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Certification Guide

Table of Contents

How to Succeed in Networking 3

Cisco Certifications 12
Juniper Certifications 45
NetApp Certifications 65
F5 Certifications 77
CompTIA Certifications 87

Networking • 2
How to Succeed
in Networking
Networking is the bedrock of the IT industry and spans every corner of IT — security,
system administration, and even programming. For that reason, fundamental networking
skills and knowledge are necessary for anyone who wants to succeed as an IT professional.

Networking is the most versatile set of skills for any IT professional, and worth pursuing
regardless of where your career leads you.

Networking • 3
The Three Factors in Career Progression

Career progression in IT stems from three major factors: education, experience,

and certification.

Education and experience are factors in the trajectory of most careers, but IT professionals
have a third option — certification. In this way, IT aligns closely with industries like
engineering, finance, and trades (such as welding, mechanics, electricians) where
individuals need to prove proficiency in a common skill or knowledge base as defined by
an industry-approved standard. And that’s exactly what certifications are for.

IT industry certifications are administered by hardware and software vendors, like

Cisco, Juniper, and F5, or vendor-neutral certifying authorities, like CompTIA. Though,
it’s important to note that unlike other industries where industry credentials are often
required, IT certifications are not mandatory to progress as an IT professional — though
they help.

A recent CBT Nuggets poll found that 40 percent of IT managers primarily look for years of
experience when evaluating a candidate. More than 50 percent said that specific skills or
certifications carried the most weight. Degrees ranked last place as a determining factor
for hiring. While some companies may require or strongly recommend advanced degrees
for promotion, it’s much more common in IT to advance through experience — and
experience validated through certification.

Earning certifications are beneficial to career progression for three reasons.

Certifications serve as proxy for skill. While it’s hotly debated whether certifications
adequately assess proficiency, they are at the very least shorthand for skill level to both
employers and candidates. By seeing a certification on a resume, employers can easily

Networking • 4
determine whether a candidate has the necessary skills for a job. Conversely, certifications
allows candidates to easily communicate they can operate a specific technology to a
predetermined level of proficiency. Certifications are valuable not only in signalling
proficiency to a new employer. They’re also often good fodder for promotion, raises, and a
personal sense of accomplishment.

Certifications serve as a proxy for experience. It’s tough to measure proficiency in years
alone because everyone’s work history is a little different. That’s why certifications are a
valuable stand-in for experience. Every certifying authority develops exam material with
an experience level in mind. For instance, entry-level certifications test the knowledge an
IT professional would learn in their first year on the job. Expert-level certs test the skills
acquired throughout at least a decade of experience.

While some security and project management certifications require documented work
experience to earn a certification, networking certifications vet candidates through a
combination of broad objectives and exam difficulty. Most IT exams encompass much
more material than most IT professionals will likely have encountered at that point their
career. Exam developers cast a wide enough net to include the most common skills and
knowledge for a wide range of job roles and company sizes. Also, networking certifications
are notoriously hands-on with answers obscured by technical minutiae best acquired
through experience rather than study.

With all that said, it’s unlikely to substitute work experience for a certification. Instead,
networking certifications validate that an IT professional’s proficiency matches
their experience.

Certifications are portable. Inherent in certifications serving as a proxy for skills and
experience is their portability. Through the common language of certifications, networking
professionals can easily carry their credentials across employers, industry sectors, and

Networking • 5
even vendor environments. In the past, vendor certifications primarily demonstrated that
a candidate knew how to use a specific product. That’s changing. Industry certifications
are moving toward a skills-based model that tests technical knowledge and skills rather
than simply product knowledge. That’s beneficial for everyone.

With this movement toward skills, networking professionals can spend less time studying
esoteric product features — and more time learning useful skills. In some cases, vendor
certifications can even substitute one another. In fact, VMware has gone as far as to
make certain Cisco certifications acceptable prerequisites for their professional-level
credentials. Finally, as we’ll see in the next section, industry certification paths help
inform and standardize IT career progression (for better or worse).

A Look at Networking Career Progression

Because networking certifications are well-structured, the vendor certification paths are a
good representation of career progression in IT.

In this section, let’s take a look at an expected career path as informed by the Cisco
certification program. Since Cisco is the most common hardware vendor we’re using
them to illustrate career progression. The timeframes and certification level here can be
generalized to each of the other vendors.

Each of the certification programs in this guide follow the general structure of Cisco’s
certification path — moving from foundational to specialized expert.

Networking • 6
Entry-level: The First Year

The Cisco certification program starts with the foundational Cisco Certified Network
Associate (CCNA), which validates that candidates know how a network fundamentally
operates. That knowledge aligns with what a networking professional would have learned
in their first year on the job — the basics. The “basics” in this case are relative to the
expert-level of networking, not someone with zero networking skills. Just taking a look
at the CCNA exam objectives gives a sense of the knowledge required to be even a junior-
level networking professional. At this stage, it’s important to not only learn routing and
switching components, but also how they interact with each other. There’s quite a bit to
learn in the first year.

Common job titles: Junior network administrator, junior network technician, support
technician, help desk analyst

Specialization: 3 to 5 Years

Next, Cisco certifications branch off into nine professional specializations, which is also
the typical progression for many IT professionals. After a few years as a generalist in a
support role or junior technician, many IT professionals find an area of IT that interests
them and they specialize. Here are the nine specializations offered by Cisco:

• Routing and Switching

• Wireless
• Security
• Network Design
• Service Provider
• Data Center
• Cloud
• Collaboration
• DevNet

Networking • 7
For networking professionals, routing and switching is the most popular track, but an
increasing number of networking professionals immediately advance into security
or wireless.

Regardless of the specialization, Cisco recommends 3 to 5 years of experience before

attempting one of these professional-level exams, which, again, align with the time it
typically takes a networking professional to acquire the basics and some specialized
knowledge. IT professionals can specialize fairly early in their career and easily change
tracks — with a good foundation in networking.

Common job titles: Network administrator, network engineer, network manager

Expert: A Decade Later

The Cisco certification program concludes with the expert-level CCIE. The time it takes
to acquire this level of knowledge and proficiency is highly variable, and only about 4
percent of networking professionals ever earn this level of Cisco certification. Though,
that doesn’t mean most IT professionals never become experts. It just means that most
IT professionals don’t need the CCIE to advance because they take a leadership role,
work at a small company, or they have adequate, demonstrable experirence for career

Raw experience is better than certifications. Referencing again the previous poll,
nearly half of hiring managers looked at years of experience as the primary hiring factor.
It follows that at a certain level of experience, certifications aren’t as valuable. In the
same way that a college degree isn’t as valuable while landing a second job as the first,
certifications help qualify the skills acquired through experience — and that’s particularly
true at the senior level.

Networking • 8
Experts turn into leaders. The small number of networking professionals who earn their
CCIE may reflect career moves into administrative rather than technical leadership roles.
For many people advancement into a managerial role means leaving the tech behind —
and also the certifications.

Expert-level certs are most valuable to large companies. To put this another way, the
CCIE (and most expert-level certifications) is simply overkill for even the most senior
engineer at a small company. IT vendors created their certification programs for large,
enterprise networks. An IT professional who works an entire career in smaller, less
complex networks may be an expert in those environments without ever encountering
the issues that may appear on the CCIE exam. There’s also the matter of job role. Expert-
level IT certifications are designed for network architects, which means operating at the
systems level and even outside the technical realm into business processes. Even if that
high-level, expert knowledge may be useful for smaller companies, there may be sticker
shock while trying to retain a recently minted CCIE.

Common job titles: Network architect, senior engineer, network engineer

Choosing Your Own Path

This is meant to be a generalized guide to career trajectory based on experience

requirements for certifications, job descriptions, and some common sense. Ultimately,
many factors play into the eventual career path of a networking professional — job
opportunities in the area, interest in technology, and career goals. There’s nothing wrong
with spending an entire career as a generalist. Similarly, many careers diverge into a
specialization not out of passion for the technology, but opportunity or necessity.

Despite the emphasis on credentials in this guide, they are useful for all the reasons above
— but not necessary — to have a successful, fulfilling career as a networking professional.
The only true necessity is a lifelong commitment to learning because IT changes.

Networking • 9
How to Deal with Changing Technology

Change is the only constant in IT. Technologies will change. Vendors will release new
products. Buzzwords will mature (or fizzle). Certifications will retire. Given the pace of
technology, quite a bit will be different in the 15th year of an IT career from day one.
However, the underlying networking principles will (probably) be the same. Under the
hood, virtualized servers are still just servers. AWS Route 53 is still just a Domain Name
System (DNS). That’s the benefit of having a solid foundational knowledge of networking
before specializing — you’ll never really get left behind.

With that said, it’s still useful to learn new technologies as they emerge and mature.
There’s plenty of insight to glean about industry trends from changes to certification
paths. The maturation of buzzword (think “cloud” or “DevOps”) to actual industry
standard are often codified in certification paths. For instance, Cisco recently included a
DevNet track, which codifies and standardizes the skills necessary to manage software-
defined and intent-based networking components.

From that change alone, there are three interconnected trends not addressed in this
certification guide that networking professionals should explore.

The Steady Advance of DevOps

Slowly but surely DevOps is sneaking into the day-to-day of IT roles. In some cases,
DevOps is subsuming traditional IT roles entirely. With the advent of the DevOps mindset,
the full stack is now open to both the development and IT operations side. Developers
have more access to and responsibility for infrastructure. Meanwhile, IT professionals are
expected to perform certain functions previously reserved for developers. The roles are
blending, which Cisco finally fully addressed with the DevNet certification track. It’s hard
to escape the steady advance of DevOps, but that only opens up the networking career
field even more. The underlying fundamentals of networking haven’t changed — merely

Networking • 10
those who need to learn them. For more information about DevOps see the Ultimate
DevOps Cert Guide.

Automation. Everything.

Automation and DevOps goes hand-in-hand. In fact, DevOps was initially described as a
mindset and a tool suite before it was considered its own subset of IT. That mindset and
those tools were (and still are) centered around automation. Given the tools available,
every networking professional should now have automation at the forefront of their mind.
Configuration changes across large quantities of devices can be scripted. Performance
monitoring across sites is crucial, and should be automated. In the end, it’s about
efficiency (and preserving sanity). If there’s a task that takes more than two minutes and
it needs to be done more than once a week, write code to automate the work. It doesn’t
matter if it’s Bash, PowerShell, Python, C++, BASIC, or Fortran. Learn to script and make
the computer do work for you.

Some Code Required

In the Ultimate IT Cert Guide series, we won’t be covering programming certifications

simply because there aren’t any industry-approved ones. Like learning a foreign language,
programming is a skill that truly needs to be used to learn well. Looking at the way
networks will be managed, it’s apparent that programming skills will no longer be optional
for networking professionals in the near future.

Using This Certification Guide

In this certification guide, we’ve listed every certification for the top networking vendors
— Cisco, Juniper, F5, Palo Alto, and NetApp. Each chapter is ordered from foundational to
specialized expert. Choose your path based on your career goals, experience level, and
stated prerequisites.

© 2019 CBT Nuggets. Version 1.0.

Certification Guide
Cisco networking gear is everywhere. Its routers, switches, and even phones are found in
most office environments. For IT professionals who specialize in network administration,
it’s more likely than not that you’ll work in a Cisco environment at some point. That’s
why Cisco certifications are so popular and highly valued. Cisco certifications validate the
knowledge and skills IT professionals need to be successful in managing and maintaining
Cisco technologies.

The Cisco certification program will change significantly in February 2020. This guide
covers both the new and soon-to-be retired exams in the Cisco certification program:

• New Cisco Certification Program

• New CCNA Certifications
• New CCNP Certifications
• New CCIE Certifications
• Current Entry-Level Certifications
•  Current CCNA Certifications
•  Current CCNP Certifications
•  Current CCIE Certifications
New Cisco Certification CCNA retirements. Cisco will retire nine associate-level
Program certifications in February 2020, replacing all nine with
a single CCNA. Rather than specializing as an associate,
Cisco announced major changes to their certification networking professionals will specialize at the CCNP
program at Cisco Live! 2019. On February 23, 2020, nine level. Those concentrations include Enterprise,
CCNAs will retire, Cisco certifications will no longer Collaboration, Data Center, Security, and
have prerequisites, and will require passing fewer Service Provider.
exams to earn Cisco professional-level exams.
Fewer CCNP exams. Until February 2020, CCNP
The Cisco career certification program will still have certifications often require passing either three or four
five tiers of certifications — Associate, Specialist, exams. On February 24, 2020, IT professionals only
Professional, Expert, and Architect. Within each tier, need to pass two exams — one core exam and one
networking professionals can either follow the popular concentration exam — to earn their professional-level
enterprise track (equivalent to the previous R&S track) certification. Additionally, the CCNP core exam for each
or specialize into five other areas as they progress. also serves as the written exam for the CCIE
Cisco still offers specializations in the Associate, in that track.
Professional, and Expert tracks. However, there are
fundamental changes to the Cisco Easier to switch specialties. With the previous
certification program: certification program, the process for networking
professionals who wanted to switch between
No more prerequisites. Among those changes, Cisco specialization tracks was fairly rigid. For instance, the
rescinded all prerequisites for exams. You no longer CCNA R&S served as a prerequisite for several other
have to earn a CCNA in order to attempt the CCNP. CCNAs, but the CCNP requires that IT professionals
earn the preceding CCNA in the track. For instance,
DevNet track. Until February 2020, CCENT or CCNA someone who earns their CCNA Wireless and then
still serve as the entry point into the Cisco certification wants to earn the CCNP Collaboration has to go back to
universe. On February 24, 2020, there will also be a new earn the CCNA Collaboration.
DevNet track, which emphasizes programming as well
as networking skills. The DevNet track currently has
an associate and professional-level certification exam.
Cisco will add an expert-level exam soon equivalent
to a CCIE.

Cisco • 13
New Cisco Associate-Level CISCO ASSOCIATE (NEW)

Certifications Cisco Certified Networking Associate

The CCNA and DevNet Associate certifications validate
the knowledge and skills a networking professional The Cisco Certified Network Associate certification is
should’ve acquired in their first year on the job. designed for IT professionals with at least one year of
IT professionals typically use their CCNA to make hands-on experience with business networks.
themselves more valuable as a network administrator. The CCNA certification validates a candidate’s
understanding of networking topics, including:
Cisco offers three associate-level exams:
•  Configuring and verifying IPv4 addressing
• Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and subnetting
• DevNet Associate - Developer •  Interpreting the components of a routing table
• Cisco Certified Network Associate - CyberOps •  Configuring L2 protocols, LACP, VLANS, and
(CCNA CyberOps) interswitch connectivity
Certification updates: These certification exams will •  Understanding security program components
be available February 24, 2020. •  Implementing automation and
orchestration tools
Despite all other CCNA certifications retiring, there
are no changes to the associate-level CCNA CyberOps Required exam: Earning the CCNA requires passing
certification. one exam — Implementing and Administering Cisco
Solutions (200-301 CCNA).
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends
that candidates attempting this associate-level exam
have at least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 14

DevNet Associate - Developer Cisco Certified Network Associate -

CyberOps (CCNA CyberOps)
The new DevNet Associate - Developer certification is
designed for IT professionals with both networking and The CCNA CyberOps certification is designed for entry-
development skills — a valuable marriage of skill sets level cybersecurity professionals. CCNA CyberOps is
in a modern IT environment. The DevNet Associate an approved certification under the DoD 8570.01-M
- Developer certification validates a candidate’s framework in the CSSP Analyst and CCSP Incident
understanding of infrastructure and programming Responder categories. The CCNA CyberOps certification
topics, including: validates a candidate’s understanding of security
topics, including:
•  Identifying and properly using common
data formats • Understanding and implementing access
•  Using Python to call a REST API control modes
•  Constructing code to perform specific • Knowing the security impact of common
network operations cryptography methods
•  Dockerizing applications • Identifying common attack vectors and
•  Automating tasks and processes with Ansible, security vulnerabilities
Puppet, Chef, and Cisco NSO • Mapping data types to compliance frameworks
• Analyzing data from security events
Required exam: Earning the DevNet Associate requires
passing one exam — Developing Applications and Required exams: CCNA - CyberOps has two required
Automating Workflows using Cisco Core Platforms (200- exams — Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity
901 DEVASC). Fundamentals (210-250 SECFND) and Implementing
Prerequisites: None. Cisco Cybersecurity Operations (210-255 SECOPS).
Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications Prerequisites: None.
no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
recommends that candidates attempting the DevNet no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco
certification have at least one year of experience in an recommends that candidates attempting the two CCNA
IT role and a good handle on the Python - CyberOps exams have at least one year of experience
programming language. in a security role.

Cisco • 15
New Professional-Level CISCO PROFESSIONAL (NEW)

Cisco Certifications Cisco Certified Network Professional -

Enterprise (CCNP Enterprise)
IT professionals earn their professional-level
certification by passing two exams — the core exam The CCNP Enterprise certification is designed to test
and one concentration exam. Each core exam is a networking professional’s ability to implement and
specialized to the track and serves as the written maintain core enterprise network technologies. The
portion of the CCIE in that track. Cisco recommends CCNP Enterprise core exam validates a candidate’s
three to five years of experience to attempt a CCNP or understanding of infrastructure, virtualization, security,
DevNet Professional exam. and automation topics, including:

Cisco offers six professional-level exams: •  Designing enterprise wired and

wireless networks
•  CCNP Enterprise •  Configuring VMs, virtual switching,
•  CCNP Security and hypervisors
•  CCNP Service Provider •  Configuring and troubleshooting L2, L3, and
•  CCNP Collaboration wireless infrastructure components
•  CCNP Data Center •  Configuring and verifying wireless and wired
•  Cisco Certified DevNet Professional infrastructure security features
•  Automating tasks with Python, REST APIs, and
orchestration tools
Note: These certification exams will be available
February 24, 2020. Required exams: The core exam for the CCNP
Enterprise certification is Implementing and Operating
Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (300-
401 ENCOR). Candidates can then choose one of five
concentration exams:
•  Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing
and Services (300-410 ENARSI)
•  Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions
(300-415 ENSDWI)
•  Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks
(300-420 ENSLD)
Cisco • 16
•  Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks Required exams: The core exam for the CCNP
(300-425 ENWLSD) Collaboration certification is Implementing and
•  Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (300-
(300-430 ENWLSI) 801 CLCOR). Candidates can then choose one of four
Prerequisites: None. concentration exams:
Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications •  Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications
no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends (300-810 CLICA)
that candidates who attempt this professional-level •  Implementing Cisco Advanced Call Control and
exam have three to five years experience implementing Mobility Services (300-815 CLACCM)
enterprise network technologies. •  Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge
Solutions (300-820 CLCEI)
•  Implementing Automation for Cisco Collaboration
Solutions (300-835 CLAUTO)
CISCO PROFESSIONAL (NEW) Prerequisites: None.
Cisco Certified Network Professional - Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
Collaboration (CCNP Collaboration) no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends
that candidates who attempt this professional-level
The CCNP Collaboration certification is designed to test exam have three to five years experience implementing
a networking professional’s ability to implement and enterprise collaboration technologies.
maintain core collaboration network technologies. The
CCNP Collaboration core exam validates a candidate’s
understanding of infrastructure, call control, QoS, and
Cisco-specific collaboration topics, including:

•  Troubleshooting network components

•  Identifying and using collaboration codecs
•  Using Cisco Unified CM to create translation,
route, and SIP route patterns
•  Configuring and troubleshooting ISDN PRI/BRI
•  Identifying issues that cause poor voice and
video quality

Cisco • 17
CISCO PROFESSIONAL (NEW) •  Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches
Cisco Certified Network Professional (300-625 DCSAN)
- Data Center (CCNP Data Center) •  Implementing Automation for Cisco Data Center
Solutions (300-635 DCAUTO)
The CCNP Data Center certification is designed to test Prerequisites: None.
an IT professional’s ability to implement and maintain Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
core data center technologies. The core exam validates no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends
a candidate’s understanding of networking, computing, that candidates who attempt this professional-level
storage, automation, and security topics, including: exam have three to five years experience implementing
data center technologies.
•  Applying routing protocols, ACI concepts,
and analyzing packet flow
•  Managing Cisco Unified Compute CISCO PROFESSIONAL (NEW)

System infrastructure Cisco Certified Network Professional -

•  Implementing Fibre Channel Security (CCNP Security)
•  Scripting and automating with EEM, shell,
and REST APIs The CCNP Security certification is designed to
•  Enacting network, compute, and storage test a security professional’s ability to secure an
security policies organization’s physical infrastructure, cloud services,
endpoints, and network access. The CCNP - Security
Required exams: The core exam for the CCNP Data core exam validates a candidate’s understanding of
Center certification is Implementing and Operating security topics, including:
Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (300-601 DCCOR).
Candidates can then choose one of five concentration •  Identifying common security vulnerabilities
exams: against on-prem and cloud environments
•  Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure •  Implementing appropriate access policies
(300-610 DCID) •  Configuring cloud logging and
•  Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure monitoring methods
(300-615 DCIT) •  Ensuring email, internet gateway, and web
•  Configuring Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches in security features are active
ACI Mode (300-620 DCACI) •  Understanding benefits of various Cisco
security products

Cisco • 18
Required exams: The core exam for the CCNP Security CISCO PROFESSIONAL (NEW)

certification is Implementing and Operating Cisco Cisco Certified Network Professional

Security Core Technologies (300-701 SCOR). Candidates - Service Provider (CCNP Service
can then choose one of seven concentration exams: Provider)
•  Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next
Generation Firewall (300-710 SNCF) The CCNP Service Provider certification is designed
•  Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next- to test an IT professional’s ability to maintain the
Generation IPS (300-710 SNCF) infrastructure of a service provider. The CCNP Service
•  Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Provider core exam strongly validates a candidate’s
Services Engine (300-715 SISE) understanding of topics, including:
•  Securing Email with Cisco Email Security
Appliance (300-720 SESA) •  Identifying the uses for core architectures,
•  Securing the Web with Cisco Web Security transport technologies, and virtualization
Appliance (300-725 SWSA) •  Implementing OSPF, IS-IS, route maps, and HA
•  Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual •  Configuring L2VPN, L3VPN, QoS services, Carrier
Private Networks (300-730 SVPN) Ethernet, and multicast services
•  Implementing Automation for Cisco Security •  Implementing MPLS, traffic engineering, and
Solutions (300-735 SAUTO) segment routing
Prerequisites: None. •  Automating network components and
Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications configuration management
no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends
that candidates who attempt this professional-level Required exams: The core exam for the CCNP Service
exam have three to five years experience implementing Provider certification is Implementing and Operating
security solutions. Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies
(300-501 SPCOR). Candidates can then choose one of
three concentration exams:
•  Implementing Cisco Service Provider Advanced
Routing Solutions (300-510 SPRI)
•  Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services
(300-515 SPVI)
•  Implementing Automation for Cisco Service
Provider Solutions (300-535 SPAUTO)

Cisco • 19
Prerequisites: None. •  Implementing Automation for Cisco Enterprise
Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications Solutions (300-435 ENAUTO)
no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends •  Implementing Automation for Cisco Collaboration
that candidates who attempt this professional-level Solutions (300-835 CLAUTO)
exam have three to five years experience implementing •  Implementing Automation for Cisco Data Center
service provider solutions. Solutions (300-635 DCAUTO)
•  Implementing Automation for Cisco Service
Provider Solutions (300-535 SPAUTO)
•  Implementing Automation for Cisco Security
DevNet Professional •  Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices
The DevNet Professional certification is designed for using Cisco Platforms (300-910 DEVOPS)
IT professionals who design and develop software. •  Developing Solutions using Cisco IoT and Edge
The DevNet core exam validates a candidate’s Platforms (300-915 DEVIOT)
understanding of software development, API, •  Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and
networking, application deployment and security, and Webex Devices (300-920 DEVWBX)
infrastructure topics, including:
Prerequisites: None.
•  Evaluating an application design for latency, Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
scalability, and high availability no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends
•  Using and troubleshooting REST APIs that candidates who attempt this professional-level
•  Constructing API requests for Cisco platforms exam have three to five years experience implementing
with Python service provider solutions.
•  Deploying and securing an application
•  Configuring networks and network devices

Required exams: The core exam for the DevNet

Professional certification is Developing Applications
and Automating Workflows using Cisco Core Platforms
(300-901 DEVCOR). Candidates can then choose one of
eight concentration exams:

Cisco • 20
New Expert-Level CISCO EXPERT (NEW)

Cisco Certifications Cisco Certified Design Expert

CCIEs are experts in their fields and ready to fill senior- The Cisco Certified Design Expert certification
level networking engineering roles, like senior network is designed for IT professionals who translate
engineer or network architect. While there aren’t business needs and operational constraints into
prerequisites for any Cisco exams, Cisco recommends a customer’s network. The CCDE no longer has an
five to seven years experience before attempting a associated professional-level certification, and also
CCIE. It’s possible to have encountered the esoteric, has no prerequisites. Candidates should expect to
complex problems that the CCIE validates in smaller demonstrate an expert level of competency in these
networks over a longer period of time. topics during their 8-hour hands-on lab:

Realistically, networking professionals who pursue •  Analyze Design Requirements

Cisco expert-level certifications have a decade or more •  Develop Network Designs
experience managing complex networks. •  Implement Network Design
•  Validate and Optimize Network Design
Cisco offers seven expert-level certifications, including
the Cisco Certified Design Expert: Required exams: The written exam for the CCDE
certification is 352-001 CCDE. CCDE candidates must
•  CCDE then travel to a Cisco facility to take the CCDE lab exam.
•  CCIE Enterprise Wireless Prerequisites: None.
•  CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
•  CCIE Security no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco
•  CCIE Service Provider recommends that candidates attempting an expert-
•  CCIE Collaboration level exam have considerable experience as network
•  CCIE Data Center design engineers or similar senior technical roles.

Note: With the exception of CCDE, these certifications

will not be available until February 24, 2020.

Cisco • 21

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert -

- Enterprise Infrastructure (CCIE Enterprise Wireless (CCIE Enterprise
Enterprise Infrastructure) Wireless)

The CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure certification is The CCIE Enterprise Wireless certification is designed
designed for IT professionals who plan, design, for IT professionals who plan, design, implement,
implement, operate, and optimize complex networks. operate, and optimize complex wireless networks.
Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert
level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour
hands-on lab: hands-on lab:

•  Network Infrastructure •  Radio Frequency and Standards

•  Software Defined Infrastructure •  Enterprise Wired Campus
•  Transport Technologies and Solutions •  Enterprise Wireless Network
•  Infrastructure Security and Services •  Wireless Security and Identity Management
•  Infrastructure Automation and Programmability •  Wireless Business Applications and Services
•  Automation, Analytics, and Assurance
Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE
Enterprise Infrastructure certification is Implementing Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE
and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Enterprise Wireless certification is Implementing and
Technologies (300-401 ENCOR). CCIE candidates must Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies
then travel to a Cisco facility to take the CCIE Enterprise (300-401 ENCOR). CCIE candidates must then travel to
Infrastructure v1.0 lab exam. a Cisco facility to take the CCIE Enterprise Wireless v1.0
Prerequisites: None. lab exam.
Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco Prerequisites: None.
certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
have five to seven years experience implementing recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
networking technologies. have five to seven years experience implementing
wireless networking technologies.

Cisco • 22

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert -

Collaboration (CCIE Collaboration) Data Center (CCIE Data Center)

The CCIE Collaboration certification is designed for IT The CCIE Data Center certification is designed for IT
professionals who plan, design, implement, operate, professionals who plan, design, implement, operate,
and optimize complex collaboration environments. and optimize large, complex data centers. Candidates
Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert should expect to demonstrate an expert level of
level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour competency in these topics during their 8-hour
hands-on lab: hands-on lab:

•  Protocols and APIs •  Data Center L2/L3 Connectivity

•  Infrastructure and Quality of Service •  Data Center Fabric Infrastructure
•  Call Control and Dial Plans •  Data Center Fabric Connectivity
•  Endpoints and User Management •  Data Center Compute
•  Edge Services •  Data Center Storage Protocols and Features
•  Media Resources and Meetings •  Data Center Security and Network Services
•  Cisco Applications and Services •  Data Center Automation and Orchestration

Required exams: The written exam for the Cisco Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Data
Certified Design Expert certification is Implementing Center certification is Implementing and Operating
and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies Cisco Data Center Core Technologies (DCCOR 300-601).
(300-801 CLCOR). CCIE candidates must then travel to a CCIE candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to
Cisco facility to take the CCIE Collaboration v3.0 take the CCIE Data Center v3.0 lab exam.
lab exam. Prerequisites: None.
Prerequisites: None. Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams have five to seven years experience working with large
have five to seven years experience implementing data centers.
collaboration solutions.

Cisco • 23

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert

Security (CCIE Security) - Service Provider (CCIE Service
The CCIE Security certification is designed for
IT professionals who secure all aspects of an The CCIE Service Provider certification is designed
organization’s wired and wireless networks and cloud for IT professionals who design, deploy, operate, and
services. Candidates should expect to demonstrate an optimize service provider technologies and solutions.
expert level of competency in these topics during their Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert
8-hour hands-on lab: level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour
hands-on lab:
•  Perimeter Security and Intrusion Prevention
•  Secure Connectivity and Segmentation •  Core Routing
•  Infrastructure Security •  Architectures and Services
•  Identity Management, Information Exchange, •  Access Connectivity
and Access Control •  High Availability and Fast Convergence
•  Advanced Threat Protection and •  Security
Content Security •  Assurance and Automation

Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Service
Security certification is Implementing and Operating Provider certification is Implementing and Operating
Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR 300-701). CCIE Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies
candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to take (SPCOR 300-501). CCIE candidates must then travel to a
the CCIE Security v6.0 lab exam. Cisco facility to take the CCIE Service Provider v5.0
Prerequisites: None. lab exam.
Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco Prerequisites: None.
certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
have five to seven years experience securing enterprise recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
networks and systems. have five to seven years experience designing and
operating service provider technologies.

Cisco • 24

Cisco Certifications Cisco Certified Entry Networking

Technician (CCENT)
The Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician The CCENT certification is designed for IT professionals
(CCENT) certification is the most common starting with at least one year of hands-on experience with
point for IT professionals pursuing Cisco certifications. business networks. The CCENT certification validates a
Cisco offers three entry-level certifications: candidate’s understanding of networking
topics, including:
• Cisco Certified Entry Networking
Technician (CCENT) •  Network Fundamentals
• Cisco Certified Technician Routing and •  LAN Switching Fundamentals
Switching (CCT R&S) •  Routing Fundamentals
• Cisco Certified Technician Data •  Infrastructure Services
Center (CCT Data Center) •  Infrastructure Maintenance

Required exam: Earning the CCENT requires passing

one exam — Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices
Part 1 (100-105 ICND1).
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
candidates attempting this entry-level exam have at
least one year of experience in an IT role.

Note: The CCENT will retire February 24, 2020.

Cisco • 25

Cisco Certified Technician Routing Cisco Certified Technician Data Center

and Switching (CCT R&S) (CCT Data Center)

The CCT R&S certification is designed for IT technicians The CCT Data Center certification is designed for
who provide onsite support and maintenance of Cisco IT technicians who provide onsite support and
routers, switches, and operating environments. maintenance of Cisco Unified Computing Systems and
The CCT R&S certification validates a candidate’s servers. The CCT Data Center certification validates a
understanding of support-related topics, including: candidate’s understanding of support-related
topics, including:
•  Identify Cisco Equipment and Related Hardwares
•  Describe Cisco IOS Software Operation •  General Networking Knowledge
•  General Networking Knowledge •  Identify Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware
•  Service-related Knowledge •  Describe Cisco NX-OS Software Operation
•  Service-Related Knowledge
Required exam: Earning the CCT R&S requires passing
one exam — Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Required exam: Earning the CCT Data Center requires
Network Devices (640-692 RSTECH). passing one exam — Supporting Cisco Data Center
Prerequisites: None. System Devices (010-151 DCTECH) v2.0.
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that Prerequisites: None.
candidates attempting this entry-level exam have at Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
least one year of experience in an IT role. candidates attempting this entry-level exam have at
least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 26
Current Cisco Associate CISCO ASSOCIATE (CURRENT)

Certifications Cisco Certified Network Associate -

Routing & Switching (CCNA R&S)
IT professionals typically use their CCNA to make
themselves more valuable as a network administrator. The CCNA R&S certification is designed for IT
The CCNA does not automatically guarantee a professionals who install, operate, configure, and verify
promotion or raise, but shows commitment to the basic networks, configure switches and routers, and
networking profession. identify basic security threats. The CCNA certification
validates a candidate’s understanding of networking
Cisco offers 10 associate-level — or CCNA — exams: topics, including:

•  CCNA Cloud •  Configuring and verifying IPv4 addressing

•  CCNA Collaboration and subnetting
•  CCNA Cyber Ops •  Interpreting the components of a routing table
•  CCNA Data Center •  Configuring L2 protocols, LACP, VLANS, and
•  CCNA Industrial interswitch connectivity
•  CCNA Routing and Switching •  Using DCHP, NTP, NAT, SNMP, SSH, and TFTP/FTP
•  CCNA Security •  Understanding security program components
•  CCNA Service Provider •  Implementing automation and
•  CCNA Wireless orchestration tools
Required exams: Earning the CCNA requires passing
Note: All listed CCNAs (except for the CCNA - CyberOps) two exams — Interconnecting Cisco Networking
will retire February 24, 2020. Devices Part 1 (100-105 ICND1) and Interconnecting
Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (200-105 ICND2).
Alternately, candidates must pass one composite
exam — Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices:
Accelerated (200-125 CCNA)
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have
at least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 27

Cisco Certified Network Associate - Cisco Certified Network Associate -

Wireless (CCNA Wireless) Data Center (CCNA Data Center)

The CCNA Wireless certification is designed for IT The CCNA Data Center certification is designed for IT
professionals who install, configure, and troubleshoot professionals who install, configure, and maintain
Cisco wireless networks. The CCNA Wireless data center infrastructure. The CCNA Data Center
certification validates a candidate’s understanding of certification validates a candidate’s understanding of
wireless topics, including: data center topics, including:

•  RF Fundamentals •  Data Center Physical Infrastructure

•  802.11 Technology Fundamentals •  Basic Data Center Networking Concepts
•  Implementing a Wireless Network •  Advanced Data Center Networking Concepts
•  Operating a Wireless Network •  Basic Data Center Storage
•  Configuration of Client Connectivity •  Advanced Data Center Storage
•  Performing Client Connectivity Troubleshooting
•  Site Survey Process Required exams: Earning the CCNA Data Center
requires passing two exams — Introducing Cisco Data
Required exam: Earning the CCNA Wireless requires Center Networking (200-150 DCICN) and Introducing
passing one exam — Implementing Cisco Wireless Cisco Data Center Networking Technologies
Network Fundamentals (200-355 WIFUND). (200-155 DCICT).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, Prerequisites: None.
candidates must earn the CCENT, CCNA R&S, or any Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
CCIE certification. candidates attempting this associate-level exam have
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that at least one year of experience in an IT role.
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have
at least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 28

Cisco Certified Network Associate - Cisco Certified Network Associate -

Security (CCNA Security) Collaboration (CCNA Collaboration)

The CCNA Security certification is designed for IT The CCNA Collaboration certification is designed
professionals who develop security infrastructure, for collaboration engineers who implement and
recognize vulnerabilities, and mitigate security threats. troubleshoot Cisco Unified Communication (UC)
The CCNA Security certification validates a candidate’s in various network environments. The CCNA
understanding of security topics, including: Collaboration certification validates a candidate’s
understanding of collaboration
•  SIEM Technology topics, including:
•  Cloud & Virtual Network Topologies
•  BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) •  Describe the Characteristics of a Cisco Unified
•  Identity Services Engine (ISE) Communications Solution
•  802.1x Authentication •  Provision End Users and Associated Devices
•  Cisco FirePOWER Next Generation IPS •  Configure Voice Messaging and Presence
• Cisco Advanced Malware Protection •  Maintain Cisco Unified Communications System
•  Provide End User Support
Required exam: Earning the CCNA Security requires
passing one exam — Implementing Cisco Network Required exams: Earning the CCNA Collaboration
Security (210-260 IINS). requires passing two exams — Implementing
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, Cisco Collaboration Devices (210-060 CICD) and
candidates must earn the CCENT, CCNA R&S, or any Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices
CCIE certification. (210-065 CIVND).
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that Prerequisites: None.
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
at least one year of experience in an IT role. candidates attempting this associate-level exam have
at least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 29

Cisco Certified Network Associate - Cisco Certified Network Associate -

Industrial (CCNA Industrial) Service Provider
(CCNA Service Provider)
The CCNA Industrial certification is designed for
IT professionals who implement and troubleshoot The CCNA Service Provider certification is designed
industry protocols commonly found in an automated for IT professionals who support and maintain
manufacturing environment. The CCNA Industrial service provider networks. The CCNA Service Provider
certification validates a candidate’s understanding of certification validates a candidate’s understanding of
wired and wireless networking and industry-specific networking and service provider-specific
topics, including: topics, including:

•  IP Networking •  IP Networks

•  Common Industrial •  IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing
•  ProfiNET Knowledge •  Switched Network Technologies
•  Security •  Routed Network Technologies
•  Wireless •  IP Services
•  Troubleshooting •  Cisco Operating Systems and
Transport Technologies
Required exam: Earning the CCNA Industrial requires •  Security in the Network
passing one exam — Managing Industrial Networking •  Network Management
for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies
(200-601 IMINS2). Required exams: Earning the CCNA Service Provider
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, requires passing two exams — Building Cisco Service
candidates must earn the Industrial Networking Provider Next-Generation Networks, Part 1 (640-875
Specialist certification, CCENT, CCNA R&S, or any CCIE. SPNGN1) and Building Cisco Service Provider Next-
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that Generation Networks, Part 2 (640-878 SPNGN2).
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have Prerequisites: None.
at least one year of experience in an IT role. Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have
at least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 30

Cisco Certified Network Associate - Cisco Certified Design Associate

Cloud (CCNA Cloud) (CCDA)

The CCNA Cloud certification is designed for IT The CCDA certification is designed for IT professionals
professionals who build, configure, and administer who design Cisco enterprise network architectures,
Cisco cloud solutions. The CCNA Cloud certification plan network expansion, and scale networks.
validates a candidate’s understanding of cloud The CCDA certification validates a candidate’s
topics, including: understanding of collaboration topics, including:

•  Cloud Characteristics and Models •  Design Methodologies

•  Cloud Deployment •  Design Objectives
•  Basic Knowledge of Cloud Compute •  Addressing and Routing Protocols in
•  Basic Knowledge of Cloud Networking an Existing Network
•  Basic Knowledge of Cloud Storage •  Enterprise Network Design
•  Considerations for Expanding an
Required exams: Earning the CCNA Cloud requires Existing Network
passing two exams — Understanding Cisco Cloud
Fundamentals (210-451 CLDFND) and Introducing Cisco Required exam: Earning the CCDA requires passing one
Cloud Administration (210-455 CLDADM). exam — Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions
Prerequisites: None. (200-310 DESGN).
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have candidates must earn the CCENT, CCNA R&S, or any
at least one year of experience in an IT role. CCIE certification.
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
candidates attempting this associate-level exam have
at least one year of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 31

Cisco Certified Network Associate -

CyberOps (CCNA CyberOps)

The CCNA CyberOps certification is designed for entry-

level cybersecurity professionals. CCNA CyberOps is
an approved certification under the DoD 8570.01-M
framework in the CSSP Analyst and CCSP Incident
Responder categories. The CCNA CyberOps certification
validates a candidate’s understanding of security
topics, including:

•  Understanding and implementing access

control modes
•  Knowing the security impact of common
cryptography methods
•  Identifying common attack vectors and
security vulnerabilities
•  Mapping data types to compliance frameworks
•  Analyzing data from security events

Required exams: CCNA - CyberOps has two required

exams — Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity
Fundamentals (210-250 SECFND) and Implementing
Cisco Cybersecurity Operations (210-255 SECOPS).
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: While Cisco certifications
no longer have formal prerequisites, Cisco
recommends that candidates attempting the two CCNA
- CyberOps exams have at least one year of experience
in a security role.

Cisco • 32
Current Professional-Level CISCO PROFESSIONAL (CURRENT)

Cisco Certifications Cisco Certified Network Professional -

Routing and Switching (CCNP Routing
IT professionals earn their professional-level and Switching)
certification by passing up to four exams. Cisco
recommends three to five years of experience to The CCNP Routing and Switching certification is
attempt a CCNP. designed for network engineers who plan, implement,
verify, and troubleshoot local and wide-area
Cisco offers eight professional-level exams: enterprise networks. The CCNP Routing and Switching
certification validates a candidate’s understanding of
•  CCDP networking topics, including:
•  CCNP Data Center
•  CCNP Cloud •  Network Principles
•  CCNP Collaboration •  Layer 2 Technologies
•  CCNP Routing and Switching •  Layer 3 Technologies
•  CCNP Security •  Infrastructure Security
•  CCNP Service Provider •  Infrastructure Services
•  CCNP Wireless •  VPN Technologies

CCNP certifications have their corresponding CCNA Required exams: Earning the CCNP Routing and
as a prerequisite. For instance, CCNA Cloud is the Switching requires passing three exams:
prerequisite for earning the CCNP Cloud. Alternately, •  Implementing Cisco IP Routing (300-101 ROUTE)
any CCIE certification can act as a prerequisite •  Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks
for any CCNP. (300-115 SWITCH)
•  Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP
Note: All listed CCNPs will retire February 24, 2020. Networks (300-135 TSHOOT)
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the CCNA Routing and Switching,
or any CCIE.
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
candidates attempting this professional-level exam
have at least three years of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 33

Cisco Certified Network Professional - Cisco Certified Network Professional -

Cloud (CCNP Cloud) Cloud (CCNP Collaboration)

The CCNP Cloud certification is designed for cloud The CCNP Collaboration certification is designed for
engineers who work with private, public, and hybrid collaboration engineers who design, deploy, configure,
cloud models. The CCNP Cloud certification validates a and troubleshoot Cisco Unified Communications
candidate’s understanding of cloud topics, including: (UC) applications, devices, and networks. The CCNP
Collaboration certification validates a candidate’s
• Cloud infrastructure including physical and understanding of collaboration topics, including:
virtual data centers
•  Implement storage infrastructure •  Dial Plan
 Implement network infrastructure •  Describe the Basic Operation and Components
•  Implement compute Involved in a Call
•  Troubleshoot cloud workflows or applications •  Configure an IOS Gateway
•  Identify infrastructure operational domains •  Configure Conferencing Device
•  QoS Model
Required exams: Earning the CCNP Cloud requires •  Describe and Configure Cisco Unified
passing four exams: Communications Manager to Support
•  Implementing and Troubleshooting the Cisco On-Cluster Calling
Cloud Infrastructure (300-460 CLDINF) •  Configure Media Resources
•  Designing the Cisco Cloud (300-465 CLDDES)
•  Automating the Cisco Enterprise Cloud Required exams: Earning the CCNP Collaboration
(300-470 CLDAUT) requires passing four exams:
•  Building the Cisco Cloud with Application Centric •  Implementing Cisco Telephony and Video, Part 1
Infrastructure (300-475 CLDACI) (300-070 CIPTV1)
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, •  Implementing Cisco Telephony and Video, Part 2
candidates must earn the CCNA Cloud, or any CCIE. (300-075 CIPTV2)
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that •  Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony and Video
candidates attempting this professional-level exam (300-080 CTCOLLAB)
have at least three years of experience in an IT role. •  Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications
(300-085 CAPPS)

Cisco • 34
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, •  Implementing Cisco Data Center Virtualization and
candidates must earn the CCNA Collaboration, Automation (300-170 DCVAI)
or any CCIE. •  Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that 160 DCID)
candidates attempting this professional-level exam •  Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure
have at least three years of experience in an IT role. (300-180 DCIT)
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the CCNA Data Center,
or any CCIE.
CISCO PROFESSIONAL (CURRENT) Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
Cisco Certified Network Professional - candidates attempting this professional-level exam
Data Center (CCNP Data Center) have at least three years of experience in an IT role.

The CCNP Data Center certification is designed for

cloud engineers who design, implement, maintain,
and troubleshoot complex, modern data centers. The CISCO PROFESSIONAL (CURRENT)

CCNP Data Center certification validates a candidate’s Cisco Certified Network Professional -
understanding of data center topics, including: Security (CCNP Security)

•  Configure identity abstraction The CCNP Security certification is designed for

•  Configure service profile templates networking engineers who deploy, support and
•  Implement SSCI over IP (iSCSI) troubleshoot firewalls, VPNS, and IDS/IPS solutions.
•  Implement Fibre Channel port channels The CCNP Security certification validates a candidate’s
•  Implement Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) understanding of security topics, including:
•  Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
•  Content Security
Required exams: Earning the CCNP Data Center •  Network Threat Defense
requires passing five exams: •  Cisco FirePOWER Next-Generation IPS (NGIPS)
•  Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified •  Security Architectures
Computing (300-175 DCUCI) •  Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Reporting
•  Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure
(300-165 DCII)

Cisco • 35
Required exams: Earning the CCNP Security requires Provider Environments
passing four exams: •  BGP Routing in Service Provider Environments
•  Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions (300- •  Route Manipulations in Service
208 SISAS) Provider Environments
•  Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security •  High Availability Routing Features
Solutions (300-206 SENSS)
•  Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions Required exams: Earning the CCNP Service Provider
(300-209 SIMOS) requires passing four exams:
•  Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (300- •  Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing
210 SITCS) (642-883 SPROUTE)
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, •  Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced
candidates must earn the CCNA Security, or any CCIE. Routing (642-885 SPADVROUTE)
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that •  Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-
candidates attempting this professional-level exam Generation Core Network Services
have at least three years of experience in an IT role. (642-887 SPCORE)
•  Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-
Generation Edge Network Services
(642-889 SPEDGE)
CISCO PROFESSIONAL (CURRENT) Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
Cisco Certified Network Professional - candidates must earn the CCNA Service Provider,
Service Provider or any CCIE.
(CCNP Service Provider) Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
candidates attempting this professional-level exam
The CCNP Service Provider certification is designed have at least three years of experience in an IT role.
for network engineers who deliver carrier-grade
infrastructure. The CCNP Service Provider certification
validates a candidate’s understanding of managed
service topics, including:

•  OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 Routing in Service

Provider Environments
•  IS-IS, IPv4, and IPv6 in Service

Cisco • 36

Cisco Certified Network Professional - Cisco Certified Design

Service Provider (CCNP Wireless) Professional (CCDP)

The CCNP Wireless certification is designed for network The CCDP certification is designed for network
engineers who design, implement, and secure Cisco engineers who develop multi-layer enterprise
wireless networks. The CCNP Wireless certification architectures and network components. The CCDP
validates a candidate’s understanding of wireless certification validates a candidate’s understanding of
topics, including: wireless topics, including:

•  Implement QoS for Wireless Applications •  Advanced Addressing and Routing Solutions for
•  Implement Multicast over Wireless Enterprise Networks
•  Implement High Density •  Advanced Enterprise Campus Networks
• Deploy WLAN Infrastructure for Mobility •  WANs for Enterprise Networks
•  Implement Cisco MSE Architecture •  Enterprise Data Center Integration
• Implement FlexConnect Architecture •  Security and Network Services
•  Implement Controller and AP High Availability
•  Wireless Bridging (MESH) Required exams: Earning the CCDP requires passing
three exams:
Required exams: Earning the CCNP Wireless requires •  Implementing Cisco IP Routing (300-101 ROUTE)
passing four exams: •  Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks
•  Designing Cisco Wireless (300-360 WIDESIGN) (300-115 SWITCH)
•  Deploying Cisco Wireless (300-365 WIDEPLOY) •  Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures
•  Troubleshooting Cisco Wireless (300-370 (300-320 ARCH)
WITSHOOT) Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
•  Securing Cisco Wireless (300-375 WISECURE) candidates must earn the CCDA and CCNA R&S, CCDA
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, and CCNP R&S, or any CCIE.
candidates must earn the CCNA Wireless, or any CCIE. Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that
Recommended experience: Cisco recommends that candidates attempting this professional-level exam
candidates attempting this professional-level exam have at least three years of experience in an IT role.
have at least three years of experience in an IT role.

Cisco • 37
Current Expert-Level Cisco CISCO EXPERT (CURRENT)

Certifications Cisco Certified Design Expert

CCIEs are experts in their field and ready to fill senior- The Cisco Certified Design Expert certification is
level networking engineering roles, like senior network designed for IT professionals who translate business
engineer or network architect. While there aren’t needs and operational constraints into a customer’s
prerequisites for any expert-level Cisco exams, Cisco network. Candidates should expect to demonstrate an
recommends five to seven years experience before expert level of competency in these topics during their
attempting a CCIE. It’s possible to have encountered 8-hour hands-on lab:
the esoteric, complex problems that the CCIE validates
in smaller networks over a longer period of time. •  Analyze Design Requirements
•  Develop Network Designs
Realistically, networking professionals who pursue •  Implement Network Design
Cisco expert-level certifications have a decade or more •  Validate and Optimize Network Design
experience managing complex networks.
Required exams: The written exam for the CCDE
Cisco offers seven expert-level certifications, including certification is 352-001 CCDE. CCDE candidates must
the Cisco Certified Design Expert: then travel to a Cisco facility to take the CCDE lab exam.
Prerequisites: None.
•  CCDE Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
• CCIE Routing and Switching certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
•  CCIE Collaboration recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
•  CCIE Data Center have considerable experience as network design
•  CCIE Security engineers or similar senior technical roles.
•  CCIE Service Provider
•  CCIE Wireless

Note: With the exception of CCDE, these certifications

will retired on February 24, 2020.

Cisco • 38

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert -

Routing and Switching (CCIE R&S) Wireless (CCIE Wireless)

The CCIE Routing and Switching certification is The CCIE Wireless certification is designed for IT
designed for IT professionals who plan, design, professionals who plan, design, implement, operate,
implement, operate, and optimize complex networks. and optimize complex wireless networks. Candidates
Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert should expect to demonstrate an expert level of
level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour competency in these topics during their 8-hour hands-
hands-on lab: on lab:

•  Network Infrastructure •  Radio Frequency and Standards

•  Software Defined Infrastructure •  Enterprise Wired Campus
•  Transport Technologies and Solutions •  Enterprise Wireless Network
•  Infrastructure Security and Services •  Wireless Security and Identity Management
•  Infrastructure Automation and Programmability •  Wireless Business Applications and Services
•  Automation, Analytics, and Assurance
Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Routing
and Switching certification is 400-101 CCIE R&S. CCIE Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE
candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to take Wireless certification is 400-351 CCIE Wireless. CCIE
the CCIE Routing and Switching lab exam. candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to take
Prerequisites: None. the CCIE Wireless lab exam.
Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco Prerequisites: None.
certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
have five to seven years experience implementing recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
networking technologies. have five to seven years experience implementing
wireless networking technologies.

Cisco • 39

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert -

Collaboration (CCIE Collaboration) Data Center (CCIE Data Center)

The CCIE Collaboration certification is designed for IT The CCIE Data Center certification is designed for IT
professionals who plan, design, implement, operate, professionals who plan, design, implement, operate,
and optimize complex collaboration environments. and optimize large, complex data centers. Candidates
Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert should expect to demonstrate an expert level of
level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour competency in these topics during their 8-hour hands-
hands-on lab: on lab:

•  Protocols and APIs •  Data Center L2/L3 Connectivity

•  Infrastructure and Quality of Service •  Data Center Fabric Infrastructure
•  Call Control and Dial Plans •  Data Center Fabric Connectivity
•  Endpoints and User Management •  Data Center Compute
•  Edge Services •  Data Center Storage Protocols and Features
•  Media Resources and Meetings •  Data Center Security and Network Services
•  Cisco Applications and Services •  Data Center Automation and Orchestration

Required exams: The written exam for the Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Data
CCIE Collaboration certification is 400-051 CCIE Center certification is 400-151 CCIE Data Center. CCIE
Collaboration. CCIE candidates must then travel to a candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to take
Cisco facility to take the CCIE Collaboration lab exam. the CCIE Data Center lab exam.
Prerequisites: None. Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
have five to seven years experience implementing have five to seven years experience working with large
collaboration solutions. data centers.

Cisco • 40

Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert - Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert -

Security (CCIE Security) Service Provider
(CCIE Service Provider)
The CCIE Security certification is designed for
IT professionals who secure all aspects of an The CCIE Service Provider certification is designed
organization’s wired and wireless networks and cloud for IT professionals who design, deploy, operate and
services. Candidates should expect to demonstrate an optimize service provider technologies and solutions.
expert level of competency in these topics during their Candidates should expect to demonstrate an expert
8-hour hands-on lab: level of competency in these topics during their 8-hour
hands-on lab:
•  Perimeter Security and Intrusion Prevention
•  Secure Connectivity and Segmentation •  Core Routing
•  Infrastructure Security •  Architectures and Services
•  Identity Management, Information Exchange, •  Access Connectivity
and Access Control •  High Availability and Fast Convergence
•  Advanced Threat Protection and Content •  Security
Security •  Assurance and Automation

Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Required exams: The written exam for the CCIE Service
Security certification is 400-251 CCIE Security. CCIE Provider certification is 400-201 CCIE Service Provider.
candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to take CCIE candidates must then travel to a Cisco facility to
the CCIE Security lab exam. take the CCIE Service Provider lab exam.
Prerequisites: None. Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco Recommended experience: While expert-level Cisco
certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco certifications don’t have formal prerequisites, Cisco
recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams recommends that candidates attempting CCIE exams
have five to seven years experience securing enterprise have five to seven years experience designing and
networks and systems. operating service provider technologies.

Cisco • 41
Cisco Certified Architect Do Cisco Certifications
Certification (CCAr) Expire?

The Cisco Certified Architect (CCAr) certification is the Currently, Cisco certifications expire in two, three, or
most difficult and expensive Cisco exam. Networking five years. CCNA and CCNP expire after three years.
professionals who attempt this exam must be a Cisco CCIE expire after two years. Network architects must
Certified Design Expert (CCDE) with vast experience recertify their CCAr every five years. Cisco outlines
designing large and complex networks. The CCAr different recertification requirements for each
is so difficult and specialized that only a handful of certification level.
networking professionals have this certification.
In February 2020, all Cisco certifications (except for
The initial CCAr board qualification review costs $3,750. CCAr) expire after three years. While this has long been
The board review then costs an additional $11,250. The the case for CCNA and CCNP holders, this marks a
total cost of exams for the CCAr is $15,000. change to CCIEs — who used to recertify every
two years.
Note: There are no reported changes to the CCAr with
the February 2020 retirements.

How to Recertify a Cisco

Certification (Current)

CCNA or CCNP certifications must be recertified

every three years. Cisco requires that networking
professionals with CCNA or CCNP pass one exam from
any CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, or specialist tracks, except the
CCENT 1NCD1 exam.

CCIE certifications must be recertified every two

years. There are two options to recertify — continuing
education or passing another CCIE exam. The Cisco
Continuing Education Program has assigned point
values for a number of recertification activities. Most

Cisco • 42
continuing education options are training courses, but and systems administrator. It’s common for even IT
there are also Cisco Live sessions and even content professionals with specialized roles and certifications,
authoring opportunities. CCIEs must earn 100 credits like CCNA Wireless or Collaboration, to have a generic
every 24 months to maintain active status. network engineer title. However, they may also have a
specialized job title, like wireless networking engineer,
The CCAr certification must be recertified every five collaboration engineer, or a moniker specific
years. Unlike the CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE certifications, to their role.
the CCAr is a service-based recertification program.
Certified Cisco Architects must create or refine exam
content, or judge either one or two CCAr candidates.
Architects can judge one successful CCAr candidate or Cisco Certification Training
two unsuccessful candidates.
CBT Nuggets offers a wide variety of Cisco training:

• CCDA Design 200-310 DESGN

Cisco Certification Career • CCDA Design 640-864 DESGN
& Salary Information • CCDP Design 300-320 ARCH
• CCENT/CCNA 100-105 ICND1
An IT professional who holds a CCNA can earn • CCNA R&S 200-105 ICND2
anywhere between $40,643 and $124,889, according • CCNA 640-875 SPNGN1
to There are a number of factors that • CCNA 640-878 SPNGN2
play into salaries, including professional experience, • CCNA Cloud 210-451 CLDFND
geography, and the company. It’s also important to • CCNA Collaboration 210-060 CICD
consider the cost of living when looking at national • CCNA Collaboration 210-065 CIVND1
salary averages and ranges. Company industry and size • CCNA Collaboration 210-065 CIVND2
are other determinants of salary. Larger companies • CCNA Cyber Ops 210-250 SECFND
typically pay more but have complicated, long • CCNA Cyber Ops 210-255 SECOPS
hiring practices. • CCNA Data Center 200-150 DCICN
• CCNA Data Center 200-155 DCICT
Roles common for those holding a CCNA R&S • CCNA Hands-on Labs Using Wireshark & GNS3
certification include network engineer, network • CCNA Security 210-260 IINS
technician, network administrator, IT manager, • CCNA Wireless 200-355 WIFUND

Cisco • 43
• CCNP Collaboration CIPTV1 300-070 NuggetLab supplemental files include practice IOS
• CCNP ROUTE 300-101 Hands-on Labs Exam Prep commands, configuration files, and network diagrams
• CCNP R&S 300-101 ROUTE — everything a learner needs to study for a Cisco
• CCNP R&S 300-115 SWITCH certification exam.
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• CCNP TSHOOT 300-135 Hands-on Labs Exam Prep Additionally, Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams
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In addition to quality, entertaining Cisco video training

products created by expert-level trainers, CBT Nuggets
provides everything a learner needs to study for a Cisco
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files, practice exams, and access to a robust
Learner Community.

All CBT Nuggets Cisco training either provides learners

with custom virtual labs or supplemental files to
learn technical concepts alongside the video training.
Virtual labs were designed by experts to help learners
gain hands-on experience in a sandbox environment.

© 2019 CBT Nuggets. Version 1.0.

Juniper Networks does not have the notoriety and recognition that their rival, Cisco
Systems, enjoys. That does not mean Juniper is a lesser choice, or that it does not enjoy
the trust of a great many large customers worldwide. Juniper has been around since
1996, and had a revenue of $5.02 billion in 2017. Juniper certification is a valuable asset
for network engineers looking to expand their skill set beyond those required to support
market leader Cisco.

The Juniper Networks Certification Program (JNCP) framework includes 24 certifications

across seven certification tracks:

•  Automation and DevOps

•  Cloud
•  Data Center
•  Design
•  Enterprise Routing and Switching
•  Junos Security
•  Service Provider Routing and Switching

DevOps Certifications Juniper Networks Certified Associate:

Automation and DevOps
IT professionals who pursue the certications in this (JNCIA-DevOps)
track demonstrates understanding of automation tools
and frameworks, as well as concepts and practices The JNCIA: Automation and DevOps certification
related to DevOps. The streamlining of routine and is designed for IT professionals who have some
repetitive tasks through automation increases value to knowledge of automation and DevOps on Juniper
the company in terms of both cost and efficiency. platforms. The JNCIA-DevOps validates a candidate’s
understanding of these topics and skills:
Network engineers don’t have to be full-fledged
programmers, but they should know enough to get the •  Junos Automation Stack and DevOps Concepts
most out of the network platforms that they manage. •  XML/NETCONF
In this track, candidates should be comfortable with •  Data Serialization
Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) and the syntax of •  Ansible
scripting and programming using Python. •  Python or PyEZ
Juniper offers two certifications in the Automation and
DevOps track: Required exam: Earning the JNCIA: Automation and
DevOps certification requires passing one exam —
•  Juniper Networks Certified Associate: JNCIA: Automation and DevOps (JN0-220).
Automation and DevOps (JNCIA-DevOps) Prerequisites: None.
•  Juniper Networks Certified Specialist: Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
Automation and DevOps (JNCIS-DevOps) specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIA:
Automation and DevOps was designed for networking
professionals with introductory-level knowledge of
automation tools and best practices.

Juniper • 46

Juniper Networks Certified Specialist:

Automation and DevOps

The JNCIS: Automation and DevOps certification is

designed for IT professionals with intermediate-level
knowledge of automation and DevOps on Juniper
platforms. The JNCIS-DevOps validates a candidate’s
understanding of these topics and skills:

•  Platform Automation Overview

•  Data Serialization
•  Python/Ruby
•  Ansible
•  Junos Automation Scripts
•  Juniper Extension Toolkits

Required exam: Earning the JNCIS: DevOps

certification requires passing one exam — JNCIS-
Automation and DevOps (JN0-420).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the JNCIA: Automation and
DevOps certification.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIA:
DevOps was designed for networking professionals
with intermediate knowledge of automation tools and
best practices.

Juniper • 47
Juniper Cloud Certifications JUNIPER CLOUD

Juniper Networks Certified Associate:

Understanding what the cloud is, what is does, and the Cloud (JNCIA-Cloud)
various technologies that support it are the focus of the
Juniper Cloud Certification track. Of particular interest The JNCIA: Cloud certification is designed for entry-
are three network frameworks that help power the level IT professionals working with Juniper Networks
cloud: network functions virtualization (NFV), software- architecture. The JNCIA-Cloud validates a candidate’s
defined networking (SDN), and software-defined wide understanding of these topics and skills:
area networking (SD-WAN).
•  Cloud Architectures
Juniper offers two certifications in the Cloud track: •  NFV
•  SDN
•  Juniper Networks Certified Associate: Cloud •  SDN WAN
(JNCIA-Cloud) •  Cloud Monitoring
•  Juniper Networks Certified Specialist: Cloud •  Cloud Managed Services
(JNCIS-Cloud) •  Cloud Security

Required exam: Earning the JNCIA: Cloud certification

requires passing one exam — JNCIA: Cloud (JN0-210).
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIA:
Cloud was designed for networking professionals with
introductory-level knowledge of Juniper Networks
cloud-based networking architectures, theory, and
best practices.

Juniper • 48

Juniper Networks Certified Specialist:

Cloud (JNCIS-Cloud)

The JNCIS: Cloud certification is designed for IT

professionals working with OpenStack and Contrail,
which are cloud networking stack architectures. The
JNCIS-Cloud validates a candidate’s understanding of
these topics and skills:

•  Understand SDN Theory and Applications

•  OpenStack
•  Contrail/Open Contrail
•  Contrail Service Chaining
•  Contrail Analytics
•  Troubleshooting Juniper Networks
cloud products

Required exam: Earning the JNCIS: Cloud certification

requires passing one exam — JNCIS: Cloud (JN0-411).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the JNCIA: Cloud certification.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIS:
Cloud was designed for networking professionals
with intermediate knowledge of software-defined
networking, theory, and best practices.

Juniper • 49

Certifications Juniper Certified Associate: Junos

Junos is the software that runs Juniper Networks
equipment. It is essentially the operating system (OS) The JNCIA: Junos certification is designed for entry-
for the routing, switching, security, and other devices level networking professionals. The JNCIA focuses on
made by the company. The definition is in the name: networking basics and routing fundamentals — similar
Junos (or Juniper OS). to what you might find with Cisco’s CCNA. It also covers
product-specific information, including the Junos
When people refer to Juniper Junos certification, they device portfolio and maneuvering the Junos CLI. The
may be referring to the Associate-level exam that is the JNCIA-Junos validates a candidate’s understanding of
entry point for the Data Center, Enterprise Routing and these topics and skills:
Switching, and Service Provider Routing and Switching
certification tracks. For someone starting out with •  Networking Fundamentals
Juniper, or an engineer who is only interested in taking •  Junos OS Fundamentals
one basic exam, the Juniper Junos certification •  User Interfaces
(JNCIA-Junos) is probably the best choice. •  Junos Configuration Basics
•  Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
Juniper offers four certifications in the Data •  Routing Fundamentals
Center track: •  Routing Policy and Firewall Filters

•  Juniper Certified Associate: Junos (JNCIA-Junos) Required exam: Earning the JNCIA: Cloud certification
•  Juniper Certified Specialist: Enterprise Routing requires passing one exam — JNCIA: Cloud (JN0-102).
(JNCIS-ENT) Prerequisite: None.
•  Juniper Networks Certified Professional: Data Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
Center (JNCIP-DC) specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIA:
•  Juniper Networks Certified Expert - Data Center Cloud was designed for networking professionals with
(JNCIE-DC) beginner-to-intermediate knowledge of networking.

Juniper • 50

Juniper Certified Specialist: Juniper Networks Certified

Enterprise Routing (JNCIS-ENT) Professional: Data Center (JNCIP-DC)

The JNCIS: Enterprise Routing certification is designed The JNCIP: Data Center certification is designed for
for networking professionals pursuing a specialization networking professionals configuring, managing, and
in either the Data Center or Enterprise tracks at troubleshooting data centers. The JNCIP-DC validates a
the Professional and Expert levels. The JNCIS-ENT candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:
validates a candidate’s understanding of these topics
and skills: •  Data Center Deployment or Management
•  Multichassis LAG
•  Layer 2 Switching and VLANs •  Layer 2 Fabrics
•  Spanning Tree •  Layer 3 Fabrics
•  Layer 2 Security •  VXLAN
•  Protocol Independent Routing •  EVPN VXLAN Signaling
•  OSPF •  Data Center Interconnect
•  IS-IS •  Data Center Architecture and Security
•  BGP
•  Tunnels Required exam: Earning the JNCIP: Data Center
•  High Availability certification requires passing one exam — JNCIP: Data
Center (JN0-681).
Required exam: Earning the JNCIS: Enterprise Routing Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
certification requires passing one exam — JNCIS: candidates must earn the JNCIS: ENT.
Enterprise Routing (JN0-347). Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIP:
candidates must earn the JNCIA: Cloud certification. Data Center was designed for experienced data center
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not networking professionals with advanced knowledge of
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIS: the Juniper Networks Junos software and data
Enterprise Routing was designed for experienced center devices.
networking professionals with beginner to
intermediate knowledge of routing and switching
implementations in Junos.

Juniper • 51

Juniper Networks Certified Expert -

Data Center (JNCIE-DC)

The JNCIE: Data Center certification is designed for

networking professionals working with advanced
data center configuration, management, and
troubleshooting. The JNCIE-DC validates a candidate’s
understanding of these topics and skills:

•  Management
•  Layer 2 Underlay
•  Layer 3 Underlay
•  Controllerless Overlay
•  Data Center Interconnect (DCI)
•  Security
•  Class of Service (CoS)

Required exam: Earning the JNCIE: Data Center

certification requires passing one exam — JNCIE: Data
Center (JPR-980).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the JNCIP: Data
Center certification.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIA: Cloud
was designed to validate networking professionals’
ability to deploy, configure, manage, and troubleshoot
Junos-based platforms. Because this is a largely
hands-on exam, candidates are expected to have
advanced skills in Juniper data center configuration
and management.

Juniper • 52
Juniper Design Certifications JUNIPER DESIGN

Juniper Networks Certified Design

While many network engineers work solely on the Associate (JNCDA)
operational side of networking, design engineers are
interested in creating and building networks from The Juniper Networks Certified Design Associate
scratch. It requires a different mindset, one that looks certification is designed for IT professionals who create
into a future of possibilities, rather than the past network architectures with Juniper platforms. The
history of an existing network architecture. JNCDA validates a candidate’s understanding of these
topics and skills:
It takes a lot of ingenuity to make things work, so
designers need to know a lot about the technologies •  Customer Network Design Requirements
and practices of network design before they start. •  Securing the Network
•  Business Continuity
Juniper offers four certifications in the Design track: •  Network Automation and Management
•  Network Design Architectures
•  Juniper Networks Certified Design
Associate (JNCDA) Required exam: Earning the JNCDA certification
•  Juniper Networks Certified Design Specialist: requires passing one exam — Juniper Networks
Data Center (JNCDS-DC) Certified Design Associate (JN0-1101).
•  Juniper Networks Certified Design Specialist: Prerequisite: None.
Service Provider (JNCDS-SP) Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
•  Juniper Networks Certified Design Specialist: specify qualifications for this certification, JNCDA was
Security (JNCDS-SEC) designed for networking professionals and designers
with beginner knowledge of network design, theory,
and best practices.

Juniper • 53

Juniper Networks Certified Design Juniper Networks Certified Design

Specialist: Data Center (JNCDS-DC) Specialist: Service Provider
The JNCDS: Data Center certification is designed for
IT professionals with intermediate-level knowledge of The JNCDS: Service Provider certification is
network design related to data center implementations designed for IT professionals with intermediate-
with Juniper platforms. The JNCDS-DC validates a level knowledge of network design related to service
candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills: provider implementations. The JNCDS-SP validates a
candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:
•  Data Center Design Considerations
•  Ethernet Fabric Architectures •  WAN Connectivity
•  IP Fabric Architecture •  Network Availability and Traffic Prioritization
•  Data Center Interconnect •  Service Provider Core WAN Design
•  Data Center Security •  Service Provider Edge WAN Design
•  Virtualization in the Data Center •  Enterprise WAN
•  Traffic Prioritization in the Data Center •  Data Center WAN
•  High Availability in the Data Center •  WAN Security
•  WAN Management
Required exam: Earning the JNCDS: Data Center •  SDN in the WAN
certification requires passing one exam — JNCDS: Data
Center (JN0-1301). Required exam: Earning the JNCDS: Service Provider
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, certification requires passing one exam — JNCDS:
candidates must earn the Juniper Networks Certified Service Provider (JN0-1331).
Design Associate certification. Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not candidates must earn the Juniper Networks Certified
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCDS: Data Design Associate certification.
Center was designed for networking professionals and Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
designers with intermediate knowledge of data center specify qualifications, JNCDS: Service Provider was
network design, theory, and best practices. designed for networking professionals and designers
with intermediate knowledge of service provider
design, theory, and best practices.

Juniper • 54

Juniper Networks Certified Design

Specialist: Security (JNCDS-SEC)

The JNCDS: Security certification is designed for IT

professionals with intermediate-level knowledge of
network design related to security implementations
with Juniper platforms. The JNCDS-SEC validates a
candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:

•  Fundamental Security Concepts

•  Advanced Security Concepts
•  Securing the Campus and Branch
•  Securing the Enterprise WAN
•  Securing the Service Provider WAN
•  Securing the Data Center
•  Securing Automation and Management
•  Securing Virtualization
•  High Availability

Required exam: Earning the JNCDS: Security

certification requires passing one exam — JNCDS:
Security (JN0-1361).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the Juniper Networks Certified
Design Associate (JNCDA) certification.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCDS:
Security was designed for networking professionals
and designers with intermediate knowledge of network
security, theory, and best practices.

Juniper • 55

and Switching Certifications Juniper Certified Specialist:

Enterprise Routing and Switching
At the Specialist Level, the Juniper Enterprise Routing (JNCIS-ENT)
and Switching certification gets into advanced concepts
like IP multicast, spanning tree, and class of service The JNCIS: Enterprise Routing certification is designed
(CoS). Juniper Expert-level R&S exams are notoriously for networking professionals pursuing a specialization
hands-on and validate the ability of candidates to in either the Data Center or Enterprise tracks at
handle a wide variety of network issues. the Professional and Expert levels. The JNCIS-ENT
validates a candidate’s understanding of these topics
Juniper offers three certifications in the Enterprise and skills:
Routing and Switching track:
•  Layer 2 Switching and VLANs
•  Juniper Certified Specialist: Enterprise Routing •  Spanning Tree
and Switching (JNCIS-ENT) •  Layer 2 Security
•  Juniper Certified Professional: Enterprise •  Protocol Independent Routing
Routing and Switching (JNCIP-ENT) •  OSPF
•  Juniper Certified Expert: Enterprise Routing and •  IS-IS
Switching (JNCIE-ENT) •  BGP
•  Tunnels
•  High Availability

Required exam: Earning the JNCIS: Enterprise Routing

and Switching certification requires passing one exam
— JNCIS: Enterprise Routing and Switching (JN0-348).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the JNCIA: Junos certification.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIS:
Enterprise Routing and Switching was designed for
experienced networking professionals with beginner
to intermediate knowledge of routing and switching
implementations in Junos.
Juniper • 56

Juniper Certified Professional: Juniper Certified Expert: Enterprise

Enterprise Routing and Switching Routing and Switching (JNCIE-ENT)
The JNCIE: Enterprise Routing and Switching
The JNCIP: Enterprise Routing and Switching certification is designed for IT experts who configure,
certification is designed for IT professionals who manage, and troubleshoot enterprise networks. The
configure, manage, and troubleshoot enterprise JNCIE-ENT validates a candidate’s understanding of
networks. The JNCIP-ENT validates a candidate’s these topics and skills:
understanding of these topics and skills:
•  System Services and Security
•  Layer 2 Switching and VLANs •  Interfaces
•  Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) •  Ethernet Switching
•  BGP •  IGPs
•  IP Multicast •  BGP
•  Ethernet Switching and Spanning Tree •  Protocol-Independent Routing
•  Layer 2 Authentication and Access Control •  Multicast
•  IP Telephony Features •  Class of Service (CoS)
•  Class of Service (CoS)
Required exam: Earning the JNCIE: Enterprise Routing
Required exam: Earning the JNCIP: Enterprise Routing and Switching certification requires passing one exam
and Switching certification requires passing one exam — JNCIE: Enterprise Routing and Switching (JPR-943).
— JNCIP: Enterprise Routing and Switching (JN0-647). Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, candidates must earn the JNCIP: Enterprise Routing
candidates must earn the JNCIS: Enterprise Routing and Switching certification.
and Switching certification. Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not specify qualifications, Juniper recommends candidates
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIP: taking this hands-on exam to have advanced skills in
Enterprise Routing and Switching was designed for Juniper routing and switching configuration.
experienced networking professionals with beginner
to intermediate knowledge of routing and switching
implementations in Junos.

Juniper • 57
Juniper Junos Security JUNIPER SECURITY

Certifications Juniper Networks Certified Associate:

Security (JNCIA-SEC)
No one should underestimate the value of a robust
network security implementation. Candidates in the The JNCIA: Security certification is designed for entry-
Juniper Junos Security Certification track understand a level IT professionals interested in a security career
host of concepts and practices related to security. with Juniper platforms. The JNCIA-SEC validates a
candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:
A glance at the exam objectives below will show that
there is a lot to cover here. An integral part of the •  SRX Series Devices
material is Juniper SRX Series, a product family of high- •  Junos Security Objects
performance network security solutions. •  Security Policies
•  Sky Advanced Threat Prevention
Juniper offers four certifications in the Security track: •  Network Address Translation
•  IPSec
•  Juniper Networks Certified Associate: •  United Threat Management
Security (JNCIA-SEC) •  Monitoring/Reporting
•  Juniper Networks Certified Specialist:
Security (JNCIS-SEC) Required exam: Earning the JNCIA: Security
•  Juniper Networks Certified Professional: certification requires passing one exam — JNCIA:
Security (JNCIP-SEC) Security (JN0-230).
•  Juniper Networks Certified Expert: Prerequisites: None.
Security (JNCIE-SEC) Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIA:
Security was designed for networking professionals
with beginner to intermediate knowledge of the
Juniper Networks Junos OS for SRX Series devices.

Juniper • 58

Juniper Networks Certified Specialist: Juniper Networks Certified

Security (JNCIS-SEC) Professional: Security (JNCIP-SEC)

The JNCIS: Security certification is designed for IT The JNCIP: Security certification is designed for
professionals with some knowledge and experience in IT professionals with advanced knowledge and
security related to Juniper platforms. The JNCIS-SEC experience in security related to Juniper platforms. The
validates a candidate’s understanding of these topics JNCIP-SEC validates a candidate’s understanding of
and skills: these topics and skills:

•  Junos Security Overview •  Application-Aware Security Services

•  Zones •  Security Director Logging and Reporting
•  Security Policies •  Sky ATP
•  NAT •  United Threat Management (UTM)
•  IPsec VPNs •  Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
•  High Availability (HA) Clustering •  Software Defined Secure Networks (SDSN)
•  Virtual SRX •  User Firewall
•  Layer 2 Security
Required exam: Earning the JNCIS: Security
certification requires passing one exam — JNCIS: Required exam: Earning the JNCIP: Security
Security (JN0-333). certification requires passing one exam — JNCIP:
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, Security (JN0-634).
candidates must earn the JNCIA: Security certification. Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not candidates must earn the JNCIS: Security certification.
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIS: Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
Security was designed for experienced networking specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIP:
professionals with intermediate knowledge of the Security was designed for experienced networking
Juniper Networks Junos OS for SRX Series devices. professionals with advanced knowledge of the Juniper
Networks Junos OS for SRX Series device.

Juniper • 59

Juniper Networks Certified Expert:

Security (JNCIE-SEC)

The JNCIE: Security certification is designed for IT

professionals with practical skills and advanced
knowledge in security related to Juniper platforms. The
JNCIE-SEC validates a candidate’s understanding of
these topics and skills:

•  Security Infrastructure
•  Security Management
•  Advanced Security

Required exam: Earning the JNCIE: Security

certification requires passing one exam — JNCIE:
Security (JPR-933).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the JNCIP: Security certification.
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIE:
Security was designed to validate the networking
professional’s ability to deploy, configure, manage,
and troubleshoot Junos-based security platforms.
Those taking this hands-on exam are expected to have
advanced skills in Juniper security.

Juniper • 60

Routing and Switching Juniper Networks Certified Specialist:

Certifications Service Provider (JNCIS-SP)

Refer to the Juniper Data Center Certification section The JNCIS: Service Provider certification is designed
for more information on the JNCIA-Junos exam. for IT professionals with some knowledge of service
The same knowledge that helps engineers in the provider configuration and management. The JNCIS-SP
administration of data centers is helpful to those who validates a candidate’s understanding of these topics
support Enterprise or Service Provider Routing and and skills:
Switching technologies. The first two exams are the
same for both Enterprise and Service Provider Routing •  Protocol-Independent Routing
and Switching. •  Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
•  Intermediate System to Intermediate System
Juniper offers three certifications in the Service •  Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Provider Routing and Switching track: •  Layer 2 Bridging and VLANs
•  Spanning-Tree Protocols
•  Juniper Networks Certified Specialist: •  Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
Service Provider (JNCIS-SP) •  IPv6
•  Juniper Networks Certified Professional: •  Tunnels
Service Provider (JNCIP-SP) •  High Availability
•  Juniper Networks Certified Expert:
Service Provider (JNCIE-SP) Required exam: Earning the JNCIS: Service Provider
certification requires passing one exam — JNCIS:
The difference between the Enterprise and Service Service Provider (JN0-361).
Provider tracks is one of emphasis. Many of the same Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
technologies and platforms come into play, but candidates must earn the JNCIA: Junos certification.
enterprise network engineers will work with more big Recommended experience: While Juniper does not
connections requiring BGP, MPLS, and other skills. specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIS:
Enterprise engineers deal with smaller connections, Service Provider was designed for experienced
users, and campus-based implementations. networking professionals with beginner to
intermediate knowledge of routing and switching
implementations in Junos.

Juniper • 61

Juniper Networks Certified Juniper Networks Certified Expert:

Professional: Service Provider Service Provider (JNCIE-SP)
The JNCIE: Service Provider certification is designed
The JNCIP: Service Provider certification is designed for for IT professionals with practical skills and advanced
IT professionals with advanced knowledge of service knowledge of service provider configuration and
provider configuration and management. The JNCIP-SP management. The JNCIE-SP validates a candidate’s
validates a candidate’s understanding of these topics understanding of these topics and skills:
and skills:
•  Device Infrastructure
•  OSPF •  IGP
•  IS-IS •  MPLS
•  BGP •  BGP
•  Class of Service (CoS) •  VPNs
•  IP Multicast •  Multicast
•  Layer 3 VPNs •  CoS
•  Layer 2 VPNs
Required exam: Earning the JNCIE: Service Provider
Required exam: Earning the JNCIP: Service Provider certification requires passing one exam — JNCIE:
certification requires passing one exam — JNCIP: Service Provider (JPR-960).
Service Provider (JN0-662). Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, candidates must earn the JNCIP: Service
candidates must earn the JNCIS: Service Provider certification.
Provider certification. Recommended experience: While Juniper does
Recommended experience: While Juniper does not not specify qualifications for this certification,
specify qualifications for this certification, JNCIP: JNCIE: Service Provider was designed to validate
Service Provider was designed for experienced the networking professional’s ability to implement,
networking professionals with advanced knowledge of troubleshoot and maintain Juniper Networks service
the Juniper Networks Junos OS. provider networks. Those taking this hands-on exam
are expected to have advanced skills in
Juniper security.

Juniper • 62
Juniper Certification average JNCIS salary
Recertification and Renewal is $98,000. An entry-level Juniper-certified engineer
might make about 10% more than a Cisco-trained
Juniper certifications are valid for three years and colleague. But that advantage shrinks to about 5%
will expire unless recertification action is taken. at the senior level. What is noteworthy is that both
Recertification can be accomplished through Juniper and Cisco engineers take in a pretty good
examination or class attendance. salary at the Associate level. And the real kicker
is experience, which can result in more than 70%
Certification holders can complete either an exam on additional income over time.
the same level or an exam on a higher level within the
same track to renew their certification. Those who elect A “JNCIA” search on yielded only 151 jobs,
to recertify through course attendance should take an while a search on the keyword “CCNA” yielded 4,290
appropriate course in the same track as prescribed by results. While it’s true that there are a lot more Cisco
Juniper in the Certificate Recertification page on opportunities, job seekers are also competing with
their website. a much larger pool of qualified candidates. A Juniper
certification will set you apart in the marketplace.
Taking an advanced exam or passing a higher-level
course will automatically renew all lower-level It may be apples and oranges trying to compare the
certifications in the same track for three more years. two IT certifications in terms of financial possibilities.
Good engineers tend to gravitate to good contracts
with whatever credentials they have managed to
muster. What’s clear is that getting certified can not
Juniper Certification Salary and only increase your knowledge and skills, it may very
Career Information well tip the scales in your favor when your resume is on
the table.
According to, the average salary for a
JNCIA Network Engineer is $79,095, while a Senior Juniper once offered a Juniper Certification Fast Track,
Network Engineer with this certification can make but that now appears to be discontinued. There are
$102,794. The average JNCIA salary is $83,000. A JNCIS some remnants of discussion about it on the internet,
can make a bit more: $80,668 as a Network Engineer but references to it on the company’s website seem to
and $111,758 for a Senior Network Engineer. The have disappeared.

Juniper • 63
Juniper Certification Training CBT Nuggets learners should also take advantage of
the Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams included with
CBT Nuggets offers a variety of Juniper training: a subscription to CBT Nuggets. Practice exams, taken
timed or untimed, provide a good baseline for learners
• Juniper JNCIA-Junos (JN0-102) to test their knowledge. Additionally, Kaplan® IT
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - Layer 2 Training Practice Exams evaluate a learner’s strengths
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - Layer 2 Security and weaknesses, so they know where to focus their
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - OSPF attention while studying.
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - BGP
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - High Availability Being successful taking Juniper certification exams
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - IS-IS requires quality instruction, hands-on experience, and
• Juniper JNCIS-ENT (JN0-343) - Protocol practice with the exam itself. CBT Nuggets provides
Independent Routing Tunnels every element a learner needs to pass a Juniper
certification exam.
In addition to quality, entertaining video training
created by expert-level trainers, CBT Nuggets provides
everything a learner needs to study for Juniper
certification exams — virtual labs, supplemental files,
practice exams, and access to a robust
Learner Community.

All CBT Nuggets Juniper training either provides

learners with custom virtual labs or supplemental
files to learn technical concepts alongside the video
training. Virtual labs were designed by experts to
help learners gain hands-on experience in a sandbox
environment. NuggetLab supplemental files include
practice commands, configuration files, and network
diagrams — everything a learner needs to study for a
Juniper certification exam.

© 2019 CBT Nuggets. Version 1.0.


NetApp data storage technologies fit hand-in-glove with some of the most advanced
cloud service platforms on the market, including Kubernetes, Oracle, SAP, and OpenStack.
NetApp software includes its ONTAP data management software and its OnCommand
network monitoring and management system.

The NetApp certification system includes four levels of certification, designed to take
learners’ skills from beginner to expert:

• Associate
• Professional
• Specialist
• Expert
NetApp Associate-Level NETAPP ASSOCIATE

Certification NetApp Certified Technology

Associate (NCTA)
NetApp associate-level certifications validate the
general and NetApp-specific skills entry-level IT The NetApp Certified Technology Associate
professionals will learn in their first year on the job. certification is designed for IT professionals who want
Most vendors recommend hands-on experience an introduction to the NetApp platform and associated
with a technology prior to attempting an exam technologies. The NCTA exam is the lowest level in the
— NetApp is no different. NetApp certification path.

NetApp offers two associate-level exams: The NetApp Certified Technology Associate exam
validates a candidate’s understanding of general and
• NetApp Certified Storage Associate NetApp-specific storage topics, including:
– Hybrid Cloud (NCSA-HC)
• NetApp Certified Technology Associate (NCTA) • Cloud Computing
• ONTAP Fundamentals
NetApp has three specialization tracks: Data, Hybrid • Cloud Data Services Fundamentals
Cloud, and Converged Instructure. The NetApp • OnCommand Insight Fundamentals
Certified Technology Associate (NCTA) is viewed as an • SaaS Backup for MS Office365
entry-level exam for all three tracks — although it is not • Insight Sessions
specifically stated as a prerequisite for
higher-level exams. Required exam: Earning the NCTA certification requires
passing one exam — the NetApp Certified Technology
Associate (NS0-002) exam.
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends
hands-on experience with NetApp portfolio, cloud data
services and NetApp’s proprietary operating system
ONTAP, as well as the management tool OnCommand
prior to attempting the NCSA-HC exam.

NetApp • 66

NetApp Certified Storage Associate

– Hybrid Cloud (NCSA-HC)

The NetApp Certified Storage Associate – Hybrid Cloud

certification is designed for IT professionals with
experience using NetApp storage products and services
for the hybrid cloud. The NetApp Certified Storage
Associate – HC validates a candidate’s understanding of
storage and data management topics, including:

• Storage Fundamentals
• NetApp Products
• Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode Fundamentals
• Basic NetApp Configuration and
Administration tasks
• Basics of SAN
• Basics of Virtualization
• CIFS administration tasks
• NFS administration tasks
• An introduction to Cluster-Mode for
7-Mode Administrators

Required exam: Earning the NCSA-HC certification

requires passing one exam — the NetApp Certified
Storage Associate – Hybrid Cloud (NS0-146) exam.
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends
hands-on experience with NetApp portfolio, ONTAP,
and OnCommand fundamentals prior to attempting the
NCSA-HC exam.

NetApp • 67
NetApp Professional-Level NETAPP PROFESSIONAL

Certifications NetApp Certified Data Administrator,

Professional-level certifications represent a step up in
NetApp expertise and experience. NetApp offers three The NetApp Certified Data Administrator certification
professional-level certifications: is designed for IT professionals with experience on
NetApp’s proprietary operating system, ONTAP®.
• NetApp Certified Data Administrator (NCDA)
• NetApp Certified Storage Installation The NCDA exam validates a candidate’s understanding
Engineer (NCSIE) of general and NetApp-specific topics, including:
• NetApp Certified Support Engineer (NCSE)
• NetApp Storage Architecture
• Core Clustered Data ONTAP
• High Availability
• NAS and SAN Protocols and Solutions
• Network Concepts and Components
• Storage Implementation and Configuration
• Security Concepts and Strategies
• Data Protection Operations

Required exam: Earning the NCDA certification

requires passing one exam — the NetApp Certified Data
Administrator, ONTAP (NS0-160) exam.
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 to
12 months experience administering, implementing,
and troubleshooting clustered Data ONTAP features
prior to attempting the NCDA exam.

NetApp • 68

NetApp Certified Storage Installation NetApp Certified Support

Engineer, ONTAP (NCSIE) Engineer (NCSE)

The NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, The NetApp Certified Support Engineer certification
ONTAP certification is designed for IT professionals is designed for IT professionals with significant
with experience on NetApps proprietary operating experience on the NetApp platform.
system, ONTAP, and an interest in more of a
hands-on approach. The NCSE exam validates a candidate’s understanding
of general and NetApp-specific topics:
The NCSIE exam validates a candidate’s understanding
of general and NetApp-specific topics, including: • ONTAP Fundamentals
• Platforms and Storage
• Basic Installation Topics and Tools • Configuration and Troubleshooting
• ONTAP Concepts • Performance Analysis
• ONTAP Networking • NetApp Data Protection and
• ONTAP Switches Management Software
• ONTAP Configuration and Troubleshooting
• Customer Handoff Required exam: Earning the NCSE certification requires
passing one exam — the NetApp Certified Support
Required exam: Earning the NCSIE certification Engineer (NSO-193) exam.
requires passing one exam — the NetApp Certified Prerequisites: None.
Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP (NSO-182) exam. Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6
Prerequisites: While there are no prerequisite exams, to 12 months experience with performance analysis,
NetApp recommends candidates earn the troubleshooting, and data protection on NetApp
NCDA certification. solutions prior to attempting the NCSE exam.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 to
12 months experience administering, implementing,
and troubleshooting clustered Data ONTAP features
prior to attempting the NCSIE exam.

NetApp • 69
NetApp Specialist-Level NETAPP SPECIALIST

Certifications NetApp Certified Implementation

Engineer—SAN Specialist,
NetApp specialist-level exams cover troubleshooting, ONTAP (NCIE-SAN)
performance analysis, data protection, and storage
configuration. The Specialist level is the third of four The NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer—SAN
levels in the NetApp certification path. NetApp offers Specialist certification is designed for IT professionals
five specialist-level certifications: with significant experience implementing the NetApp
SAN solution from start to finish.
• NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer
— SAN Specialist (NCIE-SAN), ONTAP The NCIE-SAN Specialist, ONTAP exam validates
• NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer a candidate’s understanding of NetApp-specific
— Data Protection Specialist (NCIE-DP) configuration and troubleshooting topics, including:
• NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer
— SAN Specialist (NCIE-SAN), E-Series • ONTAP SAN Solution Assessment
• NetApp Certified Support Engineer • ONTAP SAN Planning
— ONTAP Specialist (NCSE) • ONTAP SAN Implementation and Configuration
• Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design • ONTAP SAN implementation Testing
and Troubleshooting

Required exam: Earning the NCIE-SAN Specialist,

ONTAP certification requires passing one exam — the
NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer—SAN (NS0-
509) exam.
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the NCDA certification.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 to
12 months experience planning, implementing, and
validating end-to-end SAN solutions for customers in
FC and iSCSI environments prior to attempting the
NCIE-SAN Specialist, ONTAP exam.

NetApp • 70

NetApp Certified Implementation NetApp Certified Implementation

Engineer—Data Protection Specialist Engineer—SAN Specialist,

The NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer—Data The NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer—SAN
Protection Specialist (NCIE-DP) is designed for IT Specialist, E-Series certification is designed for IT
professionals with significant experience implementing professionals with significant experience with the
the NetApp SAN solution from start to finish. The NetApp E-Series storage solution. The E-Series exam
NCIE-DP exam validates a candidate’s understanding of validates a candidate’s understanding of advanced
NetApp-specific data protection and implementation general networking and NetApp-specific topics:
topics, including:
• Storage Configuration
• ONTAP Replication Technology • Documentation
• Planning ONTAP Data Protection Implementation • Hardware
• Configuring Data Protection Software • Host Side
• Operating Data Protection Deployments • Management
• Best Practices • Toolbox
Required exam: Earning the NCIE-DP certification • Troubleshooting
requires passing one exam — the NetApp Certified
Implementation Engineer—Data Protection Required exam: Earning the NCIE-SAN, E-Series
(NS0-525) exam. certification requires passing one exam — the NetApp
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, Certified Implementation Engineer—SAN, E-Series
candidates must earn the NCDA certification. (NS0-515) exam.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 to Prerequisites: NetApp recommends candidates earn
12 months experience planning and implementing data the NCDA certification.
protection solutions, configuring backup and recovery Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 to
software, and operating backup and disaster recovery 12 months experience with physical and logical storage
deployments prior to attempting the NCIE-SAN exam. requirements, setting up alerts and notifications, and
configuring hosts for multipathing prior to attempting
the NCIE-SAN, E-Series exam.

NetApp • 71

NetApp Certified Support Engineer

- ONTAP Specialist (NCSE)

The NetApp Certified Support Engineer - ONTAP

Specialist certification is designed for IT professionals
with significant experience with the NetApp Data
ONTAP storage solutions.

The NCSE - ONTAP Specialist exam validates a

candidate’s understanding of NetApp-specific
storage topics:

• Data ONTAP
• Platform and Storage
• Networking and Protocols
• Performance

Required exam: Earning the NCSE - ONTAP Specialist

certification requires passing one exam — the NetApp
Certified Support Engineer - ONTAP (NS0-591) exam.
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 to
12 months experience troubleshooting, analysis and
resolution of NetApp Data ONTAP Storage Systems
prior to attempting the NCSE - ONTAP Specialist exam.

NetApp • 72
NETAPP SPECIALIST management solutions in the cloud prior to attempting
NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud the NCHC Administrator exam.

Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design

The NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator Specialist (FlexPod Design)
certification is designed for IT professionals with
significant experience with NetApp cloud solutions The Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design Specialist
such as Cloud Volumes Service, Cloud Volumes certification is designed for IT professionals who have
ONTAP, Cloud Manager, Cloud Sync, SaaS Backup, experience with NetApp FlexPod and its
StorageGRID, and NetApp HCI. associated hardware.

The NCHC Administrator exam validates a candidate’s The FlexPod Design exam validates a candidate’s
understanding of NetApp-specific storage understanding of these converged infrastructure topics:
topics, including:
• Hardware components
• Cloud Manager Administration • Configuration
• Cloud Volumes ONTAP Administration • High Availability
• Cloud Volumes Services Administration • SAN Boot
• Cloud Connected Platforms • UCS Manager
• Cloud Data Security
• Data Protection Required exam: Earning the FlexPod Design
• Public Cloud Prerequisites certification requires passing one exam — the Cisco and
NetApp FlexPod Design (NS0-173) exam.
Required exam: Earning the NCHC Administrator Prerequisites: None.
certification requires passing one exam — the NetApp Recommended experience: NetApp recommends
Certified Hybrid Cloud Administrator (NS0-302) exam. 6 to 12 months experience working with converged
Prerequisites: None. FlexPod and Cisco infrastructure prior to attempting
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends 6 the FlexPod Design exam.
to 12 months experience administering NetApp data

NetApp • 73
Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Certifications
Implementation and Administration
Specialist (FlexPod Administration) The NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Architect
certification is the only exam within the highest of
The Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Implementation and four tiers in the NetApp certification path. Candidates
Administration Specialist certification is designed for should not only be fully versed in NetApp core
IT professionals with experience using NetApp FlexPod knowledge, they should know how to take the
and its associated hardware. customer from planning stages to full production.

The FlexPod Administration exam validates a

candidate’s understanding of these converged
infrastructure topics: NETAPP EXPERT

NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud

• Hardware components Architect (NCHC Architect)
• Configuration
• High Availability The NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Architect
• SAN Boot certification is designed for IT professionals who
• UCS Manager analyze customer business requirements and
architect NetApp data fabric solutions in hybrid cloud
Required exam: Earning the FlexPod Administration environments. The NCHC Architect exam validates a
certification requires passing one exam — the Cisco and candidate’s understanding of both general and NetApp-
NetApp FlexPod Implementation and Administration specific business and technical topics:
(NS0-174) exam.
Prerequisites: None. • Core Knowledge
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends • Requirements Identification
6 to 12 months experience working with converged • Business Analysis
FlexPod and Cisco infrastructure prior to attempting • Business Translation
the FlexPod Administration exam. • Solution Design
• Solution Validation

NetApp • 74
• Solution Adoption Strategies How Much Does It Cost to Get
• Reporting and Documentation NetApp Certified?

Required exam: Earning the NCHC Architect NetApp certification exams are proctored by the testing
certification requires passing two exams — the NetApp company Pearson VUE. NetApp certification costs much
Certified Hybrid Cloud Architect (NS0-602) exam, and less than many other IT certifications we’ve discussed.
one of these certifications from major cloud providers: According to current Pearson prices, certifications cost
• AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate either $150 or $300. The only two exams that cost $300
• GCP Professional Cloud Architect are those that deal with FlexPod technology.
• Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300)
• Microsoft Azure Architect Design (AZ-301)
Prerequisites: None. NetApp Recertification
Recommended experience: NetApp recommends at and Renewal
least 12 months designing solutions for customers and
architecting NetApp data fabric solutions in hybrid NetApp University certifications are valid for two years
cloud environments prior to attempting the NCHC from the date granted. That may seem clear, but the
Architect exam. company’s “Expiration Period Policy” seems to muddy
the waters. In certain cases, certification may be active
for 27 months.

For instance, if a candidate with an active Professional-

level certification renews their credential by passing a
Specialist-level certification, then the new renewal date
will be the date of the Specialist-level certification.

NetApp • 75
NetApp Certification Salary NetApp Certification Training
and Career Information
CBT Nuggets offers the following NetApp training: puts an average salary for someone with
a NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator • NetApp Certified Storage Associate (NCSA)
(NCDA) at $101,000. Someone with the NetApp
Certified Storage Associate certification draws an In addition to quality, entertaining video training
average salary of $79,000. So, there appears to be a big created by expert-level trainers, CBT Nuggets provides
jump between Associate-level and Professional-level everything a learner needs to study for IT certification
certifications. Here’s a list of jobs with their salaries for exams, including virtual labs, supplemental files,
NCDA according to Payscale (in USD): practice exams, and access to a robust Learner
• Senior Storage Engineer: $113,111
• Storage Engineer: $98,852 All CBT Nuggets training provides learners with custom
• Storage Area Network (SAN) Systems virtual labs or supplemental files to learn technical
Administrator: $98,074 concepts alongside the video training. Virtual labs
• Systems Administrator: $74,000 were designed by experts to help learners gain hands-
• Professional Services Engineer: $100,443 on experience in a sandbox environment. NuggetLab
• Senior Systems Engineer: $104,432 supplemental files include practice commands,
• Technical Support Engineer: $66,308 configuration files, and network diagrams — everything
a learner needs to study for a certification exam.
Storage engineers in general seem to do pretty
well. Payscale puts the average salary for storage CBT Nuggets learners should also take advantage
engineers at $88,935. In terms of salary potential, of the Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams included
NetApp looks like a pretty good choice. The keyword with a subscription to CBT Nuggets. Practice exams
“NetApp” yielded 2,227 results on If can either be taken timed or untimed, and provide
you are interested in, or enjoy working with, storage a good baseline for learners to test their knowledge.
technology and are looking for lots of opportunities, Additionally, Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams
NetApp certification may be the right fit for you. evaluate a learner’s strengths and weaknesses, so they
know where to focus their attention while studying.

© 2019 CBT Nuggets. Version 1.0.

F5 Networks is well-known for their software- and appliance-based cloud and security
application services solutions, based on the Company’s BIG-IP product suite. F5’s flagship
solution is their BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager.

Although they are not a dominant networking player like Cisco, F5 does have a solid
position within enterprise customers. They claim that 49 of the Fortune 50 companies use
F5 solutions. The company also enjoys a complementary relationship with a number of
the larger technology companies including Amazon Web Services, Cisco, Microsoft Azure,
and VMware.
F5 Certifications F5 ADMINISTRATOR

F5 Certified BIG-IP
Like many IT vendors, F5 is a firm supporter of Administrator (F5-CA)
certification programs as a way to ensure that
customers and channel partners have access to a The F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator certification is
pool of F5 certified IT professionals with the assured designed for IT professionals who handle day-to-day
proficiency to design, build, deploy and manage management of an F5 Application Delivery Network
F5-based solutions. (ADN). The F5-CA serves as the foundation for all of F5’s
higher-level technical certifications, and validates a
The F5 certification program has eight certifications in candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:
four tracks related to different job roles:
•  Troubleshooting basic hardware issues
• Administrator •  Troubleshooting basic performance issues
• Channel Sales •  Troubleshooting basic device management
• Certified Technical Specialist •  Opening a support ticket with F5
• Certified Solutions Expert •  Identifying and reporting current device status
•  Maintaining system configuration
•  Managing existing system and app services

Required exam: Earning the F5 Certified BIG-IP

Administrator (F5-CA) requires passing two exams —
Application Delivery Fundamentals (Exam 101) and
TMOS Administration (Exam 201).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting Exam 201,
candidates must pass Exam 101.
Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
have a basic understanding of network fundamentals,
protocols, and common traffic management concepts,
and must be capable of performing day-to-day
operations on TMOS-based devices.

F5 • 78

F5 Certified Technical Professional,

Sales (F5-CTP, Sales)

The F5 Certified Technical Professional, Sales is

designed for sales engineers who work for F5 channel
partners — such as resellers and solution providers.
The F5-CTP, Sales certification validates a candidate’s
understanding of these F5 topics and skills:

•  Discovery
•  Education
•  Proposal
•  Supporting the close
•  Ongoing support/maintenance

Required exam: Earning the F5 Certified Technical

Professional, Sales certification requires passing one
exam — Pre-Sales Fundamentals (Exam 202).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must have either passed Application
Delivery Fundamentals (Exam 101) or earned the F5
Certified BIG-IP Administrator (F5-CA) certification.
Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
have a proven track record of selling F5 solutions.

F5 • 79

Specialist Certifications F5-CTS BIG-IP Local Traffic

Manager (LTM)
The F5 Certified Technical Specialist certification is
designed for networking professionals who design, The F5-CTS BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager certification
implement, maintain, and troubleshoot enterprise is designed for networking professionals performing
application networks that are built upon advanced F5 day-to-day operations and basic troubleshooting of
product features. Candidates may pursue one or more TMOS-based devices installed in various application
of four F5-CTS specialization tracks: environments. The F5 LTM certification validates a
candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Domain Name System •  Architecting an application
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Application Security Manager •  Administering and securing LTM devices
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Access Policy Manager •  Deploying applications
•  Troubleshooting basic virtual server
The first two F5-CTS certs (BIG-IP LTM and BIG-IP connectivity issues
DNS) are prerequisites to the expert-level F5 Certified •  Troubleshooting basic hardware issues
Solutions Expert, Cloud certification, while all four are •  Troubleshooting basic performance issues
required for the F5 Certified Solutions Expert,
Security certification. Required exams: Earning the F5-CTS LTM certification
requires passing two exams — BIG-IP LTM Specialist:
Architect, Setup, and Deploy (Exam 301a) and BIG-IP
LTM Specialist: Maintain and Troubleshoot
(Exam 301b).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the F5 Certified BIG-IP
Administrator certification.
Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
have practical experience designing, implementing,
maintaining, optimizing, and troubleshooting
advanced BIG-IP LTM product features.

F5 • 80

F5-CTS BIG-IP Domain Name F5-CTS BIG-IP Application Security

System (DNS) Manager (ASM)

The F5-CTS BIG-IP Domain Name System certification The F5-CTS BIG-IP Application Security Manager
is designed for networking professionals who deliver certification is designed for networking professionals
scalable intelligent DNS/Global Server Load Balancing who design, implement, maintain, and troubleshoot
(GSLB) infrastructure across multiple data centers. the full functionality of BIG-IP ASM product features to
The F5 DNS certification validates a candidate’s assure the security of an application delivery network.
understanding of these topics and skills: The F5 ASM certification validates a candidate’s
understanding of these topics and skills:
•  Global Traffic Manager Introduction
•  Deployment •  Architecture/design and policy creation
•  Operations and Troubleshooting •  Policy maintenance and optimization
•  Reviewing event logs and mitigating attacks
Required exam: Earning the F5-CTS DNS certification •  Troubleshooting
requires passing one exam — BIG-IP LTM Specialist:
Architect, Setup, and Deploy (Exam 302). Required exam: Earning the F5-CTS ASM certification
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification, requires passing one exam — BIG-IP ASM Specialist
candidates must earn the F5 Certified BIG-IP (Exam 303).
Administrator certification. Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates candidates must earn the F5 Certified BIG-IP
have at least one year of experience as BIG-IP DNS Administrator certification.
administrator with the ability to deploy and test Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
configurations, and troubleshoot and remedy have at least one year of experience as a senior
common misconfigurations. network, system, or application security engineer
delivering highly-available, secure, and scalable
applications with ASM technology.

F5 • 81

F5-CTS BIG-IP Access Policy

Manager (APM)

The F5-CTS BIG-IP Access Policy Manager certification

is designed for networking professionals who manage
the day-to-day operation of application delivery
networks based on F5 Networks technology. The F5
APM certification validates a candidate’s understanding
of these topics and skills:

•  Authentication, authorization, and accounting

(AAA), single sign-on (SSO), federated
authorization, and mobile device management
•  Network and application access
•  Visual policy editor
•  Deploying and maintaining iApps
•  Administering and troubleshooting BIG-IP APM
•  Security

Required exam: Earning the F5-CTS ASM certification

requires passing one exam — BIG-IP APM Specialist
(Exam 304).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn the F5 Certified BIG-IP
Administrator certification.
Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
be proficient in configuring, implementing,
troubleshooting, and maintaining BIG-IP APM in
various application environments.

F5 • 82

Expert Certifications F5 Certified Solution Expert, Cloud

(F5-CSE, Cloud)
The F5 Certified Solution Expert (F5-CSE) certifications
are the highest level of the F5 certification path. The F5-Certified Solution Expert, Cloud certification is
An F5-CSE certification validates that the holder designed for network and application architects who
is highly proficient in architecting, designing, and assess and determine business requirements and then
troubleshooting complex solutions incorporating both satisfy those requirements with a F5 cloud solutions.
F5 and non-F5 products. The F5-CSE, Cloud certification validates a candidate’s
understanding of these topics and skills:
Candidates for this expert-level credential can choose
between two tracks: •  Foundational cloud concepts
•  Cloud infrastructure design
•  F5 Certified Solution Expert, Cloud •  Cloud migration
(F5-CSE, Cloud) •  Cloud deployment
•  F5 Certified Solution Expert, Security •  Cloud orchestration and automation
(F5-CSE, Security)
Required exam: Earning the F5-CTS ASM certification
requires passing one exam — Cloud Solutions
(Exam 402).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must earn two certifications — F5-CTS BIG-
Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
have experience integrating cloud infrastructure with
other technologies into optimal cloud solutions.

F5 • 83
F5 CERTIFIED SOLUTION EXPERT Required experience: F5 recommends that candidates
F5 Certified Solution Expert, Security have practical experience designing security solutions
(F5-CSE, Security) leveraging F5’s BIG-IP, BIG-IQ, IP Intelligence (IPI),
WebSafe, and MobileSafe technologies.
The F5-CSE, Security certification is designed for
security professionals who assess and determine the
cybersecurity requirements of the business and then
satisfy those requirements with technical security
solutions. The F5-CSE, Security certification validates a
candidate’s understanding of these topics and skills:

•  Assessing requirements
•  Designing a unified solution that includes
multiple security modules
•  Building security solution
•  Maintaining security solutions
•  Identifying, diagnosing, and resolving security
solutions issues

Required exam: Earning the F5-CSE, Security

certification requires passing one exam — Security
Solutions (Exam 401).
Prerequisites: Prior to attempting this certification,
candidates must pass all four F5-CTS BIG-IP
specialization certifications:
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM)
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Domain Name System (DNS)
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM)
•  F5-CTS BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM)

F5 • 84
How Much Does It Cost F5-certified individuals can go to the F5 candidate
to Get F5 Certified? portal to determine their certification dates and
status. In addition, for the three months prior to their
With each exam costing $135, F5 certification cost certification expiration date, F5-certified individuals
is based on the number of exams required to earn will receive a monthly email that alerts them to register
a certification. For instance, the F5 Certified BIG-IP for a recertification exam at the Pearson VUE website.
Administrator (F5-CA) requires two exams at a total Individuals who let their certification lapse are no
cost of $270. F5 Certified Technical Specialist (F5-CTS) longer considered certified. However, there is a 30-
specialties cost either $406 or $540. The F5 Certified day grace period to take the recertification exam and
Solution Expert (F5-CSE) certifications cost $912 for reactivate an certification after the expiration date.
Cloud and $1,080 for Security.
Beyond this 30-day grace period, the certification
expires completely, and the individual must start the
entire F5 certification process over from scratch. At this
F5 Recertification point, the person is not F5 certified and is not eligible
and Renewal for higher-level exams, nor any benefits tied to
F5 certification.
F5 certifications are valid for two years from the
date that certification was achieved. F5 certification
expiration is based on the last, highest certification
that the F5-certified individual has achieved. For F5 Certification Salary
example, someone who holds the F5-CTS BIG-IP LTM and Career Information
cert will have previously earned the prerequisite F5
Certified BIG-IP Administrator (F5-CA) credential. A search of the for IT jobs requiring F5
Their certification expiration is driven by the date they experience confirms the earlier comment that F5
earned the F5-CTS LTM. technology is typically viewed as complementary to
products from other vendors, especially Cisco.
In order to renew their F5 certification, the F5-certified We found over 4,700 job openings that specified F5
individual is only required to retake the last exam in the experience and/or certifications. While some of these
highest certification they achieved. openings were clearly for F5-specific roles (e.g. Senior
F5 Engineer, F5 Systems Engineer, and F5 Network

F5 • 85
Engineer), the clear majority were for generic titles. F5 Certification Training
In both the general and F5-specific job title openings,
Cisco certifications — CCNA, CCNP, CCIE — were CBT Nuggets offers the following F5 training:
frequently preferred or required. The F5 Certified BIG-
IP Administrator and F5 Certified Technology Specialist • F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager
were the F5 certifications cited most often. The generic
title search indicated annual salaries ranging from CBT Nuggets’ F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager training
$80,000 to $125,000, with an average of almost $95,000. class prepares students for the two exams that must be
When we drill down to the subset of F5-specific titles, passed to become an F5 Certified BIG-IP Administrator
where F5 certification is preferred or required, the (F5-CA).
annual F5 certification salary ranges from $95,900
to $117,400, with an average of over $103,000. This Good luck to you as you start on your F5 certification
suggests that employers are willing to pay an F5 path. Our course offerings do change from time-to-time
certification salary premium of $8,000 over the general as we support the F5 certification roadmap, so be sure
job titles. to check CBT Nuggets for new and updated on-line
courses that are relevant to your personal F5
A take-away from this is that a laser-focus on the career journey.
fewer F5-specific jobs could deliver a premium F5
certification salary. However, a combined Cisco
and F5 certification path might be a better personal
development strategy, offering a larger pool of well-
paying job opportunities.

© 2019 CBT Nuggets. Version 1.0.

CompTIA — formally called the Computing Technology Industry Association — is a non-
profit organization with membership comprising more than 200 leading IT companies and
2,000 member companies.

As an IT industry trade organization, a CompTIA goal is to help ensure that there is a

strong pool of IT professionals with the skills required to drive the adoption and use of
information technologies in enterprises worldwide. CompTIA is the leading provider of
vendor-neutral training and certification programs for those IT professionals, having
issued more than two million certificates to date.

CompTIA certificate programs have been established for IT support, networking, security,
open-source (Linux) development, and cloud. In addition to technical certifications,
additional professional CompTIA certificate programs are available for business
professionals, non-IT staff, and technical trainers.
What is CompTIA CompTIA Core Certifications
CompTIA Core Certifications are for beginners and
CompTIA provides vendor-neutral certifications that entry-level IT professionals. There are four CompTIA
validate candidates have achieved a specific level of Core Certifications:
expertise that can be applied universally, regardless of
vendor. For example, someone with CompTIA Network+ • CompTIA IT Fundamentals+
certification should apply their knowledge and skills to • CompTIA A+
Cisco or Juniper networking technologies • CompTIA Network+
— at a basic level. • CompTIA Security+

The CompTIA certification program encompasses certs CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, and CompTIA
in four categories: Security+ are all DoD 8570.01-M
-approved certifications.




CompTIA • 88

CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ CompTIA A+

CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ is designed for individuals The CompTIA A+ certification is designed for people
who want to begin exploring a career in IT. It’s also who want to build a career in IT technical support and
a good option for business, sales, and marketing operations. The CompTIA A+ certification validates a
professionals who work closely with systems and candidate’s ability to:
information technology.
• Identify, use, and connect hardware components
The IT Fundamentals+ certification validates a • Install and support Windows OS
candidate’s understanding of these topics: • Troubleshoot PC and mobile device issues
• Explain types of networks and connections
• Computing • Troubleshoot device and network issues
• IT infrastructure • Identify and protect against security
• Software development vulnerabilities
• Database use • Install & configure laptops and other
mobile devices
Required exam: Earning the CompTIA IT • Understand Mac OS, Linux and mobile OS
Fundamentals+ Certification requires passing one exam
— CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (FC0-U61). Required exams: Earning the CompTIA A+ certification
Prerequisites: None. requires passing two exams — CompTIA A+ 220-1001
Recommended experience: CompTIA recommends this and CompTIA A+ 220-1002.
exam for advanced end users or individuals thinking Prerequisites: None.
about entering the IT field. That means you should feel Recommended experience: While there are no specific
comfortable using computer systems and networks. prerequisites for the exams, CompTIA recommends that
candidates have 9 to 12 months hands-on experience
with various mobile, desktop, and networking tasks.

CompTIA • 89

CompTIA Network+ CompTIA Security+

The CompTIA Network+ certification is designed for IT The CompTIA Security+ certification validates
professionals with entry-level experience. Network+ the baseline cybersecurity skills required of IT
is a common stepping stone common to move into administrators and security professionals. The
network administration. Given that almost everything CompTIA Security+ certification validates the
is networked, networking experience is a valuable candidate’s ability to:
asset for any IT professional. The CompTIA Network+
certification validates the candidate’s ability to: • Detect various types of threats, attacks and
• Implement networking concepts • Install, configure, and deploy network security
• Determine the appropriate cabling, device components
and storage technologies • Implement a secure network architecture
• Use best practices to manage a network • Install, configure and manage identity
• Summarize physical security, and common wired and access services
and wireless attacks • Implement risk management procedures to
• Explain the network troubleshooting mitigate business impact
methodology • Install and configure wireless security settings
and implement public key infrastructure
Required exam: Earning the CompTIA Network+
certification requires passing one exam — CompTIA Required exam: Earning the CompTIA Security+
Network+ (N10-007). certification requires passing one exam — CompTIA
Prerequisites: None. Security+ (SY0-501).
Recommended experience: While are no specific Prerequisites: None.
prerequisites for the exam, CompTIA recommends that Recommended experience: There are no specific
candidates have obtained CompTIA A+ certification and prerequisites for the exam, although CompTIA
at least 9 to 12 months of networking experience. recommends that candidates have obtained CompTIA
Network+ certification and two years of experience in
IT administration with a security focus.

CompTIA • 90

Certifications CompTIA CySA+

CompTIA Cybersecurity certifications make up the The Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) certification is
final step of the CompTIA technical certification path. designed for cybersecurity professionals who use
These certifications are for advanced and expert-level an analytics-based approach to identify and combat
professionals. There are three certs at this tier: malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs). As
hackers continue to evade traditional signature-based
• CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) solutions such as firewalls, the IT security industry is
• CompTIA PenTest+ moving toward an analytics-based approach.
• CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) The CompTIA CySA+ certification validates the
candidate’s ability to:
CompTIA CySA+ and CompTIA CASP+ are both DoD
8570.01-M-approved certifications. • Implement a vulnerability management process
• Perform data analysis and interpret the results to
identify vulnerabilities, threats and risks
to an organization
• Configure and use threat-detection tools
• Secure and protect applications and systems
within an organization

Required exam: Earning the CompTIA CySA+

certification requires passing one exam — CompTIA
CySA+ (CS0-001).
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended experience: While not required in order
to take the CompTIA CySA+, CompTIA recommends
that candidates either have a CompTIA Network+ or
Security+ certification, or at least three years of hands-
on experience in information security.

CompTIA • 91

CompTIA PenTest+ CompTIA CASP+

The CompTIA PenTest+ certification is designed The CompTIA CASP+ certification is designed for expert
for intermediate-level cybersecurity professionals cybersecurity professionals who implement security
who are tasked with penetration testing to manage solutions. While cybersecurity managers identify the
vulnerabilities on a network. The CompTIA PenTest+ cybersecurity policies and frameworks that need to
certification validates the candidate’s ability to: be implemented, cybersecurity technical practitioners
implement solutions within those policies
• Plan a comprehensive compliance-based and frameworks. The CompTIA CASP+ certification
vulnerability assessment validates the candidate’s ability to:
• Perform a vulnerability scan and
analyze results • Analyze security risks and frameworks that come
• Exploit network, wireless, application, and along with specific industry threats
RF-based vulnerabilities, summarize physical • Integrate network and security components and
security attacks, and perform post- implement security controls
exploitation techniques • Implement incident response and recovery
• Conduct information gathering exercises with procedures
various penetration testing tools • Integrate hosts, storage, networks and
• Utilize report-writing and handling best practices applications into a secure enterprise architecture
• Apply research methods to determine industry
Required exam: Earning the CompTIA PenTest+ trends and their impacts to the enterprise
certification requires passing one exam — CompTIA
PenTest+ (PT0-001). Required exam: Earning the CompTIA CASP+
Prerequisites: None. certification requires passing one exam — CompTIA
Recommended experience: While not required in CASP+ (CAS-003).
order to take the CompTIA PenTest+ exam, CompTIA Prerequisites: None.
recommends that candidates have CompTIA Network+ Recommended experience: CompTIA recommends
or Security+ certification, and at least three years of that candidates have at least 10 years of IT
hands-on information security or related experience. administration experience, including at least five years
of hands-on technical security experience.

CompTIA • 92

Stackable Certifications CompTIA Secure Cloud

Professional (CSCP)
When you complete the set of CompTIA certifications
that represent a particular CompTIA Stackable The CompTIA Secure Cloud Professional stackable
Certification, you will be automatically granted the certification is designed for security professionals that
relevant stackable certification(s). primarily work with cloud applications and services.

The CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Pathway is aimed Required exams: To earn the CSCP stackable
at IT professionals who choose to specialize in the certification, you must pass CompTIA Security+ and
field of cybersecurity. There are seven sets of CompTIA Cloud+ certifications.
stackable certifications for cybersecurity.

• CompTIA Secure Infrastructure Specialist (CSIS)


• CompTIA Security Analytics Professional (CSAP) CompTIA Security Analytics

• CompTIA Network Vulnerability Assessment Professional (CSAP)
Professional (CNVP)
• CompTIA Network Security Professional (CNSP) The CompTIA Security Analytics Professional stackable
certification validates that security professionals can
monitor for security events and enact measures to
COMPTIA STACKABLE SPECIALIST protect their network and systems.
CompTIA Secure Infrastructure
Specialist (CSIS) Required exams: To earn the CSAP stackable
certification, you must earn the CompTIA Security+ and
The CompTIA Secure Infrastructure Specialist stackable CySA+ certifications.
certification is designed for security professionals who
primarily support hardware and software systems.

Required exams: To earn the CSIS stackable

certification, you must earn CompTIA A+, Network+ and
Security+ certifications.

CompTIA • 93

CompTIA Network Vulnerability CompTIA Security Analytics

Assessment Professional (CNVP) Expert (CSAE)

The CompTIA Network Vulnerability Assessment The CompTIA Security Analytics Expert stackable
Professional stackable certification validates that certification validates that security professionals can
security professionals can scan applications and research and find vulnerabilities through data — and
systems for vulnerabilities. then engineer solutions.

Required exams: To earn the CNVP stackable Required exams: To earn the CSAE stackable
certification, you must earn the CompTIA Security+ and certification, you must earn CompTIA Security+, CySA+,
PenTest+ certifications. and CASP certifications.



CompTIA Network Security Expert (CSIE)
Professional (CNSP)
The CompTIA Security Infrastructure Expert stackable
The CompTIA Network Security Professional stackable certification validates that security professionals
certification validates that security professionals can can lead and manage every element of security
monitor networks for threats and vulnerabilities, as infrastructure for large, complex organizations.
well as actively respond to those threats.
Required exams: To earn the CSIE stackable
Required exams: To earn the CNSP stackable certification, you must earn CompTIA Security+, CySA+,
certification, you must pass CompTIA Security+, PenTest+, and CASP certifications.
PenTest+, and CySA+ certifications.

CompTIA • 94
How Much Does CompTIA CompTIA Recertification
Certification Cost? and Renewal

CompTIA certification exams range in cost between CompTIA certifications earned since 2011 are valid for
$219 and $349, depending on the exam. For CompTIA three years from the date of original certification. They
A+, you must pass two exams for a total cost of must be renewed before their expiration date. CompTIA
$438. For CompTIA Security+, the single CompTIA recertification and renewal comes under the auspices
certification exam costs $339. The cost for the CompTIA of the CompTIA Continuing Education (CE) program.
Network+ exam is $319. You must be enrolled in that program to renew
a certification.
How Do I Get a Copy of My
CompTIA Certification? There are a number of ways to renew a certification.
You can simply recertify by paying for, and taking,
What happens if you need verification of your CompTIA the most recent version of the relevant CompTIA
certification(s) for a job application, for your resume, or certification exam(s). Here are some of the other ways
to submit to a potential client? Through your CompTIA to renew a CompTIA certification:
certification account (login here if you have one)
CompTIA provides two ways to provide proof of • Complete a CompTIA CertMaster CE course.
your certs: CertMaster CE e-learning courses are available for
A+, Network+, and Security+. When you complete
• Download a PDF Certificate: You can download a the course, you’ll automatically earn Continuing
PDF certificate that contains a URL and verification Education Units (CEU) for the exam in your
code that can be used to authenticate CompTIA certification account. CertMaster CE
your certification. e-learning courses cost between $129 and $199.
• Create a Transcript: You can create a customized • Earn a higher-level CompTIA certification. If you
certification transcript which will be sent by email earn or renew a qualifying higher-level CompTIA
to a designated recipient. certification, your existing CompTIA certifications
are renewed.

CompTIA • 95
• Earn a non-CompTIA IT industry certification. CompTIA Certification Salary
If you earn or renew a qualifying non-CompTIA and Career Information
IT industry certification, you’ll earn Continuing
Education Units (CEU) that can apply toward the PayScale reports the following average salaries
renewal requirements for your existing CompTIA (USD) for employees holding particular
certification. For example, earning a Cisco CCNA CompTIA certifications:
Security cert gives you the 50 CEUs you need for
CompTIA Security+ certification renewal. • CompTIA A+ salary: $59,000
• Earn other CEUs. You can earn CEUs to apply • CompTIA Server+: $63,000
to recertification through a number of different • CompTIA Network+: $64,000
avenues. These include taking training and higher • CompTIA Project+: $67,000
education, participating in IT Industry activities, • CompTIA Linux+: $70,000
publishing articles or white papers, or even • CompTIA Security+: $73,000
submitting relevant work experience. • CompTIA CTT+: $74,000
• CompTIA Cloud+: $76,000
Is a CompTIA Certification a • CompTIA Advanced Security
Lifetime Certification? Practitioner (CASP): $86,000

As of January 1, 2011, CompTIA ended lifetime CompTIA certification will be just one indicator of the
certifications. CompTIA certifications earned since that value that you bring to the table. Other factors will play
date are valid for three years only and are then subject a big part in how much a job will pay. For example,
to renewal and recertification as described above. although the average salary for CompTIA A+ is $59,000,
CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+ or CompTIA Security+ PayScale reports salaries up to $91,000 for A+ certified
certifications earned before 2011 are considered good- professionals in Washington D.C.
for-life (GFL) and do not expire. Note that GFL certs are
not valid for CompTIA stackable certifications. If you Not surprisingly, given CompTIA’s inclusion in the
want to bring your certification current, you’ll need to US Department of Defense (DoD) baseline
pass the current version of the exam. You’ll then have certifications, the US military and Federal Government
two certs: your GFL certification and the new CE one. contractors are popular employers for CompTIA
certification holders.

CompTIA • 96
CompTIA Certification

CBT Nuggets offers a variety of training that maps to

CompTIA certification exams, ranging from A+
to Cloud+.

• Core Series
• CompTIA Network+ (N10-007)
• CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501)
• CompTIA A+ 220-1001
• CompTIA A+ 220-1002
• Infrastructure Series
• CompTIA Cloud+ (CV0-002)
• LPI Linux LPIC-1 101 and CompTIA Linux+
• Cybersecurity Series
• CompTIA CySA+ (CS0-001)
• Additional Professional Series
• CompTIA Project+ (PK0-004)
• CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-001)

Our training changes from time-to-time as we support

the CompTIA certification roadmap. So be sure to check
CBT Nuggets for new and updated training relevant to
your personal CompTIA certification goals.

© 2019 CBT Nuggets. Version 1.0.

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