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1) Modern History –Spectrum Book and Pre-Modern History( 1600-1857 AD)

2) Ancient History- 6th std, R.S. Sharma Textbook.

3) Art and Culture- Fine Arts NCERT and Nitin Singhania Text Book.
4) Geography- 6,7,8,9,10,11,12th std NCERT
5) Polity- Constitution at work, Laxmikanth Textbook.
6) Economics- 9,10,11 Std NCERT, Sanjeev Verma Textbook.
7) Environment- Shankar IAS textbook.
8) Science and Technology- 6,7,8,9,10 std NCERT, 11,12 NCERT(Selective)

Current Affairs

1) Vision IAS Booklets

2) Yojana Magazines Summary (Vajiram)
3) Insights Quiz.


1) Budget
2) Economic Survey
3) International organization
4) Government Schemes
5) Reports and Indices
6) Committees
7) Military Exercises


1) Karnataka History
2) Karnataka Geography
3) Karnataka Budget
4) Karnataka Current Affairs- Namma KPSC
5) Karnataka Economic Survey
6) Karnataka Government Schemes
7) Karnataka Kypidi
8) Karnataka Coaching institution additional materials

Kannada Optional Papers

1) Shivakumar Sir Notes.

2) Rakesh Sir Notes.
3) Test Series.

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