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Petersons’ 1st.

New and Notes from Burundi

February 2, 2011
Phase One is now complete, and the 53,500 fantastic books (official
count) are on their way to Burundi via Dar es Salaam, TZ. We recently
heard that the container will change ships two times during the trip.
The expected date of arrival is the first week of April. We are most
grateful for everyone who helped get this amazing project underway.
Now on to Phase Two. We are in Bujumbura now, settled for the
“It is finished” packing that is! time being and beginning to prepare for the arrival of this wonderful gift
Nov. 23, 2010 from God to a people lacking in educational materials. History tells us
that in the past many were denied an education, so it is a real gift. A lot
of training lies ahead, but God is meeting a major need.
What’s The first matters of concern are finance to pay for the unloading of the
container at its resting place, the best locations for the container and
Happening? the ELI lending library. We feel now that it needs to be closer into the
The container was loaded and city than the seminary property in order to reach the maximum num-
trucked to Long Beach, CA ber of people.
1-11-11 and SHIPPED 1-19-11.
• Books are Praise the Lord! Contacts need to be made again with the Ministry of Education and the
on the way heads of Primary Schools to find those people who will be selected to
participate in the Rolling Library project. This is another huge task.
• Flexibility is Flexibility
a must Melinda’s first day in her new
Our plans have changed kitchen, NO counters to wipe and
several times in the last two gas burners to cook on, but it
• Our new few months. The con- is very nice. It is like camping--you
home for a tainer did not leave in No- make do with what you have.

season vember as planned, and

the house we thought we
would have in JHB did not
• Contact in- work out. However, when
formation you have committed your New friends from S. Africa, Bruce and Gillian
Milne, are friends of our friends the Cillies in
way to the Lord, you JHB. Bruce is a geologist working here. He
• Praise must roll with the was kind enough to come pick us up at the
punches. Already we can airport at 9 pm and take us to their home.
see His wisdom in the Noon the next day, he sent us off with his
• Prayer changes that have taken driver to Discovery School and the mission
compound where Lynda was eagerly awaiting
requests place. our arrival. The three of us will share this
This BLUE strip is a door casing. Like the
cottage. We have no fridge, but one is com-
color? It matches all of our doors.
We really need to be here ing next week.
for some time, and we
Lynda and Dale are ready for
need all the time we have lunch at our nice dinning room
now to get things ready table. We have 3 extra chairs,
for the arrival of the con- one extra room, screens on all
tainer. of our windows and hot water.
Do come and visit.

All is well!
New Burundi Contact Information:
I have waited a few days to send this letter out, so that I could include all of our new contact
information, we would love to hear from you. The four Christmas cards we received in JHB
were a very special gift. Thank you, friends.

We have a local cell phone; the number is + 257-75-648282. Our postal mailing address is P O
Box 734, Bujumbura, Burundi, East Africa. Please do not put ICM in the address, just our names.
Lynda reports that air mail comes in 10-12 days and padded envelopes come through ok.
Donor Information:
If you would like to partner with us through prayer, financial support or perhaps a short-term
ministry trip, we would love to hear from you. For a tax-deductible receipt, please mail your
check payable to ICM to P O Box 9071, Bakersfield, CA 93389-9071 and include a note that it
is for Dale and Melinda Peterson’s personal support. Together we can bless Burundi and help
lead many to the peace, freedom and true love of Jesus Christ.

A Sunday School class in East Africa

Prayer Needs
• That we have the mind of Christ for
the perfect place to park the con-
• We must again trust the Lord for
several thousand dollars for two
Praise the Lord cranes to lift the container off a
chasse and put it into place.
• That Hannah’s sinus surgery went • We need direction, wisdom and a
well this week. store-front location to rent for the
• That we arrived in S. Africa and Bu- Lending Library / Reading Room.
rundi with no problems in travel or • Please pray for retired teachers to
with baggage weight limits. help teach English and teaching
• That the Lord went before us and skills to primary school teachers.
Lynda had found a good place for • Please pray for people with library
us to live. skills who can help set up the
• That in this first week we have had Library.
five meetings to establish contact • Finance for office equipment.
with Burundians and more set up • For Lynda as she travels soon to
next week. Two were with Scripture Zimbabwe and on to the US for a
Union and Trans World Radio. while.
• That Melinda will have her first • Please pray for our personal health
SSTT course in the next couple of and strength.
• That we have real peace that the
Lord is in control and will open all Phase Two is bigger than Phase One.
doors for what He wants done. Thank you for your continued help.
• For new friends, good fresh veggies Blessings,
and hot water in our house. Dale and Melinda

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