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Winter Break Assignment 2020 

This is your assignment for winter break. It is extremely important that you are as prepared as 
possible for the rest of our school year. For this reason, I have put together a list of tasks that I feel 
will help you accomplish this goal. Please complete at least 3 of the following: 
❏ Play a board game/video game/card game with your family. 
❏ Take a picture of a really cool holiday light display and send it to Mrs. Fullington. 
❏ Bake cookies/cupcakes/muffins or some other homemade treat. 
❏ Work on a holiday rap album, and send it to Mrs. Fullington when it's complete. 
❏ Go to the beach and make a sand angel. 
❏ Help your parents/guardians prepare a meal. 
❏ Do a good deed for someone. 
❏ Read something for fun. 
❏ Enjoy a hot beverage. 
❏ Watch a movie with your family. 
❏ Cut out paper snowflakes - extra special if they’re biology themed! 
❏ Take an hour-long walk (safely). 
❏ Sleep for at least 8 hours straight. 
❏ Talk to an older relative in your family, and ask them to tell you a story about something that 
affected their life when they were your age. 
❏ Take a really long nap in the middle of the day. 
❏ Reach out to someone you trust if it’s not a good time for you. 
❏ Clean out a junk drawer and tell Mrs. Fullington about the strangest item you find. 
❏ Other: Any other action done in the spirit of this assignment is automatically approved 
Some additional notes about this assignment: 
1. Family means something different to everyone. If you choose to do any of these activities with the friends you 
consider family, please make sure to follow all CDC guidelines with social distancing and masks.  
2. You are all amazing, and you DESERVE this break. Enjoy it, and take some time to yourself! 
3. Feel free to share any of the amazing things you do, make, see, participate in, etc with Mrs. Fullington! 

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