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How successful was the Khilafat Movement? Explain your answer.

After the Chauri Chaura incident (1922), in which 21 policemen were killed by the protestors, Gandhi called off his non-cooperation 
movement as he felt that the movement had become too violent. However, the Muslims took it as an act of betrayal. Thus, the gulf between 
the two sides widened which strengthened the Two Nation Theory of SSAK and paved way for the formation of Pakistan. This is why 
Khilafat Movement is also known as the ​“forerunner of the Pakistan Movement”​. 

The experience of the Khilafat Movement taught Muslims how to organize a movement. They came to know how to unite and then 
pressurize the British to achieve their aims. They also learned a lesson from their mistakes e.g. relying upon Hindus which proved disastrous 
for them. Thus, they learned from these mistakes and did not repeat them in future which helped them to make ‘Pakistan Movement’ a 
successful one as they worked independently and confidently. 

During Khilafat Movement, both Hindus and Muslims opposed the British through non-cooperation movement which meant that they were 
not ready to accept the British rule any more. Some historians believe that Khilafat Movement initiated an urge of self-rule among the 
Indians, therefore it is known as the first step towards the future independence. 


During Khilafat Movement, Muslims started large scale protests and strikes against the British and so the British were forced to start a 
policy of repression against Indians especially Muslims to restore peace. This worsened British-Muslim relations to a great extent. Thus, it 
became difficult for Muslims to convince their rulers to accept their political demands due to the hatred they felt for each other. 

Many Muslims migrated to Afghanistan on the call of their religious leaders who declared India as Dar-ul-Harb ​“an enemy territory”​. 
However the Afghan Government forced them to return back. When they came back they were in a miserable condition because their jobs 
and places were in the hands of others. Therefore, the Khilafat Movement gave these people nothing but financial crisis and made them 
jobless and penniless.  

In 1920, during the non-cooperation movement many Muslims pulled out their children from government schools. This worsened the 
educational conditions of Muslims and increased illiteracy among them.Thus, Khilafat Movement became a hurdle for their future 

The Khilafat Movement was started to protect the Turkish caliph and his caliphate but in 1924, the Turk Nationalist Kamal Attaturk himself 
abolished the caliphate system and exiled Mehmet VI. Therefore, the Khilafat Movement could not achieve its main objective and the 
sacrifices of Indian Muslims went in vain.  

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