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Traffic is a major problem in Dhaka city.It’s one of the major problem of

modern city.By reducing traffic jam it can bring relief and peace for the
citizen by ensuring healthy environment free from noise and
pollution .However this problem can be solved by adopting some
measures.We need to work on the basic of the plan of reducing traffic
jam.Presently,our understanding of the air pollution impacts from
congestion on road is very limited.One study of The Ministry of
Environment and Forests says that vehicles in Dhaka move 14kmph on
an average,which is very slow and causes them to burn more fuel and
contribute to air pollution.Sound pollution is another problem due to
traffic jam.Although there are several sources of noise pollution such as
loudspeakers,building construction,mechanical workshops and
including vehicles are a major factor as they account for about three
quarters of all noise in the city.In addition to car horns poorly
maintained car engines cause a lot of noise as well.Bangladesh would
enjoy the benefits of a huge economic boost by alleviating traffic
congestion in the city.We have already shown solution of traffic jam
from different perspective now we just have to use resources within
our limit.

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