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1: #include <iostream>

2: using namespace std;

4: int main()
5: {
6: int r1,r2,r3,omk1,omk2,omk3,tl,tl2,tl3 ;
7: float pr1,pr2,pr3;
8: char nm1,nm2,nm3;
9: cout<<"enter the value of regisstration",
10: cin>>r1>>r2>>r3;
11: cout<<"enter the name ";
12: cin>>nm1>>nm2>>nm3;
13: cout<<"enter the marks";
14: cin>>omk1>>omk2>>omk3;
15: cout<<"enter the total number";
16: cin>>tl1>>tl2>>tl3;
17: cout<<"enter the percentage";
18: cin>>pr1>>pr2>>pr3;
19: cout<<"--------------------------------Student Data----------------------------------";
20: cout<<"Reg#"<</t<<"Name"<</t<<"Obtain marks"<</t<<"Total"<</t<<"marks percentage"<</n;
23: return 0;
24: }

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