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Br i j i t D ig h e’s

Bhagavad Gita
Wo r k s ho p
\ ueks Hkxors oklqnsok; A
xq#czZãk xq#foZ”.kq% xq#nsZoks egs’oj% A
xq#% Lkk{kkr~ ija czã rLeS Jhxqjos ue% AA
v/;k; ƒ
vtqZu fo”kkn;ksx
Shloka 1 - 1

/k`rjk“Vª mokp &

/keZ{ks=s dq#{ks=s leosrk ;q;qRlo% A
ekedk% ik.Mok’PkSo fdedqoZr lat; AA
Shloka 1 - 1

/k`rjk“Vª cksys &

gs lat;! /keZHkwfe dq#{ks= esa ,df=r] ;q) dh
bPNkokys esjs vkSj ik.Mq ds iq=ksa us D;k fd;k \
Shloka 1 - 1

Dhritarashtra said:
O Sanjay! What are my sons and
Pandavas, who are eager to fight,
doing in the holy battlefield of
Shloka 1 - 21

vtZqu mokp &

lsu;ks#Hk;kseZ/;s jFka LFkki; es·P;qr A
Shloka 1 - 21

vtZqu us Hkxoku Jhd`”.k ls ;g opu dgk &

gs vP;qr! esjs jFk dks nksuksa lsukvksa ds chp esa [kMk

dhft, A
Shloka 1 - 21

Arjuna told Lord Shree Krishna -

Please take this chariot in the middle

of two armies.
Shloka 1 - 28

n`”V~osea Lotua d`”.k ;q;qRlqa leqifLFkre~ AA

Shloka 1 - 28

gs d`”.k! ;gka eSa ;q) ds vfHkyk”kh Lotuksa dks gh

ns[krk gwa A
Shloka 1 - 28

O Krishna! I only see my relatives

here, wishing to fight us.
Shloka 1 - 29

lhnfUr ee xk=kf.k eq[ka p ifj’kq”;fr A

osiFkq’p ‘kjhjs es jkseg”kZ’p tk;rs AA
Shloka 1 - 29

esjs vax f’kfFky gks jgs gSa vkSj eq[k lw[k jgk gS A esjk
‘kjhj dkai jgk gS vkSj jks,a [kMs gks jgs gSa A
Shloka 1 - 29

My body is becoming weak,  my mouth

dry, my body is trembling with hair erect.
Shloka 1 - 30

xk.Mhoa lazlrs gLrkr~ RoDpSo ifjnºÓrs A

u p ‘kDuksE;oLFkkrqa Hkzerho p es eu% AA
Shloka 1 - 30

esjs gkFk ls xk.Mho /kuq”k fxj jgk gS vkSj esjh Ropk

ty jgh gS A eSa [kMk jgus esa Hkh vleZFk gks jgk gwa]
esjk eu Hkzfer&lk gks jgk gS A
Shloka 1 - 30

My bow, the Gandeeva is slipping from

my hand and skin is burning. I am not
able to even stand erect, my mind is
v/;k; „
lka[; ;ksx
Shloka 2 - 11

Jh Hkxoku mokp &

v’kksP;kuUo’kkspLRoa çKkoknka’p Hkk”kls A
xrklwuxrklwa’p ukuq’kkspfUr if.Mrk% AA
Shloka 2 - 11

Jhd`”.k Hkxoku dgrs gS &

tks ‘kksd djus ;ksX; ugha rqe muds fy;s ‘kksd djrs
g® vkSj if.Mrksa tSlh ckrsa Hkh djrs gks ! cqf)eku
O;fDr u muds fy;s ‘kksd djrs gSa ftuds çk.k pys
x, gaS vkSj u gh muds fy;s ftuds çk.k ugha x, A
Shloka 2 - 11

Lord Krishna says -

You grieve for those who should not be
grieved for and yet you talk like a
learned man as well.
Wise men do not grieve either for the
living nor for the dead.
Shloka 2 - 20

u tk;rs fez;rs ok dnkfpr~&

uk;a HkwRok Hkfork ok u Hkw;% A
vtks fuR;% ‘kk’orks·;a iqjk.kks&
u gU;rs gU;ekus ‘kjhjs AA
Shloka 2 - 20

;g vkRek fdlh dky esa Hkh u rks tUerk gS vkSj u

ejrk gS rFkk u mRiUu g®dj fQj gksusokyk gS
D;ksafd ;g vtUek] fuR;] lukru vkSj iqjkru gS
A ’kjhj ds ekjs tkus ij Hkh ;g ugha ejrk A
Shloka 2 - 20

Self is neither born, nor it ever dies and

neither it comes in existence and ceases
to exist later, nor the reverse.
Because this Self is unborn, eternal,
unchangeable and primeval which is not
killed even when the body is destroyed.
Shloka 2 - 22

oklkafl th.kkZfu ;Fkk fogk;

uokfu x`g~.kkfr ujks·ijkf.k A
rFkk ‘kjhjkf.k fogk; th.kkZfu
vU;kfu la;kfr uokfu nsgh AA
Shloka 2 - 22

tSls euq”; iqjkus oL=ksa dks R;kxdj u, oL=ksa

dks /kkj.k djrk gS] oSls gh thokRek iqjkus ‘kjhjksa
dks R;kxdj u, ‘kjhjksa dks /kkj.k djrk gS A
Shloka 2 - 22

As a human discards old clothes and

puts on new clothes, so also the
Jivatma discards old bodies and
enters into new.
Shloka 2 - 23

uSua fNUnfUr ‘kL=kf.k uSua ngfr ikod% A

u pSua Dysn;aR;kiks u ‘kks”k;fr ek#r% AA
Shloka 2 - 23

ftls u ‘kL= dkVsa] u vfXu tyk,a] xyk,a u

ikuh] u gok lq[kk,a] ogh vkRek eSa gwa A
Shloka 2 - 23

The Self cannot be cut by weapons,

neither can it be burnt by fire. It
cannot be moistened by water nor
can it be dried by the wind.
Shloka 2 - 27

tkrL; fg /kzqoks e`R;q% /kzqoa tUe e`rL; p A

rLeknifjgk;sZ·FksZ u Roa ‘kksfprqegZfl AA
Shloka 2 - 27

tUeusokys dh e`R;q fuf’pr gS vkSj ejusokys dk

tUe fuf’pr gS A blfy, bl vfuok;Z fo”k; esa
rqe ‘kksd djus ;ksX; ugh gks A
Shloka 2 - 27

One who has taken birth has to

definitely die and one who has died,
has to necessarily born again.
Therefore, about this unavoidable
nature of things, you should not grieve.
Shloka 2 - 38

lq[knq%[ks les d`Rok ykHkkykHkkS t;kt;kS A

rrks ;q)k; ;qT;Lo uSoa ikie~ vokIL;fl AA
Shloka 2 - 38

t;&ijkt;] ykHk&gkfu vkSj lq[k&nq%[k dks

leku le>dj ;q) esa yx tkvks] bl çdkj ;q)
djus ls rqe iki dks çkIr ugha gksxs A
Shloka 2 - 38

Treat victory and defeat, gain and

loss, pleasure and pain alike and
fight in the battle. On fighting like
this, you will not incur sin.
Shloka 2 - 47

deZ.;sokf/kdkjLrs ek Qys”kq dnkpu A

ek deZQygsrqHkZw% ek rs laxks·LRodeZf.k AA
Shloka 2 - 47

rqEgkjk vf/kdkj deZ djus esa gh gS] muds Qyksa esa

ugha A deZQy dh çkfIr ds fy, deZ er djks vkSj
deZ u djus esa Hkh rqEgkjh vklfDr u gks A
Shloka 2 - 47

Your authority is in doing action

alone and not in their results.
Results of action should not be your
motive and you should not get
attached to inaction either.
Shloka 2 - 48

;ksxLFk% dq# dekZf.k laxa R;DRok /kuat; A

fl)Ófl)Óks% leks HkwRok leRoa ;ksx mP;rs AA
Shloka 2 - 48

gs /kuat;! ;ksx esa fLFkr jgrs gq, rqe vklfDr dks

R;kx dj] flf) vkSj vflf) esa leku jgrs gq,
deksZa dks djks A bl lerk dks gh ;ksx dgrs gS A
Shloka 2 - 48

O Dhananjaya! Perform your actions

established in Yoga.
Drop the attachments.
Go beyond success & failure.
For equanimity is said to be Yoga.
Shloka 2 - 50

cqf);qDrks tgkrhg mHks lqd`rnq”d`rs A

rLek|ksxk; ;qT;Lo ;ksx% deZlq dkS’kye~ AA
Shloka 2 - 50

lecqf);qDr iq#”k iq.; vkSj iki nksuksa ls blh yksd

esa eqDr gks tkrk gS A bl fy, rqe ;ksx dks
vkRelkr djks A deksZa esa dq’kyrk gh ;ksx gS A
Shloka 2 - 50

A person established in such

equanimity is able to transcend
good and bad. Thus strive for Yoga.
Know that skill in action is Yoga.
Shloka 2 - 55

iztgkfr ;nk dkEkku~ lokZUikFkZ euksxrku~ A

vkReU;sokReuk rq”V% fLFkrizKLrnksP;rs AA
Shloka 2 - 55

ftl euq”; us viuh lHkh bZPNkvksa ij fot; izkIr

dj yh gks v©j tks vius vki esa larq”V gks] ogh
fLFkrizK dgykrk gS A
Shloka 2 - 55

One who has won over all desires and

the one who is satisfied within the
Self, is called Sthitapragya - stable in
Shloka 2 - 56

nq%[ks”ouqf}Xueuk% lq[ks”kq foxrLi`g% A

ohrjkxHk;Øks/k% fLFkr/kheqZfu#P;rs AA
Shloka 2 - 56

nq%[kksa dh çkfIr gksus ij ftlds eu esa m}sx ugha

gksrk] lq[kksa dh çkfIr esa tks loZFkk
fu%Li`g gS rFkk ftlds jkx]Hk; vkSj Øks/k u”V gks
x;s gS] ,slk eqfu fLFkj&cqf) dgk tkrk gS A
Shloka 2 - 56

The Muni who is not shaken by grief

and who is not excited by pleasures
and who is free from feverishness,
fear and anger, is called Sthita-
pragya - stable in awareness.
Shloka 2 - 62

/;k;rks fo”k;kUiqal% laxLrs”kwitk;rs A

laxkRlatk;rs dke% dkekRØks/k®·fHktk;rs AA
Shloka 2 - 62

fo”k;ksa dk fPkaru djus okys iq#”k dh mu fo”k;ksa esa

vklfDr gks tkrh gS A vklfDr ls mu fo”k;ksa dh
dkeuk mRiUu gksrh gS vkSj dkeuk esa fo?u iMus ls
Øks/k mRiUu gksrk gSA
Shloka 2 - 62

When one constantly thinks of

sense-objects, he becomes attached
to them. From attachment arises
desire and unfulfilled desire gives
rise to anger.
Shloka 2 - 63

Øks/kkn~Òofr laeksg% laeksgkRLe`frfoHkze% A

Le`frÒza’kkn~ cqf)uk’kks cqf)uk’kkRç.k”;fr AA
Shloka 2 - 63

Øks/k ls vR;ar ew<+Hkko mRiUu gks tkrk gS A ew<+Hkko

ls Le`fr&Hkza’k gks tkrk gS A Le`fr&Hkza’k gks tkus ls cqf)
dk uk’k gks tkrk gS vkSj cqf) dk uk’k gks tkus ls ;g
iq#”k viuh fLFkfr ls fxj tkrk gS A
Shloka 2 - 63

From anger arises delusion; delusion

gives rise to distorted memory;
distorted memory destroys the
intellect and on loss of intellect one
goes to complete ruin.
Shloka 2 - 66

ukfLr cqf)j;qDrL; u pk;qDrL; Hkkouk A

u pkHkko;r% ’kkafr% v’kkarL; dqr% lq[ke~ AA
Shloka 2 - 66

ftldh bZfUæ;ka vius o’k esa ugha vkSj tks jkx&}s”k

ds v/khu gS] ,sls v;qDr O;fDr esa foosd ugha gksrk A
foosdghu euq”; dh Hkkouk,a ‘kq) ugha gksrh A v‘kq)
Hkkoukvksa okys O;fDr dks ‘kkafr ugha feyrh vkSj
v’kkar O;fDr dks lq[k dgka \
Shloka 2 - 66
One whose senses are not under control,
who is swayed by cravings & aversions,
such a person does not have
discrimination - Viveka.
Without Viveka, one’s feelings are not
pure. One with impure feelings does not
attain peace. And without peace where is
Shloka 2 - 69

;k fu’kk loZHkwrkuka rL;ka tkxÆr la;eh A

;L;ka tkxzfr Hkwrkfu lk fu’kk i‘;rks equs% AA
Shloka 2 - 69

laiw.kZ ç;ksa ds fy;s tks jkf= leku gS] ml

vkReKku dh çkfIr esa fLFkrizK ;ksxh tkxrk gS A
vkSj ftu uk’koku {kf.kd lq[kksa dh çkfIr esa lc
ç tkxrs gSa] eqfu ds fy;s og jkf= leku gS A
Shloka 2 - 69

That which is the night to all beings,

there the Yogi keeps awake.
Where all the beings are awake that
is the night for the Seer.
Shloka 2 - 70

leqæeki% çfo’kfUr ;}r~ A
r}Rdkek ;a çfo’kfUr losZ
l ‘kkfUrekIuksfr u dkedkeh AA
Shloka 2 - 70

tSls lc vksj ls ifjiw.kZ vpy çfrf”Br leqæ esa lHkh

ufn;ksa ds ty mlesa {kksHk u mRiUu djrs gq, lek tkrs gSa]
oSls gh fLFkrizK ;ksxh esa lc Hkksx fcuk fdlh çdkj dk
fodkj mRiUu fd, lek tkrs gSa A ogh ;ksxh ‘kkafr dks çkIr
gksrk gS A Hkksxksa dks ;k dkeukvksa dks pkgusokyk ugh A
Shloka 2 - 70

A yogi, who remains unperturbed by

various desires like a steady and vast
ocean which stays unaffected in spite
of waters entering from all sides;
attains eternal peace. And not the
man who desires sense-objects.
v/;k; …
deZ ;ksx
Shloka 3 - 14

vUuköofUr Hkwrkfu itZU;knUulaHko% A

;Kköofr itZU;ks ;K% deZleqöo% AA
Shloka 3 - 14

laiw.kZ ç vUu ls mRiUu gksrs gSa] vUu o”kkZ ls

mRiUu gksrk gS] o”kkZ ;K ls gksrh gS vkSj ;K fofgr
deksZa ls mRiUu gksus okyk gS A
Shloka 3 - 14

Living beings are born out of food.

Rain is the source of food. Rain
comes forth from Yagya - the selfless
actions. Yagya is born out of Karma -
the righteous actions.
Shloka 3 - 15

deZ czãksöoa fof) czãk{kjleqöoe~ A

rLekRloZxra czã fuR;a ;Ks çfrf”Bre~ AA
Shloka 3 - 15

deZleqnk; dks rqe osn ls vkSj osn dks vfouk’kh

ijekRek ls mRiUu gqvk tkuks A bl fy, loZO;kih
ije v{kj ijekRek lnk gh ;K esa çfrf”Br gSa A
Shloka 3 - 15

Know that actions are born out of

Brahman and Brahman springs from
the Imperishable. Therefore, the all-
pervading Brahman resides in Yagya.
Shloka 3 - 42

bfUnz;kf.k ijk.;kgq% bfUnz;sH;% ija eu% A

eulLrq ijk cqf)% ;ks cq)s% ijrLrq l% AA
Shloka 3 - 42

‘kjhj ls Js”B bfUnz;ka gSa] bfUnz;ksa ls Js”B eu gS] eu

ls Hkh Js”B cqf) gS vkSj tks cqf) ls Hkh ijsa vR;ar Js”B
vkRek gS A
Shloka 3 - 42

Senses are superior than body;

superior to the senses is mind;
superior to mind is intellect;
but one who is even superior to
intellect is the Self.
v/;k; †
KkudeZlaU;kl ;ksx
Shloka 4 - 5

cgwfu es O;rhrkfu tUekfu ro pktZqu A

rkU;ga osn lokZf.k u Roa osRFk ijari AA
Shloka 4 - 5

gs ijari vtqZu! esjs vkSj rqEgkjs cgqr ls tUe gks pqds

gSa A rqe mu lcdks ugha tkurs] ij eSa tkurk gwa A
Shloka 4 - 5

O Arjuna! You & I have passed

through many births, I remember
them all, you do not.
Shloka 4 - 7

;nk ;nk fg /keZL; XykfuHkZofr Hkkjr A

vH;qRFkkue/keZL; rnkRekua l`tkE;ge~ AA
Shloka 4 - 7

gs Hkkjr! tc tc /keZ dh gkfu vkSj v/keZ dh o`f)

gksrh gS] rc rc eSa vius lkdkj :i dks jprk gwa A
Shloka 4 - 7

O Bharat! Whenever righteousness is

on the decline
& unrighteousness increases,
then I manifest and take a form.
Shloka 4 - 8

ifj=k.kk; lk/kwuka fouk’kk; p nq”d`rke~ A

/keZlaLFkkiukFkkZ; lEHkokfe ;qxs ;qxs AA
Shloka 4 - 8

lk/kq iq#”kksa dk m)kj djus ds fy, vkSj iki deZ

djus okyksa dk fouk’k djus ds fy,] /keZ dh ;FkkFkZ
LFkkiuk djus ds fy, eSa gj ;qx esa çdV gqvk
djrk gwa A
Shloka 4 - 8

For the protection of the virtuous, for

the destruction of evildoers and for
the firm establishment of the right
path, I take birth in every era.
Shloka 4 - 17

deZ.kks ºÓfi cks)O;a cks)O;a p fodeZ.k% A

vdeZ.k’p cks)O;a xguk deZ.kks xfr% AA
Shloka 4 - 17

deZ dk Lo:i tkuuk pkfg, A fodeZ dk Lo:i

tkuuk pkfg, A vdeZ dk Lo:i Hkh tkuuk pkfg,
D;ksafd deZ dh xfr xgu gS A
Shloka 4 - 17

One should know the essence of

righteous action as also of
unrighteous action, as well as of
inaction because
mysterious are the ways of Karma.
Shloka 4 - 24

czãkiZ.ka czã gfo% czãkXukS czã.kk gqre~ A

czãSo rsu xUrO;a czãdeZlekf/kuk AA
Shloka 4 - 24

vklfDr jfgr eqDr Kkuh ds }kjk fd, tkus okys deZ

ml ;K dh Hkkafr gS] ftl ;K esa vfiZr inkFkZ Hkh czºe
gS] gou ;ksX; nzO; Hkh czºe gS rFkk czºe :ih drkZ }
kjk czºe :ih vfXu esa vkgqfr Hkh czºe gS A czºe :ih
deZ esa fLFkr jgus okys dks çkIr gksus ;ksX; Qy Hkh
czºe gh gS A
Shloka 4 - 24
One who is free from attachment and has
no identification with the body, his actions
are like that Yagya where Brahman is the
offering, Brahman is the oblation and
Brahman is the performer of Yagya into the
fire of Brahman, in such action established
in Brahman, Brahman shall definitely be
Shloka 4 - 38

u fg Kkusu ln`’ka ifo=feg fo|rs A

rRLo;a ;ksxlafl)% dkysukRefu foUnfr AA
Shloka 4 - 38

bl lalkj esa Kku ds leku ifo= djus okyk vkSj

dqN Hkh ugha A ;ksx }kjk fl) gqvk euq”;] dqN le;
ds i'pkr~ ml Kku dks vius vki esa gh ik ysrk gS A
Shloka 4 - 38

There is nothing in this world as holy

as this Knowledge. He who has
attained purity of heart through
practice of Yoga, automatically sees
the light of Truth in the Self
in course of time.
Shloka 4 - 39

J)kok¡YyHkrs Kkua rRij% la;rsfUnz;% A

Kkua yC/ok ijka ‘kkafre~ vfpjs.kkf/kxPNfr AA
Shloka 4 - 39

fujarj ç;Ru djus okyk] bfUnz; la;e djus okyk

vkSj J)k ls ;qDr euq”; Kku dks çkIr gksrk gS A Kku
dks çkIr gks dj og ‘kh?kz gh ije ‘kkafr dks çkIr gksrk
gS A
Shloka 4 - 39

He who has faith, who is dedicated

and has conquered his senses, attains
After attaining Knowledge, he
immediately attains Supreme Peace.
v/;k; ‡
deZlaU;kl ;ksx
Shloka 5 - 7

;ksx;qDrks fo’kq)kRek foftrkRek ftrsfUnz;% A

loZHkwrkReHkwrkRek dqoZUufi u fyI;rs AA
Shloka 5 - 7

vius eu dks o’k esa djus okyk] ftrsfUnz;] fo’kq)

var%dj.k okyk vkSj lHkh çkf.k;ksa dks viuk
vkRe:i ekuusokyk deZ;ksxh deZ djrk gqvk Hkh
mlls fyIr ugha gksrk A
Shloka 5 - 7

The Karmayogi, who has fully

conquered his mind & mastered his
senses, whose heart is pure and who
has identified himself with Self of all
beings; remains untainted even
though performing action.
v/;k; ˆ
vkRela;e ;ksx
Shloka 6 - 5

m)jsnkReukRekua ukRekueolkn;sr~ A
vkReSo ºÓkReuks cU/kq% vkReSo fjiqjkReu% AA
Shloka 6 - 5

vius }kjk viuk m)kj djsa vkSj vius dks v/kksxfr

esa u Mkysa( D;ksafd vki Lo;a gh vius fe= gks vkSj
Lo;a gh vius ‘k=q gks A
Shloka 6 - 5

One should lift himself by his own

efforts & should not degrade himself
for one’s own Self is his friend &
one’s own Self is his enemy.
Shloka 6 - 17

;qDrkgkjfogkjL; ;qDrps”VL; deZlq A

;qDrLoIukocks/kL; ;ksxks Hkofr nq%[kgk AA
Shloka 6 - 17

nq%[kksa dk uk’k djus okyk ;g ;ksx lE;d~

vkgkj&fogkj djus okys dk] deksZa esa lE;d~ ps”Vk
djus okys dk vkSj lE;d~ çdkj ls lksus vkSj
tkxus okys dk gh fl) gksrk gS A
Shloka 6 - 17

One who follows proper food habits

& appropriate activities, who follows
appropriate course of action & has
moderation in sleep & wakefulness
attains Yoga, which takes one
beyond misery.
Shloka 6 - 30

;ks eka i’;fr loZ= lo± p ef; i’;fr A

rL;kga u ç.k’;kfe l p es u ç.k’;fr AA
Shloka 6 - 30

tks O;fDr lc esa eq>dks vkSj eq> esa lc dks ns[krk

gS] mlds fy, eSa dHkh vks>y ugha gksrk vkSj u gh
oks esjs fy, vks>y gksrk gS A
Shloka 6 - 30

He who sees Me everywhere and sees

everything in Me, he is never lost to
me and nor am I ever lost to him.
Shloka 6 - 35

vla’k;a egkckgks euks nqfuZxzga pye~ A

vH;klsu rq dkSUrs; oSjkX;s.k p x`árs AA
Shloka 6 - 35

gs egkckgks ! fu%lansg eu papy vkSj o’k esa vkus esa

dfBu gS] ijarq gs dqUrhiq= ! ;g eu vH;kl vkSj
oSjkX; ls o’k esa gksrk gS A
Shloka 6 - 35

O Arjuna! The mind is restless no

doubt and difficult to restrain.
But it can be brought under control
by practice and dispassion.
v/;k; ‰
KkufoKku ;ksx
Shloka 7 - 7

eÙk% ijrja ukU;r~ fdafpnfLr /kuat; A

ef; loZfena çksra lw=s ef.kx.kk bo AA
Shloka 7 - 7

gs /kuat; ! eq> ls Js”B bl çd`fr dk nqljk dksbZ

Hkh ije dkj.k ugha gS A ;g laiw.kZ txr lw= esa
ef.k;ksa ds ln`’k eq> esa xqaFkk gqvk gS A
Shloka 7 - 7

O Dhananjay! There is nothing else

higher than I in this creation;
in Me all this is woven as clusters of
pearls on a string.
Shloka 7 - 10

chta eka loZ Hkwrkuka fof) ikFkZ lukrue~ A

cqf)cqZf)erkefLe rstLrstfLoukege~ AA
Shloka 7 - 10

gs ikFkZ ! rqe laiw.kZ Hkwrksa dk lukru cht eq> dks

gh tkuks A cqf)ekuksa dh cqf) eSa gwa vkSj rstfLo;ksa
dk rst eSa gwa A
Shloka 7 - 10

Know Me, O Partha, as the eternal

seed of all beings;
I am the intelligence of the intelligent,
the brilliance of the brilliant.
v/;k; Š
v{kjczã ;ksx
Shloka 8 - 5

vUrdkys p ekeso LejUeqDRok dysoje~ A

;% ç;kfr l eökoa ;kfr ukLR;= la’k;% AA
Shloka 8 - 5

tks iq#”k vardky esa Hkh eq>dks gh Lej.k djrk

gqvk ‘kjhj dk R;kx djrk gS] og esjs lk{kkr~ Lo:i
dks çkIr gksrk gS] bl esa dqN Hkh la’k; ugha gS A
Shloka 8 - 5

He who departs from the body,

thinking of Me & Me alone, even at
the time of death, attains My state,
there is no doubt about it.
Shloka 8 - 6

;a ;a okfi LejUHkkoa R;tR;Urs dysoje~ A

ra resoSfr dkSUrs; lnk rökoHkkfor% AA
Shloka 8 - 6

;g euq”; vardky esa ftl&ftl Hkh Hkko dks Lej.k

djrk gqvk ‘kjhj R;kx djrk gS]
ml&ml dks gh çkIr gS D;ksafd og lnk mlh Hkko ls
Hkkfor jgk gS A
Shloka 8 - 6

Thinking of whatever entity, one

leaves the body at the time of death,
that and that alone one attains,
being ever absorbed in its thought.
Shloka 8 - 7

rLekRlosZ”kq dkys”kq ekeuqLej ;q/; p A

e¸;fiZreukscqf)% ekesoS”;L;la’k;e~ AA
Shloka 8 - 7

bl fy, gs vtqZu ! rw lc le; fujarj esjk Lej.k

dj vkSj ;q) dj A eq>s viZ.k fd, gq, eu vkSj cqf)
ls ;qDr rw fu%lansg eq>dks gh çkIr gksxk A
Shloka 8 - 7

Therefore Arjuna, think of Me at all

times & fight. With mind & intellect
thus set on Me, you will doubtless
come to Me.
v/;k; ‹
jktfo|k jktxqá ;ksx
Shloka 9 - 4

e;k rrfena loZe~ txnO;DrewfrZuk A

eRLFkkfu loZ Hkwrkfu u pkga rs”oofLFkr% AA
Shloka 9 - 4

eSa laiw.kZ txr esa vO;Dr :i ls fojkftr gwa A lHkh

tho eq> esa gh fLFkr gS] eSa mu esa ugha A
Shloka 9 - 4

This entire universe is manifested by

Me. All beings exist in Me but I do
not dwell in them.
Shloka 9 - 5

u p eRLFkkfu Hkwrkfu Ik’; es ;ksxeS’oje~ A

HkwrHk`Uu p HkwrLFkks eekRek HkwrHkkou% AA
Shloka 9 - 5

ysfdu fQj Hkh ;s tho eq> esa fLFkr ugha A ns[kks

esjs ;ksx ,s’o;Z dks] bu thoksa esa u fLFkr gksrs gq, Hkh
eSa bu thoksa dk ikyugkj vkSj ltZd gwa A
Shloka 9 - 5

All beings do not dwell in Me,

behold my Divine mystery of Yoga.
Sustaining all beings, but not
dwelling in them, is my Self - the
cause of all beings.
Shloka 9 - 11

votkufUr eka ew<k ekuq”kha ruqekfJre~ A

ija HkkoetkuUrks ee Hkwregs’oje~ AA
Shloka 9 - 11

esjs euq”; :i vorkj ysus ij vKkuh eq>s ugha

igpkurs A esjs ije Hkko dks ugha tkurs fd eSa bl
lalkj vkSj ç;ksa dk ijes’oj gwa A
Shloka 9 - 11

Fools disregard Me clad in human

form, not knowing My higher being as
the Great Lord of all beings.
Shloka 9 - 14

lrra dhrZ;aUrks eka ;rUr’p n`<ozrk% A

ueL;Ur’p eka HkDR;k fuR;;qDrk miklrs AA
Shloka 9 - 14

n`< fu’p; okys HkDrtu fujarj esjs uke vkSj xq.kksa

dk dhrZu djrs gq, rFkk esjh çkfIr ds fy, ;Ru djrs
gq, vkSj eq> dks ckj&ckj ç.kke djrs gq, lnk
esjs /;ku esa ;qDr gks dj vuU; çse ls esjh mikluk
djrs gSa A
Shloka 9 - 14

Always glorifying me, committed, firm

in vows and reverent, always
steadfast, ever united with Me, My
devotees, worship Me with devotion.
Shloka 9 - 22

vuU;kf’pUr;Urks eka ;s tuk% i;Zqiklrs A

rs”kka fuR;kfHk;qDrkuka ;ksx{ksea ogkE;ge~ AA
Shloka 9 - 22

tks vuU;çseh HkDrtu esjk fujarj fparu djrs gq,

eq>s fu”dke Hkko ls Hktrs gSa] mudk ;ksx vkSj {kse
esjh ftEesnkjh gS A
Shloka 9 - 22

Those whose faith in Me is one-

pointed and unshakable, whose mind
is dissolved in Me, maintaining what
they have and securing what they wish
for, is My responsibility.
Shloka 9 - 26

i=a iq”ia Qya rks;a ;ks es HkDR;k ç;PNfr A

rnga HkDR;qiâre~ v’ukfe ç;rkReu% AA
Shloka 9 - 26

esjk HkDr ‘kq) eu ls eq>s tks Hkh i=] Qwy] Qy

vFkok ty vfiZr djrk gS] ml HkfDr Hkjs eu ls
vfiZr dh oLrq dks eSa Lohdkj djrk gwa A
Shloka 9 - 26

When one offers to Me with

devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit,
water - that I accept, offered with
devotion by the pure-minded.
Shloka 9 - 29

leks·ga loZHkwrs”kq u es }s”;ks·fLr u fç;% A

;s HktfUr rq eka HkDR;k ef; rs rs”kq pkI;ge~ AA
Shloka 9 - 29

eSa lHkh Hkwrksa esa leku Hkko j[krk gaw] u esjk dksbZ
fç; gS u vfç; A ijarq tks HkDr eq> dks çse ls Hktrs
gSa] os eq> esa gSa vkSj eSa Hkh mu esa gwa] ge ,d gh gSa A
Shloka 9 - 29

I am the same to all beings; to Me

nobody is hateful or dear; but those,
who worship Me with devotion, are in
Me and I am in them.
Shloka 9 - 30

vfi psRlqnqjkpkjks Hktrs ekeuU;Hkkd~ A

lk/kqjso l eUrO;% lE;XO;oflrks fg l% AA
Shloka 9 - 30

;fn dksbZ vfr’k; nqjkpkjh Hkh vuU; Hkko ls esjk

Hktu djrk gS] rks og lk/kq gh ekuus ;ksX; gS]
D;ksafd og ;FkkFkZ fu’p; okyk gS A
Shloka 9 - 30

Even if a wicked person worships Me

with one pointed devotion, he
should be regarded a saint for he
has rightly resolved.
Shloka 9 - 31

f{kça Hkofr /kekZRek ‘k’oPNkfUra fuxPNfr A

dkSUrs; çfrtkuhfg u es HkDr% ç.k’;fr AA
Shloka 9 - 31

og ‘kh?kz gh /kekZRek gks tkrk gS vkSj ‘kk’or ‘kkafr dks

çkIr djrk gSA gs vtqZu ! ;s tku esjk HkDr dHkh ugha
fxjrk A
Shloka 9 - 31

Soon he becomes virtuous and

attains eternal peace.
O Arjuna! Know it for certain,
My devotee never perishes!
Shloka 9 - 33

vfuR;e~ vlq[ka yksda bea çkI; HktLo eke~ A

Shloka 9 - 33

;g lalkj vfuR; gS A ;gka lc dqN cny jgk gS A

lalkj ls lq[k dh vk’kk O;FkZ gS A bl lalkj dks çkIr
gksdj rw fujarj esjk gh Hktu dj A
Shloka 9 - 33

Anityam means it's impermanent,

Asukham means there is no seed of joy
or permanent happiness.
Sansara is anityam & asukham.
Be there and worship the Source of
Creation, Glorify Divinity!
Shloka 9 - 34

eUeuk Hko eöDrks e|kth eka ueLdq# A

ekesoS”;fl ;qDRoSoe~ vkRekua eRijk;.k% AA
Shloka 9 - 34

viuk eu eq> esa yxk] esjk HkDr cu] esjh gh iwtk

dj] eq> dks ç.kke dj A bl çdkj vkRek dks eq> esa
fu;qDr dj ds esjs ijk;.k gks dj rw eq> dks gh çkIr
gksxk A
Shloka 9 - 34

Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to

Me, worship Me and make
obeisance to Me.
Thus linking yourself with Me and
entirely dedicating to Me, you shall
acquire Me.
v/;k; Č
foHkwfr ;ksx
Shloka 10 - 3

;ks eketeukfna p osfÙk yksdegs’oje~ A

vlEew<% l eR;sZ”kq loZikiS% çeqP;rs AA
Shloka 10 - 3

tks eq> dks vtUek ,oa vukfn vkSj bZ’oj :i esa

tkurk gS] og euq”;ksa esa Kkuoku iq#”k laiw.kZ ikiksa ls
eqDr gks tkrk gS A
Shloka 10 - 3

He who knows Me in reality as beyond

birth and beginning-less and as the
supreme Lord of the universe; he,
undeluded among mortals, is liberated
from all sins.
Shloka 10 - 22

osnkuka lkeosnks·fLe nsokukefLe oklo% A

bfUæ;k.kka eu’pkfLe HkwrkukefLe psruk AA
Shloka 10 - 22

eSa osnksa esa lkeosn gwa] nsoksa esa baæ eSa gwa] bafUæ;ksa esa eu eSa
gwa vkSj Hkwr çkf.k;ksa esa psruk eSa gwa A
Shloka 10 - 22

Among the Vedas I am the Samaveda.

Among the Gods I am Indra.
Among the senses I am the mind.
And in living beings I am the
Shloka 10 - 23

#æk.kka ‘kadjLpkfLe foÙks’kks ;{kj{klke~ A

olwuka ikod’pkfLe es#% f’k[kfj.kkege~~ AA
Shloka 10 - 23

,dkn’k #æksa esa eSa ‘kadj gwa A ;{k rFkk jk{klksa esa dqcsj
gwa A vkB olwvksa esa eSa vfXu gwa A f’k[kj okys ioZrksa esa
eSa lqes# gwa A
Shloka 10 - 23

Among the eleven Rudras I am Shiva.

Among the Yakshas & Rakshasas I am
Among the eight Vasus I am Agni.
Among the mountains I am Sumeru.
Shloka 10 - 25

eg”khZ.kka Hk`xqjga fxjkeLE;sde{kje~ A

;Kkuka ti;Kks·fLe LFkkojk.kka fgeky;% AA
Shloka 10 - 25

eSa eg”khZ;ksa esa Hk`xq gwwa vkSj ‘kCnksa esa ,d v{kj vksadkj gwa
A lc çdkj ds ;Kksa esa ti ;K gwa vkSj vpyksa esa
fgeky; gwa A
Shloka 10 - 25

Among the Great Rishis I am Bhrigu;

Among words I am the single syllable
Among offerings I am the Japa-yagya
and among the immovables
I am the Himalaya.
v/;k; ƒƒ
fo’o:in’kZu ;ksx
Shloka 11 - 32

dkyks·fLe yksd{k;d`Rço`)%
yksdkUlekgrZqfeg ço`Ùk% A
_rs·fi Roka u Hkfo”;fUr losZ
;s·ofLFkrk% çR;uhds”kq ;ks/kk% AA
Shloka 11 - 32

eSa yksdksa dk uk’k djus okyk egkdky gwa A bl le;

bu yksxksa dks u”V djus ds fy, ço`Ùk gqvk gwa A bl
fy, tks çfrif{k;ksa dh lsuk esa ;ks)k gSa] osa lc rsjs
fcuk Hkh ugha jgsaxs vFkkZr~ rsjs ;q) u djus ij Hkh bu
lcdk uk’k gks tk,xk A
Shloka 11 - 32

I am the mighty Time, the destroyer of

all the worlds. I am here to exterminate
all these people.
Hence all these warriors will cease to
exist even if you do not fight this
battle. They will still die.
v/;k; ƒ„
HkfDr ;ksx
Shloka 12 - 5

JhHkxoku mokp &

Dys’kks·f/kdrjLrs”kke~ vO;DrklDrpsrlke~A
vO;Drk fg xfrnZq%[ka nsgoföjokI;rs AA
Shloka 12 - 5

Jh d`”.k Hkxoku cksys &

mu fujkdkj czã ;qä fpÙkokys iq#”kksa ds lk/ku esa
Dys’k fo’ks”k gS D;ksafd nsgkfHkeku ds dkj.k
vO;ä :i xfr nq%[kiwoZd çkIr gksrh gS A
Shloka 12 - 5

Those devotees who have fixed their

mind on my invisible form have more
difficulty because the goal - the
unmanifest, is very hard for
the body-conscious people to reach.
Shloka 12 - 8

e¸;so eu vk/kRLo ef; cqf)a fuos’k; A

fuofl”;fl e¸;so vr Å/o± u la’k;% AA
Shloka 12 - 8

eq> esa eu dks yxk vkSj eq> esa gh cqf) dks yxk]
bl ds bijkUr rw eq> esa gh fuokl djsxk] bl esa
dqN Hkh la’k; ugha gS A
Shloka 12 - 8

Fix your mind on Me and establish

your intellect in Me alone.
Thereafter you will abide solely in Me
& progress.
There is no doubt about it.
Shloka 12 - 12

Js;ks fg KkueH;klkr~ Kkuk)Ókua fof’k”;rs A

/;kukRdeZQyR;kx% R;kxkRNkfUrjuUrje~ AA
Shloka 12 - 12

vH;kl ls Js”B Kku gS] Kku ls Js”B /;ku gS] /;ku

ls deZQy R;kx Js”B gS] D;ksafd R;kx ls rRdky gh
ije ‘kkafr dh çkfIr gksrh gS A
Shloka 12 - 12

Knowledge is indeed better than

practice; meditation is superior to
knowledge; whereas renunciation of
the fruit of the actions is even superior
to mediation, for peace immediately
follows renunciation.
Shloka 12 - 18

le% ‘k=kS p fe=s p rFkk ekukieku;ks% A

‘khrks”.klq[knq%[ks”kq le% laxfooftZr% AA
Shloka 12 - 18

tks ‘k=q&fe= esa vkSj eku&vieku esa le gS rFkk

lnhZ&xehZ vkSj lq[k&nq%[kkfn }a}ksa esa le gS vkSj
vlax gS(
Shloka 12 - 18

One who treats equally the enemy

and friend, respect and humiliation,
cold and heat, pleasure and pain; and
who is free from attachment
Shloka 12 - 19

rqY;fuUnkLrqfrekSZuh larq”Vks ;su dsufpr~ A

vfudsr% fLFkjefr% HkfäekUes fç;ks uj% AA
Shloka 12 - 19

tks fuUnk&Lrqfr dks leku le>us okyk gS] tks

‘kkar gS] lnk larq”V gS vkSj vklfDr ls jfgr gS & og
fLFkjcqf) HkfDreku iq#”k eq> dks fç; gS A
Shloka 12 - 19

One who treats criticism & praise

equally, is tranquil, content in
anything, who is free from
identification, is steadfast and full of
devotion, such a person is dear to Me.
v/;k; Ġ
xq.k=;foHkkx ;ksx
Shloka 14 - 17

lÙokRlatk;rs Kkua jtlks yksHk ,o p A

çekneksgkS relks Hkorks·Kkueso p AA
Shloka 14 - 17

lÙo ls Kku mRié gksrk gS vkSj jtksxq.k ls yksHk A

blh rjg çekn] eksg vkSj vKku reksxq.k ls vkrs
gS A
Shloka 14 - 17

Wisdom comes from Sattva and

greed undoubtedly from Rajas;
likewise obstinate error, stupor and
ignorance ensue from Tamas.
Shloka 14 - 18

Å/o± xPNfUr lÙoLFkk e/;s fr”BfUr jktlk% A

t?kU;xq.ko`fÙkLFkk v/kks xPNfUr rkelk% AA
Shloka 14 - 18

lrksxq.k esa fLFkr yksxksa dk thou f[kyrk gSa A ço`fÙk ds yksx chp esa gh eaMjkrs gSa A
yksx v/kksxfr dks çkIr gksrs gSa A
Shloka 14 - 18

Sattvic people progress and blossom

in life; those of Rajasic disposition
flounder where they are; while
Tamasic ones experience downfall.
Shloka 14 - 19

ukU;a xq.ksH;% drkZja ;nk æ”Vkuqi’;fr A

xq.ksH;’p ija osfÙk eökoa lks·f/kxPNfr AA
Shloka 14 - 19

ftl le; æ”Vk rhuksa xq.kksa ds vfrfjDr vU;

fdlh dks drkZ ugha ns[krk vkSj rhuksa xq.kksa ls
vR;ar ijsa lfPpnkuan?ku&Lo:i eq> ijekRek dks
rÙo ls tkurk gS] ml le; og esjs Lo:i dks çkIr
gksrk gS A
Shloka 14 - 19

When the discerning person beholds no

one as doer, other than the three Gunas
and realises Me - the Supreme Spirit
standing entirely beyond these Gunas,
he merges with Me.
v/;k; ƒ‡
iq#”kksÙke ;ksx
Shloka 15 - 1

Å/oZewye/k%’kk[ke~ v’oRFka çkgqjO;;e~ A

NUnkafl ;L; i.kkZfu ;Lra osn l osnfor~ AA
Shloka 15 - 1

gs vtqZu ! ;g lalkj ,d vfouk’kh v’oRFk o`{k dh

rjg gS ftlds ewy Åij vkdk’k dh rjQ
,oa ‘kk[kk,a uhps dh vksj gS] osn ds Nan ftl ds iÙks
gSa A tks bl rÙo dks tkurk gS ogh osn dks tkurk gS A
Shloka 15 - 1

O Arjuna! They speak of the

indestructible Ashvattha having its
root above and branches below,
whose leaves are the metres of Veda.
He who knows it knows the Vedas.
v/;k; ƒŠ
eks{klaU;kl ;ksx
Shloka 18 - 63

bfr rs Kkuek[;kra xqákn~xqárja e;k A

foe`’;Srn’ks”ks.k ;FksPNfl rFkk dq# AA
Shloka 18 - 63

bl çdkj ;g xksiuh; ls Hkh vfr xksiuh; Kku eSa us

rqe ls dg fn;k A vc rw bl jgL;;qDr Kku dks
iw.kZr;k HkfyHkkafr fopkj dj vkSj tSlk pkgrk gS
oSlk dj A
Shloka 18 - 63

Now, I have told you the most

confidential of all Knowledge.
Now think about it carefully,
and do as you like.
Shloka 18 - 66

loZ/kekZUifjR;T; ekesda ‘kj.ka ozt A

vga Roka loZikisH;ks eks{kf;”;kfe ek ‘kqp% AA
Shloka 18 - 66

lHkh /keks± dks eq> esa R;kxdj rw dsoy ,d eq>

lokZ/kkj ijes’oj dh ‘kj.k esa vk tk A eSa rq>s laiw.kZ
ikiksa ls eqDr dj nwaxk] rw ‘kksd u dj A
Shloka 18 - 66

Abandoning all righteous deeds, seek

refuge in Me;
I will liberate you from all sins,
do not grieve.
Shloka 18 - 68

; bea ijea xqáa eöäs”ofHk/kkL;fr A

HkfDra ef; ijka d`Rok ekesoS”;R;la’k;% AA
Shloka 18 - 68

tks esjk HkDr bl ije jgL;;qDr xhrk&’kkL= dks

esjs HkDrksa esa dgsxk] og eq> dks gh çkIr gksxk & bl
esa dksbZ lansg ugha A
Shloka 18 - 68

One who will describe this Supreme

Secret to My devotees, with supreme
devotion to Me, will undoubtedly
attain Me.
Shloka 18 - 73

vtZqu mokp &

u”Vks eksg% Le`fryZC/kk RoRçlknkUe;kP;qr A
fLFkrks·fLe xrlansg% dfj”;s opua ro AA
Shloka 18 - 73

vtqZu us dgk &

gs vP;qr ! vkidh d`ik ls esjk eksg u”V gks x;k vkSj

eSa us Le`fr çkIr dj yh gS A vc eSa la’k; jfgr gks dj
fLFkj gwa] vr% vki tSlk dgsa oSlk d:axk A
Shloka 18 - 73

Arjun said –
O Achyut! With your Grace, all my
delusions are wiped out. I have
regained my memory and I am free of
all doubts.
I stand firm and I will do as You say.
Shloka 18 - 78

lat; mokp &

;= ;ksxs’oj% d`”.kks ;= ikFkksZ /kuq/kZj% A
r= JhfoZt;ks Hkwfr% /kzqok uhfreZfreZe AA
Shloka 18 - 78

lat; cksys &

gs jktu ! tgka ;ksxs’oj Hkxoku Jhd`”.k gS vkSj tgka

xk.Mho&/kuq”k/kkjh vtZqu gS] ogha ij Jh] fot;]
foHkwfr vkSj vpy uhfr gS & ,slk esjk er gS A
Shloka 18 - 78
Sanjay said -
Wherever is Bhagawan Shree Krishna,
the Lord of Yoga and wherever is
Arjuna, the archer, there glory, victory,
prosperity and unfailing righteousness
will surely be there.
Such is my conviction.
Jh xq#H;ks ue% gfj% \
Jhd`”.kkiZ.keLrq A

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