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Nama : Anita Sri Widiyanti

NPM : 191FK01012


Nomor absen : 4


1. Perkenalan diri anda,pembicara dalam seminar

Allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Anita Sri Widiyanti and my fellow speakers
are Silvi Amelia Putri, Yayang Esa Elia and Dinda Lestari Wijayanti. We will guide the
seminar this time. The theme of the seminar is Mental health. Besides us, there was
resource person, she is a psycholeogy lecturer at the University of Indonesia
2. Menjelaskan tujuan seminar,materi seminar,peraturan selama seminar
Today, we are going to present about "mental health".
Our presentation into 3 session:
First, the main topic of the presentation its about "mental health"
Second, question session
Third, closing session
3. Ekspresi menawarkan sesuatu
Do you want some cereal for breakfast?
Should i call your Mom? You looks terrible
4. Sesi pertanyaan
I would like to invite everyone who has question, please raise your hand and introduce
your self
5. Penutupan
Finally, this is the end of our presentation, Thanks for your attention, see you next time.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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