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Internet and Learning

With the arrival of the pandemic due to COVID19, the internet has played an important role in
the economy of all countries, its main impact is in the modernization of traditional economic
activities. Many companies were forced to change their business model and implement
through the web using networks such as the internet the marketing of goods and services,
digitize payment channels, transaction type and innovation in online platforms.

Today, social networks are one of the technological tools, perhaps most used by people during
the pandemic, Its unlimited access has made it the fastest and most economical option for
businesses to market products and boost countries' economies.

E-commerce accelerated during this 2020 in a unique way, the need to market, faced with the
barriers of prevention of contagion, made the internet a great utility for today’s world. It led to
the emergence of new digital shoppers, bringing the pandemic-driven digital transformation
and giving the world new opportunities for micro and small businesses to showcase and export
their talent as a competitive differential. For their part, the big companies innovated and
improved their platforms and communication channels.

On the other hand, there are people without access to the internet or social networks, they
represent a significant segment of the economy, especially in low-income countries. They will
continue to be responsible for small traditional markets that require technological
transformation but will continue to accompany us for more years.

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