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Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No.

1, 2011

Materials Selection in Conceptual Design using Weighting

Property Method
Dr. Mohammed Jasim Kadhim* , Dr.Mithal A. Al-Bassam**
& Dr. Suad Hamzah Abdas ***
Received on:26/1/2010
Accepted on: 4/11/2010
The needs to combine selection of materials (SM) processes
during the early stages of design have previously been realized. In this
work, an attempt is made to ensure that there is no gap between function
oriented design and the material. A methodology is being developed, for a
concurrent qualitative selection of materials method (CQSM) that takes into
consideration the importance of materials properties in the early design
stages. The method is modified from quantitative method called weighting
property method used for selecting materials in the detailed design stage.
The method was modified to qualitative method; it means that the input data
for materials property of the design must be qualitative data which
consisting of groups or sub-groups of materials, range value properties and
approximate values. By giving weight to the degree of importance of the
properties, a developed database is search for the best group that can satisfy
the CQSM. In the present investigation, a new numerical method has been
build by using visual basic developed select materials for mechanical design
in conceptual stage. This method, which is based on weighting property
method (WPM) uses a new digital logic (DL) comparison with the
traditional (DL) makes the result more accurate because it does not
elimination problem of the least important criterion.
Keywords: materials properties data based; physical properties; materials
selection; conceptual design; CQSM; DL.

‫طريقة الخواص الوزنية في فكرة التصميم‬

‫( ف ي المراح ل االول ى لعملي ة‬SM) ‫من المھم ادراك الحاجة لدمج عملية اختيار الم ادة الھندس ة‬
‫ في ھذا البحث تم االيضاح بعدم وجود فجوة بين مرحلة الوظيفة في عملية التصميم وبين‬.‫التصميم‬
‫ حي ث ت م تط وير طريق ة لالختي ار ھ ي الطريق ة النوعي ة الختي ار الم ادة الھندس ية‬.‫الم ادة الھندس ية‬
‫( لتاكي د اھمي ة تحدي د خ واص الم ادة الھندس ية ف ي المرحل ة االول ى لعملي ة‬CQSM) ‫المت زامن‬
‫ الطريقة الت ى ت م تطويرھ ا ف ى ھ ذا البح ث ھ ى الطريق ة الكمي ة الختي ار الم ادة الھندس ية‬.‫التصميم‬
‫ الطريقة‬.‫المبنية على الطريقة الوزنية للخواص والتي تستخدم في المراحل النھائية لعملية التصميم‬
‫المعدلة تم تحويلھا الى طريقة نوعية فھذا يعني ان البيانات المطلوبة لقيم الخواص للمواد الھندسية‬
.‫ حي ث ت م تحدي د الخ واص للم واد الھندس ية بالمجموع ات الرئيس ية او الفرعي ة‬.‫ھي بيان ات نوعي ة‬
‫ ي تم االختي ار ع ن‬. ‫وكذلك القيم المستخدمة ھي مديات وليست قيم محددة وھ ي بالت الي ق يم تقريبي ة‬

*Production and Metallurgy Engineering Department, University of Technology/ Baghdad

** Industrial and System Engineering Department , San Jose State University/ USA
*** Electromechanical Engineering Department ,University of Technology/Baghdad
Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

‫طريق اعطاء وزن الھمية كل خاصية وي تم البح ث ع ن تل ك الخ واص م ن ب ين البيان ات الموج ودة‬
.‫ضمن البرنامج للحصول على المجموعة المناسبة للتطبيق‬
‫ اساس الطريقة المطورة ھي الطريقة الوزني ة وت م تحدي د‬. ‫تم بناء البرنامج باستخدام الفجول بيسك‬
‫اھمي ة الخ واص واعطائھ ا وزن باس تخدام مص فوفة الق رار المنطقي ة الرقمي ة وكان ت مح ورة ع ن‬
‫ وعند المقارنة بين الطريقتين وجد ان الطريقة المطورة تعطي دق ة اكث ر للنت ائج‬.‫الطريقة التقليدية‬
‫النھا تستطيع حل مشكلة المعيار االقل اھمية باعطائه وزنا خالفا للطريقة التقليدية التي تعطيه قيم ة‬

1- Introduction: problem of selecting materials during

T raditionally material(s) and

manufacturing process (es)
selections are taken place at a
detailed design stage. At this stage,
the design is generally fully laid out
conceptual design by breaking
material property values into discrete
ranges. However, an alternative
approach is to model such vague
qualifiers as "about" and "in the
and some parts or components neighborhood of" using aspects of
drawings have already been fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic relies on the
produced. Many different methods concept of a membership function to
for materials selection and design determine how well an object fits
have been presented recently [1-6]. into a defined set. Giachetti [7, 8]
In overview of recent researches in was used a fuzzy logic method to
materials selection, there were present an integrated material and
already plenty of ready-to-use manufacturing process selection
materials selection methods in procedures. This method allows the
existence. On the contrary, there was early identification of material and
a very little effort spent on materials process alternatives. The concentrate
identification for conceptual design. on those alternatives have greatest
The main reason behind such an potential for balancing the product's
unbalanced situation may partly be functional requirements with the
due to the fact that, until present, the economic concerns realized in
importance of materials identification manufacturing.
for the early design stage has not 2- Selection Method
been fully recognized by the
2.1Traditional Weighting
researchers community [1].
Property Method:
Many approaches can be adopted to
In this method each material
rationalize the search for suitable
requirement or property is assigned a
materials for application during early
certain weight, depending on its
product design stage [3, 6]. These
importance to the performance of the
are grouping the materials into
part in service [9-13] as depicted in
process compatible classes (since
Figure (1). This method attempts to
materials and processes are related),
quantify how important each desired
to obtain a systematic database
requirement is by determining a
structure. It makes the searching
weighting factor (α), quantify how
faster and the selection of material by
well a candidate material satisfies
"membership function modification"
each requirement and determining a
fuzzy logic which can be well an
scaling factor (β). A weighted
object fit into a defined set.
property value is obtained by
Boothroyed, et al. [3] studied the
multiplying the scaled value of the

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

property by the weighting factor (α). properties, each property is scaled, so

The individual weighted property that its highest numerical value does
values of each material are then not exceed 100. When evaluating a
summed to give a comparative list of candidate materials, one
materials performance index (ℓ). The property is considered at a time. The
material with the highest best value in the list is rated as 100
performance index (ℓ) is considered and the others scaled proportionally.
as the optimum for the application. In For a given property, the scaled value
cases where numerous material β for a given candidate material is
properties are specified and the given by equation (1).
relative importance of each property β = (numerical value of property /
is not clear, determinations of the max. value in the list)*100 .. (1)
weighting factors (α) can be largely For properties like cost, wear rate,
intuitive; which reduces the weight gains in oxidation, density,
reliability of selection. This problem etc., a lower value is more desirable.
can be solved by adopting a Such case, the lowest value is rated
systematic approach to the as 100 and β is calculated by
determination of α. Using the DL equation (2).
approach, evaluations are arranged in β = (min. value in the list / numerical
such way that only two properties are value of property)*100 …. (2)
considered at a time. Every possible
combination of properties or 2.2 Weighing Property Method in
performance goals is compared and conceptual Design:
no shades of choice are required; The methods described above
only a yes or no decisions for each are usefulness at a very early stage of
valuation. To determine the relative product design when initial decisions
importance of each property or goal a on materials and manufacturing
table is constructed. The properties processes are made because it aims
or goals are listed in the left hand to select specific materials based on
column, and comparisons are made detailed material property
in the columns to the right [11], as specifications which may not be
shown in Table 1. available at early stage of design
In comparing of two properties or process. At this stage, only general
performance goals, the more ranges of properties may have been
important goal is given numerical 1, decided upon; therefore this method
the less important is given 0 and 0.5 has been modified for using in
when for the two equal important conceptual design stage
properties. The total number of 3. Modified the Digital Logic
possible decisions is N = n (n - 1)/2, Approach
where n is the number of properties There exist some disadvantages in
or goals under consideration. A the traditional digital logic approach
relative emphasis coefficient or (TDL), the least important goal or
weighting factor (α), for each goal is property is given 0 in all
obtained by dividing the number of comparisons; therefore, the positive
positive decisions for each goal into decisions for such a goal and its
the total number of possible relevant weighting factor would be 0.
decisions (N). In this case, ∑α = 1. This implies that this property will be
For scaling candidate of material expelled from the materials selection

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

process and does not play any role in experience, application; these levels
the selection process. Therefore, the are: low, medium, high and ultra
developed digital approach (DDL) is High.
depending on the relative important 3. According to second assumption,
of properties according to the number σy values for each level may give as
of properties needed for application. below:-
For example, when the application Low strength σy ≤ 250 MPa
requires three properties, the relative
important is divided into 3 points Medium Strength
scale. It gives a value of 1 to the less 250 ≤ σy ≤ 750 MPa
important property, 3 to the more High Strength
important one and 2 to the less 750 ≤ σy ≤ 1500 MPa
important than 3 and more Ultra-high Strength
importance than 1. For another σy > 1500 MPa
example, when the application
required five properties, the relative It should be mentioned that all
important is divided into 5 points properties are considered for
scale (Table 2). With this modified compression of all material groups.
approach, the lesser important 4. The levels of the properties based
property still remains in the selection on four groups are calculated by
list. The Relative emphasis dividing the limits between the
coefficient or weighting factor (Wi) maximum value for all materials to
for each property is obtained by the property and the minimum value
dividing the number of positive of the same property. In some
decision for each property into the properties the limits can be divided
total number of possible decisions into four groups having equal ratios
(N) (Table 3); ∑ Wi = 1 S = (Max.value- Min. value)/4…….. (3)
Example; The maximum density
4. Development Methodology value for the platinum is 21.5 g/cm3
and the minimum density value is
Data Base for the Developed 0.77 g/cm3 for thermoplastic; the
Digital Logic Method (DDL) scale is determined to be equal to
In conceptual design, the materials 21.5 − 0.77 \ 4 ≈ 5 g/cm3. Therefore,
property data should be in general these levels may represent as
range values, for that reason, the follows:
properties are classified according to
the following assumptions:
1. Data is being identified according • Low
to properties value range of sub- ρ ≤ 5 g/cm3
groups materials. Example; The
• Medium
Yield strength property for maraging
5 ≤ ρ ≤ 10 g/cm3
steel is in the range of 655−2500
• High
MPa, this it means the 655 is the
10 ≤ ρ ≤ 15 g/cm3
minimum value of the sub-group and
the 2500 is the maximum value of • Ultra High
the sub-group. ρ > 15 g/cm3
2. All the properties in database are But it may also for some properties,
being classified into four levels; the it is not possible to divide the groups
range of each level is based on to have equal ratios; for example,

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

the maximum and minimum melting formula in equation (4).

points for metals are 3410◦C and WPI =ßi * Wi … (4)
−39◦C respectively (Tungsten W and In the last step of this phase, the
Hg respectively); then the scale system calculates the sum of the WPI
based on equation 3 is not for each property to find the material
scientifically accepted and the level performance index (MPI) for each
for this property is scientifically material by using equation (5).
represent as follow:- MPI=∑ ∑ßi*Wi … (5)
• Low Phase III:
Tm ≤ 600 ◦C In this phase, the decision must be
• Medium made for selecting the best candidate
600 ≤ Tm ≤ 1000◦C material. The materials are ranked
• High according to the performance index,
1000 ≤ Tm ≤ 1600◦C where the material has the highest
• Ultra High value is the best materials for the
Tm > 1600◦C concept design. In addition, the
system plots the material
The developed working system performance index result of the
methodology can be defined into materials as iterative chart. Figure 2
three phases (figure2): shows the flowchart procedure for
Phase I the developed approach.
This phase begins with the designer 5. Case study
selecting the importance of This working system methodology
properties required for the selected can be applied to known how it is
application. Before comparing worked in mechanical design such as
between properties, the designer an aircraft skin. As a first step, the
selects the scale to each property for performance requirements of the
the required application. Then aircraft skin should be translated into
calculates the weighted factor for material requirements. The desired
each property; this is because not all properties of candidate material for
properties have not equal importance. aircraft skin is need the followings:
Phase II 1. Lightness: The lighter an aircraft,
After the system finds the subscribed the greater the range speed or
materials then, the following are payload.
performed:- 2. High yield stress: The yield
1. Defining the scaled property factor strength should be as high as possible
(ßi) to convert the normal material for the temperature experienced by
property value to scaled the aircraft skin in flight.
dimensionless value. This scale 3. High fatigue strength: In flight
factor is defined for the maximum and during take-off and landing,
value of the materials range value aircrafts are subjected to buffeting
property and for the minimum value and vibratory stresses.
for the range of the same property. 4. Good corrosion resistance:
2. After defining the scale of each Failure of the material must not
property value, the system calculates occur as a result of corrosion
the weighted property index (WPI) particularly taking into account that
for these properties by using the aircraft may fly in marine
environment. Therefore, this

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

property should present in any index for the same materials are not
material selected (it consider as a the same. This is due to the
vital property). developed digital logic method is
In the beginning, the designer must taken in selection to calculate the
select the important properties weighted factors. A possible group
required for the design concept by would be the 7000 series. For a
clicking on the properties required higher speed aircraft, aluminum
one after another and select the alloys are not suitable since they do
number related to the scale requires not retain good mechanical
for the concept design (4 = ultra properties at the higher temperatures.
high, 3 = high, 2 = medium, 1= low), The titanium alloys offer an
for mechanical properties and for advantage over high-strength steels
density required. Regarding the which is mainly due to their lower
selected case study (aircraft skin), the density (about 60% that of steel).
designer selects 3 for yield strength Keep in mind that after selection the
(high), 4 for fatigue strength (ultra preferred alloy should satisfy the
high) and 1 for density (low) corrosion criteria.
(Figures 3-5). 6. Conclusions
With these rated three properties to 1- The detailed design stage is too
evaluate, the total numbers of late in the product development cycle
decisions are three. Based on the DL to identify the constraints imposed by
methods, different decisions are materials to go back and redesign the
made as shown in figures 6 and 7. product. Clearly, the requirement is
The resulting weighting factors are to ensure to find the design
also given in Figures 3-5. As can be parameters associated with materials
seen, yield strength is given the during the early stage of the design
highest weight followed by density process. This is where innovation
and the least important property is occurs and where high-level
fatigue strength. decisions on solutions, concepts, and
The next step in the weighted embodiments are first made.
properties method is to scale the 2- Since the materials related issues
properties for the candidate material. have already been addressed during
For the present application, materials the conceptual design stage, fewer
with higher mechanical properties are iterations related to such issues
more desirable and are considered as should be needed during the later
100. On the other hand, lower values stages of the design. Also, the system
of density are more desirable for this helps the designer avoid any
application. Accordingly, the lowest surprises in the materials domain
values in the table were considered unanticipated issues can easily force
as 100 and other values rated in a designer to make non-optimal
proportion according to equation (2). compromises or even to discard a
Figs. 8 and 9 show the results for concept altogether.
traditional and developed digital 3- The Proposed method helps the
logic methods respectively. designer to better identify materials
Figure 8 shows alpha-beta titanium related parameters before leaving the
alloys and aluminum alloys, series conceptual design phase. As a result
7000 are the best. It can be seen when the designer leaves the
from Fig. 9, the material performance conceptual design stage, the

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

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[3] van Vliet JW, van Luttervelt CA, Handbook Volume 20: Materials
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Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Table (1) Determination of relative importance of performance goals

using the DL method [7]
Goal Number of possible decision [N=n(n-1)/2] Positive Relative
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 decision emphasis
A 1 1 0 1 3 0.3
B 0 1 0 1 2 0.2
C 0 0 1 0 1 0.1
D 1 1 0 0 2 0.2
E 0 0 1 1 2 0.2
α = (positive decision)/N

Table (2) Relative importance of material selection factors (5-point scale)

Go Number of positive Decisions N=n (n-1)/2 Positive Relative

al Decisions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Coefficie

1 5 5 5 4 19 0.287

2 4 5 5 4 18 0.272

3 2 2 1 2 7 0.1

4 1 1 2 1 5 0.075

5 5 3 4 5 17 0.257

Total number of positive decision 66 α=1.0

Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Table (2) Determination of relative importance of goals using developed

digital logic method
Class description Relative
One attribute is extremely more important over the other 5
One attribute is least important than 5 4
One attribute is less important than 4 3
One attribute is less important than 3 and more 2
important than 1
One attribute is extremely less important over the other 1

Find Weighting factors of Convert properties of

properties of materials (α) different materials into
scaled properties (β)

Find the Performance

index (ℓ)
ℓ= ∑α β

Figure (1) Weighted property method

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.29, No.1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Designer conceptual
design stage

Select the required important

Phase properties
Input the scale required for each
important property

Comparison task between the

important properties selected
Materials properties
Database Calculate the weighting factor
Wi for important properties

Search for the materials

subscribed according the
High High largest W

Define the scaled factor ßi for

Medium Low minimum and maxiumum rang
Phase II Calculate the weighted property
index ßi * Wi minimum and
maximum rang values
Evaluation the best candidate sub
group material
∑ ßi * Wi for Min.and Max. range

Ranking the candidate sub group


Select the best sub group material

Materials selected
satisfy design goal

Embodiment design stage

Figure (2) the flowchart illustrate the procedures of (CQSM) method

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.29, No.1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Figure (3) the material property window shows the scale

(user graph interface by visual basic).

Figure (4) the material property window shows the scale

(user graph interface by visual basic).

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.29, No.1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Figure (5) the material property window shows the scale

(user graph interface by visual basic).

Figure (6) Weighted property matrix window using developed

digital logic method (User graph interface by visual basic ).
Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.29, No.1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Figure (7) Weighted property matrix window using traditional

digital logic method. (user graph interface by visual basic )

Figure (8) Output results using developed digital logic

method. (user graph interface by visual basic )

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.29, No.1, 2011 Materials Selection In Conceptual Design
By Using Weighting Property Method

Figure (9) Output results using traditional digital logic method. (user
graph interface by visual basic )


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