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Most days I’m okay,

Hardly any, if I’m being honest

Today is no different.
I dress myself complacently.
Shirt, pants, socks, mask
Covering up everything of which I am ashamed
It amazes me actually,
How easily I transform into a socially acceptable being
Unrecognizable to the me I was
Just moments ago
When inside, everything was eroding
Ready to break, disintegrate with no warning
But I wouldn’t dare let you know that
No. I must keep distant
Saving you from my truth
Considerate. Protective.
I can handle it.
It’s better that way. Easier.
And no, I’m fine.
Nothing hurts this armoured heart.
Except, when it does.
But you needn’t worry
I can handle it.
Some days.
Hardly any.

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