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la fundación

Fundación MAPFRE magazine#39 | June 2017


Duane Michals

Road Safety

Volunteers on the ground



We wish to shine a light on what you do for all of us.

Let us thank you for it.

Award for Best Health

Promotion Initiative
Dr. Luis Rojas-Marcos de la Viesca

Award for Best Accident

Prevention Initiative
Alsa Grupo, S.L.U.

Award for Best Social

Action Initiative
Fundación Aladina

Award for a Professional Career

José Manuel Martínez Martínez
Dr. Valentín Fuster Carulla

Rafael Muyor
Orquídea, 2016

What drive us is our aim to help

follow us on:
the picture

The heavy rainfall recorded Piura, Trujillo, Huarmey which were installed by every day. Peru still needs
in Peru since the end of and Chosica are some of the six Spanish volunteer help.
January has taken a dreadful the areas in Peru most firefighters belonging to
toll in terms of casualties, devastated by the “El Niño the Provincial Firefighters
internally displaced and Costero” phenomenon. Union of Malaga who flew
homeless people, and Fundación MAPFRE out to the disaster zone. At
significant damage to roads coordinated and financed present, these plants are FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK
and supplies of essential the shipment of four providing fresh drinking
services such as water. water purification plants, water to 16,000 people IN THE ONLINE EDITION

In Peru, more than 200 MAPFRE volunteers

collaborated in the preparation and distribution of food
and medicine supplies to the victims

la fundación Fundación MAPFRE magazine Chairman of the Editorial Board Antonio Núñez Tovar Director Javier Fernández González Published by MAPFRE Communication Division
Editorial & Advertising Dept. Ctra. de Pozuelo 52. 28222 Majadahonda. Madrid.T 915 815 073 . F 915 818 382. Distributed by Fundación MAPFRE
Marketing Area. Paseo de Recoletos 23. 28004 Madrid T 916 025 221. Editorial Production Moonbook S.L. Infographics Gorka
Sampedro Printed by Edipack Grafico, S.L. Legal Deposit M-26870-2008 ISSN 1888-7813 The publication of this magazine does not necessarily imply agreement by Fundación MAPFRE with the
contents of the articles and works therein. The reproduction of articles and news is duly authorized, provided express authorization is sought from the publishers and the source is acknowledged.
Cover image Duane Michals, Boy in Leningrad, 1958. Courtesy of the DC Moore Gallery, New York © Duane Michals

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — the picture


“The windsled is the
first wind-powered, zero-
emission vehicle”
We speak to Ramón Hernando de Larramendi, polar explorer,
about his wind-powered vehicle. This includes coverage of the
Virtual Library of Illustrated Scientific Expeditions which was
Image courtesy of Windsled Project recently presented, together with the sled, on the initiative of
the Larramendi Foundation and Fundación MAPFRE.

Through September 10 visitors to our Barcelona exhibition
hall can see a retrospective of this American photographer.

Boy in Leningrad, 1958
Courtesy of the DC Moore Gallery, New York
© Duane Michals
The exhibition of this German photographer’s work can be
visited at the Recoletos Hall in Madrid through September 10.

Valentín Fuster, Luis Rojas-Marcos, Aladina Foundation
and the ALSA Group are the prizewinners this year.

The writer Carmen Posadas tells us how she gets closer to those
people most in need.

IN 1932
Eiserne Hand (Iron Hand), Essen [“Eiserne Hand”
in Essen], 1930 One of the most remarkable pieces held in the Insurance
Museum Folkwang, Essen. Museum is the dossier on this tremendous fire.
© Albert Renger-Patzsch / Ann & Jürgen Wilde Archive,
Zülpich / VEGAP, Madrid 2017


lf #39

Brief, inspiring stories of teams of scientists supported by the
Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi research grants awarded by
Fundación MAPFRE.

42 Image: © Thinkstock


The #teFaltaAlgo campaign makes bus passengers aware of the
importance of fastening their seat belts.



Get to know our program to teach children healthy habits
related to their diet.


An ever-increasing number of companies are promoting
physical activity. And they get back much more than they put in.

The Real Madrid Foundation and the FC Barcelona Image courtesy of Nadeskha Mackenzie

Foundation also play on the solidarity pitch.




68 SEEN ON THE WEB Photo courtesy of CESAL




In first person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


Ramón Larramendi:
“The windsled is the first wind-
powered vehicle driven by efficient,
zero-emission energy”
TEXT: RAFAEL CONDE In 1990, I organized and participated
PHOTOS: WINDSLED PROJECT in the MAPFRE Circumpolar Expedition,
a major milestone for exploration, in
Ramón Larramendi, born in Madrid,
which four of us – Manuel Olivera,
is one of the most important polar
Antonio Martínez, Rafael Pechi and
explorers of the 21st century. Over
myself – traveled 14,000 kilometers,
thirty years he has undertaken
from Greenland to Alaska, mounted on
numerous trips to the polar regions,
dogsleds in the traditional Inuit fashion.
most noteworthy being the MAPFRE
Circumpolar Expedition (1990- That was an amazing experience and
Born in Madrid in 1965, at the 1993) which was to become the the expedition received extensive media
age of 19 he first undertook most important Spanish geographic coverage, even warranting an article in
a 400 kilometer (250 mile)
expedition of the 20th century. Ever National Geographic. Looking back at it
journey across Iceland on cross-
since 1999 he has been working on today, with the perspective of these past
country skis and has not been
able to stop ever since. He then the development of the windsled, the 30 years, I believe that the MAPFRE
achieved a historic milestone
first polar vehicle driven by renewable Circumpolar Expedition marked the end
with the MAPFRE Circumpolar of an era in which, over three years, we
Expedition. For three long energies. We took advantage of this
project’s presentation at the CSIC got to know most of the Arctic settlements
years (1990-1993) this explorer
traveled 14,000 kilometers (Spanish Scientific Research Council) and lived with the last surviving hunters of
(8,700 miles) using only dogsleds
to chat about his lengthy career. the whole Arctic.
and kayaks. From 1998 onward,
he used his windsled – the first How did the idea of the windsled
wind-powered, zero-emission When and how did your interest in arise?
vehicle – in all his expeditions.
Author of several books, he exploring the polar regions arise? The windsled project is the result of the
also founded and now runs the I’ve had that vocation since I was a experience acquired on the MAPFRE
Tierras Polares [Polar Lands]
child. I believe I was eleven or twelve Circumpolar Expedition, as we have
travel agency.
when I read a book in our library at used all the know-how accumulated
home about polar explorations and that throughout those three years in which
book sparked my passion for the poles. we learned how to travel through the
At the age of 19 I crossed Iceland and arctic region in the traditional Inuit
that was my first semi-polar expedition. fashion. After that expedition, I traveled
The next year I participated in the first with the team from the TVE (Spanish
Spanish expedition to cross Greenland. state television) program Al filo de lo

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — In first person


imposible to the Magnetic North Pole You incorporated wind power to the
in 1998 and, in 1999, to the Geographic traditional Inuit sled.
North Pole. It was on this second trip The Inuit sled is a tremendously
that the idea of solving the last great versatile means of transport. I added
enigma of polar exploration arose: how a kite to the construction as a logical
to navigate the icy surface as though we way to harness the power of the wind
were on a boat. and propel it. We set up a tent on the
sled like a ship’s cabin, following the
This form of crossing frozen
tradition of the Inuit who sleep on
expanses is highly innovative.
their sleds. The idea of combining
Indeed it is. The windsled is the first
these two elements – the wind and the
wind-powered vehicle driven by
sled – is very simple and also efficient.
efficient, zero-emission energy to travel
Over the years of polar exploration,
across Greenland and Antarctica. The
many systems were employed and
idea came about when we combined
the explorers who triumphed, such
traditional Inuit techniques with the
as Admunsen or Peary, did so because
best of today’s technology. We are
they knew how to take advantage
pioneers in this field. There’s no other
of the teachings of the Inuit. In this
team in the world currently working
project, the key to success is its
on the development of this form of
straightforward, simple nature. The
underlying concepts are a blend of

In first person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39

“The MAPFRE Circumpolar Expedition marked the end of
an era in which, over three years, we got to know most of the
Arctic settlements and lived with the last surviving hunters of 9
the whole Arctic”

survival techniques and a philosophy Have you experienced any critical

applied to the travel conditions. moments on these expeditions?
In all this time we haven’t suffered any
The sled has progressively evolved
mishap, except for last year when the
and ten prototypes have already
sled loaded with 2,000 kilos ran over
been built.
Karin Bouzen, a Danish woman who
Indeed so, and we have carried out eight
formed part of our team, but luckily the
major expeditions with them, constantly
accident had no serious consequences.
experimenting on a trial and error basis.
But, logically enough, there are times
Each trip showed us the model to be
when no progress can be made as
followed for the next one.
there’s no wind, or when the wind is
The current sled is 14 meters long
too strong or against you. You generally
and comprises four convoys which can
encounter good conditions for making
transport some 2,500 kilos and carry six
headway 60 percent of the available
people on board. It has a possible range
time. It is essential to select the most
of thousands of kilometers.

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — In first person


The idea
came about
when we
with the best
of today’s

suitable route with areas where there is with crossing Antarctica in 2005-2006.
a tailwind. Since then we’ve been working on
how to convert it into a mobile polar
The temperature is extreme. research platform for teams of Spanish
The temperatures we endure on the sled or international scientists. The current
vary according to the area. In Antarctica model has a modular structure that
it can reach fifty degrees below zero and, enables its modules to be configured
in Greenland, where the temperature independently, depending on the
is relatively mild in polar terms, the equipment to be transported. The idea
average temperature can be around is to increase the number of researchers
twenty degrees below zero. Particularly who can travel on the sled and enhance
in the Antarctic, it’s essential to optimize the system so that increasingly complex
heat and we manage to achieve a work may be carried out on board. This
greenhouse effect with the tents so system is totally ecological and also
that we get the most out of the hours of highly economical. Our ultimate goal
sunlight. is that, in the next few years, thanks to
the windsled Spain will be able to set
The windsled has now become up a national research program in the
a mobile scientific exploration interior of the Antarctic continent.
I’ve been working on the development On your various journeys, you have
of the windsled for eighteen years and, witnessed climate change firsthand.
of those, seven have been devoted to Absolutely, ever since my earliest trips
proving it was possible to cross the to Greenland thirty years ago now, I’ve
ice on it. The first phase culminated seen the changes and they are enormous.

In first person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39

“To significantly reduce the environmental impact, in my view
some 20 years will be needed”

The retreat of the glaciers is a well- North Pole and the changes to the
known phenomenon but, above all, I’ve icefield in the Arctic Ocean have been
witnessed the shrinking icefield, the truly radical. It’s no longer possible to
floating sheet of ice that forms in the undertake expeditions to the Geographic
polar ocean regions. The reduction of North Pole. One of the big questions is
its surface area has been so great that when will the Arctic Ocean experience
the route I took in 1990 from Greenland its first ice-free summer. We’re very
to Alaska is impossible nowadays. I’ve close to that happening. This thawing
traveled several times to the Geographic process has occurred very quickly
and I’ve particularly noticed this
acceleration since 2004 and 2005.
What can we do to avoid, or at least
reduce, the impact of this global
This is a very complicated issue to
resolve, as CO2 emissions haven’t fallen.
I believe we are seeing a positive change
in our energy model, but it’s a very slow
change. In order to significantly reduce
the environmental impact, in my view
some 20 years will be needed. However,
there are obviously many small positive
measures that can be adopted.
What are your upcoming projects?
Will you continue exploring?
At the moment I’m still carrying on with
the windsled project, which is at a very
advanced stage. For me, as an explorer,
this is a high point in my career, a
way to round off this long history
of explorations. Once this project is
completed, I’ll be more heavily involved
in dissemination and conservation

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — In first person



“The digital The presentation of the Virtual Library of This same passion has led to Fundación
Illustrated Scientific Expeditions and the MAPFRE and the Larramendi Foundation
world is like WindSled in the auditorium of the CSIC employing the most innovative digitization
(Spanish Scientific Research Council) offered methods to present before today’s public the
the Great an exceptional opportunity to discuss and fascinating adventures of those scientists
Library of contrast the scientific expeditions of the 18th
and 19th century with those currently being
who, full of confidence and guided by reason,
set forth in order to discover distant lands
Alexandria undertaken. In his speech, the polar explorer
Ramón Larramendi highlighted the link that
throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in an
attempt to understand the laws of nature.
and we are binds together science and adventure, past and
Freely accessible to the general public, this
present: “You cannot compare the expeditions
like those of the 18th and 21st centuries, but what they do
is a library which links the digitized works
held in different institutions around the
have in common is passion and reason.”
monks of the
Middle Ages”

© Thinkstock

In first person — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


world, as well as its own. “The digital world

it is like the Great Library of Alexandria and
mundo [Political-scientific journey around
the world], which was not only scientific, but The
we are like those monks of the Middle Ages;
we certify and catalog the works to highlight
also criticized the political and economic
situation in the colonies, and set forth liberal
the exploits of those adventurous scientists,”
declared Luis H. de Larramendi, president
policies in favor of granting widespread
autonomy to the Spanish colonies. The
were also
of the foundation that bears his father’s Spanish government decided not to publish agents at the
name, at the presentation. The virtual library, it and Malaspina, disenchanted, participated
fruit of two years’ work by both foundations, in a conspiracy against Godoy that led to him service of the
brings together works by Spain’s greatest being jailed.
scientific illustrators, from Félix de Azara or
These and other exciting stories are now
crown and,
Jorge Juan to Alejandro Malaspina and José
Celestino Mutis, among others.
within our reach in the 1,000-plus works by at times, the
23 authors that offer us an insider’s view of
Surely few people know that Jorge Juan, on the major illustrated navigation projects. aim of the
an expedition to Quito that lasted 10 years, An overview of the Spanish historical
was the one who obtained the length of one contribution in the 18th and 19th centuries expedition
terrestrial meridian degree, which made
it possible to determine the shape of the
arranged in four groups:
went beyond
1.—Navigation, cosmography, and geography,
Earth with precision and plot new geographic
charts. Or that Mutis carried out his first
2.—Mathematics, physics and chemistry, mere
botanical studies in Bogotá, where he studied
3.—Natural Sciences, and
4.—Medicine and pharmacognosy. exploration
medicinal plants such as quinine for the
treatment of all kinds of diseases; or that The Virtual Library of Illustrated Scientific or scientific
Félix de Azara, considered a precursor of Expeditions “unveils those forgotten times”,
Darwin’s ideas, was the one who discovered as Luis H. de Larramendi put it, bringing to study
the Rio de la Plata region and all that this the present the works of those characters
area had to offer in terms of geography, from our past history whose exploits we can
fauna, resources, customs... now recover.
Surveying, drawing up new maritime routes
and discovering unknown species were just
some of the most common goals. However,
in many cases, their conclusions were not
restricted to purely scientific goals. The Virtual Library of Illustrated Scientific
scientists were also agents at the service
of the crown and, at times, the aim of the Expeditions
expedition went beyond mere exploration or
scientific study. This fabulous, innovative collection up with a latest-generation digital
forms part of the virtual libraries library management system that
This was the case of Malaspina, who led the organized by themes and authors offers new, important features such
last of the great illustrated expeditions to on offer at the Ignacio Larramendi as geolocation and searching on
the Spanish colonies of America and Asia, Foundation’s website Europeana and the DPLA, the largest
in order to understand the problems that aggregators of digital content in
hindered colonial development. To this end, Europe and the United States, among
he sought all the information possible from The objectives of this Library are:
the colonies, its demographics, geography, to publicize Spain’s immense
botany and zoology, and even the means contribution, in both its European
of exploitation, with the idea of completing territories and the Americas
a global study of the Spanish monarchy’s or Philippines, to the Universal
dominions. His expedition comprised Illustrated Science and reflect the MORE INFO AT WWW.LARRAMENDI.ES

prestigious scientists and excellent great illustrated expeditions, such as

draftsmen. For the first time on a scientific those of Celestino Mutis, a fantastic
expedition, some of the latter employed classifier of American flora, Félix de
a camera obscura, which afforded their Azara, a precursor of Darwin’s ideas,
drawings greater veracity. Upon his return to or Andrés del Río, discoverer of a
Spain in 1794, Malaspina submitted a report new chemical element, vanadium.
entitled, Viaje político-científico alrededor del The virtual library has been set

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — In first person





Duane Michals

From May 31 through September 10, 2017 Fundación MAPFRE is presenting in

its Barcelona exhibition hall (Casa Garriga i Nogués) a retrospective exhibition
dedicated to the American photographer Duane Michals.

An artist blurring the frontiers of photography, having to worry at all about limits imposed by
painting, theater and poetry, Michals is one of the traditional photography. In the same way, his most
most prestigious names on the American avant- relevant aesthetic references are not photographers,
garde scene. In the 1960s he offered a new approach but three painters: René Magritte, Balthus and
to photography that does not so much aim to Giorgio de Chirico, whom he met and photographed,
document tangible reality, that “decisive moment” and who were to determine his freedom, playful
his contemporaries strove to capture, but rather deals nature and scenographic vision. The only
with life’s metaphysical aspects. In this way, Michals photographer who truly served as inspiration for him
moves away from photography as a visual memory was Eugène Atget, whose views of Paris bordering on
instrument: what cannot be seen, what remains surrealism gave rise to the first important series of
hidden, becomes the target of his quest. works by Michals, Empty New York.
Born in McKeesport, on the outskirts of His series play a large part in the oeuvre of
Pittsburgh, in 1932, Michals studied art at the Duane Michals. In the 1960s he started working with
University of Denver and design at the Parsons School sequences, made up of a number of photographs
of Design in New York. He discovered photography carefully constructed in order to tell a story. With
in 1958 almost by chance, during a trip to the Soviet these sequences he manages to overcome the limits
Union on which he had taken a friend’s camera. of an individual image, which he deems insufficient
He learned how to say in Russian “May I take your for expressing his inner world, and create narratives
picture?” and began shooting simple, direct portraits in which the unexpected takes the leading role.
that reaped great success when he decided to exhibit These stories allow him to reflect on the major
them upon his return to New York. This encouraged issues that are of concern to him, such as death, love,
him to dedicate himself to what was to become his sexuality or perception, very often through humor,
great passion, the focus of his life: photography. surprise and play.
The artist himself says that he was lucky to have Another of the major renovations of the
never studied photography, as this allowed him to photographic language that Duane Michals proposed
distance himself from the usual practices, without was to include handwritten texts on top of the

Andy Warhol, 1972

Courtesy of DC Moore Gallery, New York



Chance Meeting, 1970

developed prints, thus breaking to the inclusion of text together
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
with the cliché that a picture is with overlaying images, another of
worth a thousand words. These his recurring techniques, to reflect
texts, which are sometimes true on memory, his origins and the
poetic works, are a complement family in one of his most personal
to what is not visible in the image, series, The House I Once Called
but which should be told and Home. In these photographs, fruit
shared, a crucial element for of a visit in 2002 to his childhood
full comprehension of the work. home, now in ruins, the artist
Through them he expresses his evokes the history of his family
political ideology in photographs with older images superimposed on
such as Black is Ugly or The contemporary ones, accompanying
Unfortunate Man, but also reveals with verses the story of the
his innermost feelings, such as characters and places.
in A Letter From My Father, and Contrasting with this more
his most profound philosophical profound, severe side of his work,
musings, as in the series Questions many of his photographs are
Without Answers. characterized by humor and irony.
Duane Michals reuses and Their mocking language reaches
combines different resources on truly hilarious levels in the series
numerous occasions with the aim dedicated to contemporary art.
of accurately putting across his Through various photographs
feelings. So, for example, he turns in which he mimics several of


Michals says that he was lucky to have never studied
photography, as this allowed him to distance himself from the
usual practices, without having to worry at all about limits 17
imposed by traditional photography

Now Becoming Then, 1978 the best-known, most popular parallel to his more personal
Courtesy of DC Moore Gallery, New York
artists of the day, Duane Michals work, Michals has worked
makes a witty, yet sharp criticism intensively as a professional
of the lack of direction of the photographer throughout his
contemporary art market, where career. In these more commercial
the views of a critic can cause sharp works, linked to the world of
increases in the value of works of advertising, as well as in the
little significance in themselves, portraits of a large number of
and where large formats strive to personalities from the world of
camouflage the lack of content. culture and art, commissioned by
Precisely in order not to prestigious magazines, Michals
depend on the art market, in stamps his own character and


Duane Michals reuses and combines different resources on
numerous occasions with the aim of accurately putting across
18 his feelings

style, turning them into authentic

works of art. This type of work
has always allowed him total
freedom to carry out his more
personal work, without the need
to submit himself to the pressure
of its having to reap commercial
At the age of 84, Duane
Michals is still creating, inventing
formats and new resources to be
able to express himself. Thus,
in recent years, he has started
producing a series of works in color
developed in fan shape, drawing
on the popular Japanese tradition
Ukiyo-e, with a view to exploring
the enigmatic, fluctuating nature
of contemporary life. In addition
to this project, Michals continues
reinterpreting old ferrotypes, in
which he superimposes signs and
words using oil paints. Over the
past two years he has devoted his
time to directing short movies
seven minutes long, which are
a natural continuation from his
sequences. In these he reflects
many of his formal inventions and
the major themes that run through
all his works.

To mark this exhibition a catalog has been published,

with three editions in Spanish, Catalan and Italian. It
includes an essay by the curator, Enrica Viganò, extracts
from an unpublished interview with Duane Michals in
December 2016, and a text by the philosopher José Luis Clint Eastwood, undated.
Pardo, winner of the Spanish National Essay Award. Courtesy of DC Moore Gallery, New York
The publication also includes images of all the works on
display in the exhibition, as well as a chronology of the
artist’s life by Irene Núñez.





Grandpa Goes to Heaven is what remains hidden, “Basically, I’m interested

one of the most famous becomes the target of in spiritual matters. I’m
sequences by Duane Duane Michals’ quest: the interested in the nature of
Michals. The sequences human nature of a child my experience in the most
are, according to the who loses his grandfather, profound way.”
style of Michals, a series with his most inextricable
This sequence, thanks
of images that go to secrets and most
to its poetry and delicate
make up a short story, shameful fantasies.
melancholy, draws us
putting in question the
The universal mysteries vertiginously toward a
sacredness of the single
are one of Duane’s favorite universe we also feel
shot. The artist builds up
subjects, although in no is ours, that is going to
stories that have the same
way is it easy to speak of stimulate our empathy.
relationship with movies
these things, given that he Simply put, we feel
as poems do with novels.
understands the human engaged and filled
These extraordinary
condition as a continuous with curiosity. There is
series of images stimulate
transformation in which something that affects
thoughts, have no didactic
the present has already us, something that in
pretensions and offer
passed, and everything is its evanescence we
the utmost freedom of
no more than a memory, struggle to define; we
dream or illusion. can only feel it, but it is
In this sequence Michals precisely in the intimacy
represents the death of Duane Michals himself, of this interaction that
a grandfather, from his when I interviewed the effectiveness and
grandson’s point of view. him in December universality of Duane
What cannot be seen, 2016, commented that: Michals’ work lies.

* Enrica Viganò is a journalist,

exhibition curator and an expert in
photography. Over the last twenty
years she has curated numerous
solo and group exhibitions, and
has collaborated with international
festivals and associations like Grandpa Goes to Heaven, 1989
PHotoEspaña or Foto&Photo. Courtesy of DC Moore Gallery, New York






Albert Renger-Patzsch.
The Perspective of Things

This exhibition, which will run from Albert Renger-Patzsch Photography emerged in
June 22 through September 10, 2017 (Würzburgo, 1897-Wamel, 1966) this context as one of the most
at Fundación MAPFRE’s Recoletos is today considered one of the appropriate art forms for achieving
Exhibition Hall in Madrid, includes most influential photographers this end, given that it was a
185 photographs and a score of of the last century. He was one technical, not manual, medium.
books from the career of this 20th of the leading exponents of the Therefore, from the beginning of
century German photographer, German New Objectivity, an his career, Renger-Patzsch firmly
from the early 1920s right up to the artistic movement that emerged defended his autonomy with
1960s. The exhibition is organized after the end of the First World respect to the other arts. This
with the special collaboration War. In general terms, and as finally marked the break with
and scientific support of the Ann a reaction to Expressionism, the hybrid experiments of the
& Jürgen Wilde Foundation, it strove to achieve as objective avant-garde movements and the
now based in the Pinakothek der a representation of the world recent Pictorialism. For decades
Moderne in Munich. as possible. these styles had explored the most

Shoe Lasts in the Fagus Factory, Alfeld

[Schuhleisten im Faguswerk Alfeld], 1928
Albert Renger-Patzsch Archive / Ann & Jürgen Wilde
Foundation, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich.

Previous page:
A Node on the Duisburg-Hochfeld Truss Bridge
[Ein Knotenpunkt der Fachwerkbrücke
Duisburg-Hochfeld], 1928
Albert Renger-Patzsch Archive / Ann & Jürgen Wilde
Foundation, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich


Two fundamental postulates characterized the work that
Renger-Patzsch produced throughout his career: great
22 attention to detail, while highlighting the more formal,
structural and material aspects of the objects photographed

Glasses [Gläser], 1926-1927

Berinson Gallery, Berlín

emotional and picturesque facets rigorously conveying the nature genuine relationships established
of the objects photographed, in of things and strengthening our between these territories and their
their endeavor to claim the same awareness of the same. Good inhabitants, between nature and
privileged status for photography examples are the pictures of plants culture.
as that enjoyed by painting. – from his early years – which Most remarkable in this
Two fundamental postulates were published by Folkwang- regard are the pictures of cities
characterized the work that Auriga; likewise, the full collection and industrial elements, whereby
Renger-Patzsch produced presented in 1928 in his book he captured the unstoppable
throughout his career: great Die Welt ist Schön (The World industrialization process in many
attention to detail, while is Beautiful), a paradigm of German cities in the mid-twentieth
highlighting the more formal, eclecticism in the choice of subjects century. Veritable examples of
structural and material aspects of that was to characterize the rest of New Objectivity photography – as
the objects photographed. These his career. well as possessing unquestionable
resources served to reaffirm the The fact is that the range of documentary value for us – in these
qualities that, for the photographer, subjects chosen is really varied: scenes Renger-Patzsch masterfully
afforded a privileged role to there are a great many natural captures the qualities he deemed
the photograph, insofar as the and architectural elements, but, inherent in the new modern city:
representation (and perception) throughout his career, he also one in which different historical
of reality is concerned: realism, turned to the portrait genre and periods coexist and in which the
objectivity and neutrality. It is thus showed interested in capturing most authentic cultural aspects
a simple, sober style, the product everyday tasks inherent in the are forced to live alongside the
of a conception of the camera places he knew. Renger-Patzsch impacts of industrialization. The
as a technical device capable of thus always managed to reflect the framing – sometimes very tight and



asymmetric – that predominates

here, together with the frequent
alternation between wide shots and
detailed close-ups, become most
suitable resources for conveying
these ideas.
He worked in this fashion
from the late 1920s onward. In
1929 he settled in the Ruhr region,
then undergoing a significant
transformation process as a
result of the booming industrial
sector. In his desire to put this
across, Renger-Patzsch widened
the frames in such a way that the
surroundings of the objects could
be revealed, thus enabling the
relationships between the two to be
Throughout the 1930s,
the number of assignments
from architects and industrial
enterprises also increased
considerably. The result is an
important series of photographs
of industrial objects and buildings,
in which Renger-Patzsch
demonstrates his ability to combine
his personal style with the specific
needs of each commission. In
these, each element has its own
aesthetic significance; the formal,
structural nature of these objects
is emphasized and yet, despite this,
on occasions the artist also seeks to
reflect their mass-produced status.
Eiserne Hand (Iron Hand), Essen
In 1944, following the [“Eiserne Hand” in Essen], 1930
destruction of most of his archives Folkwang Museum, Essen

(deposited in the Folkwang

Museum) by allied bombing, the
Renger-Patzsch family moved
again, this time to the rural area
of Wamel. He then turned his
attention once again to nature.
These pictures undoubtedly engage



Essen-Stoppenberg, 1929
Albert Renger-Patzsch Archive / Ann & Jürgen Wilde
Foundation, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

spectators in a more contemplative important, reaping great success largest retrospective exhibitions
practice and direct their perception from the moment it came out. In of his work to date. Following its
toward a sort of timeless reality, it he selected around one hundred closure in Madrid, it may be visited
free from the impact of modernity photographs of highly varied at the Jeu de Paume National
and the bitterness of the war. genres. They ranged right from Gallery in Paris.
Renger-Patzsch also published the start of his career (including With 185 photographs and
numerous writings in which several included in previous books) nearly twenty books, it covers
he set forth his convictions and and, even at such an early date, his career right from the early
disseminated his photographic he laid out what were to become 1920s up to the 1960s. It has
work. Way back in 1923, his principal thematic and formal drawn on works on loan from
Pflanzenaufnahmen (Plant concerns. the following institutional
Photographs) demonstrated the Through his work Renger- collections: Ann & Jürgen Wilde
potential of this medium for Patzsch opened the doors to a Foundation, Pinakothek der
depicting nature; he reaffirmed new conception of photography, Moderne (Munich), Folkwang
this a year later with the images insofar as the possibilities of Museum (Essen), Ludwig Museum
included in the first two volumes representation were concerned (Cologne), Berinson Gallery
of Die Welt der Pflanze (The World and, therefore, also in aesthetic (Berlin) and Georges Pompidou
of Plants). The most noteworthy terms, significantly influencing Center (Paris). 
publications of the following subsequent generations. His oeuvre
years were Die Halligen (1927), and the texts he published when he
Lübeck (1928) and Hamburg was alive are undoubtedly the finest
(1930), but, above all, Die Welt ist testimonies of this process.
schön (The World is Beautiful, Albert Renger-Patzsch. The
1928), today considered his most Perspective of Things is one of the





In 1929 Renger-Patzsch moved with his

family to the city of Essen in the Ruhr Valley,
the largest industrial area in Germany. He
struck up commercial relationships there
with architects, industries, companies and
publishing houses. However, in this period,
his most outstanding occupation was not a
commission, but rather a project initiated
two years before the move, and which was
to last until approximately 1935. This was a
strictly personal project on the landscape
(both natural and urban) in the Ruhr Valley,
a unique, distinctive mix of countryside
and city, nature and industrial spaces,
with an enormous diversity of bourgeois
homes and working-class districts, patios,
wasteland, mines, foundries, railroad tracks,
roads, refuse dumps, streets, gardens and
agricultural plots. Renger-Patzsch was not
so much interested in the urban centers, but
rather in the intermediate zones between
the cities, and also the areas between the
countryside and the city: spaces undergoing a that conveys the idea of a collage of two Landscape of Essen and
transformation process. layers – two realities, two areas – the contrast Rosenblumendelle Colliery
[Landschaft bei Essen und Zeche
between the idyllic serenity of the rural
A change in Renger-Patzsch’s photographic “Rosenblumendelle”], 1928
world, in the foreground, and the background
eye can be perceived in these photographs. Albert Renger-Patzsch Archive / Ann & Jürgen
revealing the massive, outsized nature of the Wilde Foundation, Pinakothek der Moderne,
The frames widen and, in many cases, Munich
new industrial complexes, the terrible fate
become panoramic views. The images are
of the modern world. In between, a road, a
now focused on a multitude of elements and
metaphor of history, an intermediary for two
explore the interpretive relationships and
different realities, suggesting the dilemma
associations these same elements throw
between tradition and modernity. A dilemma
up. The landscape emerges as a genre that
that was already present in Die Welt ist schön
makes it possible to incorporate and contrast
and which is an indicator of the ambiguous,
very different elements, and play with the
paradoxical stance Renger-Patzsch adopted
boundaries between rural and industrial
with respect to industrialization.
territory, between the city and suburbs. The
vertical and the horizontal, the high and the
low, the near and the far, blend together and
are juxtaposed. The relationship between
the planes (from the foreground to the
background) intensifies to show how industry
has molded the landscape and turned it
into a heterogeneous territory. One of the
most notable examples of this period is
* Sérgio Mah, curator of the exhibition
the image Landschaft bei Essen und Zeche Albert Renger-Patzsch. The Perspective
“Rosenblumendelle”, from 1928. A photograph of Things, is a professor at the New
University of Lisbon.



Selfless lives
TEXT: RAQUEL VIDALES improving the lives of others. Those
Think of others. Seek the well-being selected in this edition have been doing
of society. Make the world a better so for years.
place. These are the maxims guiding The achievements of the winner
the people and institutions who are of the José Manuel Martínez Lifetime
recognized each year by Fundación Achievement Award are well known.
MAPFRE in its annual awards. Valentín Fuster is possibly the
This year’s winners need little cardiologist who has received most
presentation as their merits are only awards, among them the Prince of
too well known: Valentín Fuster, Luis Asturias Research Award in 1996, for
Rojas-Marcos, Aladina Foundation, his contribution to the prevention and
and ALSA Group. treatment of heart diseases. In addition
to his constant work, which has helped
Fundación MAPFRE received close many people avoid or overcome a heart
to 750 nominations from Europe, attack, the doctor has always shown
the United States and Latin America great interest in spreading knowledge.
this year for its annual awards, each He has been deeply involved in the
accompanied by a cash prize of 30,000 dissemination of science and in the
euros. This is good news: many people promotion of healthy diets and living
around the world dedicate their efforts habits to prevent cardiovascular
– sometimes their entire lives – to problems.


Valentín Fuster, Luis Rojas-Marcos’ Project HELP, the Aladina
Foundation and the ALSA Group receive the annual Fundación
MAPFRE awards 27

Abandoned on the City Streets:

Project HELP is the name of the
program that won in the Best Health
Promotion Initiative category. Over
10,000 vulnerable, mentally ill people in
New York receive assistance each year
from this project that began 30 years
ago. Directed by the Spaniard Luis Rojas
Marcos, it resulted in the creation of
the first mobile psychiatric care service Valentín Fuster, José Manuel Martínez
Lifetime Achievement Award
in the world. Made up of psychiatrists,
nurses and social workers, it has served
as a model for many other cities around
the world.
Overcoming cancer is not easy for
either the patient or their family. Even
less so when the person suffering it is a
child or teenager. That is why the prize
for the Best Social Action Initiative
went to the Aladina Foundation,
Abandoned on the City Streets: Project
created in 2005 by the businessman HELP, directed by Rojas Marcos: Best
Francisco Arango. On a daily basis Health Promotion Initiative Award
it helps hundreds of people to deal
with this pain. Thanks to its team of
professionals, more than 1,500 children
and their families receive psychological
support at the 12 Spanish hospitals with
which it collaborates.
In the Best Accident Prevention
Initiative category, the winner this year
is the road passenger transport company Aladina Foundation, the Best Social
Action Initiative Award for its
ALSA for its World Class Driver road Psychological Care Program for
risk prevention project. Thanks to Children and Adolescents with Cancer
and their Families
this program, from 2010 to 2016 the
company reduced the rate of accidents
for which their drivers were responsible
by 35 percent. The key: education.
Its employees received over 55,000
hours of training to ensure they are all
aware of, and meet, the required safety

ALSA Group S.L.U., Best Accident

Prevention Initiative Award for their
World Class Driver (WCD) road risk
prevention project



“We who are well-known

must take advantage
of this to highlight
the plight of others”

Carmen Posadas, the 63-year-old Uruguayan author, welcomes us into her home in
the center of Madrid.She is happy. She enjoys life to the full. She admits that fate has
given her “overtime”, thus enabling her to live at a leisurely pace and solely proffer
a minimum of explanations. This “second youth”, as she calls it, also allows her to
get closer to those in need, thus getting to know the world’s forgotten citizens better.
“Happiness must come about because we are improving, because we are doing
productive things,” she asserts.

professionals and more — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


Our magazine La Fundación

wishes to highlight the social
The saying “Give a Action Against Hunger project came
up with the solution. They thought
work undertaken by many man a fish and you that the best way to add iron to a
professionals in a silent and, in feed him for a day. poor diet was to turn to the ancient
many cases, unknown fashion. Inca recipes, in particular charqui
Why do you feel it is important Teach him to fish ( jerked meat) and sangrecita, which
to commit yourself to the most and you feed him is simply animal blood, just as we in
disadvantaged? What drove you
to do this?
for the rest of his Spain use it to make our morcillas
(black pudding). This has succeeded
I’ve always thought that anyone in
life” sums it all up in eradicating this disease, which
until recently affected four out of
the public eye has the duty to use
every ten children under the age of three.
this fame to give visibility to those who are not. I have
set myself this task, not because I’m a good person,
How do you think we can help these countries to
but simply because I believe it’s my duty. I try to help
reduce their levels of poverty and inequality?
whenever possible and collaborate with all those who
ask me, finding time in any way I can. You discover that The saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a
the act of giving produces enormous happiness. And it day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for the rest of
actually takes so little. So why deprive ourselves? his life” sums it all up. I believe education is the key to
In what way do you collaborate with Action
Against Hunger. Why did you choose this What exactly is your role in the initiative “Vidas
association? en progreso” [Lives in Progress] run by Paz y
Desarrollo [Peace and Development]?
As a member of their board of trustees, I travel with
them at least once a year, getting to know the reality This is a magnificent project run by a small NGO
of many people up close. We have already been in with which I love to collaborate. It gave me and four
the Gaza Strip, a place that is suffering a terrible other writers – Almudena Grandes, Mara Torres, Rosa
situation, and in Georgia, in order to find out how María Calaf and Ángeles Caso – the opportunity to
life is in the former Soviet republics. In March last present a book of short stories that narrate a tale with
year, the country chosen was Peru, where the NGO a happy ending of five women in the Third World
is carrying out over 1,400 initiatives. The aim of this who are inspiring leaders in the struggle to achieve
solidarity trip was to witness firsthand the progress of gender justice and social recognition in countries with
their projects, which are not only helping to combat prevalent discrimination.
malnutrition, but also find jobs for mothers to help
support their families. What gives you the greatest happiness at this time
of your life, what are you most enthusiastic about?
How was this experience?
First of all, there is my family. We are one big tribe. Then,
It was very interesting. Peru is a country that has there is myself, the period I’m currently going through,
progressed a lot in recent years, but where inequalities a kind of truce that life is giving me. This is a stage I
are increasing every day. It has succeeded in eradicating appreciate and enjoy, after so many years in which you
acute malnutrition, but they now face an invisible, (and all women) drive yourself to be the best at your job,
relentless enemy in the form of chronic anemia. the best friend, the best mother and wife. We think long
Unlike other NGOs, who have tried to incorporate and hard about others, but very little about ourselves.
supplements into the diet of the young ones, something When you reach 50, life gives you a second youth and a
which goes against the culture of these people. But the completely different sense of freedom.

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — professionals and more


© secrets
Imagen cedida — LA FUNDACIÓN
por el Museo del Seguro MAGAZINE#39

Chronicle of a novel-worthy disaster

The fire at Grandes

Almacenes El Siglo in 1932
Curator of Fundación MAPFRE’s Insurance Museum

One of the most remarkable pieces held The appraisers were able to evaluate
in the Insurance Museum is the dossier the damages, fundamentally thanks to
on the great fire at Grandes Almacenes the recovery of some of the accounting
El Siglo in Barcelona. records held at El Siglo.
This huge department store, whose Fortunately, the department store
origin dates back to 1881, was located was coinsured by 22 companies, as
between Rambla de los Estudios, Calle detailed in the report produced in
Xucla and Plaza del Buen Suceso, and order to assess the damage caused by
had a total usable area of 25,083 m2. the fire. This was drafted by Narciso
It is clearly a point of reference as Masoliver Ibarra, industrial engineer,
regards the introduction of large-scale and E. Pedro Cendoya, architect,
commercial premises in Spain, with the loss adjusters designated by
over 60 specialist sections, which, from the insurance companies and the
1910, included a café-bar and a grocery department store, respectively.
Front page of the dossier which can be
store. This 249-page report, with 22 seen at the Insurance Museum
The violent blaze broke out on floor plans and 41 photographs, was
Christmas Day 1932, at 11 o’clock in the produced in just five months, thus
morning. It was due to a short circuit, enabling the rapid resolution of this
probably caused by a malfunction on case that the insurance companies
a toy train that was set up in a shop wanted. The dossier can be seen at the
window display. Insurance Museum and consulted on
Within two hours of starting, the our website, in the digital edition of the
fire had devoured a large part of the La Fundación magazine.
central buildings of the complex, The damages caused by the fire
as well as those on Xuclá and Buen were estimated at 11,201,334 pesetas
Suceso streets. The merchandise and (currently equivalent to some 23
the industrial equipment could be million euros or 3,825 million of
considered a total write-off. the old pesetas). 33 percent of
this amount corresponded to the

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — Insurance secrets

Within two hours of starting, the fire had devoured a large part
of the central buildings of the complex

© Image courtesy of the Insurance Museum © Source: La Vanguardia, Library. 27-12-1932

insured buildings, and 67 percent to full potential of Catalan commerce.

the insured industrial furnishings But, on Sunday, it was engulfed in
and merchandise. The indemnity flames and, in little more than two
was assumed by the 22 insurance hours, the fire destroyed everything
companies and the rapid payment of that had been achieved thanks to
the settlement enabled the department enormous endeavor and resolute
store to reopen in 1934. entrepreneurial spirit over the years.
The La Vanguardia newspaper The city has experienced hours of
dedicated a full page to the story on sincere, legitimate grief [...]
December 27, 1932, which is reproduced [...] The voracious blaze spread
above. This indicates the impact this inexorably and no area was spared.
incident made at the time and how it Thus, when the fire service arrived,
affected Catalan society as a whole: despite their tenacious, heroic efforts
to locate the flames and prevent them
[...] Grandes Almacenes El Siglo, S.A., from spreading, the three buildings
has been destroyed by a tremendous housing the department store were
blaze. That popular store, right on the totally gutted, no more than a huge
Ramblas, was a clear exponent of the pyre. In its destructive fury the fire

Insurance secrets — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


had not only left a powerful company

at a critical juncture, but it had wiped
out a business thanks to which over
a thousand humble families earned
their daily bread [...]


© iStock

A novel-worthy disaster
This event has inspired premises. Not only were and place their order
several novelists, such as they known for their beauty directly in the dressmaking Practical
Care Santos, winner of the and education, but they workshop, right in the information
2017 Nadal literary prize, wore a uniform and were same building. It was
who wrote the novel — selected from among the also possible to have your on the
and subsequent TV series
— Habitaciones Cerradas
Barcelona middle class,
which was synonymous
picture taken, write a letter,
visit a painting exhibition,
[Closed Rooms]. We had with excellence. For good acquire mourning dress or Museum
the pleasure of meeting reason is it said that, purchase fine glassware.
this writer at the Insurance among the employees of Located in Madrid, at
Source: http://
Museum when she was this establishment, there Paseo de Recoletos 23,
gathering information for were even celebrities, it has 600 pieces on
her work. such as the wife of the display and a total of
future president Josep 1,300 preserved in the
In addition, on the blog que.html
institution’s collection.
Tarradellas, Antònia Macià.
she published about her
novel, Care Santos included He also highlights the fact In addition, all of
interesting tales about this that the El Siglo department them can be viewed
store, such as the existence store was a pioneer in many on a virtual tour of
of young female workers services which seem so the museum at www.
known as sigleras: normal to us today: museovirtualdelseguro.

The writer Sempronio, [...] from mail-order

chronicler of the city of sales to the existence of Free guided tours for
Barcelona, described how a cafeteria in the interior groups may be reserved
a multitude gathered every of the building. In El Siglo in advance by telephoning
day at closing time just to ladies could choose the + 34 916 025 221
see these women leave the fabrics for their dresses

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — Insurance secrets


25th anniversary of the MAPFRE Tower — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


The MAPFRE Tower 1992-2017,

the project that was ahead
of its time

In all the images of the Barcelona skyline, two Currently the concepts of sustainability and energy
neighboring towers clearly stand out, majestically saving are essential in architectural projects, but 25
looking out to sea from the coastal limits of the city: one years ago they were just words. We could not say they
is the Arts Hotel and the other is the iconic MAPFRE were unknown concepts, but they were highly unusual
Tower. in professional circles and this was a time when the
Having stood proud for 25 years now, in its day quality of construction in Spain was not as advanced as
the Tower marked a strategic drive by MAPFRE – in other major countries.
then headed by Julio Castelo Matrán – to increase its From the outset, the architects saw an opportunity
presence in Catalonia. to bring a series of innovations into the
First, they put in a bid for the THIS YEAR WE ARE project that could ensure the speed
terrain at a strategic corner of the CELEBRATING THE of construction and energy saving,
future Olympic Village, and then set while including the latest trends in

about building the second tallest TH architecture, materials and construction
building in Spain – the tallest was then procedures. Many of them were to be
the Picasso Tower in Madrid, at 155 used for the first time in Spain, some
meters. People were already sensing even a first in Europe.
the major urban overhaul the city of ANNIVERSARY To begin with, the foundations
Barcelona was undergoing, opening were laid using large-diameter piles
up to the sea and installing leisure reaching depths in excess of 25 meters.
areas and modern settings that today Two basement levels were constructed
decorate its shoreline. below sea level using concrete retaining walls, thus
The building was designed by two young architects, gaining extra space to incorporate parking areas,
Íñigo Ortiz Díez de Tortosa and Enrique León García, despite the added complexity given the project’s
who drew up a simple, yet highly avant-garde project. proximity to the coast. The double-deck elevators,
They anticipated some of the architectural solutions designed to increase passenger capacity, were the
that today are standard practice for this type of first in Europe of this type, and the fastest at the
buildings, but which, at the time, constituted a veritable time. With the innovative design of the façade, the
revolution. inclination of the glass not only avoids glare and

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — 25th anniversary of the MAPFRE Tower

A project with a very simple proposition: to make a top-quality,
innovative building at a reasonable cost, one which reflects
36 MAPFRE’s principles

reflections, but also affords significant and simplicity, with few materials in
savings in maintenance costs. The both the structure and its façades and
tower has a fully approved heliport for installations.
helicopters to use and a decentralized What was one of the most innovative
power generation system that was also buildings in Europe at the time, will
innovative in its day. be so once again in the next few years,
All of these aspects, and some others thanks to the profound renovation of
of lesser importance, resulted in the the Tower, which is being carried out to
MAPFRE Tower and its leanings to modernize it and place it among the top
sustainability and innovation being ten of this type of tall office buildings in
used as a case study in universities and the European Union.
international forums. Even recently, a Apart from its commercial
study was conducted in Italy in which exploitation, the fact is that the
Various MAPFRE project managers
the MAPFRE Tower was shown as an MAPFRE Tower is, and will remain, an gathered in Madrid recently with
example of architecture that can be icon of Barcelona, forming part of all some of the architects responsible for
the design of Torre MAPFRE to mark
easily dismantled and recycled, due the images of this city that are projected the 25th anniversary of the building’s
to its large degree of prefabrication anywhere in the world. construction. From left to right:
Fernando Carvajal, Fausto Rodríguez
del Coso, Enrique León García and Íñigo
Ortiz Díez de Tortosa.

25th anniversary of the MAPFRE Tower — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


A symbol of post-Olympic Barcelona

The 1992 Olympics underwent in 1992. Visible Olympic Games and which
changed the physiognomy from all over the city, it has become a symbol of the
of Barcelona. Not only did is the tallest skyscraper city.
they take the opportunity in Catalonia, along with
With 40 floors and 152
to improve infrastructure the neighboring Hotel
meters in height, the
and regenerate some Arts, which is of identical
MAPFRE Tower is already
neighborhoods, but, in height. Both face out to
part of the Barcelona
addition, the city was opened sea, between the Nova
skyline. It can be seen
up to the sea; the Olympic Icària and Barceloneta
from different points of
Port was built and accesses beaches, and dominate the
the city and its innovative
to several beaches were Olympic Port. The complex
architecture, with the
enhanced. formed by the two towers
alternating inclinations of
is rounded off with the Peix
The MAPFRE Tower is one its façade, creates a gigantic
d’or (a sculpture in the
of the emblems of the urban mirror effect which reflects
shape of a fish) which Frank
redevelopment the city the life of the city.
Gehry installed to mark the

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — 25th anniversary of the MAPFRE Tower


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Research to
improve our health
and quality of life

Scientific research deals with countless projects that seek to improve our quality
of life, in such diverse areas as our diet, artificial intelligence or safety. There
now follow some brief, inspiring stories of teams of scientists who, with the aid
of the Ignacio H. de Larramendi research grants awarded by Fundación MAPFRE
in the 2016 edition, strive each day to enhance our health and future retirement

The importance of the collaboration between admissions “appeared to be motivated by alterations

doctor and pharmacist of the underlying pathology, due to the medication
With age, new diseases sometimes appear that itself, or to adverse effects of this medication.” This
require medications which have to be added to project has a twofold objective which led to Fundación
those already taken, and such polymedication may MAPFRE considering it worthy of support with one
be behind the high rate of readmissions of elderly of this year’s grants: develop an intervention that may
people to our hospitals. With this premise, detected have an impact on the health and quality of life of the
by a multidisciplinary team of pharmacists and elderly; and improve the utilization of health care
general practitioners at the Doce de Octubre Hospital resources.
in Madrid, Dr. Carlos González Gómez has set out The first phase of the project has already been
to show whether a pharmacotherapy intervention completed. It consisted of studying all internal
– based on advice, information and monitoring the medicine patients who were readmitted four or
patient shortly after discharge – could reduce this more times within one year. On the basis of variables
readmissions rate. such as age, diagnosis, comorbidities, presence of
With extensive experience as a clinical specialist polymedication, type of medications and alterations
in internal medicine, Dr. García – together with two derived from their use, a statistical analysis is being
pharmacists specializing in hospital pharmacy and conducted to identify which of these variables could
residents of both specialties – detected that many be related to the readmission. An arduous task



which the team must combine with the everyday Identify the population at risk of a heart attack
workload in a large hospital, in this case considered With the aim of creating an organizational model
the fourth best in Spain, and the third in the internal offering the optimum care to patients with an acute
medicine specialty. But Dr. González highlights their myocardial infarction, the Cardiology Service at
motivation: “We are a young, active team, which has the University Clinical Hospital in Santiago de
dedicated extra time outside normal working hours to Compostela (CHUS) decided to compile a highly
make progress on this project.” detailed record of patients admitted to the center with
The second phase of the study aims to that pathology.
“demonstrate that collaboration between the doctor Alfredo Redondo Diéguez, one of the four
and the pharmacist is essential, and see to it that this cardiologists who, together with a statistician, are
intervention becomes the clinical practice quality working on this project, explains: “Our autonomous
standard for polymedicated elderly patients.” region was one of the pioneers in the development
of an acute myocardial infarction care program, and
How to choose a pension plan one of the first to implement the electronic medical
Mutual funds, pension funds... All in all, a record system. All of this information stored for years
complicated matter for ordinary citizens and will allow us to undertake a high-quality, very long-
also, it would seem, for the managers, financial term follow-up of our patients’ health. The value of
advisors and savers themselves. these records is key to medicine
For this reason, the objective of nowadays. The starting point for
this project is to offer guidance As doctors, improving is knowing where we
to all of them on the factors they our goal is to stand. What’s more, it’s the only way
must bear in mind when selecting to be able to compare your results.”
pension plans. enhance the These data will prove essential
“Doing research is something quality and for moving on to the next phase:
I’m really passionate about,” says
Luis Otero González, Professor of
length of our “An analysis of these records will
facilitate the identification of
Financial Economics and Accounting patients’ lives populations of interest, training
at the University of Santiago de and dissemination programs,
Compostela. With that declaration, and the publication of scientific
it is clear that research is not something new to him. articles. In this way, for example, we will be able
In fact, the project on which he is now embarked, and to develop programs to reduce the time it takes for
which has been supported by Fundación MAPFRE, patients to seek medical assistance when they suffer a
is the continuation of a previous one: “We’ve been heart attack.”
working for some time on an analysis of mutual funds This project has not started from scratch, but
and on the determinants of the performance they rather is in keeping with the history of the cardiology
achieve, and we wanted to expand the analysis to service at the CHUS, which was a pioneer in the
include pension funds.” treatment of myocardial infarction by primary
Risk management and assessing the performance angioplasty, as well as research and development in
of financial products are Otero’s chief areas of interest. the acute coronary syndrome field.
In this project he has a team of three researchers Building the database, the most difficult phase,
from the universities of Santiago de Compostela and continues apace and it is expected to reach over 1,700
La Coruña, whose doctoral theses he himself had patients and 200,000 entries. For Redondo, “the
previously directed. reward will come when we start analyzing the data
and obtain results, because, as doctors, our goal is to
enhance the quality and length of our patients’ lives.”


“We are a young, active team, which has dedicated
extra time outside normal working hours to make
progress on this project” 41

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Celiac patients; good nutritional health? this kind of diet,” she explains with regard to the
The Working Group on Nutrition and Food Sciences project.
at the CEU San Pablo University, led by professor Dr. Úbeda details the progress made: “So far,
Gregorio Varela, made headlines recently for we have managed to nutritionally assess a group
having detected an insufficient intake of vitamin of 65 children and adolescents with celiac disease.
D in children and adolescents with celiac disease. We have obtained highly revealing results that led
The results of their study have served to demonstrate us think to believe they are in a very good state of
that it is necessary to monitor the nutritional status nutritional health, virtually on a par with their peers
of these people so as to identify their needs and the who do not have the disease. However, we have
shortcomings of a gluten-free diet. found a slight deficit in vitamin D among girls with
“This is a project which, as is the case with the celiac disease, but we still need to continue with
epidemiology of celiac disease, might be described the research to discover the factors that affect this
as the tip of an iceberg,” declares Dr. Natalia nutrient.”
Úbeda Martín, a member of Professor Varela’s This research still has a long way to go, as the doctor
team. “Given that everyone who suffers from explains: “We are currently conducting the same study
gluten-related diseases must follow a restrictive in the adult population and, depending on the results
diet as regards certain foods, we set out to assess we get, we will determine how the research should
the nutritional status of the population that follows continue. We have a great deal of work ahead of us.”




© Grey Díaz


Life-saving gestures

Get on the bus. Look for your seat number. Place your hand baggage in the overhead
storage. Sit down. Fasten your safety belt... There are everyday habits that are
worth adopting. That save lives. The direct testimony of a bus accident victim and
the results of the Report on the Use of Seat Belts in Buses produced by Fundación
MAPFRE remind us of the importance of this gesture.

There are news stories that no and realize that the same thing #teFaltaAlgo campaign
one wants to read and would could happen to any of us, and That same spirit has inspired the
never want to experience. “18 that, despite the fact that I was Fundación MAPFRE campaign
dead and 37 injured in a bus seriously injured, in my case there in Spain #teFaltaAlgo [something
accident in Panama,” was the were no fatalities.” A reflection missing?] to make bus passengers
headline of the digital newspapers that always leads Ms. Mackenzie aware of the importance of
on March 6. The tragedy had to the same conclusion: “We must using the safety belts, in keeping
happened the previous day on the create a culture of seat belt use in with current regulations. In our
legendary Pan American Highway, both buses and private cars. No country, ever more people opt for
when a bus from the Caribbean one is exempt from suffering a this means of transport on their
province of Bocas del Toro lost traffic accident and so it is up to long-haul highway journeys, with
control, careered off a bridge us to take advantage of the tools a 4.3 percent increase in 2016,
and plummeted 60 meters into necessary to prevent them.” according to the INE (Spanish
the Guabas River. Fifty seasonal National Statistics Institute). One
workers on the bus were on their of the reasons for their widespread
way to harvest watermelons. use is safety: traveling by bus
Nadeskha Mackenzie, a MAPFRE is ten times safer than by car,
operations executive in Panama, according to ETSC (European
read the news that Monday Transport Safety Council) figures.
morning and could not help Bus accidents are so rare that,
identifying with them: “That when one occurs, it creates great
accident made the whole country social alarm, more so when it turns
think how vulnerable we are,” out to be a tragedy with some
she recalls. Her solidarity has loss of human lives. One way to
profoundly personal roots that CINTURÓN DE SEGURIDAD reduce this impact is by increasing
date back to one year ago, when EN AUTOBUSES
safety levels through the use of
an incident on a bus was to seat belts. This is the overriding
change her life forever. “It is conclusion of the Report on the Use
inevitable that I think about that of Seat Belts in Buses, produced
moment when I had my accident Cover of the report by Fundación MAPFRE with the



collaboration of bus side, while the other

companies like ALSA, bus crashed into the
Avanza, DBLAS and side of the mountain.
Esteban Rivas. As in “The next thing I
other vehicles, their remember is lying on
use may be the most the road and not feeling
effective way to save 75 percent of my body…
lives and prevent I literally felt like I
injuries, “as they had turned to jelly: I
impede both the driver could see my legs but I
and the occupants couldn’t feel them.”
striking the interior The chances of
elements of the vehicle being thrown out of the
or being thrown out a vehicle, as happened
window in the case of to Nadeskha, are
overturning, collision great. When a vehicle
or sharp braking,” collides, there is a
explain the authors of sharp deceleration
Image courtesy of Nadeskha Mackenzie
the study, Jorge Ortega and the occupants, “in
and Jesús Monclús,
both from Fundación
“Unfortunately I wasn’t the event that they are
not firmly secured in
MAPFRE’s Accident wearing a safety belt,” the vehicle by means
Prevention and Road
Safety Area.
Nadeskha laments of the safety belt, will
continue to move at
the same speed as just
The risk paradox that Nadeskha could see from before the incident, smashing
This list of catastrophic the bus window were ravines. “It against the interior of the vehicle
misfortunes describes to wasn’t the first time I had taken or being thrown out of it,” Ortega
perfection the accident Nadeskha that route, but I was scared all the and Monclús explain. The impact
Mackenzie suffered on February same and wanted to get past that of a vehicle hitting a fixed object
6, 2016, leaving her paraplegic. point as quickly as possible,” she can be compared to falling from
It was Carnival Saturday and she recalls. “Suddenly I heard people a building. Thus, a collision at
was on her way from Panama City shouting, the bus began to swerve 30 km/h (20 mph) against a
to Colon Island, in the province from one side to the other, and I stationary vehicle, a wall or a
of Bocas del Toro, to spend a few could hear another bus braking tree is similar to falling from the
days relaxing at the beach. She was heavily… The first thing that came second floor or from a height of
traveling in a 60-seater bus which, to my mind at that time was ‘we’re four meters. “If we are driving at
in turn, formed part of a convoy going to die’. My heart was racing 100 km/h (60 mph), the fall would
with two other vehicles (around and all I could do was hug my be from a height of 40 meters or 10
180 passengers altogether). After friend, thinking it was all over.” floors,” they point out.
11 hours of a nighttime journey, The driver of the bus behind the “Unfortunately I wasn’t
“I woke up at about 8 a.m. and one Nadeskha was on had lost wearing a safety belt,” Nadeskha
realized that we were passing control when braking and smashed laments. “Apart from the fact that
through a dangerous area called into the right side of their bus, the bus did not have any, people
Cabello de Ángel.” The only thing causing it to tip over onto its left in Panama are simply not used


“We tend to think that accidents always happen
to others, or to irresponsible drivers”

to wearing one: they have the Advertising and specialized in with interest and has helped her to
notion that the bus is much safer Graphic Design. “I consider overcome the tragic consequences
than any other form of transport. myself a very creative person of the accident: “They organized
There is no habit of wearing a and I really love my profession.” lots of activities to raise funds
safety belt on buses and many For this reason, she has been for my medical expenses and
don’t even have them fitted.” working for four years in MAPFRE operations. It was truly awesome!
This is what Tom Vanderbilt, Panama, in the Image, Brand and MAPFRE is my second family and
author of the bestseller Traffic: Communication Area. Her smile I’m very grateful, as they supported
Why We Drive the Way We Do also lights up when she talks about me so that I could adapt my home
and What it Says About Us, calls her solidarity work in Fundación and be as independent as possible
the risk paradox, which he sums MAPFRE. “I’ve always liked in my wheelchair…,” she recalls.
up in this sentence: “When you participating in volunteer work and “Witnessing the solidarity of my
perceive that a situation may be offering my support to any social colleagues and my family was the
dangerous, it is most likely that it project. It makes me grow as a driving force that filled me with
is actually safer than you think; person and I learn a great deal from positive energy to keep going.”
it is precisely when you feel safe every activity I’ve been involved Nadeskha is a Russian name that
that you should be most alert.” with.” Support that has been repaid means hope.

An effective tool
This apparent contradiction is
manifested in the Spanish figures
for safety belt use: on long-
distance routes, only 27 percent of
passengers fasten their seat belt,
a rate that falls to 0.7 percent on
short intercity routes, according
to the Fundación MAPFRE report.
“It has been shown that the seat
belt is the most effective safety
tool to prevent the consequences
of any traffic accident,” Nadeskha
stresses, “using it on the buses
would avoid a high percentage © Thinkstock
of permanent injuries caused by
traffic accidents, just like my case.” A free patent for safety
Jesús Monclús recognizes that “The pilots I worked with in the saved more than one million lives. In
“Nadeskha’s accident reminds us aerospace industry were ready to use Spain, the responsibility for wearing
of the reason for our foundation’s almost any element to stay safe… but, a seat belt on buses falls directly on
in their cars, normal people don’t want the passengers, not on the driver.
work, our motivation every day.
to be uncomfortable for even a minute.” But putting out a reminder through
We tend to think that accidents So says Nils Bohlin. The Swedish a speech or by showing a video “can
always happen to others, or to engineer created the three-point manage to raise the percentage of use
irresponsible drivers, but we are safety belt in 1959 for Volvo, and the from 24 to 69 percent,” according to
automobile manufacturer released the Fundación MAPFRE’s Report on the Use
very mistaken.” patent so that all the other automakers of Seat Belts on Buses.
Nadeskha is now 30 years could also fit them as standard. Today,
old. She studied Marketing and it is estimated that they may have



Seeds, the new superfoods

Seeds can be purchased on numerous TEXT: CRISTINA BISBAL diet as far back as 3000 BC.” And she
websites on the Internet. But they are
now also available in most supermarkets PHOTOS: THINKSTOCK adds: “They have always been used. In
and hypermarkets.
They have formed part of our diet each area, those which prove easiest to
since around 10,000 years ago, when grow. But globalization also affects these
humans began to domesticate animals foods and, as word spreads about their
and grow crops. Nowadays, we also properties and good “communication”
know the benefits they offer us. techniques are employed in this regard,
some practically acquire magical status.”
Whether it be quinoa, chia, flax, poppy
seeds, etc. Recently, seeds have become Many nutrients in little volume
an essential element in the pantries Miraculous or not, “without a doubt
of half of the world’s population. So these are interesting foods as they
much so that you could be forgiven for contain the nutrients that will sustain
thinking that their nutritional properties the plant in its first phase, which implies
have more to do with a fad than reality. a high concentration of elements
That is why it is important to see things in very little volume,” Ms. Luzón
as they really are. For example, in no way comments. Practically all seeds stand
is this a fad. This is made clear by Ana out for their high content of vegetable
Luzón, a doctor and Vice President of fiber, recommendable fats, minerals,
the Spanish Gastronomy and Nutrition trace elements and vitamins, which
Association: “As an unprocessed food means they are a good component of a
product, thanks to the discovery of complete, well-balanced diet.
writings on clay tablets, it is known In addition, each has its own
that mustard, sesame and cumin seeds peculiarity, which makes it suitable for
were already present in the Sumerian some particular ailment. For example,



chia seeds have a high content of

Omega-3 – “they must be crushed in
In small amounts, apt for diets
As not everything can be positive,
Practically all
order for it to be more easily absorbed” seeds have a minor drawback. “Most seeds stand
– fiber, zinc, selenium, calcium, of them have a high energy content out for their
magnesium, iron and phosphorus. (between 500 and 600 kcal per 100
Sesame seeds are ideal for those who grams),” says the creator of the Luzón high content
need vitamins, given that, in addition Diet. But this usually does not cause of vegetable
to calcium, iron, fiber and zinc, they
provide group B vitamins and vitamin
a problem as they are not consumed
in large quantities. “In general, some
fiber, recom-
E. And flax seeds are excellent for 20 or 30 grams taken mid-morning or mendable
maintaining good bowel function,
although they should be avoided in case
mid-afternoon; or as an ingredient in a
breakfast will not pose any danger to a
fats, minerals,
of diverticulitis or ulcerative colitis; and diet,” concludes the nutritionist. trace
should be eaten with caution in the case A further advantages is the elements and
of diabetics undergoing insulin therapy multitude of possibilities when it
due to the risk of hypoglycemia. comes to consuming them: “They can vitamins
From all this, it can be deduced be added to salads, yogurt, cooked
that seeds are beneficial to health. Ana dishes (sesame, pine nuts, almonds,
Luzón: “Pomegranate seeds, thanks to etc.), as the crust of some meat or
their high antioxidant capacity, help bread, as a snack between meals,
prevent cancer and cardiovascular accompanying a dessert…” Just one
accidents. Sunflower seeds are beneficial more recommendation. When it comes
for muscle performance, given their to storage, it must be borne in mind
high magnesium content. Cumin seeds that heat may cause some of their
for slow digestions. Sesame seeds help components to degrade and lose part
control our cholesterol…” of their beneficial effects.

Quinoa, food of the year in 2013

Quinoa is one of those foods that minerals.” It also has the ability
everybody has been talking about to adapt to different ecological
for less than five years. These environments and climates. “Faced
are vegetable seeds native to the with the challenge of increasing
Andes consumed by the indigenous the production of quality food to
peoples for some 7,000 years. They feed the world’s population in
stand out for their high nutritional the context of climate change,
value. Ana Luzón: “They contain quinoa offers an alternative for
all the amino acids the human those countries suffering from
body needs.”The FAO says of this food insecurity.” These are some
seed: “It can be compared to foods of the reasons given by the United
such as beans, maize, rice and Despite the nutritional benefits of seeds, Ana Luzón warns of
Nations Food and Agriculture
wheat. Moreover, it is a good source the negative consequences of its popularity for long-standing Organization when it decided to
of high quality protein, dietary consumers in the countries of origin. “The increased demand also promote 2013 as the “International
fiber, polyunsaturated fats and results in an increase in its price.” Year of Quinoa.”



Healthy eating
is also fun


© Thinkstock

Eat more fruit and vegetables. Take more exercise. Quit smoking... How often do we
fail to keep New Year’s resolutions? It is not easy to change our habits once we are
adults. But children are another story: they learn quickly and adapt more easily. That
is why it is better for them to acquire healthy habits at an early age. And that is the
goal of Fundación MAPFRE’s Healthy Living program.

How often should a child eat sweet snacks and candy? suffer diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a younger
How healthy are frozen potatoes? Why is it important age. These are ailments, which, in turn, are associated
to cook eggs properly? Up to what age is it necessary with an increased probability of premature death and/
to drink milk? How should I thaw out meat or fish to or disability.
keep it in good condition? At what age should we start
drinking coffee? Should vitamins be given to a child Simplifying the complex
who feels tired? Fundación MAPFRE has been working for several
A large proportion of the population is unable to years along the lines recommended by the WHO with
reply correctly to these seemingly straightforward a specific program called Healthy Living, which is run
questions. This can be a source of health problems: in both Latin America and Europe, including Malta and
food poisoning, cardiovascular diseases, insomnia Turkey.The aim of this project is to promote healthy
or obesity. According to a 2016 report by the World living habits from an early age by targeting the two
Health Organization (WHO), some 42 million children most important scenarios of childhood: the family and
worldwide are overweight. “And this is not the school. In what way? Above all, by running workshops
children’s fault,” the report’s authors stress. “It is due for children and by providing parents and teachers with
to several factors: biological factors, inadequate access all manner of educational resources: nutritional and
to healthy foods, a decrease in physical activity in their health-care handbooks, physical activity guidelines,
daily lives, etc. All this calls for a global, coordinated audiovisual material, tips from experts and even radio
response,” they clarify. programs.
The report is unequivocal in its conclusions and All of these resources are produced according to
warns all countries that they must adopt urgent a basic premise: simplifying what seems complex.
measures to combat obesity. Among them, “educate For example, how to instill healthy eating habits in
children, parents, teachers and leaders on the children? “Prepare meals together, whether lunch,
importance of eating healthy food and reducing afternoon snack or dinner; go shopping together and, in
the intake of sugars and fats. In addition, they must the market itself, teach them about the different types
promote physical exercise and combat sedentary of food; explain which are healthier and show them
habits,” the document recommends. According to the which ones are only available at certain times of the
WHO, if action is not taken swiftly year,” explains the educational guide

and current trends continue, the for families.
number of overweight children will
reach 70 million by 2025. MILLION CHILDREN
Family and school, essential factors
The organization also reminds us The role of the family is of vital
that overweight children are more WORLDWIDE ARE OVERWEIGHT importance for learning healthy
likely to become obese adults and, ACCORDING TO THE WORLD habits and distinguishing risky
compared to children who are not ones. As regards dietary guidelines,
overweight, they are more likely to HEALTH ORGANIZATION this is the most suitable setting for



transmitting healthy habits: “if we are able to promote children everything he knows about which food is the
a varied, well-balanced diet, teach them to eat slowly healthiest and how often they should practice sports.
and chew their food well, we will then be enabling In addition to these educational resources,
our children to acquire good eating habits,” experts Fundación MAPFRE runs highly dynamic, play-based
from the Healthy Living program explain. “It is highly recreational workshops for elementary pupils right
beneficial if the whole family keeps active. Suggest in their own school. For an hour or so, children are
physical activities to your children with which they can engaged in activities that help them understand the
have fun and strive to achieve goals. It does not matter importance of sticking to a healthy diet, discover the
if they have to try out different activities until they find dangerous consequences of incorrect nutrition and a
the one they like the most. Physical activity helps us sedentary lifestyle, correctly interpret the food pyramid
to share time and experiences together and keep the and assess the need for rest, among other things.
whole family in shape,” the specialists add. Thousands of children attended the Healthy Living
The school and education professionals are likewise workshops throughout 2016. In Spain the figure
very important in the formative years of childhood and reached 30,103 pupils; in Brazil, over 70,000 and, in
adolescence, a period during which many of the habits Mexico, more than 100,000. Other attendance figures
that will be ingrained for life are acquired. And how included Panama (5,400), Malta (2,400), Turkey (1,246),
can teachers convince their pupils of the importance Puerto Rico (8,405) and Paraguay (2,061).
of taking exercise, for example? The Healthy Living
program proposes stories, comics, songs, games and Early results
videos to help them convey this message in a fun way, There is still a long way to go, but some encouraging
so that the children can assimilate the ideas almost data reveal that the educational work carried out in
without realizing it. And it provides them with a recent years is starting to bring results. In Spain, for
series of animated characters capable of attracting the example, excess weight among children aged six to nine
attention of the little ones: like Professor Lunatus, a fell by 3.2 percent between 2011 and 2015, according to
magician of youthful appearance who explains to the the 2015 Aladino Study (Monitoring Growth, Nutrition,

© Kutxi-Pacheco


“It is highly beneficial if the whole family keeps active. Suggest
physical activities to your children with which they can have
fun and strive to achieve goals” 51

Physical Activity, Child Development and

Obesity in Spain) conducted periodically
by the Ministry of Health, Social Services
and Equality, and AECOSAN (Spanish
Consumption, Food Security and
Nutrition Agency). Overweight children
fell from 44.5 percent to 41.3 percent.
In the 2011 study, it had not proved
possible to reduce the childhood
overweight figures for ten years. In 2013,
the number of children affected began
to fall, from 45.3 percent to 43 percent.
“The data are good, but insufficient. We
must therefore continue working all
together to ensure this trend continues,”
the current Health Minister, Dolors
Montserrat, warned last November,
during the presentation of the study.

© Thinkstock

The value of sport The consequences of bad habits

Last March Infanta Elena workshops, which was The main consequence colorectal) and diabetes.
de Borbon, as Fundación held in the cafeteria of the of leading an unhealthy
Childhood obesity is
MAPFRE project director, Escuela de Fútbol de Mareo, lifestyle (poor diet, sedentary
associated with a greater
and Javier Fernández, the sports complex that habits, lack of hygiene) in
likelihood of premature death
president of Sporting de serves as Sporting de Gijón’s the developed countries
and disability in adulthood.
Gijón soccer club, signed headquarters and training is obesity. But this is not
In addition to these major
a collaboration agreement facilities, apart from being the sole consequence:
future risks, obese children
to run 150 workshops the training ground for the according to the World Health
experience breathing
in Asturias within the next generation of soccer Organization, people with a
difficulties, increased risk of
Fundación MAPFRE Healthy players. high body mass index have
fractures and hypertension,
Living program which a greater risk of suffering
The training provided in and reveal early signs of
will benefit some 2,500 noncommunicable diseases
these facilities is not limited cardiovascular disease,
elementary schoolchildren. such as cardiovascular
exclusively to physical insulin resistance and
The aim of the courses is to diseases (mainly heart
fitness and technical skills, psychological effects.
promote sport and healthy attacks and strokes),
but also seeks to teach
lifestyle habits among which were the main
them social and human
children. cause of deaths in 2012;
values. The agreement with
musculoskeletal disorders
Following the presentation Fundación MAPFRE falls
(especially osteoarthritis, a
of the agreement, Infanta within this context.
degenerative, highly disabling
Elena and representatives
affection of the joints);
from the Asturian club
some cancers (endometrial,
attended the first of these
breast, ovary, prostate, liver,
gallbladder, kidneys, and



Physical activity
and the workplace:
on the health podium


© Thinkstock

An ever-increasing number of companies are implementing programs to promote

physical activity among their workers. And they get back much more than they
put in. This was discussed at the 2nd Health and Company Forum organized by
Fundación MAPFRE, which was attended by the Spanish companies Cofares, Mahou
San Miguel and Red Eléctrica Española.

“When I see an adult riding a bicycle, I no longer example, the electricity supply company REE (Red
despair for the future of the human race.” This quote Eléctrica Española), where the initial goal of its
from the writer H. G. Wells sums up the opinion executives was to achieve a good work environment.
of many health and sport professionals, a winning Its Health & Safety Coordinator, Victoria Marín Úbeda,
combination in the workplace too. The reasons for this explains: “At first encouraging the practice of sports
are very simple: physical activity has many benefits in REE (tournaments, padel tennis, cycling trips) was
for our health and well-being. On the contrary, a a communication and integration tool for after-work
sedentary lifestyle is linked to obesity and to a whole activities, designed to improve the work environment
range of rheumatic joint complaints, hypertension, and interpersonal relationships.” Support was offered
cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, diabetes in the form of economic aid for those who participated
mellitus, cerebrovascular disease, and osteoporosis. in the various sports groups. With the development of
This is the view of the American College of Sports the Healthy Company model, sport went on to become
Medicine and the American Heart Association. another company strategy for improving health. They
Carmen Atero Carrasco, adviser to the President’s currently offer talks, awareness programs, internal
office at the CSD (Spanish Sports Council), is communication and sporting events, in addition to
of the same opinion: “It is clear that health is undertaking individual initiatives to identify particular
intimately linked to physical exercise. And a very needs in the state of health of each worker: “In that
high percentage of the population does not take any sense they are provided with personalized proposals
exercise on a regular basis.” All this in a country with and periodic evaluations, in which exercise can have a
one of the highest rates of absenteeism in Europe. positive impact.”
Last year 4.5 million workdays were lost in Spain,
which means that goods and services to the tune of A strong point
64,603 million euros were not produced or provided. Personalization is also one of the strong points of A
Fortunately, ever more companies are aware of this tu Salud [For Your Health], the program run by the
close relationship. And they are ready to encourage brewer Mahou San Miguel. Manuel Palencia, its head
their employees to be physically active on a regular of Health & Well-Being explains it thus: “The health
basis. And, according to Ms. Atero, there should be of individuals attained and certain specific functional
even more of them, bearing in tests added (anthropometry,
mind that: “each euro invested maximum heart rate and blood
produces a saving of three euros Experience shows pressure, body composition and
in prevention in the future.” that everyone energy expenditure, consumption
of oxygen, test of strength and
A healthy strategy benefits from elasticity, functionality test of
In most cases, it is the large these projects – the spinal column) allow the
companies which take seriously
the need to tackle the sedentary
employers and recommended dose of exercise to
be prescribed (intensity, duration
lifestyle of their employees. For workers alike and weekly sessions), both aerobic



Healthy people in healthy firms

Through the Luxembourg Declaration, the
European Commission is supporting an
initiative to form a European Network
for Workplace Health Promotion
(WHP). The Declaration
advocates a series of
measures for Workplace
Health Promotion whose
implementation will have
a direct bearing on
workers’ health.
These include:

Principles and
methods stemming A personnel
from company policy that
management to actively
recognize that workers incorporates
are a necessary health
element within the promotion
organization and not issues.
A culture, with its
merely a cost item. corresponding principles,
which includes the
participation of workers An integrated
Work organization by encouraging workplace
criteria designed to their motivation and health and
provide workers with responsibility. safety service.
a balance between the
demands of the job
and control over the
work, their training and
the resultant social

and toning exercise. This is a program scheduled for 24 enrollments increasing each year, which is a success
weeks with periodic controls. At the end, an assessment story for those in charge at Cofares. In the words of
is made and new goals are set.” The activity can be Angel Javier Vicente Pérez, its Human Resources
undertaken at the Health Workshops set up within the and General Services manager: “Not only has it
company’s head offices or at subsidized sports centers. served to promote sport among our employees, but
In the same fashion, the drugs distributor Cofares also to generate spaces for informal communication,
possesses a comprehensive sports club that is not furthering mainstreaming through mutual knowledge,
limited to coordinating and running the sporting helping to foster teamwork, improve the work
activities of its personnel. Rather, it functions as environment, etc. I sincerely believe that the company
an activity, training and advice center for all things has gained a great deal with these organizational
related to health, physical fitness, nutrition, etc. The well-being policies.” And it has done so, not just
response of the workers is proving really positive, with for the present, but also thinking of the future: “In


A very high percentage of the population does not take any
physical exercise on a regular basis

the current situation, given the future problems as

regards collecting a pension – due to the aging Spanish
population (in a couple of years we are going to be the
second oldest country in the world, behind Japan),
the low birth rate, and the difficulty in the rotation
of workers – we must ensure that our employees
reach retirement age in the best possible condition. I
believe it is an obligation for the companies, going far
beyond the occupational health and safety regulations,”
concludes Mr. Vicente Pérez.

Everyone benefits from this projects

Of the same view is Ms. Marin Úbeda, for whom
Image courtesy of Red Eléctrica
this type of project is “a social need”. She argues:
“Given the progressive increase in cardiovascular risk Fundación MAPFRE’s Choose
factors and their associated pathologies, as well as
Health Program
the number of cancer cases and complaints that are
psychosocial in origin, without forgetting the high In order to ensure that number over the course of
degree of sedentary work, it proves necessary to adopt an increasing number of this year. Our objective is to
companies promote healthy provide an excellent service
measures that encourage physical exercise to enhance habits among their workers, to all the companies in the
our health.” Even more so when experience shows that Fundación MAPFRE has program and increase the
everyone benefits from these projects – employers and designed the Choose number of firms participating
workers alike. Health program in order to and the catalog of services.”
facilitate tools completely Yet always bearing in mind
The head of Health & Safety at Red Eléctrica free of charge that help that each company has to
Española is clear about this: “The company gains design, implement and run start up its own program, in
personnel who are healthier, happier and more continuous health promotion keeping with the personnel
committed to the organization. I’m convinced that this programs. Antonio Guzmán, on the payroll and their
manager of Fundación relatives, the type of
set of measures is extremely beneficial for individual MAPFRE’s Health Promotion business activity and how to
workers and, by extension, their companies, where Area: “The program was engage the workers. “The
people are the principal asset.” Manuel Palencia is of officially launched in January most important thing is
2017, following a test phase consistency, in other words
the same view: “For Mahou San Miguel this is a great throughout 2016. Despite its that the activity actually takes
investment, given that it has a major impact on the short life, over 20 companies place and continues over
reduction of absenteeism and increased productivity.” have already signed up, time,” Guzmán concludes.
And something else: “Intangible factors such as although we expect a
significant growth in this
motivation and personal satisfaction. This means that
they perceive the company as the best place to work.”
So much so that the ROI (Return On Investment)
is between 2.2 and 2.9 euros, according to a study Workplace. It states that regular exercise can bring
conducted by the company on its Physical Activity great benefits to both the individual and the company,
& Health program. This same study revealed that 94 such as stress reduction and an improvement
percent of the participants believed that their health in depressive states. Of course it also deals with
and physical condition had improved; and 86 percent the reduction of sick leave and absenteeism, and
that their emotional well-being too. enhancing the work climate. Now all that remains
FEMEDE (the Spanish College of Sports Medicine) is to make companies understand this and set about
produced a report on this subject entitled Sport in the promoting it. There is a lot to be done yet.



A solidarity derby


© Thinkstock


They are probably the two best soccer clubs in the world. And the protagonists of an
already legendary sports rivalry disputed in a derby match known as the “Clásico”.
But, off the pitch, Barcelona and Real Madrid are champions when it comes to
educating children and teenagers in values through their foundations. Moreover,
they have the support of Fundación MAPFRE.

“Passes to Iniesta, Iniesta to Piqué, Piqué spins around But there is another “clásico” starring both teams,
and flicks the ball through to Rakitić, Rakitić looks less visible yet with a greater impact in the long term,
back and sends the ball to Sergi Roberto on the right played on the field of solidarity and education, in
wing, he seeks out Messi, Messi on to Casimiro, plays which the values of sport form the basis for preparing
off Busquets, back to Busquets, Rakitić is inside the hundreds of thousands of boys and girls in 75 countries
area, slips it through to Messi, Messi gets the ball… for their future life. We are talking about the socio-
What dribbling skills! What moves and feints! But sporting schools run by the foundations of FC
what a goal! Goal goal goal... Goal goal goal... Goal, goal, Barcelona and Real Madrid, each with their own model.
goooal...» The Cadena Ser radio commentary on its These reflect the Catalan team’s slogan of being much
Carrusel Deportivo program related thus the winning more than a club and the words of the Madrid team’s
goal for FC Barcelona’s victory over Real Madrid (2-3) President, Florentino Pérez, who says they are “a
on Sunday, April 23, the day of the Catalan patron saint, demonstration of striving to excel and dedication”.
Sant Jordi. It was the 92nd minute, the second of the A match in which Fundación MAPFRE is on the team
three the referee had added to the last league match for projects in eight Latin American countries and in
between the two. A soccer showpiece event that, in the Philippines.
this globalized media world, has achieved universal
sporting extravaganza status. A better future
Both teams faced each other in competition for the Roberto is a healthy, active seven-year-old,
first time on February 17, 1929, ending in a 1-2 victory “a champion goal scorer”, according to Fernando
for the team in the white livery. However, the return López, coach at the socio-sporting school run by
match turned up a 0-1 victory for the Catalan team. the Real Madrid Foundation and the Cesal NGO in
A decades-long rivalry that has escalated this century, Oaxaca, Mexico. “He was four years old when he first
with encounters warranting the “clásico” title. The came to the school. His mother worked all day and
term stems from this long history and is applied here so he was looked after by his grandmother. She was
to the high spot of the annual the one who came to apply for
soccer calendar. An event that
raises passions among over 600
Participating in him to join. He looked so sad
[…], he had language problems,
million viewers in 180 countries, sports activities can was overweight and so other
tripling the audience of the Super bolster health in children made fun of him.
Bowl (American football final), When he first came, he was very
and solely surpassed as a sporting childhood, improve insecure, introverted, his physical
event by the World Cup final school performance performance was poor, he fell
(700 million) and the opening over when he kicked the ball, he
ceremony of the Olympic Games, and help reduce felt ashamed and wanted to leave;
which draws just over one billion. delinquency levels but he always received support



The regular
practice of
sports and
games from
is essential
for physical,
cal and social
development Image courtesy of Real Madrid Foundation

to overcome his fears.” Today he is a rest and leisure, to engage in play and
happy, healthy child: “He completely recreational activities appropriate to
lost his fear and his soccer skills are the age of the child, and to participate
really good. He is very punctual and freely in cultural life and the arts.”
participates in all the activities. He’s Participating in sports activities can
really very happy…” Short testimonies bolster health in childhood, improve
of hope that, on occasions, avoid school performance and help reduce
dramatic outcomes. Emilio Butragueño, delinquency levels. According to
director of Institutional Relations at UNICEF, this activity is particularly
Real Madrid recalled this when talking beneficial for girls, as they help break
to the digital newspaper El Español down gender stereotypes. It is also an
about his visit to this Mexican school. effective means of reaching out to those
A girl who was on the program children and adolescents who often
approached him and said: “Thank you, suffer from discrimination or exclusion,
because I know that my future will now “such as orphans, the disabled, those
be better, not prostitution…” who have been child soldiers, refugee
The regular practice of sports and internally displaced boys and
and games from childhood right girls, those who have been victims of
through adolescence is essential for sexual exploitation, and children from
physical, mental, psychological and indigenous communities.”
social development. As set forth in
Article 31 of the Convention on the Respect, values and sport
Rights of the Child, States “shall Both sporting foundations cite these
recognize the right of the child to parameters and objectives in the form


There is another “clásico” starring both teams, this one played
on the solidarity and education pitch, in which the values of
sport form the basis for preparing hundreds of thousands 59
of boys and girls in 75 countries for their future life

to read
In the Real Madrid Foundation,
sport is understood as an
educational vehicle for
transmitting values and
channeling the integral
development of people. A
vision that is reflected in
the Training Soccer, Teaching
Values manual, which helps
the teachers in the soccer
socio-sporting schools
all around the world with
their training and their
daily work with the pupils.
Another interesting text is
The Match Begins at Home,
which informs the families
of the basic aspects on
which the institution works:
the basic characteristics
of the educational sports
Image courtesy of FC Barcelona Foundation practice and the fundamental
principles underlying the
of a patented methodology. In the case performance of the children and, in project For a Real Education:
of the FC Barcelona Foundation, this short, social cohesion. Values and Sport. Next season
formula is called FutbolNet and boasts In the case of ‘the whites’, the will see the introduction of
new educational games for
an investment of close to 10 million program is entitled ‘For a REAL interior use, focusing on this
euros. The key is dialogue: “Through Education: Values and Sport’ and also occasion on pupils and other
this tool, the boys and girls not only includes basketball, with a budget of children in hospital.
start up a relationship of mutual over 10 million euros. The teaching
respect and understanding, but they methodology stresses teamwork, self-
also gain self-confidence and a sense of esteem, equality, solidarity, healthy
responsibility,” is the explanation on the habits, motivation and endeavor…
club’s website. After a successful local “Of all the values of sport, I always
introduction, FutbolNet initiated its underscore the respect, commitment
international venture in 2012 in Brazil, and comradeship that we try to instill
in one of the most violent favelas in Rio in our pupils, boys and girls, and
de Janeiro. And it has also grown with our concern to improve the living
the aid of some of their stars – such conditions of children,” Butragueño
as Neymar Jr. in both Rio de Janeiro emphasized. At the international level,
and São Paulo, and Leo Messi in the the program for the 2016-17 season
Argentine schools of Rosario – and now consists of 271 projects in 75 countries,
reaches 55 countries and over 500,000 with more than 35,000 beneficiaries,
beneficiaries. The expansion of its as well as the involvement of its most
success speaks volumes for its ability to popular figures, such as Keylor Navas,
adapt to different contexts and combat Jesse, Modric, James, Marcelo or
violence, seeking to improve the school Cristiano Ronaldo.





Education to combat

Huachipa was a forgotten place. It is a peripheral district of Lima, Peru’s capital,

with few direct access roads and scant public transportation connecting it to the big
city. Fundación MAPFRE and the Spanish NGO CESAL run an integral education
program there.

The 70,000 people who live in the various settlements problems: the lack of education. According to local
that go to make up Huachipa are almost as isolated as statistics, eight percent of children in the 6-11 age
those who live far up in the Andes mountains. A mere group cannot read or write, a percentage that rises to
3.7 percent of the houses have running water and there 20 percent among adolescents aged 12 to 17, yet falls
is scarcely any street lighting. to 7.9 percent for those over 18. It is a vicious circle:
The majority of its inhabitants are families with without education there is no chance of getting a good
an average of four children, whose income rarely job and, without a good job, families cannot afford to
exceeds 200 euros a month. They are mostly engaged send their children to school. Close to 45 percent of the
in the extraction of clay for making handcrafted population left school due to a lack of money.
bricks, sowing and selling grass, raising pigs, recycling Over the years they have been working in
garbage and informal trading activities. Three percent Huachipa, the workers and volunteers of the programs
of the children suffer from chronic malnutrition and run by CESAL and MAPFRE have realized that, in
48 percent have a high probability of contracting order to remedy this situation, occasional workshops
infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. or training courses are not enough. What is required
The Spanish NGO CESAL has been working in is an integral educational support strategy starting
Huachipa since 1998. The situation of children in the at preschool age (both in the classroom and offering
area at that time was alarming: malnutrition, learning advice to the families), continuing throughout
disorders, child labor and a lack of hygiene due to scant childhood, and on into adolescence with technical
resources in the homes. The children were also victims vocational training to give the youngsters skills and
of dysfunctional and violent homes, and a dearth of thus improve their employment prospects. This
adults taking an interest in them. They immediately whole process must be accompanied by education on
started up some concrete projects: they built a day nutrition and health issues, while conveying parenting
nursery, a health center and a water network, which are guidelines to avoid violence and machismo.
still fully operational. 2010 saw the first activities within this integral
strategy which has already borne great fruits:
Integral support strategy after-school remedial classes, family counseling,
But it was in 2010 that the NGO, in collaboration entrepreneurship and vocational training courses
with Fundación MAPFRE, started designing long- offered at the La Rosa Blanca center (dressmaking,
term programs to tackle the root cause of most of the cosmetology, educational aide, trade…). And a further



program along the same lines is already will be offered to public schoolteachers
underway, boosted by the collaboration in the area and complementary
of CESAL and Fundación MAPFRE, workshops will be run for such subjects
which will benefit 1,750 people from all as IT, English, traditional craftwork,
over the Huachipa district. cooking, handicrafts, music, Peruvian
This new dances and sport,
program will Without education the latter in
provide, among other
things, out-of-school
there is no chance collaboration with
the Warma Yachay
educational services of getting a good socio-sporting school
for 285 boys and job and, without a of the Real Madrid
girls in the 6-12 age Foundation, which is
group, as well as 480 good job, families managed by CESAL
adolescents aged cannot afford and financed by
13 to 17. Moreover, Fundación MAPFRE.
educational to send their In addition, around
consultancy services children to school 300 young people


“I now have greater self-confidence
and I hope to continue my studies at university,”
says Amelia Karina Morales Condori 63

aged 18 to 29 will receive training at La

Rosa Blanca and over 500 families will
receive advice for their everyday lives.

A real result
The result of all these actions is
irrefutable. “I have benefited from the
programs since I was a little girl, when I
started attending remedial classes they
were offering. I qualified at the age of
18 as an educational aide and currently
work at an early education school. I’m
happy because I’ve been able to fulfill
myself as a person and discover my
vocation working with children. I now
have greater self-confidence and I hope
to continue my studies at university,”
says Amelia Karina Morales Condori,
now 20, one of the young people who
have received vocational training at the
La Rosa Blanca center over the last few Women, driving development
Illiteracy in Huachipa is higher among The integral education strategy
Another example is that of women, because right from school age designed by CESAL and Fundación
Mirko Siuce, aged 15, who attends their domestic chores take precedence MAPFRE is very much aware of this
extracurricular activities at the Real over their education. The majority factor as one of the main obstacles
marry and have children at a very to progress in Huachipa. That is why
Madrid socio-sporting school. Close to young age, which definitively closes the program includes sessions to
200 pupils like him are happy, as they the door on their chances of training encourage women to interact through
have been able to grow up together for work. Stuck at home, many of the mutual support networks or groups.
with their families. His mother, Rayda, women in this area are cut off from The objective is to get them motivated,
their surroundings, with no possibility encourage each other to seek training,
specialized in cosmetology at La Rosa of interacting with others, even other look for work or start up a business,
Blanca and has started up her own women. so as to have their own income and
business. independence. In addition, this helps
reduce misogynist violence and
María Palomino, a mother who
domestic violence in general.
attended a Catering and Bakery
workshop, offers another testimony of
success: “I’m from Ayacucho and I came Details
to Lima in the year 1975. All my life I
Name of project: District). Department of labor market and
had worked at home but, thanks to these Huachipa Integral Lima. Peru entrepreneurship
courses, I’ve learned how to make cakes, Educational Support
Target group: Amount contributed by
pies and chiffon. That marked a turning Program. MAPFRE-
Boys and girls under the Fundación MAPFRE:
CESAL community
point in my life: I now spend more time age of 14, young people 200,000 euros
with my children and help with the Town: aged 15 to 18 and adults.
Huachipa (Nievería,
household expenses.” Lines of action:
Cajamarquilla &
Education, nutrition,
Jicamarca in the
health, access to the



to curb

TEXT & PHOTOS: MELISSA GREEN not really know much about. That
was me until it came into my life.
Since 2007 Melissa Green, from Diabetes has not physically affected
the technical area of MAPFRE me but it has permanently altered my
INSURANCE, has been devoting life in so many ways. I never knew
her free time to helping the how serious Diabetes was until the
American Diabetes Association. In father of my son suffered from it and
this way she does her bit to help ultimately lost his life to it.
combat this disease which took the For many years I was a part of
life of the father of her child at the someone’s life with Diabetes. The
early age of 31. Her concern for the complications that came about
health of her child and the support as a result of his disease included
she received made her want to Glaucoma, Neuropathy (nerve
offer the same help, in turn, to damage), Gastro paresis, heart issues
other people. The motivation and seizures all in addition to the
behind her struggle is to find a cure Diabetes itself. I watched his quality
for this disease. of life decrease more and more over
the years. After undergoing multiple
surgeries including a pancreas
Diabetes is one of those diseases transplant, and years of fighting this
that you hear about often, but might disease, the Gastro Paresis is what

Volunteers in the field — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


eventually took his life at the young

age of 31, leaving our son without
“I do volunteering
a father at six years old. Diabetes work and
runs in my son’s family, and this is
what I have thought about day in
participate in as
and day out, since my son was just an many
infant. This is why I am committed
to helping the American Diabetes events as I can
Association find a cure for this life- to raise funds
altering disease.
In 2007, I reached out to the to finance the
American Diabetes Association. research needed
I knew that I wanted to be a part
of finding a cure. I didn’t want my to find a cure for
son to ever worry about his health diabetes”
or his every day activities. Since
then, I have volunteered countless
hours for the American Diabetes because I know how amazing it was
Association including the Step Out when others helped me in my time of
and Walk to Stop Diabetes event. I’ve need. So I volunteer and I take part
put together several events myself to in as many events as I can that raise
support Diabetes and taken part in a funds to support the research needed
number of activities that raise money to find a cure for Diabetes.
for this cause. When my son’s father While Diabetes is near and
passed away, I was truly touched by dear to my heart, I believe that
the outpouring of love from family volunteering and making a difference
and friends. I appreciated this in someone else’s life, just like others
support so much that I fell in love have made a difference in mine is
with the feeling of helping others worth all the time in the world.

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — Volunteers in the field

Here are some simple actions with concrete gestures that also
make it possible to change the world

Another way to help

Too young to be a bride: the dangers of child
UNHCR, the UN’s refugee agency supports
the initiative of this young Syrian girl living
parents thought it was the best option for
her,” Omaima recalls.
“12 and
in the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan who As in most child marriages, her friend 13-year-olds
is asking for help to continue fighting for
the protection of women and girls around
left school after the wedding and Omaima
never saw her again. This led her to strive
came to class
the world. While, according to Jordanian to prevent this continuing to happen to to say they
law, the minimum age for marriage is 18 other girls in the camp. wouldn’t be
years, Sharia or Islamic law may authorize She explains how the support of her
marriages with children as young as 15. parents is what gives her the strength to back”
Despite this, the economic difficulties of speak with other girls and convince them
many refugee families in Jordan lead to to keep going to school. After talking with
cases of unofficial marriages with girls aged them, her efforts are already expected to
14 or even less. bear fruit and Omaima dreams of going to
When Omaima saw how her best college one day.
friend was getting married before turning More information: https://www.
14, she decided to help change this and
combat child marriage. “My friend was
one of the best students in our class.
She didn’t want to get married, but her

Image courtesy of ACNUR

Another way to help — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


Auara, water with values

The Auaras are sandstorms that occur in the
Afar desert in Ethiopia, one of the driest areas
on the planet whose population is one of the
most threatened by water shortages.
Auara is also a brand of mineral water whose
company bylaws reflect its commitment to
invest 100 percent of its dividends in drinking
water projects in developing countries. These
projects are carried out with local partners,
engaging the local communities so that they take
greater responsibility for maintenance work.
Its natural mineral water is drawn from
the Carrizal II spring, in the province of León Image courtesy of AIPC Pandora

(Spain). Through its commercialization it is

managing to ensure that places suffering from Transformative international
extreme poverty have access to this basic
element, so necessary for reducing famines
and diseases, and enabling development. As
How would you like to live with an albino refugee
well as its good conscience, the brand uses a
community in Tanzania? Or support female
100 percent recycled PET plastic (rPET) to
entrepreneurs starting up businesses in Nicaragua?
produce its bottles. And its careful design allows
Can you imagine building a latrine system together
20 percent more bottles to fit on each pallet.
with people from tribal communities in southern
Further information on this initiative and
India? With destinations as diverse as Cuba,
where Auara may be purchased can be found on
Guatemala, Kenya, India and Nepal, the NGO
its website
AIPCPandora makes its micro-projects program
available to anyone interested in participating in
a cooperation project. The participants, who pay
their own travel costs, can choose between various
different destinations the NGO offers, always
to countries of the southern hemisphere. They
will spend 21 days participating in a project with
predetermined goals and results. No prior knowledge
of cooperation is required, as the organization itself
offers on-site training. What they do ask of them is
to have an interest in cultural exchange, respect for
local cultures, flexibility to accept the unexpected
and empathy to comprehend the situations they may
encounter. Since 2008, over 1,000 people have been
able to participate in this experience.
You can find more information on their website
© Thinkstock

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — Another way to help


on the
Learn about all our activities
on social media. In this
section you will find a
selection of the best posts
on Facebook, Twitter and Discover
FACEBOOK Discover the exhibition Return
to Beauty and watch our video Together We Can
that has already been viewed over
100,000 times
receives the Stela Award
@EducatuMundo Our program ‘Juntos Syndrome Foundation at
@FMobjetivocero Somos Capaces’ the 2017 Stela Awards.
[Together We Can], We really appreciate
TWITTER which promotes the this recognition and
access to the labor will continue striving
@fmapfre market of people with an to enhance this social
@mapfreFcultura intellectual disability or group’s employment
@EducatuMundo mental health disorder, situation and the
@FMobjetivocero has been recognized social involvement of
@FMculturaCat by the Madrid Down businesses.



22 Mar.

Peru needs you. The International

torrential rains have left over
100,000 people homeless.
Museum Day
It’s time for celebration!
We celebrated with
mapfrefcultura We want you to view Miró in a different our followers the
way. Come to the Miró Tuesdays, 15-minute visits just for #DíaInternacionalDeLosMuseos
you. and access to our exhibition
A different look, an intimate way of discovering the artist. halls was free on May 18. We
also joined in the Night of
#EspacioMiró #Madrid #Arte #Cultura#exposiciones Museums on May 22.
#fundaciónMAPFRE#JoanMiró #MartesMiró
saradelval Until what date is this on? Many thanks #EspacioMiró
mapfrefcultura@saradelval Hi Sarah, this is our Permanent #expo_lewisbaltz
Collection and these visits will be taking place every #exposiciones
Tuesday. See you there! #Cultura

Seen on the Web — LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39


2016 Fundación
Thanks to all the winners of the
2016 Fundación MAPFRE Awards
Short story
for their efforts to improve society
day by day. For their consistency and
enthusiasm. In this video we express New edition of the contest
our gratitude. Don’t miss it! for the little ones in your house to imagine a world
with greater solidarity
408 views and put it into words.
Short story contest. Over
100 prizes up for grabs!
If they have a thousand
stories to tell, we are
looking forward to hearing
them. Encourage them to

Thank you for making this 4th Global Road Safety
Week a way to inform and raise awareness about the
dangers of speeding. We all have a role to play and the safety of
others is in our hands.

The Fourth Global Road Safety Week is from May 8-14. We

welcome this UN initiative to help raise awareness about the
need to curb speeding on our roads. Join up and help save lives.
Share your message!

Remember to fasten your
safety belt on the bus too. What
about you? Are you missing

LA FUNDACIÓN MAGAZINE#39 — Seen on the Web


© Thinkstock

Hands of solidarity

The green province. This is what However, 90 percent of their of Madrid. This solidarity concert,
the Ecuadorians call Esmeraldas, homes were razed to the ground. held in the church of the Jerónimos,
a land richer in landscapes than in The collapsed buildings included was honored with the presence of
stones. Quito’s inhabitants bathe the Monsignor Enrique Bartolucci Infanta Elena and managed to raise
at its beaches and enjoy its natural school, where 400 under-14s 10,000 euros.
parks with the tallest mangroves studied. But the relationship between
in the world, while its forest is still Today classes are being offered Fundación MAPFRE and Manos
home to indigenous communities, in makeshift tents, in the hope that Unidas in Spain goes back
such as the Cayapas, Epera or Awa. international aid will enable the many years, with the greatest
A natural exuberance that revealed school – once a benchmark in the manifestation being the Manos
its cruelest facet in 2016, with region – to be rebuilt. Manos Unidas Unidas Awards. These are designed
the earthquake of April 16, which (literally Hands United), the NGO to recognize works which sow the
registered 7.8 on the Richter scale, of the Catholic Church in Spain, is seed of solidarity in the neediest
and the successive aftershocks leading this project, with Fundación of countries. Fundación MAPFRE
throughout the rest of the year. MAPFRE readily lending a hand. promotes the Special Manos
None of the 670 people who died An alliance between the music Unidas Award which, in the latest
in the catastrophe belonged to the of Bach and traditional carols edition, went to Julián del Olmo, a
fishing population of San José de formed the repertoire performed priest, journalist and director of the
Chamanga parish, one of the areas last December by the baroque program on Spanish state television
most affected by the earthquake. orchestra of the Royal Conservatory called Pueblo de Dios.




Boy in Leningrad [Chico en
Lugar Location
Leningrado], 1958
Duane Michals. Cortesía de DC Sala Casa Garriga-Nogues Casa Garriga i Nogués Exhibition Hall
Moore Gallery, Nueva York Diputació, 250. 08007 Barcelona Diputació, 250. 08007 Barcelona
© Duane Michals Fechas Dates
Desde el 30/05/2017 From 30/05/2017
hasta el 10/09/2017 to 10/09/2017
Horario de visitas Visiting hours
Lunes: 14:00 a 20:00 h.  Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm. 
Martes a sábado: 10:00 a 20:00 h.  Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm. 
Domingos y festivos:11:00 a 19:00 h. Sunday/holidays from 11 am to 7 pm.
Acceso gratuito los lunes Free entry on Mondays


[Schuhleisten im Faguswerk
Alfeld], 1928 Lugar Location
Albert Renger-Patzsch Archiv/ Sala Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Exhibition Hall
Stiftung Ann und Jürgen Wilde, Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid
Pinakothek der Moderne, Dates
Múnich. N.º INV. AJW 513
Desde el 22/06/2017 From 22/06/2017
© Albert Renger-Patzsch/Archiv
Ann und Jürgen Wilde, Zülpich/ al 10/09/2017 to 10/09/2017
VEGAP, Madrid 2017 Horario de visitas Visiting hours
Lunes de 14:00 a 20:00 h.    Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm.
Martes a sábado de 10:00 a 20:00 h.  Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm.
Domingos y festivos de 11:00 a 19:00 h. Sunday/holidays from 11 am to 7 pm.
Acceso gratuito los lunes Free entry on Mondays


Lugar Location
Sala Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos Exhibition Hall
Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid Paseo de Recoletos 23, 28004 Madrid

Exposición Permanente Permanent Exhibition

Horario de visitas Visiting hours

Lunes de 14:00 a 20:00 h. Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm.
Martes a sábado de 10:00 a 20:00 h. Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm.
Domingos y festivos de 11:00 a 19:00 h. Sunday/holidays from 11 am to 7 pm.

Acceso gratuito con la compra Free access with the purchase

de la entrada a las salas Fundación of an entrance ticket to the exhibition
MAPFRE Recoletos halls of Fundación MAPFRE Recoletos



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