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Write With Transformer distil-gpt2

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See how a modern neural network auto-completes your text 🤗

This site, built by the Hugging Face team, lets you write a whole document directly
from your browser, and you can trigger the Transformer anywhere using the Tab
key. It's like having a smart machine that completes your thoughts 😀

Get started by typing a custom snippet, check out the repository, or try one of the
examples. Have fun!

Even if people do , in a not far distant future , begin to read one another 's minds ,
there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man 's mind is
especially worth reading -- worth more , that is , than what you can read in good
books .  But there is a new world where you can go one way to read your brain. Now,
a little more information about the world of your brain , like the time before, can be
a better source of information, especially for your own purposes. For some people,
this has meant learning how to read, thinking, and thinking from the very
beginning. We're always thinking in terms of how we can be able to do that. Here 's
a brief example of an example from a web computing book :.

"A er the meeting , both Weidiaunuo and the spokesman to the Prime Minister 's
O ice said to reporters that Xiesong , chairman of the Cambodian People 's Party
and National Assembly president , Ranaridh , chairman of the Funcinpec Party and
first prime minister of the government of the Kingdom of Cambodia , Hun Sen ,
second prime minister , and Khieu Samphon , chairman of the Cambodian
Democratic Party , unanimously agreed to participate in the round - table meeting
scheduled for May 2nd to 7th in Phnom Penh . ",

"The large - scale renovation of the Grand Canal has improved the investment
environment of the cities and counties along the canal , has attracted foreign
investment with its benefit of advantageous water transportation , and has
promoted the development of an export - oriented economy . ",
"According to presentations by people from the New York Stock Exchange , in the
early '90's , big enterprises entering the New York market were mainly from
economically developed countries in Europe , Japan , etc. , but things have changed
in recent years . ",


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