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Writing practices that you use Objectives that the practices help you achieve

Summarizing: Students will This helps students to garner a well-rounded

occasionally summarize the events in understanding of the action and the trajectory of
the text. the play. In addition, it can help them to find the
“catalyst” of the action in the play which will
greatly inform their characterization—are you
the doer? Or are you the one that rides out the
consequences of another’s actions.

Paraphrasing: Taking the given text While this task obviously helps students to
and rewriting the dialogue in your own render difficult language such as that of an
words. Ancient Greek dramatist or Shakespeare more
accessible, this task is also very valuable to
contemporary acting. By paraphrasing, the
student gets a better grasp of a character’s
objective (a theatre term that means what a
character wants). Every time a student takes on
a role they MUST identify their objective in
order to find success in their portrayal of that
character. Identifying an objective is frequently
an assignment in my class.

Another objective:

Develop and synthesize original ideas in a

drama/theatre work utilizing critical analysis,
historical and cultural context, research, and
western or nonwestern theatre traditions.

Character Paperwork: My students This sort of writing is more imaginative than it

answer Uta Hagen’s nine questions is analytical. While students will draw from the
concerning the character they are given circumstances of the script, they will also
playing at the time. The questions are fill in the blanks in order to make the character
as follows: Who am I? What time is it? they have their unique interpretation. No two
Where am I? What surrounds me? Hamlets are ever the same—and it is this work
What are the given circumstances? that helps them to adopt the perspective of their
What are my relationships? What do I character. This type of writing helps them to
want? What is in my way? What do I achieve the objective of portraying a character
do to get what I want? It may seem in a truthful and believable manner.
that some of these questions can be
answered quite quickly—however the Other objectives include:
attention to detail and specificity of
their answers is a large part of this Apply a variety of researched acting techniques
writing and greatly informs their as an approach to character choices in a
achievement of class objectives. drama/theatre work.

Synthesize knowledge from a variety of

dramatic forms, theatrical conventions, and
technologies to create the visual composition of
a drama/ theatre work.

Script Analysis: At times, students will Script Analysis helps to ensure that my students

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