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reason why the people on Earth appear to be having such different and difficult experiences now.

When you have learned from and overcome these lessons and experiences, incredible changes
occur. The heart initiates the human process and pushes it forwards. As this happens, the
consciousness of the soul evolves. You want to pursue a lifestyle that is loving, co-operative, sharing
and interconnected with the whole of humanity. This expanded outlook allows you as a master to be
aware of who you really are. You know that you are spirit in a human form. This realization alone
completely changes every aspect of your life, as then you bring Christ consciousness into every
thought, word and deed. These changes are occurring now in people worldwide. It is predicted by
the Intergalactic Council that by 2032 the entire vibration of Earth and its inhabitants will be fifth-
dimensional. Although the process of mastery affects all souls as individuals, it is a group operation.
This is because every soul who wakes up from the heart affects the energetic state of everyone and
everything around them. Also, heart communication between sentient and non-sentient life forms
on Earth happens instantaneously. A master radiates an open heart and this allows one with a closed
heart to see the reflection of who they truly are. As they see this reflection, the facets of their own
heart can awaken. So, masters create masters, simply by being in their purest essence. Walking
mastery is the divine heritage of every soul on Earth. In the coming years there will be new waves of
sudden awakenings as people everywhere are touched by the rise in dimensional vibration. Unlike
the initial wave of humans who have awakened slowly since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987,
these newly conscious souls will find themselves in their chosen roles overnight. To become a
walking master, you must undergo and pass a considerable number of challenges and initiations. For
those who have been waking slowly, this has been a long process. A rapidly awakened master,
however, will have worked through their tests unconsciously. To these souls, understanding and
realization come instantly. They instinctively embrace the universal flow as the true workings of
Source become reality. Energy and information are immediately channelled to them via the
fifthdimensional heart chakra, offering a higher angelic perspective. As the ego

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