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There are several people who have asked us through a website, which travel agencies we could

recommend or which are the most reliable and manageable when hiring a specific tour or a
multi-day tourist package through the country and the world in an extraordinary way. In the
following comparison on travel agencies in Peru we have not taken into account only the
economic part (which in most of the cases is the most important), but also the service and
professionalism of the application. On a lot of occations, we have comprooved by ourselves
the saying “The cheap, at the end is the expensive”.

The AMADEUS app allows the reservation of hotels and other services
in a more manageable and faster way, otherwise the SABER
application, becomes more complex when making a reservation. Or in
simplest words, SABER isnt as practical as AMADEUS.

AMADEUS is a multifunction software that you can take it to on your

computer and also on your cell phone, which makes it portable and
accompanies you everywhere, so it gives you a reliable and safe image
in real time. Wich means that, SABER isnt as reliable as AMADEUS

AMADEUS has a variety of languages, so it is always in fashion and any client

can access worldwide without any complications and also be able to observe
the offers. Customers access all services on their cell phones to search for
flights, hotels, cruises in a practical and simple way, on simplest words,
AMADEUS was used to be out of fashion, but now, it is.

The SABER application is also a helpfull tool but there are comments which
indicate that sometimes the application does not respond and when the
telephone assistant is called it is not very affordable, in other words the
treatment of customers is bad. Wich takes us to the conclution that, SABER
isnt as trustworthy as AMADEUS.

AMADEUS, maintains the control of quotas in real time and has a secure
online payment system, this helps to be able to retain the client and thus
recommend them to continue growing and our application is more durable
and continues advancing day trough day. Wich meands that AMADEUS didnt
used to be as safe as now.

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