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Subject: International Business Trade

Course & Year: BSA 3

Activity 3: Reaction Paper

A reaction paper

Guide Questions:
Is Globalization is about sharing a global culture, or designing new cultural borders? 
Is cross-cultural awareness a new skill, a differentiated form of collective intelligence we should
learn, and teach?
The myth of globalisation
By Peter Alfandary
“The crucial differences which distinguish human societies and human beings are not
biological. They are cultural.” -Ruth Benedict. Is globalisation about sharing a global culture, or
designing new cultural borders? Is cross-cultural awareness a new skill, a differentiated form of
collective intelligence we should learn, and teach? The speaker Peter Alfandary delivers a lively
talk on cross-cultural differences and their impact on our daily personal and professional lives

French educated, Italian speaking, English lawyer, Peter Alfandary describes himself as a
mildly schizophrenic Brit. After 30 years practicing as an international lawyer, Peter decided to
turn his lifelong fascination with different cultures into a full-time occupation – training and
coaching professionals and senior executives on cross cultural management skills. He
passionately believes that the need for cultural intelligence is increasingly critical as we move
inexorably towards greater globalisation.Film and jazz buff, avid reader, Peter travels the world
advising businesses and lecturing on cross cultural skills. His passion for his subject is only
equalled by his other passion (

This world has become hugely interconnected over the last couple of years. With
globalization being the preferred mode of operation for many businesses, the world has become
borderless. Developments made in the field of information communication technology have also
played a key role in helping bridge the gap that exists between people from different regions of
the world. Thus, the world has become more interconnected with a lot of intercultural sharing.
These developments have made it easier for businesses to penetrate and dominate foreign
markets. In their videos on Ted talk, both Peter Alfandary  argue that there is a need for people to
try to learn about other cultures as this enhances relation and understanding among people. The
paper presents an analysis of existing research and current trends that reiterate or disapprove the
views held by these narrators. It seeks to show that though globalization has taken root in today’s
world, there is a need to take an interest in learning other cultures as this will ensure a better
understanding especially when doing business. Peter Alfandary: The myth of globalization, in his
video, Peter presents a case as to why there is a need to learn about other cultures. He notes that
there is a tendency for people to assume because they share a common language or live in the
same part of the world that they understand each other’s cultures. However, he illustrates how
misplaced this belief is by proving that people may live in a different perspective in life and a
different culture they have acquired. 
What does the speaker really mean? He means that because we have different cultures
and norms, these cultures and norms result in different perception, understanding, expression of
feelings and even communications unto others. That is why there is always a conflict between
people, between nations and even between communities, it is because each one of us have
inherited a different understanding unto something. Sometimes this understanding may be good
and enrich another culture, but what actually happens is that this understanding, this perception is
what triggers people to miscommunicate and becomes the start of a conflict. 

All-in-all, the interesting and relevant discussion of Peter Alfandry about the Myth of
Globalization ends with the quote - “directness does not necessarily mean rudeness”. The
presenter was speaking to an overall idea that globalization does not mean the destruction of
separate cultures. Individuals should understand that each person looks through different “eyes
and lenses” based on their cultural upbringing. It can be easy to associate globalization with the
integration of cultures leading to a single village. This pinpoints the importance of cultural
variables that exist in a global economy. Personally, this means that these cultural variables are
something that we must be weary of as my career progresses in the age of globalization. Our
cultural intelligence will allow us to communicate and manage all the diverse people we
encounter in the uncertain future. An understanding of these different cultures means that I will
know when directness will not necessarily mean rudeness.

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