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Areas and Surfaces, Snow Removal, Landscaping

• Name at least 3 types of roofs used in shopping centers.

Single Ply, Modified bitumen, Metal, Ruber , Glass or plastic
Resource: ICSC Brief Notes: Shopping Center Management - Maintenance

• Describe each of the components of a built-up roof and describe how the roof functions.
Deck: This is the prepared surface on which the roof is laid. Usually metal, wood or concrete.
Insulation : Usually Rigid fibreboard on fiberglass
Roof Membrane: The waterproofing memebrane usually consists of felts with moppings of
bitumen in between. Felts provide tensile strength. Number of felt layers called plies
determines overall strength of a roof.
Resource: ICSC Brief Notes: Shopping Center Management - Maintenance

• Name and explain 4 of the most common types of roof failure attributed
Improper product or placement of product
Unsupervised installation
Lack of inspection
Improperly trained installers
Unsupervised access to roof
Resource: ICSC Brief Notes: Shopping Center Management - Maintenance

Review Exercise: CORE CONCEPT 2 - Parking Lots, Decks, and Surfaces

• List 4 suggestions for parking lot repairs.

unsafe conditions for its patrons
liability claims
improve the aesthetic appearance of the parking surface.

Resource: ICSC Brief Notes: Shopping Center Management - Maintenance

Review Exercise: CORE CONCEPT 3 - Snow Removal

Describe typical equipment and supplies used in the plowing of snow and safety measures used to
avoid customer accidents.
Review Exercise: CORE CONCEPT 4 - Exterior Landscape Maintenance

Suggest possible steps to take to ensure appeal of exterior landscaping.

lawn mowing and edging

seeding or laying sod,
weed control,
fertilizing, sprinkler care and repair,
winterization of the sprinkler system in cold weather climates where freezing occurs, aerating
and dethatching the lawn.

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