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The first screen is typical of those you would find in a database program, and the second screen is

typical of those you would find in a spreadsheet program. When you’ve found an appropriate sample,
create a screenshot using your favorite screen-capture application, paste it into a document in your
word processing program, indicate the name of the source program and the date you created the
screenshot, and then print the document. Continue reviewing the program and repeat this procedure as
appropriate. Then repeat the entire process for each program. Once you’ve printed copies of all the
appropriate screenshots, assemble them together and store them in a folder for use later in the design
process. Now examine the web pages that the organization uses to collect data via the Internet. The
pages you’re interested in will look very similar to the data entry forms you would find in a database
application program. Figure 6.3 shows an example of such a page.

The Comparisons Allowed element indicates the types of comparisons a user can apply to a given field
value when he’s retrieving information from the field. 14. A value expression is some form of operation
involving field values, literal values, or a combination of both, and it returns a single value that you can
then use for a comparison operation. 15. You use a generic specification for a field that serves as a
template for other fields within the database. Chapter 10 1. A relationship is important for the following
reasons. a. It establishes a connection between a pair of tables that are logically related to each other. b.
It helps to refine table structures and minimize redundant data further. c. It is the mechanism that e

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