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Of late terrorism has assumed global dimensions. Terrorism is growing day by

day. The law and order enforcing agencies find themselves helpless in curbing the
growing trend of terrorism in India. One is not safe the moment one step out of one’s
house. One may meet one’s sad end in bomb explosion in a marriage party, at market
place, at a bus-stand or railway station or any place which has a crowd and which is
fit place for a terrorist to strike at.

Most of the terrorism at present is concentrated in Jammu and Kashmir.

Terrorist are freely indulging in the kidnapping of high Government officials in
Jammu and Kashmir. The national capital itself has been rocked by several bomb
explosions. The terrorist attack at Hotel Taj and the attack by Kasap at the railway
stations are the instances of terrorism. Thousands of people met their tragic end at the
hands of the terrorist. Government has totally failed to curb this growing trend of
terrorism in India.

Terrorism has spread its arms through out the world and every country is
exposed to it. The terrorist attack to World Trade Centre and Pentagon in the USA on
September 11, 2001 broke all earlier records of destruction. The American embassies
in various African countries have made targets of terrorist attacks times without
number, killing hundred of innocent people and injuring thousands. The large scale
attacks on the USA again forced the United Nations to pass a resolution against
terrorism. It has chalked out certain measures to curb terrorism. The Islamic terrorism
is the most dangerous and difficult to control, for they have formed suicidal terrorist
groups. When humans themselves become bombs, what machinery should be devised
to wean them from this course? It’s solution lie in the unknown future only.

Terrorism, whatever variety it belongs to, is questionable and measures needs

to be taken to get the problem solved. Terrorism arises due to political causes. Some
people have some political ambitions which they cannot fulfil through normal
constitutional processes. Another cause the appalling gap between the rich and the
poor and the social prejudices against the scheduled castes and tribes are certainly
causing terrorism in India in several ways. Also some psychological causes are
responsible for the growing trend of terrorism in the world. The discontented and
frustrated youth take to terrorism when they find that the constitutional path is a long
drawn affair and the success thereof is doubtful.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to fight terrorism on the international scale

through international co-operation. Some Government like Israel have successfully
tackled the problem of terrorism. Above all, our whole education system needs to be
restructured. It should be so rationalized that it may utilize every energy of our young
men and women for constructive purposes so that they may not be induced to adopt
violence as their creed. Last but not least; the government should enlist the active
support of the people to fight terrorism. It must be made costly to those who give
refuge and shelter to the terrorists. Handsome rewards must be given to those who
help the government in nabbing the terrorists.

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