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Email Design Trends

for 2021

Even though the world looked different in 2020, subscribers’ tastes and
preferences continued to shape and change elements of successful
email design.

Email design trends for 2021 suggest that people will be delighted to
see newsletters with long text to indulge in good reading; big, bold
typography to get vital information without extra effort; and interactive
features to revel in dynamic user experience.


Video content is only becoming more popular, and integrating video

content into your email design can help entice more clicks and a higher
open rate. In fact, a study showed  that simply using the word “video” in
your email subject line can boost your open rate by 19% and your click-
through rate by 65%. Videos are easily shareable and can save time,
quickly imparting important information to the viewer.

We are going to start with personalization, which was a massive trend last year. Nothing’s
changed. According to Litmus, personalized emails get 122% more return. Therefore, create a
fully tailored persona-centric user experience.


User generated content isn’t just for social media — one of the top email design trends we’re
seeing now is that UGC is great for emails, too. Include five-star reviews you’ve received or
images from customers. To source photos, create your own hashtag like Pottery Barn Kids did
here, encouraging customers to share photos on social media.


More and more often, we’re noticing that the best html emails have technology embedded with
design. Intelligent design means your subscribers can do what you want them to do without
leaving the email — for instance, take a survey right in their inbox.

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