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Expenditure in UK and France

The bar graph illustrates the total amount of money spent on five different goods (cars, computers,
books, perfume, and cameras) among clients from France and the UK in 2010. The data is divided into five
groups in each with two countries and shows expenses in pounds sterling.

Overall, the majority of goods got 350 000 pounds sterling and more in the UK, while in France only
cars and computers have expenses over 350 000 pounds. The presented data is slightly similar in both
countries, but in some cases, it has significant differences.

The maximum amount of money spent by UK society is for cars with 450 000 pounds sterling, while
in France it took 400 000. The most similar costs provided by perfume, 200 000 pounds - in France, and
under 150 000 – in the United Kingdom respectively. The biggest difference the graph shows in camera sales
where consumers from France paid over 150 000 pounds sterling and buyers in the UK doubled these
numbers and gave over 350 000 pounds sterling.

The most valuable good for both countries were cars, while a minimum amount of money clients
pay for perfume - in the United Kingdom and for cameras in France.

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