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The Internet has become a part of our everyday life and there is nothing we can do about it.

is a means of communication as well as a good way of relaxing and having fun. No matter the place
of the world we are living in, the Internet is the same for each and everyone. The more in its
benefits are not always good things, so there are some reasons that why we should censor some
contents in the Internet.

Firstly, the Internet is the space of freedom. You can do anything without revealing yourself.
No one knows who you are. So the people using the internet can express their opinions freely and
creatively. The Internet is the sea of information and the sea of entertainment as well. There are
many movies, music, social networks and news agencies. You can enjoy anything for free by
surfing the Internet and download anything you want.

Free speech can be done on the Internet. As I said that the Internet is the space of freedom,
anyone can write anything to share the ideas to the world or some groups use the Internet for
sharing their problems, information and knowledge for solutions or agreement in perspective. To
discuss face-to-face may be difficult to some people and it is easier for them to discuss by not to
see one another.

It seems that the Internet is the fastest way to spread news and information. In the old days
we took more time to spread news, technology, and information to other town. Since the
television and radio were invented, we were informed news faster than writing letters but the
Internet is the fastest now. Some journalists use the Internet to report news from many places by
reporting through Twitter, Facebook, instant messaging programs etc. For example, some red shirt
protestors and journalists in military crackdown on 19 May 2010 use their mobile phones to report
the situation to their news stations or through those who were following the news on journalists’
pages on the social network. The journalists can go to anywhere without video recorders but only
their mobile phones.
As I said about the Internet on those paragraphs above, it makes our life easier and faster,
but many people do not realize about its bad points that affect to our society. The ministry of
information and communication technology tries to prevent cyber criminals and unsuitable
websites on the Internet. The Internet surfers have many ways to do illegally on the Internet.
Though the government legislate the law to control cyber criminals, it does not work. I am going to
explain you that why the information on the Internet should be censored.

We can download movies from the Internet for free, and download porn for free too. We are
adults so that is all right because adults can think by themselves what is right or wrong but
children need guidance from their parents. If adults do not guide their children, children will follow
porn and try to do as porn show to them. For example, the young criminals caught by the police
said that they watched porn and they wanted to have sex. This is so terrible.

The Internet is the tool for cyber criminals to deceive the Internet surfers by using fake
advertisements. For example, the criminals open their fake companies and try to convince the
people to come and apply to their companies. The people were deceived by the criminals to pay
money. When the criminals get money enough, they will terminate their fake companies and
escape away to open their new companies and continue deceiving other people.

The information on the Internet is not always true. Some incorrect information spreads out on
the Internet and then people believe that it is correct. If you want reliable information, you should
go to the library instead of searching on the Internet.

Some information is sensitive and involve with the internal security of the country such as
discussion or articles on the Internet that involve with the royal institution, religions, and politics.
The police can arrest those who write unsuitable articles about the King due to the Criminal Code
article 112 (Lèse majesté law) and other things that damages to the internal security of the country
or lead to violent situation.

These are some of my views on the Internet censorship. Now we know that the Internet has
both good and bad points. Our lives are easier because the Internet; however, it brings us
troubles. For my conclusion, the Internet information should be censored as it really needs to be
censored. I think we do not want to be restricted in the right to surf the Internet like the
dictatorial country does.

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