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Introducing- Welfin Repose

Chanakya, the 4th century scholar has documented his lifelong work in Kautilya Arthashstra that
has long since been the rule book for financial success. His insights into Financial Planning
states that, “One should start early with adequate planning, because a well planned approach
produces good results, even in adverse condition”

Retirement planning in different stages of life:

Be it the stage of Bramhacharya, Garhasthya, Banaprastha, or Sanyas, every phase of life
requires planning to achieve quantifiable financial goals post retirement. Be it corpus creation,
dream fulfillment or fighting the compulsions of a more pressing nature, we need retirement
planning at every step, way ahead of time to ensure a peaceful silver separation from an active
work life.

Retirement Planning Objectives

 Fulfill your dreams
 Take care of compulsions that are deterrent to your dreams
 Create support system for your family

Common blunders while planning

 Not prioritizing our dreams and aspirations
 Choosing wrong asset class
 Not considering the importance of liquidity
 Assuming that our next generation will take care of us
 Wrong tax planning resulting in unwanted outflow through tax liability
 Lack of estate planning

Welfin deliverables-
 A plan that covers the priorities, right asset classes and ensures liquidity
 Inflation insulent plan
 Targets oriented
 End-to-end solution
 Optimized in terms of taxation
 Hand holding support
 Telephonic assistance

Stages of Retirement Planning:

 Accumulation stage
 Distribution stage

Accumulation Stage

Age group: 25-35

Portfolio Type: Pro-risk (Equity orientation-80%)
Portfolio Type: Moderate to risk adverse (Equity orientation-50%)
Investing Objectives : Self Higher Education
: Term Insurance
: Health Insurance
: Self Marriage
: Wealth Accumulation
: Tax Planning

Age group: 35-45

Portfolio Type: Pro-risk (Equity orientation-60%)
Portfolio Type: Moderate to risk adverse (Equity orientation-40%)
Investing Objectives : Term Insurance
: Health Insurance
: Child Education
: Wealth Accumulation
: Tax Planning

Age group: 45-60

Portfolio Type: Pro-risk (Equity orientation-40%)
Portfolio Type: Moderate to risk adverse (Equity orientation-10%)
Investing Objectives : Health Insurance
: Child Education
: Wealth Accumulation
: Estate Planning & Trust Creation
: Tax Planning
1. Asset Summary
2. Expenses Summary
3. Liability Summary
4. Tax Planning Summary
5. Risk Profile Summary
6. Summary of objective of retirement planning

Distribution Stage
 Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
 Bonds with SWP
 Balanced Fund with SWP
 Annuity Plans from Insurance Companies

Problems with traditional instruments:

 Real rate of return = Return % - Inflation. This needs to be considered while determining
which instrument to take
 Safety and security is illusional. In case of problem, only Rs 1,00,000 is guaranteed by
investor protection act.
 Transparency: In most cases transparency is an issue. Case in point in US64.
Distribution Plan:
 Number of dependants post retirement
 Compulsion & commitment post retirement
 Residual commitment towards old financial obligation
 Dreams and timeframes post retirement
 Life expectancy
 Medical emergencies & exigencies
 Taxation issues

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