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To be honest, whenever I was going through experiences that made me feel hurt, I never really

knew the reason why. I would always start to ask questions. “Why do people need to feel
pain?” “Can’t we all just have happiness so everything will be at peace?” ‘Why were we even
born if we were bound to die?” just stuff like that. It was embedded in my mind that life is
unfair because in order for you to feel happy, you’d have to experience hurtful situations. I’d
always be envious of people who had it the easy way; the people whose lives seem just full of
sparkles and all minus every bad thing. When people tell me to try to look on the positive side
of life, I didn’t really understand what they meant by that. But, as time passes and I grow old, it
has come to my realization that you can actually find meaning in pain and suffering. I believe
that you suffer in order for you to learn. In every bad experience, you always find a lesson. And,
pain is there because if it isn’t then how can we know that we’re happy? I realized that if failure
didn’t exist, then how can we learn? As human beings, we cannot escape pain, suffering, and
most of all death. One way or another the last part will happen to us. Death is something scary.
No matter how people say that they’re ready, I believe no one’s really “ready” to go. Instead of
having the belief that all three bring despair; well yes they do. But if we look on the other side,
we can actually do something to ease the pain and suffering. Of course, we cannot do anything
about death, if it’s your time, then it’s your time. Instead of thinking that reality is unfair, what I
think we should do is face it. Tell yourself, “If this is how it is, then I will make the most out of
it.” If we start thinking like this, we can come to a conclusion that through pain, suffering, and
death, life has meaning. Failures make us learn from our mistakes. It is through suffering that
we gradually know ourselves bit by bit, and by death, it gives us more urgency to live life with
everything that we can. “Don’t behave as if you are destined to live forever. What’s fated hangs
over you. As long as you live, and while you can, become good now.” Don’t take life for granted,
you never know when it’s too late. Instead, try to live without having any regrets so when your
time finally comes, you can say that you have lived a life that is worth dying for.

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