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The major flaw, in the characters of Romeo and Juliet, is that they think too quickly

before they look deeper into the situations they are put in. This flaw contributes to their decisions
throughout the play because at the end of the story, tragedy strikes, and both characters kill
themselves before they can take a closer look at what is going on. I can prove this flaw is true
because at the end of the play, Romeo finds Juliet in a sleep-like death but he quickly assumes
she is dead, so he kills himself to be with Juliet (v, 3, 100-130). Romeo, without paying close
enough attention, assumed he had lost Juliet so he decided dying was the right answer. If he had
not acted so quickly, he would have seen her skin had a slight color, and she had some breath
activity. When Juliet woke from her sleep, she saw Romeo had died, so she killed herself too.
Therefore, Romeo and Juliet have a major flaw that makes them think too much before they look
at the situation more in-depth, and that influences their decisions throughout the play.

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