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(All CBSE, RBSE, ICSE, Cambridge, IB Schools)

An Appeal
This appeal is for all the schools of Rajasthan which have been
adversely affected by the pandemic. The financial crisis,
precipitated by the non-receipt of fees, has affected approximately
50,000 schools across Rajasthan, involving the livelihood of
approximately 11 lakh teachers.

After thoughtful consideration and deep deliberation, it is now

time to act. We are left with no option other than to close down
the schools indefinitely from 5 November, 2020. This has already
been announced in the Press Conferences held on November 2,
2020 in 33 districts of Rajasthan including Jaipur and is supported
and mutually consented upon by the Forum of Private Schools of
Rajasthan. The indefinite school closure will continue till we do not
get a concrete and favourable solution from the government.

We request all stake holders to stay united in the face of this

challenge and suspend the online classes completely in the
interest of our Educational Fraternity.

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