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Today, many people believe that counterfeiting is one of the many means that fulfill our needs

of daily means and equipment, as well as our food and clothing, and this belief is completely wrong.
We must correct it and explain the true meaning and consequences of this illegal act. Imitation, like
any other heinous act, must be based on deception and selling delusions to people. First, counterfeit
products are obviously less valuable and practical than the original, and this is what constitutes a
range of dangers if they are used regularly.

Moreover, the counterfeit companies ’fear of the controls by the ministry on business owners
and merchants leads them to move away from everything that connects them with the consumer,
and therefore they do not register their counterfeit products on the commercial list and do not put
guarantees on them and this makes consumer confused ٫ and on the other hand. He thinks about the
low price of the product he wants to buy.

The manifestations of fraud are many, and this must be due to several reasons, including the
absence of control over products from the beginning of the stage of manufacture to the point of
their exit from the factory, as well as the accreditation certificates that the state grants to companies
without studying their project file. Because of these lapses, counterfeit drug factories that are owned
by people who have nothing to do with medicine have proliferated, and thanks to dark internet
merchants, it has become easy for those producers to market their products and publish them on a
large scale in order to avoid passing on the trade police and ministerial control organizations, so we
all know that we are currently living In a giant crisis due to the Corona virus, this is what made
unauthorized laboratories steal the experiments of the Russian company Sputnik to manufacture a
vaccine for the virus and sell it at exorbitant prices.

And as another example of imitation, we mention the company, which has always been
and is still filing lawsuits against the companies that imitate it, and the strange thing is that these
companies came out of their hiding spots and declared that they are companies imitating Adidas to
the extent that they used the same logo and changed their names to And and
and other names. Those clothes that are woven in their factories are very poor, even
though they use the same fabric that the original company uses, and because deception is
widespread in our markets, merchants find an opportunity to defraud people.

And because the TV and film industry is almost non-existent and very poor, some websites steal
movies and series of giant production companies such as and , as well as and
In addition to piracy of global game-making companies and making them available for
download after cracking them and breaking payment barriers, and this always happens with
companies such as and , ,and also .

counterfeiting kills creativity and limits the individual's ability to produce. It also corrupts the
country's reputation and places it under the sights of the producing countries, which leads them to
draw conclusions that this country is weak and susceptible to occupation and exploitation. In order
to prevent this from happening, we must work intensively on our projects and our own research
without looking at what the result will lead to ... Just trying at least.

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