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Mithila Flat @wners’ Association Date : Dear Mithila Owners/Residents, This is to acknowledge with thanks the views and suggestions expressed by the members, both general and committee of MFOA on the guidelines to be followed by our residents apart from the general guidelines issued by the Chennai corporation and other Govt Authonties. Based on the feedback and taking into consideration the age and the health of the residents and also practicality, as many of our residents are senior and super citizens besides small children, it has been decided by the committee to continue the delivery of milk packets, newspapers, provisions, etc but follow the undermentioned measures for the safety and security of the Mithila community 1. To provide sanitiser at the entrance near the central gate, where the watchman will be asked to direct the outsiders like vendors, milkman, servant maids etc to compulsorily sanitise their hands and enter the premises. 2. Such of those outside people who wish to enter the premises should compulsorily wear masks otherwise they will be strictly not allowed. 3. Similarly, the residents also take sufficient precautions to sanitise while dealing with the milk packets, newspapers etc. They are advised to wear the masks also while talking to others outside in the interest of all. 4. Meanwhile all our residents may suitably inform our friends and relatives, who are frequent callers to postpone their visits till the normalcy is restored. Similarly, we the residents may restrict our outside movements to the maximum. 5. Parents and wards of Children are requested to ask their children from playing outdoor in the common areas and Top terrace. Last but not the least, all are requested to readily follow the above guidelines, without ‘exception, in the interest of the Mithila community As regards the general disinfection of the common areas, the same will be done as per the Corporation Protocol with the assistance of Corporation people. Yesterday disinfection once has been done and it will be repeated at weekly intervals till the normalcy is restored. Finally, there is nothing to fear and we shall come out of thi boldly and helping each other timely. Date: 28.11.2020

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