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The topic tackles about North and South Divide The concept of a gap between the  

North and the Global South in terms of development and wealth. Considering that North Countries are
rich and South Countries Are Poor and We have the Four Model of the World The Rich and The Poor
Countries where the First World is Developed, Capitalist ,Industrial Countries Where GNP and GDP that
are high and The Second World Communist-Socialist, Industrial States and the Third Country high levels
of poverty and Low Economic Development, A "poor" person has less income, wealth, goods, or services
than a "rich" person. When considering nations, economists often use gross domestic product (GDP) per
capital as an indicator of average economic well-being within a country and I also learned that the
Brandt Line was developed as a way of showing the how the world was geographically split into
relatively richer and poorer nations. Philippines is considered rich countries when it comes to natural
resources and yet We have a product that we can`t even produce and the corrupted politics That`s why
Other Counties are taking advantages to us because we can`t produce natural resources just like our
Scarborough Shoal island and Pag-Asa Island the Islands is Our but China is taking advantage to it. Even
if It in Our Exclusive Economic , Even a nation that is open to trade and technological change, one that
has strong institutions and growth-friendly policies, might have a hard time reaching the standard of
living of wealthier nations, because not all nations are created equal in terms of geography and natural

the Brandt Line was developed as a way of showing the how the world was geographically split
into relatively richer and poorer nations.

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