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SUMMARY 21/11/2020

Bakhtiar followed the sound of the woman screaming for help. He followed the sound
through the mud that was now waist-high and had to belly crawl to reach the source of the
cries. He pulled away the debris. Bakhtiar kept her talking while he pulled away the wood,
metal and furniture spring trapping the mother and her child. Pulling off his sweatshirt,
Bakhtiar turned it inside out and wrapped the baby inside. He handed to the rescuers and
went back to digging out the mother. He heard a moan coming from the ruins. He wriggle his
way out of the mud and continued towards the wrecked structure. He found an older man in
the buried in house debris and tree limbs. He was at least twice Bakhtiar’s weight and was
solidly wedged. Bakhtiar had to wait for more help. Hearing helicopter rotors above, Bakhtiar
climbed up on the roof, met a member of the search-and-rescue team, and led him to wedged-
in man.
Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Choose a significant moral lesson that you have learnt from the novel.
1. intro
- state you novel and brief synopsis.
- A significant lesson that i have learnt is the importance of friendship.

2. content paragraphs
- Richard develops friendship with Hannah.
Elaborate: He supports Hannah when she is ostracised by their classmates.

- Friendship is also important because when you have a true friend, you do not
need anyone else.
Elaborate: Richard is always by Hannah's side.

- Friendship is important because they are there when you need emotional
Elaborate: Hannah understands Richard's love for poetry and Mr. Kilmer.
Hannah stands by him when Mr. Kilmer was killed in the war.

3. concluding
- Restate the statement
- provide own view of point
The novel I have studied is Dear Mr. Kilmer by Anne Schraff. The novel is about a
social misfit named Richard Knight. He loves poetry and hates violence. He began to
exchange letters with Mr. Joyce Kilmer who encouraged and taught him many life lessons. A
significant moral lesson that I have learnt from the novel is the important of friendship.

At the start of the novel, Richard and Hannah were only classmates. One day, Richard
saw Hannah crying in the hallway because her book cover was sprawled with ‘Dirty Hun’.
Richard told his classmates about Hannah’s misfortune but they still badmouthed her saying
that she is an enemy because she is German-American instead of sympathising with Hannah.
Richard defended Hannah saying that it was unpatriotic to discriminate Hannah. When
Prairie Haus was vandalised, Mrs. Hansen wanted her students to sign a sympathy card for
the Schermers. Nobody signed the card except Richard. He also volunteered to send the card.
At first, Hannah thought Richard was like everybody else. Hannah later apologised when she
realised that Richard was different. Richard start develops friendship with Hannah.

Friendship is also important because when you have a true friend, you do not need
anyone else. This is prove when Richard is always by Hannah’s side. This is shown when
Hannah won the Lady Liberty role during an essay competition. Many people were
unsatisfied with Mrs. Hansen’s decision because Hannah is a German-American. Some
parents came to complain to the principal. Hannah decided to decline her role because she did
not want to start a war in Turtle Lake. Richard was shocked with Hannah’s decision but he
respected her decision. Richard also declined his role as the Doughboy to show his support.
Richard still by Hannah’s side even though he was called unpatriotic and a traitor because he
supported Hannah.

Friendship is important because they are there when you need emotional help. This is
shown in the novel when his idol, Mr. Kilmer was killed in the war. When Richard was
devastated to hear the news, it was Hannah and her family that consoled and comforted
Richard. Later, Richard wrote a tribute to Mr. Kilmer entitled “In Memory of Sergeant Joyce
Kilmer.” However, Richard was afraid to share it with others. It was Hannah and her family
that convinced Richard to publish the poem in Turtle Lake Weekly.

In conclusion, friendship is important because true friends will always be there for us
besides our family. I have learnt that in our life, we need someone that we can trust and rely
on when we are facing difficulties.
Responsibility is vital in one's life. How is this shown?

1. Intro
--> state your novel and brief synopsis.
--> Responsibility is portrayed by the charaters in the novel.
By Richard/angie/pa/mrs.hansen
2. Content paragraphs
---> Richard shows his responsibility by beng there for HAnnah when she needs
Elaborate how and when (chapters 2 & 3)
---> Angie shows her responsibility by attending to her family after her mother's
Elaborate what she did. (chapter 1)
---> Richard thinks it is his responsibility to give respect to Mr Kilmer, a
renowned poet.
Elaborate why. (chapter 10)

3. Concluding
---> Summarise/restate the statement.
---> State why responsibility is important for you.
The novel I have studied is Dear Mr. Kilmer by Anne Schraff. The novel is about a
social misfit named Richard Knight. He loves poetry and hates violence. He began to
exchange letters with Mr. Joyce Kilmer who encouraged and taught him many life lessons.
Responsibility is portrayed by Richard and Angie in the novel.

Firstly, Richard shows his responsibility by being there for Hannah when she needs it.
The first event that shows his responsibility is when he defended Hannah. This is shown in
the novel when Richard saw Hannah crying in the hallway. Her book cover was sprawled
with ‘Dirty Hun’. Richard told his classmates about Hannah’s misfortune. But instead of
sympathising with Hannah, they badmouthed her saying that Hannah is an enemy because
she is German. Richard defended Hannah by told them that it was unpatriotic to discriminate
her. The second event that shows his responsibility is when Richard is the only one who
signed the card to show sympathy and support for the Schermers because Prairie Haus was
vandalised. Many students wanted to sign the card but they were afraid of the bullies but
Richard was brave to do it. Richard also volunteered to send the card to the Schermers even
though he knew the risk. On his way to Prairie Haus, Abner and Harry wanted to stop him
from sending the card because they were prejudice towards the Schermers. Luckily, Richard
managed to subdue them and send the card to Hannah.

Second, Angie shows her responsibility by attending to her family after her mother's
death. She helps her family a lot. Their mother died when Angie was nine. After that, she
begun taking over Ma’s jobs. She quit school and resigned herself to a full-time farm
woman’s life when she reached the eighth grade. She spent her days storing and canning
food, cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and sewing. And like her mother had, Angie also
helped with the planting, harvesting and care of livestock. This is shown that Angie is a
responsible sister and daughter to her family. She had sacrificed a lot to take care of her

Lastly, Richard thinks it is his responsibility to give respect to Mr Kilmer, a renowned

poet. So he decided to composes a poem “In Memory of Sergeant Joyce Kilmer”,  expressing
sadness over the loss of a world rhyme and song he had treasured. He shares the poem with
the Schermers the next day and they suggest to publish the poem in Turtle Lake Weekly so
that more people can read the touching and beautiful poem. Richard agrees, so he and
Hannah took the poem to the “Turtle Lake Weekly” office to be published.

In conclusion, Richard and Angie have shown their responsibility in the novel. I have
learnt that responsibility is important in our life so that we can improve our self-esteem and
our relationships with friend and family. We also will gain the respect of others.

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