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Name: Jervil Abegail C.

Alferez Course: JD-1st Year

Date: November 19, 2020

Commentary on Aristotle’s Definition of the Law

According to Aristotle “laws are a sort of order” which exist to guide a society so that it
can well achieve its purpose, the protection of the people and the peaceful co-existence of its
community. Laws can be written or unwritten; both of which are important in the maintenance
peace and in insuring that the rights of the people are duly recognized and protected. I agree to
Aristotle’s philosophy that laws are universal in nature which allows citizens to adhere to what
the laws require, to adapt their behavior to the rules promulgated and to acquire habitual
obedience to the established rules of society. Rule does not necessarily obstruct people’s freedom
but rather it ensures that a person’s freedom be not abused to the disadvantage of others.
Whenever there exist a community of people, always in all cases there emerge a ruler and
the ruled as Aristotle expressly pointed out. Which in my opinion is true because in our society, I
have never seen nor known of anything or any organizations that are not ruled by a ruling entity.
As expressly provided in our Constitution; leaders are elected by the people which goes to show
how Filipino people are in dire need of leaders that can maintain the orderliness of our society. It
is also important to note that for “order” to exist, leaders are not the only ones responsible but
also the habitual cooperation of its people, which makes laws binding. I also agree to Aristotle’s
view that to that effect, Constitution like the law is also a “sort of order”. As also impliedly seen
in Philippine setting, the three types of laws mentioned by Aristotle also exist in our country
such as (1) laws that reveal the constitution, (2) laws regarding the orderly selection of officials
and (3) laws concerning the prevention and punishment of crime. Furthermore, the legislators are
given the power to legislate laws in consideration to the needs of the people and as shown also in
our country all laws promulgated rest in the implementation of the executive branch of our
government and that all injustices that have existed rest on the proper discretion of the judicial
branch of our government. To wit, Aristotle is excellent in his definitions of law.

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