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As we mentioned above, the transition from high school to college causes a lot of

basic things in your life to change: from routines, studying, relationships, emotions to
thoughts about independence, freedom and responsibilities. You may be wondering:
What are common transition challenges that I might face as a new college student?
How much support do I need? What can I do to study effectively in college? How can
I keep pace with other students? What do I do to ease the transition to college if I
have a mental health problem? and so on. Our goal is to help you thrive while
adjusting to college. Since we know dealing with changes is not easy, these are some
important considerations for anyone transitioning from high school to college.
1. Daily life and routines.
It’s important to balance the effort to manage your academics and social life with the
time you spend taking care of yourself. One significant way you can take care of both your
physical and mental health (and improve your overall functioning) is by getting an adequate
amount of sleep.
Here are some ways that you can take care of yourself and your need for sleep:
 Avoid caffeine or other addictives late in the day.
 Develop a regular sleep schedule: going to bed and waking up at a similar time every
day including the weekends!
 Put away the TV, cell phone, computer, etc. before bed. Scientists say that exposure
to “blue light” makes it hard to get a good nights sleep because it negatively affects
our sleep-inducing hormone.
 Avoid all-nighters-while you feel the need to work very late to get assignments done
or prepare for exams, which actually leads you to be less effective in your work.

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