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Name: Section:

In what situation do you use your mobile phone or any social media for communicating?

What do you think is the reason why technology for communicating is now essential to humans?

How does technology such as texting devices or other social media helps us when it comes in

How often do you use your texting devices or social media accounts for communicating?

Why is it much easier to communicate through texting devices or in social media?

What do you think is the reason why some people have more conversations on social media or
texting devices rather than in person?

What do you think will happen to a person’s ability in communicating or socializing when there is
an absence of technology?

Will life be complicated without these texting devices or social media? Why?

What are the reasons why some people merely have that face-to-face conversations with

Which one do you prefer ? using your mobile phone or writing a letter ? Why ?

Is it really neccessary to use technology for communication ? Why ?

Do you think using mobile gadget can cause of feeling loneliness or busyness ? Why ?

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