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Limitation & Recommendation:

We have some limitation during conducting this research which are as following

1. Data access limitation: we had data limitation with our research, for example we were

able to use only secondary methodology to conduct our research which gave us limited

data access.

2. Time Limitation: We had only 24 hours’ time to complete research and write paper. If

we had more time to conduct our research that would have really helped us because 24

hours are not enough to cover all of hats and for conducting broad research.

Recommendation for future researcher:

1. If anyone would like to conduct research on data visualization eight hats we

would recommend to include primary methodology to conduct research which

include field visit, questionary, interview, and surveys to gain real life experience

data which can be merged with secondary data to gain .

2. Take your time to conduct research.

3. Try to find out more visualization hats which are playing critical role to make

organization more successful.

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