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Social networks are part of the fourth and current stage of the internet.

The web since its

inception has gone through several evolutionary stages. The first was used mainly by the
academic area for research purposes. Then the explosion of advertising websites, where it was
concentrated by domain names and the need to share information from companies so that
consumers know the products and services. Later, it was the transition from databases to
transactional information.

Applications, social networks and in general all technological advances, including devices,
contribute to improving income and economic development, it is the social or experience web,
in which companies such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram have become
immensely famous and profitable for allowing people to communicate, connect and share
information such as text, photos and videos for business and personal purposes.

It is necessary to carry out training and increase coverage so as not to be left behind; since
even primary economies such as the countryside are becoming more technical. Electronic
commerce is based on the purchase and sale, distribution, marketing and supply of
information on products and services through the network, as well as the electronic exchange
of data, diversifying economic patterns and consequently improving income.

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