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There is no contract in Quasi contract. They resemble contract.

The law interferes

to prevent unjust enrichment. Also called as contract of obligation or implied in
law contract, contract of unjust enrichment such as obligation of person whose
behlaf another person made payment, etc there are 5 sections 68-72, there is a rule
of stranger in contract. I never made any contract with you, you have no right. He
immediately filed the case in district court, section 72 states that if goods are
delivered or money is paid to a person either mistakenly or under question, he
recipient is bound to return the same, thereafter sc discuss all points, sc decided
B is oblige to pay interest and interest will continue o apply until he pays, A
said C is starnger does not hold and holds accountable to repay

SATYA NARYANA Quasi Contract

section 65 will come in force that is right of restitution-when contract becomes

due to anyreason than both the parties relegated to original position which they
were at before contract. I should be allowed to repudiate. liquidity damages- fixed
damages or court computes on its own CD. Any obscure amount will not be considered.
Except for free consent, one of the party disqualified by law then the contract is

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