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Service of Worship

January 10, 2021

3rd Sunday After Christmas
Liturgical Color: White

“Mission is inviting all the peoples of God's earth to hear the music of God's
future and dance to it today .”
~ Christopher Wright ~
Welcome and Announcements Rev. Walter Nesbitt

Hymn #187 “ Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us”

Prayer of Confession Rev. Walter Nesbitt

Holy Lord, you are so gracious and forgiving to us. You command us to love and forgive others, but we
are hard hearted and hold onto bitterness and anger. We so easily go astray and turn to our own way.
As we start this new year, we see our sinfulness and failures in the past year. Yet Lord, we also see
your faithful love and care for us. Be merciful to us, and forgive us for our sins. Revive us, and fill us
with a passion to be more like Jesus. (Please continue in silent confession) In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon Rev. Walter Nesbitt

Leader: The Lord is merciful and gracious; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. His mercies are new
every morning.
People: In Jesus we stand in God’s grace, mercy and love. We joyfully shout together, “We are forgiven!
Halleluiah, Amen.”

Praise Song “Good Good Father”

Doxology #608
Offertory Prayer

Anthem “I Love You, Lord

(with "My Jesus, I Love Thee") “

New Testament Lesson Mark 1:4-11

Sermon: Baptize Jesus?? Rev. Walter Nesbitt
Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Hymn #300 “We Are One in the Spirit”
Benediction Rev. Walter Nesbitt

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