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Data Statistics Report

Sun Nov 29 09:05:52 2020

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\ACER\Documents\Geo\Asw.dat
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 428

Original Data: 430

Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 2
Retained Duplicates: 2
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 0
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.032

Deleted Duplicates: 2
Retained Duplicates: 2
Artificial Data: 0

X Y Z ID Status
110 240306 -7 1 Retained
110 240306 -7 430 Deleted

110 244235 -7 202 Retained

110 244235 -7 215 Deleted
Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 428

Univariate Statistics
Count: 428 428 428

1%%-tile: 110 2481 -7

5%%-tile: 110 25491 -7
10%%-tile: 110 238823 -7
25%%-tile: 110 245085 -7
50%%-tile: 110 254296 -7
75%%-tile: 110 260866 -7
90%%-tile: 110 266729 -7
95%%-tile: 110 268348 -7
99%%-tile: 110 271632 -7

Minimum: 110 242 -7

Maximum: 110 271821 -7

Mean: 110 232893.922897 -7

Median: 110 254297.5 -7
Geometric Mean: 110 196942.443494 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 110 47289.8607499 N/A
Root Mean Square: 110 242945.43275 7
Trim Mean (10%%): 110 242448.475325 -7
Interquartile Mean: 110 253923.990698 -7
Midrange: 110 136031.5 -7
Winsorized Mean: 110 253415.007009 -7
TriMean: 110 253635.75 -7

Variance: 0 4794105151.74 0
Standard Deviation: N/A 69239.4768304 N/A
Interquartile Range: 0 15781 0
Range: 0 271579 0
Mean Difference: 0 48831.7186522 0
Median Abs. Deviation: 0 7866 0
Average Abs. Deviation: 0 28953.3621495 0
Quartile Dispersion: 0 0.0311907674854 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0 0.209673649036 N/A

Standard Error: N/A 3346.81643672 N/A

Coef. of Variation: N/A 0.297300487574 N/A
Skewness: N/A -2.67067041712 N/A
Kurtosis: N/A 8.32533763264 N/A

Sum: 47080 99678599 -2996

Sum Absolute: 47080 99678599 2996
Sum Squares: 5178800 2.52616228498e+013 20972
Mean Square: 12100 59022483293.9 49

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 0 0 0
Y: 0 4.7941052e+009 0
Z: 0 0 0

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 N/A N/A
Y: N/A 1.000 N/A
Z: N/A N/A 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 N/A N/A
Y: N/A 1.000 N/A
Z: N/A N/A 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0 0 0
Y: 0 0 0
Z: 0 0 0

Lambda: 0 0 0

Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: N/A N/A N/A
Standard Error: N/A N/A N/A

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 N/A N/A
B: N/A 1.000 N/A
C: N/A N/A 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 N/A N/A N/A
Residual: 425 N/A N/A
Total: 427 N/A

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): N/A

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 1 0
5%%-tile: 2 0
10%%-tile: 4 0
25%%-tile: 12 0
50%%-tile: 29 0
75%%-tile: 66 0
90%%-tile: 107 0
95%%-tile: 142 0
99%%-tile: 207 0

Minimum: 1 0
Maximum: 2153 0
Mean: 51.0957943925 0
Median: 29 0
Geometric Mean: 25.7229369078 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 10.2487562036 N/A
Root Mean Square: 123.234892725 N/A
Trim Mean (10%%): 40.8363636364 0
Interquartile Mean: 32.9534883721 0
Midrange: 1077 0
Winsorized Mean: 41.6705607477 0
TriMean: 34 0

Variance: 12605.5107083 0
Standard Deviation: 112.274265565 N/A
Interquartile Range: 54 0
Range: 2152 0
Mean Difference: 57.3006522358 0
Median Abs. Deviation: 21 0
Average Abs. Deviation: 38.1285046729 0
Quartile Dispersion: 0.692307692308 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 1.12143578385 N/A

Standard Error: 5.42698146515 N/A

Coef. of Variation: 2.19732889762 N/A
Skewness: 15.4418060212 N/A
Kurtosis: 287.198862207 N/A

Sum: 21869 0
Sum Absolute: 21869 0
Sum Squares: 6499967 0
Mean Square: 15186.838785 0

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: N/A
Clark and Evans: N/A
Skellam: N/A

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