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History Department

ASH 287”O”
University of Nebraska at Omaha
6005 Dodge St.
Omaha, NE 68182
December 27, 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to formally endorse Sergio Estrada Parra as a student. I have had the
pleasure of having Sergio in two of my classes both of which he received A+’s. The most recent
class being my HIST 1120, U.S. History Since 1865 this fall at UNO. Since the fall class had to be
taught via Zoom, I was very grateful for all his good participation and the way he contributed to the
class discussion when I asked each week if anyone personally came in contact with someone who
had COVID19 or if any student had any stories over the Thanksgiving break. That is when I found
out that he was helping distribute Thanksgiving meals through a work-study called the
Collaborative, which includes the Maverick Food Pantry for students and faculty from three
different universities.

I knew that Sergio has a Dreamer’s Pathway Scholarship and is part of Dreamer’s Circulo which
focuses on how they can help educate people over DACA and how UNO can help DACA students
who are trying to better themselves for their own sake and the sake of their families. I think Sergio
with his Multidisciplinary Studies degree with a minor in Native American Studies will be able to
help not just Latinos but also the broader society along with his community service in Habitat for
Humanity, PACE (Police Athletics for Community Engagement) and Saving Grace Food Pantry.
He has shown good teamwork skills in class and I think he is very focused on the idea that
“Teamwork, makes the dream work,” as he says.

I highly endorse Sergio Estrada as a highly motivated and bright student (GPA 3.79) who is able to
balance school work with helping the community. He has set goals that I think he will be able to
achieve with his charisma and perseverance. Please contact me if you have any questions through
my home landline 402-614-2692 or email Thank you for your time,

Dr. Mary Lyons-Carmona, PhD

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