pte for anther Iman toc to death in ee nk, Since then Basha ed a a {nt boy, had managed! by dint of hard work o get an edueaon and tow would son be graduated a doctor “Asai anes a the grave he nds Smoun digging tere. whom, thou dhe lasses dagiting the jovelers features he recognizes = the man be had met there tite yea ear. Ta who ll belied 10 have died from his psc fsllade,Recoized by ‘aslo, Smoun dates wheter he sould kl he man who cae anger all his plang Tor what dee of one man compared wi the end I purse!™ Bat secoguting in him another who has accounts to stl ith socien-—t0 avenge hi mother and bis rother—he tel him hit tory He had wandered oer the word aasing a fortune tovenable hm to destroy the vicious stem that had dest oye hin, ‘Unable to rence the corp fa dend socal tem, on which the ‘re of greed evertere fe, he reset hasten the proces of Compete dimen fg ee he ea ecto wh ecard ey ee See ar cee east iri pin CF Meron i 8, the Trewory mite Be base Whe ais id ot ice Be "aren oe pe! mane em ne mn py But jus at dhe mortent when all his ws to Feah is eulmination, ae young dents ike Baro and hi fiends have come along ih der ents fr audition, forthe spread af the Spanish Tanguage, ith their appeal fr lyaly and confidence in the gore tment This Hlopaniation isthe death ofthe people, the dearaton ‘oftheir national characte, and wil ont ere to fx the rany a the government more fly on them for the fate. Wort of ale ‘heir pian o extend the learning of Spanish Seen areas SS sn eee ne ot People ees ange i hep he lg ot bry ot he ‘Sa perish inepedenc slg se pees uy of ‘inklng Langage ne hugh pope ‘Simoun urges Basi oon him, o work among the youth against thes peaings Gx aninfltion, for cqusbay of rgb for eet Ino, So moch the beer that Spain denies them representation in the Cortes where thei rence would nly serve 10 sanction abies ithowt acomplshig anything, “The lest righ Whey recogeize in You. the more Hight you wil ave atenards 16 throw’ off thee yoe nd return them en fore” ‘aslo replies hate has no interes in plc; his only Rope to se his dies to alleate dhe physical fering of his countrymen. is devotion to sence wl help redeem his county, for wence destined eo outst poles and even pais. Eten Simouns unt ing hin wits forgeing the wrong done to smother and hi roe flo shake his conviction thatthe one thing needed by bs people atthe present dime ir edvestion. Disgure, moun mocks thi seq een ray, ele dae open sl Ban ge Rts Brook th Da Par 288, “Though the novel pues the gure of Snoun, rer pay of tne minds of hone and iris en, seine by We anny of steak, or church, othe poly of revenge, of oc’ eval under hs aegis ‘Cabesang Tale sees the land he has cleared by his sweat and at the cat hit le and daughter, who ded of fever, then ever By the fale cams of a relous order he Binds no justice in he cour ere the jes cannot endanger the interes ofthe far: be i ‘eprve of hit are and flit the hands of robers, so that his ‘ughter forced into domestic ence o rant him. AC the sble inetgation of Smoun, he takes dhe Late’ revolve, hls those wo have ease bis mifortune, and ois the Sandia i he ils, hence For tobe at Sioun's eric. "The schoolmates, deported as ibusero for having tried to each te cikren Spanish agin the ret’ wishes, is patoned through Simoun’s influence, and becomes the laters gunpowder expert ide Penitene, he university aden wh fds ise out ofthe Conley because fe ha reine 9 submit any longer othe sas ay heaped on the ents by hei rar prof, becomes used ‘stant ‘Where Sinoun finds no abu, he creates them, encouraging the governor to onde the demolition of all nip howe fora sata brite from a dealer in gahanized ion rooting. Paying the debs of fy offices he ps ter underlain to im, eeady oat a Trung athe word, some under the ilwion that its tacked bythe {iar 2 a1 make secure thei poston, hes tat tia scheme of the gonemor generals to prolong it enn fee inal a's ready forthe ping. Once more e approaches Baio effering hin last chance to om he realaion de to begin vihin the hour, Not only the oppresrs, but all who have filed to Tp wl be slaughtered. A Baio har to do two ake body of ‘men to ber down the gates of dhe convent of Santa Cra atthe eight ofthe eon, ad ese Tara's ont berthed, Maa Cla, When Basia confont him wit the news of Maris Claas ‘beat that very day, Sinoun goes oot despa and the evolution doer not ake place ‘Means the projet of the young stent to open an academy for the teaching of Spanish bad mt with the oppotion ofthe uni ‘eri and in spite fal the support gen the atdent by fenly 26 Rea Bagh with Det Per \ aunee Reminder nd a omplacent Chon Hene, won ove by a il. he Beat that can be done I to erst the sty fe projec tothe pedro counsel. Tom by onficng desire ope {he rar, to aide by his “iberal principle” and to ay he wishes ‘ot his ort dancer Pepa, howe support the stents had eld, Don Comodo, in an inspired sooke, nally secarmmended thatthe academy project be approved, ba under the diecon ofthe a of {he univer. Deleted, the students console themes a Chinese Fesaurane The next momning the door ofthe university ae found pauered with andar posters, and the member ofthe student ao flton are arrested nding Basho, who had not even been present a the dinner All Sr eventual reese excep Bal, who, hating, ho protect. rerains In pron a « sapegoat 1 uphold the “pre ee otra "when Ballo Analy emerges from prion afer mont of fen ing, he presents ime to Sinoun, ready for orders That nigh 3 sweding fest so ae place to which ll of Nana sci. headed 1 the departing gowermorgenera are invited. Simoan hat prepared magnificent amp a he governors wedding if butt sled wih ‘troghcerin, and te ene pion i mined with gunpowder, Ata fGven momen, the whole place wil expla denroyng al the high {sate and church, wile Simoun' troops andthe bandits loyal 10 hin el burst ito thee and the people, conned that they are allo sulle de consequences, wil ite to defend thet Hes Baslo {olead them to the warehowe where Simon hae wored army aid a ‘he head of the ered wl to death al who refs wo follow At inion, ean, Cine, Span ll wo are oun wou oe eshte Nem rene th ce! Con fel ty bege sons no ae se, and no wore oer ot te aid og wth von tte [ea he seer lw of Narre, hw af erg hich he wt mt pro tt fom Nia lloras nae ats ate Pemmmded by Sinoun nde the infence of his hint for revenge ‘Basi agrees and goes ot Into the night. Wain fr the appointed Rats ak wih De lar 365 Inout he senders to the scene of the wedding feast. Seeing the deatealng lop ead in plc tars tm eae when sudden the meets his end kagan, the dappolte Hover ofthe git aout {0 be mare, Umble oda gant my, Biko oblige to reve the plot wo in, an ug aes no the pon an rs he ap inthe nea er The upd isdiconered andthe ev abors ina bandit ad wow expeted perpetrator inplcate Sinoun. ‘Rwwounded fugine, be takes celige wih the Rid reed Fino pres Father Florentino, ie ome y he Sa. When word anes atthe cil gud is coming to ares him, dead or ale Simoun {ates poison before Fuher Frenne ca stp hi and then, before edie, pourr ou his wecret the astounded pit, I the daogu bemeen Smousibares and Father Foren, Ri ot only deve his judguent on the methods of Sumoun, but aso ee forth his program forthe nation. To Simoun'sdespaiting que> Son i tbe Gas wil ha the Philippines shoud contin i thet present conditon, Father Florentine replies ac me Hb da in ee ot lo Spline sp er a i ew See cn cnn emt ofieedom hon no ae pombe ‘Bcc Simoun has wed metho of which God canna approve, He thas abandoned him in Bi sgl, for 1 coun some ayo be fe, il tbe dough ce and {rine hot be sgh he eorapoan of sus Reem ‘Sn peppers we rte, cic apd ieee! he Fipino people now ha to se, is because i lees ice nd sequlesces in the depron of 1 feedom. Me hed ey, met he aig he Sse Say pan type oR ho fa ed by Ra \ 286 Ril Bak th De Por cfr Tee of eligi t ran f cab {es icacgih do to mes Doo ecm tobe ache fer hon ie he eer of oa ‘som snd te tity othe ind bing wa a at ‘ots Argh ol ree te nnn, a tar ae ‘yan fl hes hone fer We Oe our marae ou ‘he le ura ne sjone ee. W'Spin wore ew eS Pacem with fran and more dpsed to sage and lle for ‘rg Spin would be the Bato ge ey A longa the Fipino people does not hate the courage and vigor 0 rows wo proclaim sigh Fen at he cat of alerig ong Rheeps lenin the fae of tranny 408 (0 ave som shin, hee no we ging it freedom ick leet Ny ede te od pt ap. ergs ere won! Wy idependence, She ses ay vibe the ran af ror Abd hy wi, iow do for ‘And a Simoun die Father Flotenino whispers: Whee ate the outs wo re wo consented Budding yar, ‘hella sn Chats 6th god of th county? Woe ae they wo aro pour out he Hoe enero 0 wh yo ach then en hat he Helo may Be Seep! Where ar oh ‘ren dined fom ours he pry oes wich a been ined Sour minds he eo nti wch at ben eae nt “The meuage ofthe novel cleat the presen sem of governing ‘he Plippines trough comipt and slfcehng oficial, dominated bythe fare and subservient to dei interes none Bahion or a ter can only ea to ater fr Spain. By is natre and operation the sem ier drive all intelignt, gener, hardworking, cov rageous and loyal zens, even thane Most devoted to Spin to Paty Bra th Dal Par 387 postion, crime, nd subversion. The gverment i arbiray cre, Completely neing in sense of use or of reponse and with ‘ot intern ov uti the peopl ts to govern. The fas are pated faeren imate color than fhe Ma hey alae the poner to ‘acy ile hots to rob men of eran opesere thee monoply ‘ot edcation, whic the enemy of inowledge; aba seeking the ‘oon interest rather thay thseof the eounuy. oe een of Spa "et inthis anh pcre there are bight spots the high oficial who remorse with the governongeneral over hi abtery po- ‘ong, and who smpathizes with and defends the Flin people tnd the openminded Dominican, Father Ferniode, who far the peton of the went for «Spanish academy, andi ling 0 di ls withthe tent Iagan on equal terms what the ant expect fom the fia But both dese ght spo are clouded by da force. “The high ofc canno prea onthe gvernorgenea odo what ‘aja and inal, tof bit love for Spin, denounces the picy her {epresenaves are puruing and submis is rergnaon rater an ‘bes party to Ase leaves the governor general he tes the Fl Pino whe ope the door for hin “When px daca: yurschea i ‘ependent someday, remember tat there were nt lacking in Spain Tene that Dest for you an ough for your igh "Air Father Ferdnder a Ian have cared frank coe sion ad the fr promises to speak to is bredhre about the sujet tof thee conversation, he adaT hope that something ean be done only fear ha they my not believe os exit” And an eles a trn, “Tear the same thing 1am alld at my ends wl not be lieve tat you et mich you have shown yourself tobe ial ser ite hope that Spain wil rule on the basis of justice rather thn presge, and dough he’ mst record the rae of hope ‘hat il remain, he is esental pes Parle to the menage of waring to Spain in the novel, and be: ‘coming ver move dominant, the menage to his countynen on the eure co be ken f Spain does not hee his warning. Reals hun in denouncing Spanish corruption, gree exploitation, ad in {tice he no les hardin condemning Plpin coruption, greed, 298 Rens Oak nr | Ea kompcety, pac. and oor! ih ste ior peri, Spanish aban The Pin, Dota Vicia, sane of ber re [he cory sinesering lpn ln, Sel Pet the trl {Sl ar, ele of al heir wn Eounnymen: the cnt mu refed al ar ery ke ‘eacl eit the asigaton of pate student wh ack ee es er ae ei ‘vaio Paula wh choos he cna a wey bape Peles ers tpl wae bey and pratin Rae ea imo wouble ith the shorty the operon spd ace of See Taal bcs Simon's plano eerie the preter pa fe ice 10 begin fre to bd naton He dos proc ‘more han pce the precstous ta of Spanish seep inte Frilpginesserped ony wb scompt a aeange Be th se Jee people to 3 pang ver at Me coutnymen for er ‘hove sented perhaps by dbl Bond fst, religion {hd angnge tt be promises of can of nigh en, Peace. propery andj al of hich ow sand voted Ye he ster dg cin No ey Soc bomen en nde pendence won by moral means he Sinan He dees teen Sent inmedate Independence, ich could oy mene» new {om The tak ahead forthe Fp eo prepare theme to tale themes worthy of eedom, and en Cod ga the means be revlon opeacfl separation fom in. Tucan, cemply tne linge t cic or On cm ‘edn even ofr mations the rod ofeedom a Til roll kee his een ae “hat his mesage tthe Fp was Ras mai aim my be {pire fom hs decom tose he wate eon he noe 9 the Philipines, Perhaps when he bean owiehe all hoped Sires Mw bono pata and opin, bt by me, ‘hat hope bad all ut waned, and i oly prescupation na to prepare hs peopl, o point out t them the pt be take. He Tinsel nw propse to pl hs program into con otke the neasd he eee spn he a he Pg | |, Metsoe miynimer (alte pid ed ont Ce ind rel Socrates eet fang ehh yo ce naa Hong Kong and Manila Rial at eign ate and te dan Calanba sun eahing lo denouement. In the nt few wee before em ete Woper tad cau decd of econ ig ered Sil ook aringet mewn fo wipe ou al sures of nee a ‘Glanbs, Bes heny concent ofc ards be sa in tt rope wel Te four hundred ean wore etd fom their home: the tones mere damanded apd thie owners gen twenn-“our Douro ‘nore teatro peopery Dengng 0 ie acd When {he omer led wo dos cyhng was bared In aon, me tmevine perm ar nt deport 0 och the oo hiplgheearal ahr of Ria ad tee of nines In he Sin ly soot Rial mtbr and ster nore de area in Me fl and arse ponent fred ogo bck on fat totic cour of thc province, where they were al esd By ti tine Weer hc ep flr Spi and ad been mx ceeded by General Flea esp Dy Tn devpt, Rl ts deurmined comet Mand twa tad by hi ay ho ire meceting soni pda made te ay 10 Hong amg many had been ie cade depo o wee graied sty Dep Pn Hong Kong Ra engaged n the price of meine, a he sine conning hs woot td plan for the Philipines. Wile wing {7 Ril ile Go Sue, ems on et 8B Ps 1:28), Sheen ie te Pao $e STS ere conga an Date ete spe 210 eas at hl iar Se eek heer ene eens eceee erence reereeecinnres Philippines.” Among them were a translation of his Hong Kong art- fects pe eet Serre eee eriecengaaiopr ages Sige au a bea nee eae Seine peaehtee eS ore eee Bee ee eee eae ee Ceo aren a orem ene et J ree ees Renin el peo gee ephemera eaten nae eee re Se ee ee Ae ples enna hear ane ses seein Sar pea ore eee eae erin ase eee pees eee eres en Series tae eer pee reer emer {On bi lr fre dean feo Ue Res Eh. Rs. 2m ne Ss tear ae Gomera peer ee a ‘he gal mc ed reamed te Pps sd Mal Ma et ha (Mesos Damp Pe 10 als Bra ith Del Par 271 sd bio ined eo, + month i aon w is wei Trcnty November te je ince he new ommiuce made ator eee Ral oa tro eu fry paper ih LEGtr pens asc edoxs Another eter of Mabe Saar, “as appre) companied tc oe Commie er inom ia ut Deed Alan and oro Cr opposed the ne Commitee’ auenp wind th finds To adn open Shen Contes red elect new nde tha wale a at's destin soon athe tne whee be an saying, A fo sels ner Sahar apie the above es announng he et he op of he Pade Rin, inl wat mo ready Fete pe imme, he aed a he eo the nming of he paper Lier pea in Bareoo, enc he nomial eon of Fei wo wuld cnc res al he an eyo return thee and ake ox etorip ace i Febuay fl esd fener oN omnet companion in ses! Aine ling ofthe tater her's pan the SOSG ch eet wo euch lene po of Del Pinta decking Rial vaurn to urope ode Pipi ply thor. Meanie though he ba sed Bhan n Febuary hte hd meeved omen of acer pao nevepepe, al steed a be sey coring the ln eter tein Jammy 198 cen anor Has ett or ai, Anton tere het in wo ning ren ant ‘Sandoning the campaign fm Mad wat secezay tw, be ‘Sale Piipines sd to rake mony forthe ine when Spin itis boheme cer at o0 at hen the Fines Tigh ely ore te sake of he Spanish ye ‘hn eg to be popoednempaper Lina ered inl condisonly were tobe a eee paper sch a cul be ‘Sltp Hong Kong er cewbee vn i aper wef tach ip 21625 ch ot Tetra ge tne Pe i ero et ee 1 Suita. ia gos to have de ae nd of codons tepy © Aandino, ao wot in Api avian a he ha ran ted he ont Manas png Rl nt ee Shorty Shree angel evs wrt rom Ghent ing il od fut thes who might be the sme ind he and found» ‘coluionay cab Hong Hang or ebeere the Caan fd he tine thee leurs ated, Niwever, Rial had defer ounce any idea he ha tad of ireing aber paper Eo sthhercompeing wih or simp plemcatng te Soro ‘hough these negainion ene ating, he tele the pone dng clesrage bene the Rena andthe aria a ome oh rope, onthe policy tobe flied. The spt of atong sara tcitment cannot be nisl excuney ihe ves of Cha, or Wee's brat sluonundubedly helped cies i. Creag despair ceva aying In pin tat had tage oubled many Flips A we Rial enue he ea and Ing arvana newpaper fad oe gen wp teen of re poring fora eel rekon. Perhaps eons pried sony a Borneo ed oh pln ‘By the me of hs ara in Hong Kong, Ra ha become treed ‘nthe pony of ouings Pp gral colony In Born ‘ere his rentvs and end who bad lo hi nde a Zlgh sar anew Ae hs sh red hi wo re 82 the Patina, he devoted more hugh othe pl, an te veh 180m stip to Bach Norh Borne 1 suey the ps the. He then drew up plan forthe pote elon, bog we tent sone of sends arope entre he nthe Wn “4k 0, 0-2. nee ay a at he ‘jeden pope mane en de Pn Rie fc ce Soot ‘nein sper no Re re pn sy cos a ‘Te pups was veel ew Sma Ss pos ‘nen 6p. i, 497, 38820 8829S 8 a at of he ar ‘ira S95 Te hwo ees Er a a Pat Boh sith Dt Par 273 He ab wrote to Governor-General Depo offering. remove hime sai fram the scene nce hi presence i he Philippines tended to itu the couney’s peace, With th ia tin, he aed permision to ching hs nana anda guarantee of freedom to egal for his ends and eats who have Been deemed harmful pace in {he Phiipine “Though Dep! dd not reply to the leer dre, some time ter he hd ae Span conan Hong Kong ifr Rial that he Considered ths an unpauose projec new ofthe great need 0 develop agrelare inthe Phibppines Rial frequent coreapond: fence during thi period wh thre who advocated separation from ‘Spain tases the ui whether Rial ad more han an agi tur closy tn mind, whether em the colony as posible bate of ‘on for fre revoonary aed in dhe Paipine ‘Whineer his preci itenons may Rave ben, ust as he had pre pared an acl for La Stdrdad on the proponed colony n Boro, 1 Sioned ale appeared which was wo hrs al back ito 2¢ ‘hon, and cre hin return 1 the Palippines, abandoning ll plane for Bomes. ‘nthe 15 Api 1802 ise a ale by Leen “Redentores de pero chico appeared, erode size on “so 17 the great Fr {eocof Vilas who urges the people we guns! the ran ed to procure her, To the objection tat they lack arms, moe, ‘ees 8 oer nde at i Maa i 0 ih hh peel Tap ay nd the 3 io ‘Siolorng pcr umes rn un aco ‘ein it tng ht pe ome Sits epee a, 967). Te ae age” igh he ced the ThE ac rac cb ni, tr he rot lo Ras ES a ae sre pt fe cing the pn a) ‘eros rhe Cab at 00), be Raa msn cn ht ‘rl oem pe i vi yin a (pects smne wun a tthe May egies emugpored yee issn ret ra a Pape Nt ty gg 574 Ral’ Bat oth Det Par taization, he replies wih idan tat none of hese are neces ko the te patie, uta for himtl Tought otto fight! My ie ‘sacred and my wision of a higher naturel” I they donot go for he proclaims, wil eure our lve fr the xi which gone you bith Tl all you vlan saves wl sei your facet and fete a solitary viernes to bowl in deepivek lege the misforuines of ty enslaved county” When 3 few delided wretches tke hie at his word the end up onthe gallows o ine, we he, who ha shown his pao by orang ta i solitary grandeur prolnng“t am resered for reser enterprise! Iam the only prophet the only one ‘who loves is country shold be loved ‘Toanyone who has read the ltrs and exhoraons of Ril to hit ompautog, the subject of the ercaie Is ede, even if ts an nf evieaute, Rizal was stg deeply by the are In whlch he ‘3 himsel auseked, and poured ov is indignation and bier ‘ment in rambling and ano incoherent levers to Del Par and Ponce, vainly tying to probe the rationale behind such an ack, He con ‘ude ina leter De Pi Ye tows ow ae alt be and ig ae Faig, be itor king p 2m gui ou oy Fn, an fing w ntat the propaganda na and wengie he Lig” ‘es than a month Iter Rial left Hong Kang fr the Philipines. yas a somewhat diferent Philippines than that of een months carl under Weyler. espaol had in many ways pursed policy america opposed to Weer’, one alle for so eames by Ril jn E1Fléwrion, a policy based on Justice not on pene. Despull ‘cok pains to pres the diference upon the populace alge, both Spankh and Fipino. Friends and enemies aie agreed that he Wa a ‘an of bolt mora inter. espujel had moved qi to aupend compe oficial from of fice and to pack them ft the Pinal by the nex ship, pu ing inthe Gav de Manila the fll eson fe the acon If ths dew (Pt 9398 ad Ree, Ba, 8 Le explana, ie in 9 oy te hing Ra mayb a 8 3. cals Brak wih Da Per 205 Rees merce: ee ela coat eon ones eaten ree pele eect ees eed oes re ese Ss ee ee eater es Seen eee Se tere Se Shere ae oe eel hare ee er a PP Pouce. Je Vigo. Jon 1m so 1 ht tem oc ip ea nn 244 [ei a Fa 3 A tn inc et tn i 3 Po itn nro pe er a aed ns oe ‘fn Ue enn se, ni asa (Gene! Depa” ‘nm og Reeth ncn in Sr may anno are of Ret na nc py ine ae ie ps eco he pray ‘ray wate etal ple eon Dopfet opener 0 ‘Scarlet te ype Bi by Way Meron tim the att tie of stoking Bop The meme epee TRAE facut opm ine aL Moa On he terse Bein ma ty ely eur ein ‘ah ny sat hang eg a San opin oped toe Seng ie pe ptt Da 1 Okman a hg pene esr a od Dope mig ot 370 Ra Ba with Det Por Meanie, the ents of the Filipinos for Despolwas a height Rizal ha Et writen 9 him sora afer hi ral in Hog Kong in December I891. Encouraged by Despjo ntaion toa ‘ipo o cooperate fr the good ofthe county and his promi 10 ‘ne he poly on Juice, Ril fered his cw series to Deol for these enh Just at this moment, however, the Fit copis of BE ‘dust arrived in the Piippines. The book eased Despite ‘me serious reservations about Rial’ ler. He rele to reply. Ria’ Second leter in March, asking at since he was considered thee te the county’ peace, he be allowed to fo with his amy ane ends ‘obec Beret es erred sche Now Ral wpe ed Tener on 21 Jone 1892 announcing hi retro Alla agin the advice of his fends and relates He was relying on Desa te pated sen of nic, and wished to uke upon Bimal the conse ‘quences of the charge for hich hi family and sends Fad been Persecuted in the past ad thus restore peace to the innocent ® {02 25 june, he are in Manis, regieered aot), and sought an inevew ith the governor general Dspace him be, framing him the pardon of bi father and of bis ster Laci, ho "ed accompanied him fom Hong Kong The flloving day Ril wat isfanted another intense and ner after one, but Despjl would one ets ie etoile Dopo ei and ef ‘ST he ares im ty yon nh a ed tom ee mateonce teypsbe nce ney mad Sc oy nM Sch ee afer pre fa Be eee Sanh ren note apy bane awe meee Se Til pane whe imc tad ph Hee oo Se ee reat aap ey ‘Shire fre cpr 53.1 Roy S71, SH, rs e208 xp 1 Be sae tr eta hh behind wb ud ses Ke ee tc wpa ya inte add Ah pa ah “Tech eth ng ai be ae ‘SL Toph he woul bere ae au he sane ore be a he ol ‘ny tae ho doe den eng he a a wal ng ich ating i ni hee he ch ged has ‘ke at econo hm hay be dea then my ee Am ‘pps hema S307 Ao pa 3) a rok th De Pay 27 pot pardon the other Catambctos wo wee in ig under se tect depreton ntl hy srendred ems ial jammed thvgh ne sey proves ng the 38 ra seu ming poner Cntacs wit oe aie boporing he ‘Sonemens egy n the company f Serrano" On jl be met in enge miter of the ton the ue of Cine mein TncaOnjunco in Mri, Here wat formal onpnsed the Lia Fipina ty tu embed the es Rig ba et rth io Fagan ies fhe ba ew year He ha aed had She mney mind athe nd of 19, 3a cee hve dram op Ihe ste and see tem toed Ma apparent wh te Itceans af ing them up ie non ems Tp aan, honeer tat were ns no veal onponion befere Ril a Jed Th poss ld doe fo te ig eral 1. Te unifation af the whole Archipelago ato a compact. igo

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