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1/7/2021 angular - @ViewChild in *ngIf - Stack Overflow

@ViewChild in *ngIf
Asked 4 years, 4 months ago Active 24 days ago Viewed 110k times

259 What is the most elegant way to get @ViewChild after corresponding element in template was shown?

Below is an example. Also Plunker available.


<div id="layout" *ngIf="display">

<div #contentPlaceholder></div>


export class AppComponent {

display = false;
@ViewChild('contentPlaceholder', { read: ViewContainerRef }) viewContainerRef;

show() {
this.display = true;
console.log(this.viewContainerRef); // undefined
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(this.viewContainerRef); // OK
}, 1);

I have a component with its contents hidden by default. When someone calls show() method it becomes visible. However, before Angular 2
change detection completes, I can not reference to viewContainerRef . I usually wrap all required actions into setTimeout(()=>{},1) as shown
above. Is there a more correct way? 1/14
1/7/2021 angular - @ViewChild in *ngIf - Stack Overflow

I know there is an option with ngAfterViewChecked , but it causes too much useless calls.

ANSWER (Plunker)

angular angular2-changedetection viewchild

edited Sep 5 '20 at 3:03 asked Sep 7 '16 at 10:08

ng-hobby sinedsem
1,615 2 9 20 3,872 5 22 40

3 did you try using [hidden] attribute instead of *ngIf? It worked for me for a similar situation. – Shardul Jan 27 '17 at 21:39

15 Answers Active Oldest Votes

Use a setter for the ViewChild:

393 private contentPlaceholder: ElementRef;

@ViewChild('contentPlaceholder') set content(content: ElementRef) {

if(content) { // initially setter gets called with undefined
this.contentPlaceholder = content;

The setter is called with an element reference once *ngIf becomes true .

Note, for Angular 8 you have to make sure to set { static: false } , which is a default setting in other Angular versions:

@ViewChild('contentPlaceholder', { static: false })

Note: if contentPlaceholder is a component you can change ElementRef to your component Class: 2/14
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private contentPlaceholder: MyCustomComponent;

@ViewChild('contentPlaceholder') set content(content: MyCustomComponent) {

if(content) { // initially setter gets called with undefined
this.contentPlaceholder = content;

edited Dec 14 '20 at 10:07 answered Dec 12 '16 at 7:04

ssuperczynski parliament
2,325 2 35 56 16.9k 32 129 218

27 note that this setter is called initially with undefined content, so check for null if doing something in the setter – Recep Jun 30 '17 at 9:10

1 Good answer, but contentPlaceholder is ElementRef not ViewContainerRef . – developer033 Sep 9 '17 at 17:49

7 How do you call the setter? – Leandro Cusack Nov 6 '18 at 19:12

2 @LeandroCusack it gets called automatically when Angular finds <div #contentPlaceholder></div> . Technically you can call it manually like any other setter
this.content = someElementRef but I don't see why you would want to do that. – parliament Nov 14 '18 at 15:05

3 Just a helpful note for anyone who comes across this now - you need to have @ViewChild('myComponent', {static: false}) where the key bit is the static: false,
which allows it to take different inputs. – nospamthanks Jan 27 '20 at 15:23

An alternative to overcome this is running the change detector manually.

123 You first inject the ChangeDetectorRef :

constructor(private changeDetector : ChangeDetectorRef) {}

Then you call it after updating the variable that controls the *ngIf

show() {
this.display = true;
} 3/14
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answered Sep 4 '17 at 20:46

Jefferson Lima
3,402 2 19 24

2 Thanks! I was using the accepted answer but it was still causing an error because the children were still undefined when I tried to use them sometime after
onInit() , so I added the detectChanges before calling any child function and it fixed it. (I used both the accepted answer and this answer) – kebab-case Oct
25 '19 at 14:52

Super helpful! Thanks! – AppDreamer Mar 17 '20 at 0:53

I had to run the CDR as well, the ViewChild was not updated soon enough when I needed it. This may happen if you rely on the child in the same function as
you update the *ngIf property. In that case, the changes may not have been detected yet and the ViewChild property may still be undefined. – andreas Oct 2
'20 at 20:25

Any ideas why I might be getting this error when trying to call detectChanges(): ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'detectChanges' of undefined – J.D.
Oct 5 '20 at 15:06

Angular 8+

64 You should add { static: false } as a second option for @ViewChild . This causes the query results to be resolved after change detection runs,
allowing your @ViewChild to be updated after the value changes.


export class AppComponent {

@ViewChild('contentPlaceholder', { static: false }) contentPlaceholder: ElementRef;

display = false;

constructor(private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {


show() {
this.display = true;
this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); // not required
} 4/14
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Stackblitz example:

edited Feb 11 '20 at 3:04 answered Aug 15 '19 at 10:45

Michael Ziluck Sviatoslav Oleksiv
450 4 14 1,615 11 11

3 Thank you Sviatoslav. Tried everything above but only your solution worked. – Peter Drinnan Aug 22 '19 at 1:23

This also worked for me (as did the viewchildren trick). This one is more intuitive and easier for angular 8. – Alex Aug 28 '19 at 21:06

2 This should be the accepted answer for the latest version. – Krishna Prashatt Sep 30 '19 at 11:51

1 The text of the answer is missing the fact that you have to call detectChanges which does not seem like something you should do, I would much rather have a
setter and not have to inject extra cruft into my component. Not to mention the two comments above saying it doesn't work... so I don't agree that this should be
the accepted answer, it's an alternative. – Juan Mendes Jan 17 '20 at 11:33

1 Probably the best solution for Angular 8+, but this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); is indeed required – mirushaki Mar 29 '20 at 11:19

The answers above did not work for me because in my project, the ngIf is on an input element. I needed access to the nativeElement attribute
in order to focus on the input when ngIf is true. There seems to be no nativeElement attribute on ViewContainerRef. Here is what I did (following
21 @ViewChild documentation):

<button (click)='showAsset()'>Add Asset</button>

<div *ngIf='showAssetInput'>
<input #assetInput />


private assetInputElRef:ElementRef;
@ViewChild('assetInput') set assetInput(elRef: ElementRef) {
this.assetInputElRef = elRef;


showAsset() {
this.showAssetInput = true;
setTimeout(() => { this.assetInputElRef.nativeElement.focus(); });
} 5/14
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I used setTimeout before focusing because the ViewChild takes a sec to be assigned. Otherwise it would be undefined.

answered Apr 25 '17 at 22:53

263 2 9

2 A setTimeout() of 0 worked for me. My element hidden by my ngIf was correctly bound after a setTimeout, without the need for the set assetInput() function in
the middle. – Will Shaver Sep 6 '17 at 21:41

You can detectChanges in showAsset() and not have to use the timeout. – WrksOnMyMachine Jun 12 '19 at 21:36

How's this an answer? The OP already mentioned using a setTimeout ? I usually wrap all required actions into setTimeout(()=>{},1) as shown
above. Is there a more correct way? – Juan Mendes Jan 17 '20 at 11:35

As was mention by others, the fastest and quickest solution is to use [hidden] instead of *ngIf. Taking this approach the component will be
created but not visible, therefore you have access to it. This might not be the most efficient way.
edited Oct 13 '20 at 6:36 answered Jan 29 '17 at 9:55
Neoheurist user3728728
2,036 3 24 44 695 2 10 13

1 you have to note that using "[hidden]" may not work if the element is not of "display: block". better use [style.display]="condition ? '' : 'none'" – Félix Brunet May 8
'19 at 19:29

This could work but I don't know if it's convenient for your case:

12 @ViewChildren('contentPlaceholder', {read: ViewContainerRef}) viewContainerRefs:


ngAfterViewInit() {
this.viewContainerRefs.changes.subscribe(item => {
if(this.viewContainerRefs.toArray().length) {
// shown 6/14
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edited Dec 12 '16 at 7:06 answered Sep 7 '16 at 10:21

Günter Zöchbauer
463k 140 1644

1 Can you please try ngAfterViewInit() instead of ngOnInit() . I assumed that viewContainerRefs is already initialized but doesn't yet contain items.
Seems I remembered this wrong. – Günter Zöchbauer Sep 7 '16 at 10:37

Sorry, I was wrong. AfterViewInit actually works. I've removed all my comments in order not to confuse people. Here is a working Plunker: – sinedsem Sep 7 '16 at 11:30

1 This is actually a good answer. It works and I'm using this now. Thanks! – Konstantin Jul 11 '19 at 16:14

1 This worked for me after upgrade from angular 7 to 8. For some reason, the upgrade caused the component to be undefined in afterViewInit even with using
static: false per the new ViewChild syntax when the component was wrapped in an ngIf. Also note that the QueryList requires a type now like this
QueryList<YourComponentType>; – Alex Aug 28 '19 at 21:01

Might be the change related to the const parameter of ViewChild – Günter Zöchbauer Aug 29 '19 at 3:14

Another quick "trick" (easy solution) is just to use [hidden] tag instead of *ngIf, just important to know that in that case Angular build the
object and paint it under class:hidden this is why the ViewChild work without a problem. So it's important to keep in mind that you should
9 not use hidden on heavy or expensive items that can cause performance issue

<div class="addTable" [hidden]="CONDITION">

answered Jan 12 '19 at 17:19

Or Yaacov
2,751 2 12 34

If that hidden is inside in another if then need to change many things – VIKAS KOHLI Dec 19 '19 at 7:15 7/14
1/7/2021 angular - @ViewChild in *ngIf - Stack Overflow

My goal was to avoid any hacky methods that assume something (e.g. setTimeout) and I ended up implementing the accepted solution with a
bit of RxJS flavour on top:
private ngUnsubscribe = new Subject();
private tabSetInitialized = new Subject();
public tabSet: TabsetComponent;
@ViewChild('tabSet') set setTabSet(tabset: TabsetComponent) {
if (!!tabSet) {
this.tabSet = tabSet;;

ngOnInit() {
).subscribe(([queryParams, isTabSetInitialized]) => {
let tab = [undefined, 'translate', 'versions'].indexOf(queryParams['view']);
this.tabSet.tabs[tab > -1 ? tab : 0].active = true;

My scenario: I wanted to fire an action on a @ViewChild element depending on the router queryParams . Due to a wrapping *ngIf being false
until the HTTP request returns the data, the initialization of the @ViewChild element happens with a delay.

How does it work: combineLatest emits a value for the first time only when each of the provided Observables emit the first value since the
moment combineLatest was subscribed to. My Subject tabSetInitialized emits a value when the @ViewChild element is being set. Therewith, I
delay the execution of the code under subscribe until the *ngIf turns positive and the @ViewChild gets initialized.

Of course don't forget to unsubscribe on ngOnDestroy, I do it using the ngUnsubscribe Subject:

ngOnDestroy() {;
} 8/14
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edited May 23 '18 at 19:16 answered May 23 '18 at 18:59

Filip Juncu
313 2 9

1 thanks a lot I've had the same issue, with tabSet & ngIf, your method saved me a lot of time and headache. Cheers m8 ;) – Exitl0l Dec 5 '19 at 10:41

A simplified version, I had a similar issue to this when using the Google Maps JS SDK.

3 My solution was to extract the div and ViewChild into it's own child component which when used in the parent component was able to be
hid/displayed using an *ngIf .


HomePageComponent Template

<div *ngIf="showMap">
<div #map id="map" class="map-container"></div>

HomePageComponent Component

@ViewChild('map') public mapElement: ElementRef;

public ionViewDidLoad() {

private loadMap() {

const latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(-1234, 4567);

const mapOptions = {
center: latLng,
zoom: 15,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
}; = new google.maps.Map(this.mapElement.nativeElement, mapOptions);
} 9/14
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public toggleMap() {
this.showMap = !this.showMap;


MapComponent Template

<div #map id="map" class="map-container"></div>

MapComponent Component

@ViewChild('map') public mapElement: ElementRef;

public ngOnInit() {

private loadMap() {

const latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(-1234, 4567);

const mapOptions = {
center: latLng,
zoom: 15,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
}; = new google.maps.Map(this.mapElement.nativeElement, mapOptions);

HomePageComponent Template

<map *ngIf="showMap"></map>

HomePageComponent Component 10/14
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public toggleMap() {
this.showMap = !this.showMap;

answered Nov 18 '18 at 13:11

213 2 8

It Work for me if i use ChangeDetectorRef in Angular 9

1 @ViewChild('search', {static: false})

public searchElementRef: ElementRef;

constructor(private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

//then call this when this.display = true;

show() {
this.display = true;

answered May 12 '20 at 4:36

Ivan Sim
95 1 9

In my case I needed to load a whole module only when the div existed in the template, meaning the outlet was inside an ngif. This way
everytime angular detected the element #geolocalisationOutlet it created the component inside of it. The module only loads once as well.
public wlService: WhitelabelService,
public lmService: LeftMenuService,
private loader: NgModuleFactoryLoader,
private injector: Injector
) {
} 11/14
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@ViewChild('geolocalisationOutlet', {read: ViewContainerRef}) set geolocalisation(geolocalisationOutlet: ViewContainerRef) {

const path = 'src/app/components/engine/sections/geolocalisation/geolocalisation.module#GeolocalisationModule';
this.loader.load(path).then((moduleFactory: NgModuleFactory<any>) => {
const moduleRef = moduleFactory.create(this.injector);
const compFactory = moduleRef.componentFactoryResolver
if (geolocalisationOutlet && geolocalisationOutlet.length === 0) {

<div *ngIf="section === 'geolocalisation'" id="geolocalisation">

<div #geolocalisationOutlet></div>

answered Mar 12 '19 at 13:27

681 5 18

I think using defer from lodash makes a lot of sense especially in my case where my @ViewChild() was inside async pipe

1 answered Jun 12 '19 at 16:10

81 1 5

for Angular 8 - a mixture of null checking and @ViewChild static: false hackery

0 for a paging control waiting for async data

@ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: false }) set paginator(paginator: MatPaginator) {

if(!paginator) return; => {
const updated: TSearchRequest = {
pageRef: pageEvent.pageIndex, 12/14
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pageSize: pageEvent.pageSize
} as any;

answered Dec 20 '19 at 13:55

15.4k 7 72 140

Working on Angular 8 No need to import ChangeDector

0 ngIf allows you not to load the element and avoid adding more stress to your application. Here's how I got it running without ChangeDetector

elem: ElementRef;

@ViewChild('elemOnHTML', {static: false}) set elemOnHTML(elemOnHTML: ElementRef) {

if (!!elemOnHTML) {
this.elem = elemOnHTML;

Then when I change my ngIf value to be truthy I would use setTimeout like this for it to wait only for the next change cycle:

this.showElem = true;
console.log(this.elem); // undefined here
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(this.elem); // back here through ViewChild set;

This also allowed me to avoid using any additional libraries or imports.

answered Sep 6 '19 at 1:54

Manuel BM
739 12 16 13/14
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Just make sur that the static option is set to false

-1 @ViewChild('contentPlaceholder', {static: false}) contentPlaceholder: ElementRef;

answered Jul 21 '20 at 11:25

1,137 8 17 14/14

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