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Tony robbins breathing technique

In Robbins' version, begin by sitting straight with your eyes closed. Inhale deeply through your
nostrils while simultaneously lifting your arms in a shoulder press motion, and then exhale
forcefully through your nostrils while bringing your arms back to your body, palms up. Perform the
breaths in quick succession.

Tony Robbins: The Antidote of Fear

Tony Robbins - Gratitude / Happiness / Contentment

Tony Robbins is not a name unheard of; this magnetic, charismatic coach has used his unique
perspective on success, peace and life to help millions of people.

He is known to induce positivity by the power of his speech, actions and words- he inspires people
to live the lives they want.

Tony Robbins 10-Minute Morning Daily Ritual:

When questioned about his ‘energy levels’ and how he manages to stay so active, positive and alert
at all times- he accredits this to his 10-minute daily ritual.

Through a radical breathing pattern he gets his body ‘ready’ every morning to focus on

He dedicates 3.5 minutes to focus on ‘what he is grateful for’- the air you breathe, the smile on
your child’s face or the food you eat…it can be anything!
5 minutes are allocated to ‘Three to Thrive’ which focuses on 3 most important
things/outcomes/results that he is really committed to or wants to create in life.
Lastly, 3 minutes are dedicated towards fostering the power of healing.

The aim of this routine is to condition one’s mind to focus on finding things in our daily lives
to be grateful for. Tony Robbins asserts that we can’t 2 opposing emotions-
happiness/gratitude/contentment and rage/sadness/aggression at the same time.

Tony Robbins Quotes on Gratitude:

Our favorite quotes from Tony Robbins which serve as an inspiration booster are:

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back
by becoming more.
I discovered a long time ago that if I helped enough people get what they wanted, I would
always get what I wanted and I would never have to worry.
Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest
joy: true fulfillment.
So that’s that!
Muster up, gather your positive energy, be thankful for things that matter and most importantly,

SMILE and Begin Your Day!

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