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The Corona virus case was discovered through a mysterious illness that

paralyzed Wuhan City, China. The tragedy at the end of 2019 continued until
the spread of the Corona virus spread throughout the world. The case began
with pneumonia or mysterious pneumonia in December 2019. This case was
allegedly related to the Huanan animal market in Wuhan which sold various
types of animal meat, including those that were not commonly consumed, for
example snakes, bats, and various types of mice.

Cases of this mysterious pneumonia infection are indeed commonly found in

the animal market. Corona virus or COVID-19 allegedly brought bats and other
animals that humans eat until transmission occurs. Mild symptoms caused by
covid-19 are cough, difficulty breathing, fever. how to prevent the existence of
this virus such as always washing hands, avoid crowds, do not touch carelessly
in public places. and this virus has arrived in Indonesia, there are a total of 209
people who are potentially co-19, 17 people died, and 13 people recovered.
Negative impacts in Indonesia such as a high increase in buying masks, hand

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