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MODEL COMPOSITIONS these mocets appear inthe Teacher's Book only) esa@g (Test |, Topic 1) Opi ‘As the second millennium drew to a close, many people made their own personal time capsules — that they put items they believed were typical oftheir fife and times into a waterproof container, which they buried in hopes that it would be found by future generations. If you were to make Such a time capsule today, what two items would you include? ‘Give reasons for your choices. oe n (Type 4, Modified) Introduction + Capture reader's attention by starting at end of story (finding the capsule) Imagine archeologists thousands of years from now japoy, Suol: Mopet Compositions Rteriaeeyy (Test 3, Topic !) Opinion/Narrative (Types 4 and 1) From Christmas and birthdays to baptisms and weddings, we line ino society that revokes around giving gif. Some people soy this true to such an exten thot the meaning has gone out of gfegivng. Do you agree? Think back gifts you hove recived and discuss two that stand out ore because it had speci meaning and another because i was totaly inappropriate. What did these gifts teach you about giving fs? Introduction + Restate topic Nowadays we give gifts on so many occasions that many people look on gift-giving as just another boring routine. But does it have to be that way? Has gift- giving really lose its meaning? My experiences on two ferent occasions tells me that it depends on the gift- giver and the thought behind the gift. + Tell them what you're going to tell them by referring to your two experiences Paragraph 2 - Topic sentence about good gift + Establish background One of the best gifts I've'ever received was my first bicycle. I was about to start high school and my parents had wanted to buy me something that would keep me fit and divert me from studying. Since we lived in" a scenic area, they decided on a bicycle. What a perfect gift! Not only did it allow me to spend many beautiful ‘weekends relaxing after a hard week of studying, but it also opened up friendships with children who shared my interest in exploring the area. Every time we cycled off, { thought of my parents with great fondness. + Analyze why gift was appropriate = Reasons | and 2 = Result Paragraph 3 ~ Topic sentence about bad + Establish background + Narrate what happened But even those who are closest to you can get it ‘wrong sometimes. I'll never forget my fifth birthday. ‘The doorbell rang and there was my grandmother, smiling brightly as she handed me a beautifully wrapped box, Iwas sure it was the doll that I'd been telling her about for weeks ..., but when I tore open the wrapping, all found was a blanket that she had made for my dowry! Some might say, “Never mind. I's the thought that counts,” but try telling that to a very disappointed five-year-old. + Summarize your reaction by putting an old saying in a new light Conclusion + Summarize what you learned + Tell them what you told them. by dramatically restating summary = Elaborate To sum up, we can see from these experiences that when giving a gift, i's important to consider the taste and feelings of the person receiving it. To my mind, a gifts, most meaningful when itis chosen with care and reflects your true feelings for the other person. The right gift ‘can strengthen your relationship with a person, but the ‘wrong one may sour it forever. So next time you're out hunting fora gife, remember: Ic isn’ just the thought that counts, but the right thought for the right person. + Give final advice supported by new slant con old saying Ree (Test 3, Topic 2) problems might be overcome. (GER RaeRABIE EAE more and more children are ‘growing up with only one parent. This has created many problems for the children but, with good will and ‘cooperation, solutions can be found, One major problem is the lack of a second adult role model in the family. It is widely accepted that parents are not only a child’s main source of guidance and affection but also the child's role models for adult behavior, especially with regard to relations with the ‘opposite sex. In other words, children need access to both male and female adults to develop normally. There are various ways to remedy this. In the case of unmarried or widowed single parents, for example, the parent can try to encourage the child to have contact ‘with a suitable role model from outside the immediate family such as a relative, teacher or coach. In divorced families, there is an easier solution: the parent with custody could encourage the child to spend time with the absent parent. In such cases, parents must try to respect each other's roles and do their best not to speak badly about each other in front of the child Perhaps the greatest problem is that many single parents work, which means children are left on their own for many hour Lo4,V/ + Problem restated + Clear transition into solutions + Ist solution (for families with an unmarried or widowed parent) G I Cy + 2nd solution (for families with a divorced parent) ~ Elaboration Paragraph 3 — Topic sentence on 2nd problem + Ist sub-problem *+ 2nd sub-problem *+ Clear transition statement leading into Ist solution * 2nd and 3rd solutions ~ Elaboration with examples Conclusion + Tell them what you told them by restating main message In introduction CPIM Clr YK tt bys o “M Mopet Compositions. ela (Test 4, Topic 1) Opinion (Type 4) Technology in the 20th century advanced ct a greater pace than at any other time in human history. In your opinion, what tw inventions or technological development ofthe lst century hae had te most roma impact on modern ife? Give reasons for your choices. Introduction + Restate topic + Tell them what you're going to tell ther by referring to your two choices ‘The 20th century spawned a vast number of new inventions, many of which have had a great impact on our lives. The two that have had the most dramatic effect, in my opinion, are the jet and the television. | choose the jet because it has dramatically cut the time it takes to travel from place to place. This has had rmany advantages for both business travelers and tourists. For starters, both groups have gained by being able to reach their destinations more quickly and in greater comfort. Secondly, business travelers can now meet their overseas clients and counterparts face to face, rather than having to communicate through more impersonal means such as telephone, leter, fax and e- rail. Finally, the jet has placed thousands of far-away destinations within the reach of average tourists, enabling them t se people and pl previously only soo or eon on TOR ave one Criticized for using too much fel and poling the mosphere, Ge ENORURIGAETAEHID have had a major positive influence on our lives. Television has had an even more dramatic impact (on our daily lives ~ though not necessarily for the better. Before the invention of television, families used to amuse themselves by talking, reading to each other, playing games, singing and just generally communicating, Nowadays all that has been replaced by television ‘watching, and any attempt to communicate is met with “Not now, I'm watching something!” It has also been ‘said that violence on television triggers violence in society. To be fair, though, the disadvantages must be balanced against the fact that television has revolutionized our lives by making us infinitely more aware of the world around us through documentaries and news broadcasts with international content. ‘with general reason + Ist specific impact + 2nd specific impact + 3rd specific impact + Summary: negative impacts outweighed by ‘overall benefits Paragraph 3 ~ Topic sentence about 2nd ares citing general negative impact + Ist specific negative impact (past vs. present) + 2nd specific negative impact + Contrasting positive impact ~ Supporting example In conclusion, despite the fact that neither the gas- guzzling air-polluting jet nor the conversation-destroying, violence-provoking TV have had a totally positive effect con our lives, they are still from my point of view — the inventions which have had the most dramatic impact on modern life. Conclusion + Tell them what you told them by restating opinion about strength of impa: Paragraph 2 ~ Topic sentence on Ist choice m ce Mopet Compositions BEEBE roe: topic) For and Against (Type 3) ‘Advances in reproductive medicine have made it possible for women in ther 40s, 50s and even 60s to give birth to healthy children. What special advantages do you think o mature woman and her spouse would have to offer a child? bringing children into the world? In today's society more and more women are choosing to pursue careers instead of marrying shortly after finishing school. This means that women are also tending to have children later in life. ‘medical advances which enable older women to bring healthy children into the world, direction for society to move in? ‘On one hand, few would dispute that mature parents can, offer several special advantages to a child. The first is that older parents — especially those who can afford reproductive medicine ~ are generally more financially secure than younger parents, They will also have thought very carefully about starting a family and really want a child, To put it differently, mature parents have ‘not just gone from being someone's child to being a parent, ‘They will have lived on their own, traveled and socialized and thus won't feel trapped by the responsibility of raising a child. Finally, chey will probably have done some research into child rearing and thus be more understanding of their child at each stage of development. There are also several disadvantages, however. To begin with, as parents grow older they may no longer have the stamina or patience to play with their child or stay up all night nursing it, Problems may also stem from the chila's peers who may taunt the child for having parents old ‘enough to be his grandparents. Perhaps the most pressing problem is the fact that the family must confront the reality that the child may be orphaned at a young age. This puts great pressure on the parents to ensure that the child is well provided for if anything should happen to them, In the final analysis, the potential benefits to the child and society far outweigh the problems. On balance, I see nothing wrong with older adults having children, particularly since the love and security they could offer a child is something that is lacking in so many younger families What problems would the family face as the chld grows up? On balance, do you agree with the idea of older people Introduction + Give brief background to topic + Pose rhetorical question + Tell them what you're going to tell them by referring to positive and negative aspects Paragraph 2 ~ Topic sentence on positive aspects + Ist advantage with elaboration + 2nd advantage - Elaboration + 3rd advantage ~ Elaboration Paragraph 3 ~ Topic sentence on negative aspects + Isedisadvantage + 2nd disadvantage + 3rd disadvantage ~ Elaboration Conclusion + Tell them what you told them by weighing up both sides and expressing your opinion + End with dramatic contrast Mopet CoMPosITIONS (Test 5, Topic !) Narrative (Type 1) Describe an incident in which someone you trusted really let you down, What did you learn from the experience? Introduction + Establish yourself a a trusting person ‘who believes in his friends + Pose rhetorical question + Tell them what you're going to tell them by referring to your story People would tell me it’s a "dog eat dog" world where everybody looks out for Number One, but deep down Inever believed them. As proof, there was my best friend Dave who would never let me down. Or would he? I found | had to reconsider when he did just that last year. Dave and I were like brothers. We knew each other inside and out, and | was convinced that nothing would “ever come between us. But one morning he admitted he hadn't studied for the big math exam that day. He also made it clear that he was expecting me to help him cout. | was shocked, We had always prided ourselves on ‘not cheating like the other kids. Paragraph 2 + Establish background of friendship + Tell what happened before test + State how you fele + Elaborate ‘When it was time for math, we sat down side by side as always, The teacher ~a strict woman who did not tolerate cheating — handed out the tests and told us to begin. Not even five minutes had passed when Dave leaned towards me and took a long, hard look at my paper. A wave of shame shot through me, but I didn’t protest. Little did we know that the teacher was right behind ws. Paragraph 3 + Tell what happened during test (note time links) + Use emphatie structure to signal climax “Out! Both of you!" she screamed, "Wait for me in the principal's office.” Paragraph 4 + Use direct speech for key moment I yaited for Dave to say something in my defense, but nothing. On the way to the office, he mumbled, all your fault. IF you hadn't been so obvious ..”. Iwas speechless, but the worst was still ahead. Inthe offce Dave laid the blame on me, saying I was the one who had cheated, My teacher knew differently but it didn’t take away the sting of Dave's lie. In the end, we were both given falling grades and suspended for five days. Paragraph 5 + Tell what happened after test {note ime fnks) + Sum up how the incident ended Conclusion + Tell them what you told them by summarizing what you learned never found out why Dave betrayed me because he refused to talk to me. But whatever his reasons, | had learned a valuable lesson. People are basicaly selfish and even the best of friends can turn against you if their interests are threatened. Maybe ic is more of a “dog eat dog world” than | thought. + Refer back to quote in introduction as a nice finishing touch Mobet Compositions ean (Test 5, Topic 2) Opinion (Type 4) Some people feel that education is about learning facts and figure, while others believe it should be more about teaching people how to get along with each other in society. What is your opinion? apo} Introduction + Restate topic by posing rhetorical questions “Education” is one of those words that is open toa number of interpretations. Is it simply about learning lessons from books, or does it mean preparing young people to be part of society? | am of the opinion that both aspects of education are vitally important. + Tell them what you're going to tell them. by clearly stating your opinion Few people would deny that a solid basic ‘education is needed to function effectively in the modern world, For starters, itis a given in today's world that all students must learn basic skills like reading and arithmetic for the simple reason that it enables them to perform basic tasks like shopping, managing money, ‘reading newspapers and writing down information, It is also vital that they learn about science, history, languages and math because, having gained this knowledge, they can learn a trade or go on to further ‘education and eventually obtain work. Furthermore, such knowledge assures that they will be better equipped to understand current events and issues. Paragraph 2 ~ Topic sentence about Ist aspect + Isc reason + examples RELL foley s (} el C2 + 2nd reason + elaboration + 3rd reason However, education has another role, too, and that is to prepare children for their life ahead. By this 1 mean that children need to understand how they should behave in all the different situations they are likely to face Paragraph 3 - Topic sentence about 2nd aspect + Clarification in the adule world, For example, young people need to = Istexample learn about what behavior is appropriate at work and in a family environment. They should also be taught how = 2nd example to interact with others in society through compromise and cooperation. Finally, they need to learn the =3rd example importance of thinking critically and standing up for what they believe is right. To my mind, much too much emphasis is placed Conclusion fon factual education and not enough on teaching children + State your opinion about lack of balance how to get along with each other as members of society. | strongly believe that teachers and legislators need to re-evaluate the system and try to restore a balance between these two roles of education, The world would be a much better place to live in if people were not only knowledgeable but also knew how to live in harmony with each other, For me, this is what education is really all about. + Tell them what you told them restating the need for balance + Support with dramatic reason why + Restate opinion MopeL Compositions Rreiaeghy (Test 6, Topic i) Problem/Solution (Type 2) It is one of the sad realities of modern life that not everyone is able to benefit from high-quality public health care, In my country, for example, good health care is available, but not everyone has access to it. If | were in charge, | would focus on the issues of who gets treated and where people can get treated. ‘The question of who gets'treatment is probably the greatest problem the Greek public health care system faces. It is well-known that people who are entitled to free surgery under the national health care system will frequently not be operated on in a timely fashion unless money changes hands. I find this practice totally unfair because it means that people with money to spare get faster and better care. It also implies that people in need of urgent medical attention will not receive it unless they can pay extra. If were in charge, I would make it my highest priority to stop this practice immediately by punishing those who engage in it. ‘The second problem I would address is the fact that people living outside of Athens and Salonica do not have access to fully equipped medical facilities. This i ‘especially true on islands and in remote villages, where individuals cannot obtain the care they need unless they are willing and able to go to the trouble and expense of traveling to one of these cities, All too frequently they must make do with limited medical care from a poorly- ‘equipped health center closer to home. Ifit were up to me, I would ensure that money is allocated to provide fully equipped facilities in other major cities throughout the country. | would also look into setting up a government-funded medical evacuation system for people in remote areas. All things considered, the problem in Greece is not whether quality care exists but who gets to take advantage of it It is my firm belief that with a little extra effort the government could ensure that the problems are corrected Despite stunning medical odvances in the past century, the availa hes yet to be achieved. Pubic health care exists in many countries, bu all too often quality care goes only to those who’ can pay for it privately If you could change the public health care system in your country, what two aspects ‘would be your top priorties and what changes would you make? bility of quality treatment forall members of society Introduction + Restate the topic generally + Mention specific problem in your country + Tell them what you're going to tell them by identifying specific issues Paragraph 2 — Topic sentence about Ist problem + Analyze problem «= Ist reason why itis unfair = 2nd reason why itis unfair + State solution using clear transition Paragraph 3 - Topic sentence about 2nd problem + Analyze problem = Ist elaboration = Ind elaboration + State Ist solution using clear transition + State 2nd solution Conclusion + Tell them what you told them by restating main problem and dramatically asserting your opinion that solutions exist. Reese Mey (Test 6, Topic 2) Mopet Compositions For and Against (Type 3) them in a certain direction, There is no doubt that many parents push their children to succeed from an early age. Is it right for parents to do this? As with many things in life, there is no easy ‘answer. Parental pressure can certainly have negative effects on children, but it may also exert a positive influence. ‘On the negative side, when children are pressured to succeed, they do not have enough time to play and just “be children.” This is because their time is spent studying for ‘exams, training for sporting events or rehearsing for concerts or plays. Secondly, children who are pushed are in a “no win” situation, If they fail to meet their parents’ ‘expectations, their fragile egos may be scarred for lif. If they succeed, the parents may expect even bigger and better things from them. In some cases, this causes children to resent their parents and may lead to constant arguments, On the other hand, parental pressure also has a positive side. Take, for example, the case of children in my country who are pushed to study a foreign language, With the right push, children will attain Proficiency and be free of language lessons by the first year of senior high ‘school, allowing them to focus on preparing for university, entrance exams. A gentle push would also benefit students who do not do very well at school. Such students could be encouraged to develop their talents in another area such as sports, music or, say, computers in the hope that this would open up career opportunities later on, Finally, in some areas ~ such as ballet or gymnastics ~ children must begin training at a very early age if they are to become professionals, so here again parental pushing ‘would have a positive effect ‘To sum up, itis clear that there is a good side and a bad side to parental pushing, In many respects, it's a ‘question of degree: too much pushing creates problems, but a gentle push in the right direction can open up ‘opportunities that a child might otherwise never have had, ‘Mach has been written about parents who push their children to succeed in sports, music or other areas from a very young age. Discuss the pose and negative effect that parents may have on their children when the try to push Introduction + Restate the topic + Pose rhetorical question + Tell them what you're going to tell them by referring to ne; ive and positive aspects Paragraph 2 ~ Topic sentence with Ist negative aspect + Elaboration + 2nd negative aspect - Ist elaboration = 2nd elaboration = Result Paragraph 3 ~ Topic sentence on positive aspects + Istexample = Elaboration + 2nd example - Elaboration + 3rd example Conclusion + Tell them what you told them by giving balanced consideration + End on optimistic note, focusing on positive side of issue r BYEXofe {Col VE} Soy.) 9 s Cy MopEL Compositions (eiamey (Test 7, Topic 1) SE Th Ct EA AS CHI cS Narrative (Type 1) from the experience? x Lying is something that most people do at one time or another. Many feel that there's nothing wrong with the occasional lle “white lie,” but what about a big bold “whopper”? Are we ever justified in telling one of those? If “yes” is your answer, you might want to think again after you read what happened to me. Iwas 16 at the time and my friends had arranged to go to a disco on Saturday night. | knew my parents wouldn’e let me go, so my best friend suggested | tell them I was staying che night at her house so we could ‘work on a school project that was due on Monday. My friend's parents always went to bed early so it would be easy to sneak out of the house and back again without them realizing it. Needless to say, my parents fell for the story hook, line and sinker, but although I felt guilty about lying, | was looking forward to going to the disco, Saturday night arrived and we set our plan into motion. But, of course, the truth will out. While we ‘were off enjoying ourselves, my father suddenly took il and was rushed to the hospital. As soon as she could, my mother phoned my friend’s house to tell me. Of course, I wasn’t there, so she had twice the worry not knowing where | was. Ir was not until well after midnight that we got back to my friend's house. To our amazement, her parents were sitting up waiting for us. ‘You had to be blind not to see how upset they were. After telling us what had happened, they drove me to the hospital, Fortunately, my father was out of danger, but I could see how disappointed my parents were with me for lying. often ask myself how I would have felt if my father had died thae night. In retrospect, | now see that it ‘would have been much better if | had told my parents the truth — even if it meant missing the disco, It took mea long time to earn back their trust, and that's something | never want to lose again, In the end, I learned the hard way that “Honesty realy is the best policy.” “Honesty is the best policy,” goes the old soying, or ist? We all have moments when we Gre temipted to stretih the truth — sometimes with a small “white ie” and sometimes with a big “blatant untruth.” Describe an incident in which, you lied. Would it have been better if you had told the truth or was the le somehow justified? What did you learn Introduction + Restate-the topic + Pose rhetorical questions + Tell them what you're going to tell them by referring to story and what they'll learn Paragraph 2 + Establish background of story before Saturday night, leading up to the telling of the ie + Close with lie and how you felt when you told it Paragraph 3 + Topic sentence announcing shift to Saturday + Narrate what happened, using time links where possible + Summarize what happened at end and relate back to theme of ying Conclusion + Summarize what you learned + Tell them what you told them by referring back to the story Refer back to quote in topic as nice finishing touch lis Mee (Test 7, Topic 2) ‘There is no doubt that computers and the Internet have made it easier for students to engage in distance learning. But for all the attention that this form of learning hhas received, i's safe to say that it may not be right for everyone. Before enrolling, one should have a clear idea of the advantages and disadvantages. ‘On the positive side, distance learning has several advantages. Firstly, its flexible.In other words, it gives. people the freedom to make their own schedules and learn at their own pace. This means that it is possible for students to work, raise a family or pursue other interests while working towards a degree. It is also beneficial for students who cannot attend regular classes, perhaps because they are physically disabled. The second advantage is that itis economical. While itis by no ‘means cheap, distance learning does offer an ‘opportunity to earn a degree without the expense of ‘commuting or living in a dormitory or apartment. But despite the attractions, drawbacks do exist. Firstly, no one should underestimate the difficulty of juggling distance learning with the demands of work and family. I learned this the hard way by paying for a course that | could not complete because of pressures at ‘work and home. | also discovered that there iz something cold and impersonal about distance learning. Having occasional e-mail contact with on-line instructors is not the same as having frequent personal contact, with one’s professors. This becomes even more obvious if students encounter academic difculties or need extra encouragement. Finally, distance learners miss ‘out on the benefits of belonging to a university community. Among these are having contact with other students, attending cultural events such as lectures and concerts and having access to libraries and laboratories. Having experienced both distance learning and university life, 1 can say without hesitation that distance learning is a poor substitute for the well-rounded experience that attending a traditional university provides, However, for students who lack the time or money to ‘attend university in person, there is no doube that distance learning is far beeter than no learning at al With the rising popularity of home computers and the Internet, students are increasingly exploring the possibilty of earning university degrees at home through dstance-learning programs. But is distance-learning right for everyone? Discuss the positive and negative factors that people should toke into account before deciding to enrll in such programs. Mobet Compositions For and Against (Type 3) Introduction + Restate the topic + Tell them what you're going to tell them. by referring to advantages and disadvantages Paragraph 2 ~ Topic sentence on advantages + Istadvantage + Ist specific elaboration + 2nd elaboration with examples ~ 3rd elaboration with example + 2nd advantage + Elaboration with examples Paragraph 3 ~ Topic sentence on disadvantages + Ist disadvantage + Ehboration (personal experience) + 2nd disadvantage (personal experience) = Ist elaboration + 2nd elaboration + 3rd disadvancage = Specific examples Conclusion + Tell them what you told them. by expressing your opinion about main disadvantage . and advantage ne apow. here felp yy Loy h : ELE 51. Do you think | phone my mother jn Atlanta? could possibly be possible © will possibly dam possible to 52, ‘Iwish you were coming with us." If only | ? a. must b. will ©) could may 53. ‘Have you seen Graham recently?" ‘Vhope____ om him tomorrow." a Isee ,, be seeing him Qos to seeing him 54. ‘Did you hear the noise from the storm last night?" Yes. it caused to the area." a. such a damage b. many damages 2 lot of damage so lot damage 55. of Juliet's children weighed the same at birth Either Any © Much d. Both 56. What will you do if they cut water off? a. some bit such @) the 57. The witness claimed she ___the accused before, a. isn't meeting hadn't met wasn't meeting @ hasn't met 58. __youteave now, you will be late for your interview. & Provided that l ® Unless Y yor Mtr t <" In case dif Key ert 59. I'd rather by train if you don't mind. 90 be going went d. going 60. “Your apartment is love it too b. more very enough beautiful. 1 61. ‘Have you seen how much it costs to get to Dallas by train?" "Yes, apparently is cheaper to go by plane." this it © that d. there 62. Robin it if you stayed home tonight. would prefer would rather had better d. would sooner 63. Our apartment broken into while we were on vacation, a. They have . Thieves hag © We had a. it was 64. The teacher admitted ——— what the word meant. a that she not know ® hat she didn't know i © she not know 4. she not knowing 65. He is the best actor of the 40s, a. to be considering b. considering & considered being @® considered to be Test 6 i 66. Did the bank say whether lend you the money or not? a. did it it would % would it d. ithad 67. I woke up with a headache this morning asl drinking wine with dinner. ‘a. am getting used to b. was not used to didn’t use to _ Alex, he thinks we should forget ‘about pee a flat and build our own AS for pager ). Besides Instead of d. Apart from 69. ‘Did you understand all those directions?" "No. He said them confused me." a. so quick . such quickly such quick so quickly 70. Rachael came to the party in a velvet dress. a, black and beautiful beautiful black black beautiful d. beautiful and black that he 71, I think you know everyone here Edward a, apart ®) beside’ not d. except 72. ‘Ihaven't seen Tony this week.’ "You won't. He's a and will be away for two weeks." long-distance driver drives long distances « distance-long driver d. driver long-distance 73. There are no lights on so they __ gone to bed. a. should have by will be © must have d. can be 74, We hadn't expected having the children to stay would be exhausting a. lke this b. 250 so d. such a 75.1 to swim until was ten years old a, haven't been able wasn’t able was able d._ could be able 76. ‘I've never been abroad’ a, 1t00 b. Nor | have c. Neither | have Neither have | 77. ‘What are you doing Saturday night?" : to the movies. Do you want to come? a. Igo b. Iwent I'm going d. | will go 78. We needn't have rushed as the flight has been delayed a computer problem. due to for & as there Wad d. on account 79. John ran to the phone as ashe could to phone the police. a. more quick by quicker © auickly od. most quick 80. 81. ‘Paul is such a lazy student.’ ' know. His mother told me he studies at all at home." a. hard hardly © harder d. hardest As usual, Rufus and kept everyone waiting, a. was in delay b. delayed &_was long @yweas late 82. the apartment is large and old, it ig still very warm in winter. @ Although 83, 84. b. Despite Even d. However ‘our dinner, we washed up. a. Eating b. Have eaten Having eaten We have eaten ‘It costs $399 to go to Vancouver during the week by plane.” "Yes, but are cheaper flights on the weekend. a. it ©) there 85. © they d. their ‘What did the doctor tell you?" ‘She advised me to avoid too much coffee, and to get to bed earlier.” a._ to drinking drink & to drink @ drinking 87. Heel rather chilly. | wish | jacket with me ')) had brought, . brought & would bring has bring my We on our holiday. a. had a good weather b. were weather good had good weather d. were good weather 88. We spoke in whispers to wake my parents. a. just in case b. so as not c. in case @easnotto 89. Do we _ with us? a. must b. bound ©, ought need to bring our passports 90. My friend asked me who was - Bill or Frank. a. more tall b, taller than €) taller [as tall as 91. Ihave had apartment. a. either CB) no less than © all d. more twenty offers for my 92. | must go and see the doctor as I've been feeling tired lately more and more much farther d. the most 93. If it hadn’t been for the bank, we unable to start this business, a. will be b. had been ¢ could not ® would have been 94, ‘Where are you going on vacation?" ‘Nowhere, as I can't afford on vacation this year.’ a. to have gone b. be going D0 90 95. If | change jobs it Dallas will mean ®. will be meaning © is meaning d. means to moving to 96. ‘Have you met Ralph?’ "Yes. He's _man | told you about last week aa b. some ©) the [ such 97. You agree with me, 7 a, will you don’t you aren't you d. won't you 98, you do, don’t tell Dad that we've lost the roll of film. C3) Whatever Whichever . However d. Whenever ETH) Test 6 99, Th very bad and the government will have to take action. a. have b. be oe. 100. Buy me a newspaper and | you back later. a. paid am paying ©)will pay iC pay elelieiag 101. do children react against their parents, but against their teachers too, a. Besides b. Because Not only d. In addition 102. Everyone with his idea but no gne could think of anything better. disagreed @ rejected La clea «. objected 26 d. opposed /2 103. Everyone has to some time in their life la, look up to problems at . Took down on d. live up to 104. There's nothing Jonathan likes more than his little brother. @ teasing playing suffering d. toying ae/ 105. 've__ to the conclusion that, Jennifer is the thief. a. appeared b. approached : C@B reached eke Comcast 106. She told me she would ita secret, but in fact she told everyone, a. carry b. hold hide @keep 107. The sign said that the shop had been closed due to a death in the family temporarily bb. momentarily ©. briefly d. shortly 108. Georgina her. that John was lying to blamed suspected © accused i. mistrusted 109, Please let me know if you anything from him. a. listen 110. When the fire alarm sounds, all the children and teachers should in the school yard. . a. manufacture b. fit summon assemble 111. Larry will from university next year. a. grant b. leave & pass C® graduate 112. It was a real for us, going out to dinner. treat gift award d. tribute from home 113. Our dog has been now for a week. * missing losing & wanting d. needing When | hurt my back ! was in hurt © anguish d. torture Test 6 ot 115. Let's sit down and what's been happening while I've been away. a. come over 116. They will never be able to__ that he didn't do it. a. seem a prove % examine d. offer 117. ‘Do you need any ? a. assist b. further help hand 118. What he plans to do lot of money. a. imagines b. favors involves I. contains spending a 119, Have you any change in his, behavior, Mrs. Somerset? inspected CB) observed © viewed d. examined 120. | was so by the news that | couldn't say a word. a. sony @®) shocked ® @ srecied d. angry Maat 121. It was very of him to get his wife 10 apologize for him. a. deverly b. cruelly « foolishly cowardly 4122. | will you how to drive. Let's have the frst lesson tomorrow. a. inform b. tutor learn @reacn 123, Although he's only an_ photographer, he’s had some of his work exhibited. @ amateur inexperienced apprentice d. unskilled 124, Janice just couldn't another cake a. match b. encounter ©) resist ‘oppose 125. He is very because he has his English exam tomorrow. a, stretched tense stressful d. tight eating 126. It was only a(n)__ accident, with no damage done. G) minor inferior © petty d. useless 127. Rose every day at a local gym. a. takes out B sits out freien from Cartier © tries out - acededdon works out 128. Our company has an arrangement with this shop, so if you buy from here you get a 20% a. subtraction b. deduct &., deposit @ discount 129. Jane was badly a. scratched b. wounded © bitten stung by mosquitoes. 130. working fulltime, she also has five children to look after. In addition Besides ¢. Due to d. Also 131. We can't walk across that field as i's private a. estate b. grounds © possession @d property 132, | have no for the job. hesitation - doubt indecision d. pleasure in recommending her 133. You can always (on June to help you ina crisis. a. agree b. count «focus d. amount 134, The plan was for Jamie to his attention while I took the book, a. disturb b. take «. distract d. confuse 135. Why do you keep more and more responsibility at work? a. taking on ® putting on tying on d. letting on 136. It will be the new ballet company's first performance in__ a. audience b. society process @® public 137, | didn't take part in the argument — | was just a(n) a. watcher b. neighbor «. friend d. onlooker 138, The sent three players off during the first half of the game and four in the second half. a. referee b. manager © judge d. coach 139. Charlotte scored 90% in her ‘exams, which she was very pleased with a. fake b. artifical mock pretend 140. The senator is now at the ofa huge political row. a. central b. core center d. middle 141. From a she looked great, but close up you could see how tired she was. a. space b. distance horizon d. length 142. Emily and Nicholas tried working together but they didn't well enough. a. get along b. carry on take to d. doin 143. If you turn this then the machine will work, a. spit b. shaker handle d. button 144, Tina kept hearing strange noises and was awake all night because she was scared. a. broad b. wide long d. high 145. Angie was so angry that she up the letter and threw it in the bin, a. split b. broke & wrote d. tore Test 6 yey 146.1___ that it will take us three hours to drive there and back. a. intend b. estimate assure d. make 147. | really _with you, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help. a. sympathize b. pain understand d. comfort 148, There's a that I will be sent to work at the New York branch. a. fate b. hazard chance case 149, It was _ to everyone but Martha that he loved her. a b. © a. understood obvious open common 150. Vicky slammed the door and left without. saying a a b. © a. breath word phrase matter Part 1 Read the passage and then answer the questions which follow. The human brain is a highly complex organ which is also very delicate and can easily be damaged What's more, human beings are the only creatures who use their brain to learn about the brain itself. The human brain is the master organ of the body and the control center of the nervous system. The brain controls our life processes, as it receives signals from the sense organs to tell us what is going ‘on in the world surrounding us. It directs our movements and stores information, which enables us to think, learn and remember, and is the place where our emotions originate. Humans can communicate through speaking and writing, can solve difficult problems, and can produce creative ideas thanks to the human brain. ‘A baby's brain weighs less than a pound and continues growing until the child reaches the age of fifteen, An adult brain weighs about three pounds, and is more highly developed than the brain of any other animal. The brain consists mainly of nerve cells, supporting cells and blood vessels. tt also has three main divisions - the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem. The first two parts are both divided into left and right halves, called hemispheres. As the brain is so important to the body, itis protected by the bones of the skull and by strong membranes, which surround and protect the brain from injury during normal daily activity 151. What does the author say about the 154. Other animals have brains which are human brain in the first paragraph? ‘a. able to develop more than the human a. It is too complex. brain. b. Itis not a weak organ. b. not as advanced as the human brain It can be injured. nots light as a human brain. di tis easy to learn about it. d._ heavier than a human brain 152. What do the sense organs tell the brain? a. Everything about the nervous system. b. How to answer a question. . What is happening around us. d. How to remember important information 453. According to the passage, what is the brain able to do? Itis able to a. send signals to the sense organs, b. move in different directions. repair itself. d. recall facts, 155. Which part of the brain is divided into left and right hemispheres? a. The brain stem. 'b. The cerebrum and cerebellum . The cerebrum. d. The cerebellum. 156. Which of the following titles best summarizes the content of the passage? a. The Importance Of The Brain. b, The Brain Organ. Intelligence. d. The Brain and Skull. Test 6 145 et Ie pe ML to Boston for 51. This time last week | the spring break. a. have drove b. have been driving c., have driven ‘d.) was driving 52. Whether we go camping on the weekend on the weather. is depending depends ‘has to depend d. will be depending 53. ‘I'm sorry I'm late.” "Where have you been? We ____ .gur to start the meetin have been waiting . have waited © are waiting d. be waiting for an 54, The weather because of the hole in the ozone layer. a. every year changed b. yearly will change every year changing is changing every year §5. ‘Did you see Becky at the party last night?" ‘No, | arrived late and she _." @ had already left ». left "was leaving d. has left ideas, and will have to to the 21st century. 56. He has very be dragget cld-fashion old-fashioned .old-fashions 4d. old-fashioning 57. | asked him what he was doing and he said ____ alter to his mother. a. he is writing b. he writes & 1am writing @he was writing Test 1 58. ‘Claudine said she hasn't heard from you in awhile." ‘tknow. 1 a. will be will © would d. ought e-mail her tomorrow." 59. There's fly crawling over the meat, a. some = b. the oe ay 60. ‘How many dogs do you have?’ “Two. This one is Jessica, and cone is Lucy" @ the b. those ea d. another white 61. of those two skirts will do; decide which one. a. Every Either None d. Some 62. ‘Does June have brothers and sisters?” ‘She has two sisters, but I'm not sure if she has brothers.’ a. some b. each of more @any 63. If you want a. the b. an & another @ some advice, ask Janet 64. They____all day before they found the 71. What he said about her was___ wedding gown they liked untrue a. will shop a. too b. shopping by enough @ had been shopping @ quite : d. were going shopping very |e 65. réont have books on this subject. 72. Meg found it____cold here when she a. afew came to visit us b. some a. completely much b. totally enough utterly extremely 66. Why did you waste your money on going to see that movie? 73. ‘What did Brian want?" Tknow. It’s the ___ film I've ever seen." "He asked me _look after his, a. worse children on Saturday night.” b. baddest a. that | would worst b. would | i bad if | would would me 67. Do you think Terry is a good driver?" lo. He's a river than his brother’ 74. “Are you going down town?" more careless Yes. 1 you a lift if you like. . much careless a. give c. the most careless shall give d. the careless will give am going to give 68. Lillian treated herself to a new pair of boots and a matching purse. 75. The food was so bad in that restaurant a, leather and brown that of us will ever go there again. brown leather a. nobody ‘leather brown b. no one brown and leather «not any @rone 69. Allthe students are getting excited about I the summer vacations.” 76. ‘Are you going to take the extra history Mine are all and can't wait to class?" finish the semester ‘No, 1 . l a. boredom a. think no| bored b. think to not. c bore don't think so I d. boring |. think so for a cab at this time x of day, as they are all ful as if (waiting such the waiting das though © towait d. await 70. &: get up early everyday, __I do. 77. tts not worth Test 1 78. he arrives home, call me. ’a.) As soon as Until < While d. By the time 79. can’t give you this book it’s the only Math book I've got. @ since - Aeetuae B. owing to «due to d. “for this 80. The boy soon stopped crying as the teacher spoke to him so a. friendly @kindly nice d. well 81. She locked the door behind her ‘no one else could get in that so ©. providing d. in order to 82. if! you had a problem, | would have helped. a. known b. was knowing had known knew 83. you leave now, Ill call the police. a. Provided 84. Annie denied the bracelet a. had stolen b. tosteal c. stolen stealing 85. We can't afford anew house, especially one that expensive! a, buying ® to buy ‘c. bought d. have bought Test 1 86. ‘Did you go to the concert last week? "We were lucky as we get tickets at the last minute. a. needn't have to b. ought to were able to ‘ F could .. gppertiouite, ce cf 87. What do you think | should do? 1 take the exam now or wait till later? a. Might b. Must 88. ‘Have you finished your history assignment yet?" “No, but | it by Friday." a. will be finishing ~——— b. would finish © will have finished d. have finished 89. The car we really wanted was much too expensive to buy. ,. who ‘that © what d. whose 90. ‘Maggie seems like a nice person.” "Yes, she’s the one briefcase was stolen last week a. that who's @ries . who 91. We got before we went on vacation @ the car serviced b. service the car . serviced the car di the car servicing 92. An election a. isheld b. was held ©) will be held d. will have been held ext year. —— eee —— — — — 7 93. ‘____ you help me carry these groceries, please? Could May © Do d. with 94, In the last lesson, the students bring their project work to class. a. have been told b. are been told "were being told @© were toid 95. ‘How was your vacation?” ‘Never before _such a terrible trip.” a,_was | having have | had am! having d. did | had 96. What kind of documentary you like watching on TV? a. is b. have c, are Ge 97. At the interview, they asked me ' wanted the job a, where ® why % how d. and 98. ‘| don’t think we can finish this without Denise's help." “Yes, she needs to be here, *a. isn't she b. wouldn't she mustn't she = @ doesn't she 99. Are you looking for to stay while you're at college? a. anywhere somewhere nowhere . sometime 100. David doesn’t want to go to the movies as he the film three times. @has seen b. had seen © was seeing d. seen EXAM TIPS help you make your choice. Think about the context of the sentence or dialogue as this will > Look carefully at the words before and after the gap. Some words can only be used with certain prepositions. Look out for fixed expressions and dependent prepositions after certain verbs and linking words and phrases. D Remember that the three wrong choices are grammatically incorrect in some way. D Read the sentence or dialogue through again when you have chosen your answer to see if it ‘sounds’ correct. in at reception when 101. You have to you arrive for the conference. a. register b. book Z~~» check log ‘whe 102. You can collect some very valuable aritiques at public a. bargains by disposes ace bele auctions I. bids 103. Elizabeth is very in her views on the situation, @ outspoken . outright outboard d. outgrown 104, It was exciting going on safari for the first time. a. much tremendously ©. completely d. entirely 105. Rose was badly when she fell off her bike. ©. wounded Conta hurt upset d. damaged 106. The police are my complaint about the neighbors. + looking into Auestiggtg trying out getting down to d. taking round 107. My husband buy a beach house. me that we should a. suggested b. insisted ¢. influenced @D persuaded _ Test 1 108. Laurel decided to__the job when it was offered to her. a. except b. excerpt accuse accept 2 109. ‘Could you change the of film in my camera for me, please? @®aooll = B. wheel & gyjlinder d. drum 110. The senator was yesterday, and the police are doing all they can to find him kidnapped . hijacked © captured d.. stolen re 111. June to leave the job if she wasn't given a raise a. indicated @® threatened © warned «me d. informed aye. 112. He had 50 poorly in the exam that he had to take it again a. succeeded b. passed & failed done 113. To be considered for the job, you need to complete this application __and return it by the end of the week a. questionnaire b. document © form d. paper 114, Lillian works in the mornings for a doctor helping her husband in his new business in the evenings a. too b. although extra in addition to 115. Henry Kissinger is a known diplomat. distinguished enw distant distinct d. disabled and very well 116. My father said advised © stated d.. declared Us to take the freeway. 117. Working on a daily newspaper means | always have a deadline to a. write b, run meet follow 118. The little boy to his mother that he wanted to go to the testroom. a. advised ~ b. told © whispered. d. convinced 119. Those two kids are always arguing and each other. : falling out with 5 falling down on falling in with d. falling out on 120. The shop was so crowded that there was no to move @ foom spect range © area d. scope 121. Eva doesn't like being in the house on her ‘own, as it makes her. a. imitating nervous angry d. uncertain 122. This small apartment is perfect for person a. an only by lonely a single dd. one only 123. "rd like to this fossil found to the museum,’ = a. borrow @ lend H . <. provide twit d. supply enth 124. You only need to press that red button in the elevator a. under pressure ©) in the event of an emergency © under the circumstances d. in spite of the risk = 125. Mrs. Sutton Us that if we cheated in the exam we would have to take the exam again, a, stated warned % announced d. mentioned 126. How much flour is___ for this cake? a. asked Br demanded (©) required [expected 127. All the employees have been that they can leave early on Friday ay requested 26 Q) informed . ordered 4o d. declared 128, she is a very good athlete, she is ot an intelligent gir a. Moreover b. However Despite Although 129. Greg was absolutely when he was informed he'd been accepted at Harvard. a. inspired b. wild © thrilled d. excited Read the passage and then answer the questions which follow (On October 12th 1999, the world’s population reached the huge figure of six bilion. Although many ‘welcome the new additions to the human family for their potential contributions, others fear that growing population could tax the world's resources. tt took all of human history for the world’s population to reach one billion in 1804, but only one hundted and fifty si years for it to reach three billion by 1960. That figure had doubled by 1999, having taken only thirty-nine years to do so. Current demographics mean the population could soon expand rapidly, as there are over a bilion young people between the ages of 15 and 24 who will eventually makeX decisions about the size and spacing of their families. This will determine how many people are on the planet by 2050 and beyond. Added to this is the fact that people today live longer and healthier lives than anyone else in history. If we ignore the danger now, a worst-case-scenario. would be where the world population reaches twenty-seven billion by 2150 and continues to grow. Although birth rates in North America and Europe have fallen below the replacement level of two per family, women in many developing countries continue to have five to seven children. The equivalent ‘of a city the size of San Francisco is added to the population every three days. Conversely, data shows that in developed counties, the number of people over age sixty already outnumbers children, under fifteen. Therefore the population problem needs to be looked at on a, global scale, not just in Third World countries. 151. The main idea of the passage is that A. there are not enough children being born in developed countries. the size of the population is a worldwide problem there are a higher percentage of people aged over sixty. women in Third World countries have too many children. x 152. According to the passage, some people are worried because an increasing population may strain the planet's resources. b. they are unsure what these new additions can contribute. ¢. the birth rate in North America has fallen below two children per family. the population doubles by the size of San Francisco's population every three days, 153. What will the people aged between 15 and 24 have to decide? a. Whether they want to live a longer and healthier life GD How many children they are going to have and when. If they want to have between two and seven children d._ Whether to have children, 154. Why was the passage written? a. To encourage readers to think about population growth, .To inform readers about the continuing population growth, ‘To warn people how quickly the population is growing, G.)Allof the above 155. According to the author, the birth rate ig North America and Europe has gone down, B. remained stable. increased. overtaken that in developing _ Countries 156. Why does the writer use the example of the size of San Francisco? 2 To indicate that San Francisco has an aging population, B® To show how over-populated that aityis To emphasize how quickly the population is growing, d. To-explain that there are more people living there aged under fifteen. 157. What does the author state is the problem in developed countries? a. There are more children under fifteen than people over sixty. @ There are more pensioners than teenagers, ‘There are more women than men, d. Women have too many children. Part 2: practice Instructions: You have decided to go out for the evening with friends, but are unsure (hat to go and see. Read the information on the opposite page and then answer the ‘questions below. 458. At which places do you have to pay more if not paying in cash? a. Vand 3 @ 2and4 «. 3and5 d, 4 and 6 459. Where will you see performers from all over the world? @} o) «3 4 160. Which Box Office requires you to pay in cash? 0 b2, ~3 0, a4 161. Where will you pay most for a ticket? a3 b. 4 «5 -4.6 1462. Where can you go to see the same performance three times in one day? ~al b. 2 «3 a4 163. Which Box Offices are open the longest? a. Vand3 = b. 1and4 c dandS d. 1and6 16a. Where is something being performed in the U.S. for the first time? a3 b. 4 va 5 d. 6 165. Where are the cheapest tickets available? wad b. 2 «3 d. 4 1166. Which place will reduce the price of a ticket for a group of people? al =b. 2 <3 di 4 467. Which two shows have performers from. England? a. land? b. 2and4 3and§ d. 4 and 6 168: Which advertisement suggests that you arrive some time before the performance? -al b. 2 «3 a4 169. Which performance can only be seen for one day? ' aoge "Evening Entertainment Be areas The Big Circus Stage Show is a show ful of comedy, amazing aristry and endless excitement. Dont miss the talented magicians, jugglers, clowns, aerobatic and acrobatic feats of the international circus entertainers that have made this one of the worlds classic circuses. § Stars from Argentina, England, Russia, Australia, | Ustaiog and the United Staies will amaze and delight you | Tickets available trom the Box Ofice 9 am.-9 2m, or | ‘charge tickets ‘on, 1-888-397-9572 10 reserve. seals, Ticket prices are $12.50, $15.50, $18.0, or $35.00 Show time is Wedhesday 7.00 pm. Saturday 11.00 m., 300 pm. and 7.00 pm. and Sunday 100 and 5.00 p.m: Ty to arrive one hou before the show to look ‘found. the side-shows and soak up the Big Circus [camer i Seen tel tp pa | biggest stars - Grammy@ Award winner Michael Bolton _ inthis unforgettable evening of hits by Tory, Grammy®, | and Academy-Award-winning composer Andrew Lioyd | Webber. Enioy favorite songs and musical excerpts from | Webber's Broadway blockbusters, including The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Evita, Jesus Chvst ‘Superstar Staright Express, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor. Dreamcoat, Song and Dance, Sie | | Boulevard, and more. Don't miss this one-off musical | experience: The performance starts at 9.00 p.m. To order tickels, call 319-863-1878, or visit our box fice at 32nd. and Faimont, open’ Monday though i ' | Saturday from 10 a.m. 8.30 p.m. If ordering by phone, «$4.00 per ticket service fee is charged. For groups of 20 oF more, discounted tickets are avalable, Ticket prices are $57.50, $47.50 or $37.50, |The Swan Theater Company, t famous touring classical theater ‘companies, is } performing Willam Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors £ | in special performances in Hawthorne Park. Dynamic. & and imaginative, The Swan draws-actors fom the Royal | ‘Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre in ; London, England. ‘Appearing for just one memorable | week, it's the show our city's been waiting for! The Play: # Delightiul confusion happens when two sets of twins, ¢ sepatated at bith, arrive in the same place years late. Each night the fun begins at 8.30 p.m. : Ticket prices: $38.00 or $25.00, available from our Box Office “at Winchester Boulevard, Monday through { Sunday, 9.00 am. - 7.00 p.m. or phone 291-368-4598. Cash only at the Box Office. Audio and video recorders are not permitted at any performance. |_ isi our box office at 53th and Main between the hours of 9 ama Sain, Monday trough Satucay. You can | a0 vst our Web Site for more information. There is & | Ticket prices: $57, $47, $37, $27, and $22, | caloday so as nt to be dsapporte) Ee ao cnceoerted | the ‘eationship between a young man’ accused of Our city’s Symphony Orchestra begins this yeas | concert series with a "Tchaikovsky Spectacular. Gerard | Robertson will conduct with Alexander Zukerman on | piano. Featuring Tchaikovsky's Coronation March for Here is the ‘Alexander I, is Piano Concerto No. 1, the: Faniasy- Overture trom Romeo and Julie, and the Soler Overture, 1812, t wil be a truly upliting experience, ome along to her for yousal Performances begh a pm. ie For further information and tickets, cll 315-721-1333; of $83.00 charge for payment by Credit Card, SUS ees The Moris Theater is proud to present ‘Chery Days’ a US. premiere by Malcoim George. The play explores ‘murder, and his lawyer, The lawyer, Michael, must come to terms with the feeling of hate that his. young client brings out in him, The accused murderer, Davey, suddenly finds his life in the hands of a man whom he wishes were dead. Both men realze they have to work {ogether and that more than their beliefs are on the line The pay asks the simple quesion: Can we wipe ou ale’ Running time is one hour thity minutes, with no intermission. ; Perlormances: Tuesday’and Wednesday 7.30 p.m. - tickets $30.00. "Friday 800 p.m. - tickets $35.00 Satadey 200 pm. les $29.00. and at 800 pm. - tickets $38.00. Box Office open at the theater Monday through Saturday 10.00 am. - 6.00 pm. of call 451-3491 Sa ah eB aarp peri s ag musical-theater fan's absolute dream presentation! The Mariage of Figaro (Le Nozze oi Figaro) by W. A. Mozart. This wonderful comic opera - a slory of young and mature love - wil be performed on 12, 14,17, 19, 21 and 24 ofthis month, atthe Houghton Opera’ House, The gerius of Mozart is revealed once again in this most favorite of operatic scores = rch in sound and musical. imagination, Premiere Mozart conductor Prilipe Learn verbs, nouns and adjectives with their prepositions, and learn Phrases made up of verbs and nouns, such as to make a fortune, D When recording new vocabulary, try to put it in a context or sentence, rather than just translating the word into your own language. Try to think of a synonym too. D Try to learn fixed expressions, especially those that are similar, ke at all tines, at first sight, under no circumstances, under the circumstances and so on, > Ty to read as many authentic texts, magazines or books in English a5 you can. Underline, record and learn the unknown words— preferably in context. © Consider now, at the beginning of this book, how you record vocabulary. Could your system be improved to make it more effecient? Would it be better to list it by topic, alphabetically, by headword, or in another way? 57. The teacher told the class__s0 noisy. “51, “Jessica is such a nice colleague.” “1 know. | already think a friend.” a. to stop be a. her being to stop being b. ifshe were . stop to be cc. that her . stopping to be Lot her as 58. What. to get a phone call from an old 52. Olive ollhas many___ friend like that! @vses a. was it a surprise: ®. using b. was a surprise cis supe wat @. seunees COesrptce wes 53. Parents must teach their children how important__ «9. It in the Great Western Desert. to save money. Ca) hardly ever raing is ever hardly rains itis ©. ever rains hardly c. isit 4. rains ever hardly . that is 60. “Your hair looks great." 54, Diane is studying art because she is in painting “Thanks. | last week.” a. interests the extreme @) got it cut b. an extreme interest 5. got cut ©) extremely interested c. am cutting t 4. extremely interesting . was to cut 55. Is been such along time __I talked tomy cousin. 61. The company to print our business cards a when promised to send them by Friday, b. that @. which it was hired uni b. we hired them since that hired Cade hired a wenepgeniranitansessenmtae GP what today's young people are interested in, 62, \_ planning to attend the graduation ceremony ©@ ourselves must register by May 1. . myselt ‘Anyone whos . yourself . Anyone that i themselves ©. Any who will d. Any that have GF 33. Many residents find that taking the bus into town ctiving. @. was easy to b. are easier @. be as easy as is easier than “The client our latest offer. What should we do?” “Well, we may have to give him a lower price.” a. hardly turner up S 1) just tumed down CC3yc¥) %. finally tuned off d. recent turned out x 35. The main character in that novel__ of my mother. a. is making me to think 'b, makes me to think .o. makes to me think @ makes me think 36. She worked she could so that she could leave early. a) as fast as . more fast than c. faster than . than as fast 7. she didn’t attend the presentation, she got all the handouts from her fiend. a. Asa result b. In spite of Even though 1d, Despite all 38. The meeting addressed many issues, but some problems unresolved. a. left left 2. leaving (Pwere tet Grammar 69. 70, n 72, 73. 74, Gramm | don't know. to go or not, either (b) whether @. if das ‘The farther you travel from the city limits, __ trees you will see, @)more of the “B. some more ©. the more . more Just because the product works really well doesn't mean it . willbe improved b. wasn't improving & might improve (ean oe improved ‘Studying abroad for a semester gave Jill, on her ‘own for the first time, a, a chance for living the chance to live he chanoes living d. chance of living “I'm sure Henry willbe here soon, Why not wait another half hour?" “Are you kidding? By then | will have been waiting ill be waiting cc. am waiting d. have been waiting four hours!” C ‘As she was opening the door, the house keys —___ from her hand. 2. have fallen , are faling Ore fallen 78: 76. 7. 78, 73, 80, + My adviser says that a great business ‘course. is intematonalmanteg 2 be taking b. should ake 2. take Caiaken Please note___in the work schedule for the holidays. 2. of he change © the change . change . changing “Vfl Jane attend Central University" “Yes, after _ the campus, she decided to.go there: @. tohave visited b. has visited ©. she has visited C9 having visited "Do you believe her story about the accident?" “rl give her the benefit» of the doubt 9. of doubting . to doubt d. to be doubted ® problem with our company's new Phone system, a. Itseems that - Itseems as There seems to be . There seems like the students attended the lecture given by the guest speaker, ~~ a. The number of b. Atew ©. Quite a number (Quite afew of rammar at, 82, 83, 5. 64 Grammar he president thought that her cities discuss the situation with her minister of education A. wish they had », should wish ©. wished they were to} Qe wish to \ = (io 4 smal chi to travel alone. would be alowed (2) woud tow ¢. | would be allowed . Iwould allow Sally has said that she to work long hours ext Friday. (@eoesn't want ®. not wanting ©. not be wanting . isn't the wanted George must finish his work, the next hour @. upto b while @ within {through ‘employees get three weeks 86. 87. 89. 1 Vocabulary The fallen tree. the road, causing traffic problems. a, tore “by blocked crashed d, delayed | s90 by the ontis face that he didn't get the job. expression b. sense . dream d. position The students worked together to find the difficult math problem. } solution model «. result 4. connection to the The noise of the loud machine gave me aheadache. ,. crowded continuous even d. reaching At lunchtime, employees must be while waiting {or their turn to use the microwave oven. a. eager . rapid _e. gentle (@)patient Charles has so many books that he is space for them. a. running into Ove @ CB running out of . running down 4. running off Vocabulary 92, %. 94, 96. 97. Fo Vocabulary Critics. the artist's interesting use of color in the painting. a. dominated b. desired (o)admired approved Living in a foreign country is a . approximately Lo different from just Jorn wou nd 2. exposed ©, prometad @ tures & dappoares the treasure in the ground so that no one The goal of the conference was to encourage the of ideas and information among top scholars inthe fad dialogue exchange . trade d. network The audience found the speaker's comments moving a. directly b. surely frankly, ox Scientists are able to the distance between Pere eda pesnatsln © catculate d. construct cabulary Wore $3. This company has a long of making high- quality products. a. report b. account ‘eycton roy his client to invest in The financial planner. technological companies. @ jadvised 'b. emphasized ‘c. commented d. communicated 99, Because James woke up late, he went. to school without having breakfast. a. thoroughly CB straight e. exactly . soon 100. 101. Tha grape juice left a large purple ‘on the carpet. a) stain B. shadow cc. dye . shade 402. Is to report about Matthew's job as a newspaper events happening around the world. a. producer b. author «. host @)iournaist The students were filled with over the recent success oftheir schoo's sports teams. a. recogrition © pte %. emphasis 4. anxiety 103. Vocabulary 104, Amanda hopes that mistake will not a. become b. reveal Oo happen |. proceed again. 105. Since Mary was tired, Amy offered to for a while. back up b) take over . work out . check in driving 106. She seting wet = band B. daseed & plastic around the material to prevent itrom surrounded 107, Lisa was a, inquired by three doctors last year. 108. “How's your new job going?” “it's great, especially the, get lots of lon time.” Ox ‘benefits €. interests d. profits 108, Rachel was working onthe new projet afternoon; he coleagve, Hanna, Was meeting with clients. a. throughout @ mearwtie ©. specifically d. essentially #1 110. 114, 112. 118. 114. 115. Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabular The government is considering ___to raise the 116. While interesting, the current theory doesnt have any ‘minimum wage for workers. ‘evidence to suppor it. obligation a. block * b,! legislation b. packed 6. constitution £e))conerete d. resolution “d. concentrated First, the engineers tried the most solution to the problem. ‘a, representative @ possible ! logical 4, determined The store's staff members are available at all times to customers. @ assist ®. grant c. deliver d. reply tt was_for the student to resive an aad fom tho universy preset. 2. a conieraton ba reputaton @ ertener an importance Because Sue was so___ about rocks, she decided to study geology. curious . capable % ¢. brilliant 2 4d. involved ‘Some cars may be cheap to buy, but they can be very expensive to a. reserve b. extend maintain (4) preserve 117, Micha teeings coy wer so___thatho ea, moder b imoesse CG intense Qeckine — QR ee Serene rs S 118. Pete asked Michele f she would him her notes from class until tomorrow. a. supply Bons 119. The mayor's speech the need to improve the ®. functioned cc highlighted o> d. seized 120. In Friday's seminar, the doctor will give everyone tips on ox = ie] * This passage is about anew sport, A trampoline flexible platform on which one jumps Lup and down—nas long been a favorte among children, However, the trampoline is now being used in a new way, 288 part ofan extreme sport that may someday be practiced competitively. Vv Wall trampoline, developed inthe world ofthe circus requires both courage.and ski. it involves the athletes, called bouncers, throwing themselves off a wall onto a trampoline almost five meters below. They then bounce off the trampoline and back to the top of the wall. As ee through the air, they perform jumps, loops, and other tricks)in much the same way as freestyle skiers and skatoboardrs, According to the developers of wall trampoline, itis ‘more impressive than traditional trampoline because the Participants do not need to do many small bounces in order to gain the height needed to perform tricks. The bouncers start ftom high place, 50 they can fly higher from the frst jump, However, the presence of the wall can make it dangerous. The Oe) oun: have to be very aware of where they are in| relation to the wall to avoid hitting it by accident. Inventing a new extreme sport is not completely straightforward. The rules—or lack of them—must be considered, Fans of wall trampoline enjoy the fact that itis atone cy. uf bes want campeteagant_(L ihaeded each other, a formal method to jud +3 Reading eading 121, What is the main purpose of the passage? @» explain why a particular spor is dangerous to compare two different sporting activities ©. to. comment on a sport the’ writer tried g. to describe a sport which few people know 122, in what way s the circus related tothe topic of the passage? tis where fans meet the athletes. 's where the sport came from. It's where the sporti performed, 4, Itis where the athietes train, 123. In the last sentence of paragraph 2, what isthe /meaning of the word tricks? 4 faster ways of doing something . actions that only some people understand ©) dificult movements that are fun to watch effective solutions to a problem 124, Kecording tothe passage, what do those performing wall trampolie need to be careful about? ‘2 the positon of other bouncers ©) the location of the wail the height of the jumps 4. the time between jumps "25, What does the author aay about wall trampoline inthe last paragraph? @ Standards are necessary for comparing Performances. - dumps in wall rampotine are impossible to judge, ©. Too much formality could hurt the sport. ¢. Athletes must learn to compete against each other, ading This passage fs about making choices. it Walk into a bakery and you wil sae a wie varity of bread to choose from. But can consumers have too many choices? This is the focus of some consumer studies. In one study, researchers in a grocery store offered 6 varieties of jam one week and 24 varieties the next. Thirty percent of the people offered 6 jams bought a jar, but only 3 percent of the people offered 24 varieties did so. The researche there are too, many options, people fear écision. The solution, they say, i to limit Store owners, however, don't seem to be concemed \¢> with Many of ve that whe stores offer more products, consumers are more ikely to find they want. So, stores continus to have shelves ‘iled with many options. Others believe that when deciding how many varieties >f something to offer, the choice's complexity must be Jered. Choosing jam is easy, but other tasks are more jntricate)Thjs may be one reason why many travelers favor siTinclusive resorts and package tour vacations. Rather than saving to make several types of decisions-—not only where to 20, but also how to get there, where to stay, and what to eat — ‘acationers simply choose a place and a package, and most >f the other choices are made for them. OF course, no single approach is effective allcases.. 40 ‘Nnere one person may want many gptions, another may arefer only a few. ater Ole] yb eading 126. What is this passage mainly about? : A, wihether stores give customers enough choices '8. whether shoppers choose to buy unnecessary items ©. whether having many choices influences decision making 4.) whether providing many diferent choices is profitable 127. Why d68s the autfior mention bread? ‘a. to explain why this product is popular ith consumers, llustrate a product that has many varieties ©. to show that retailers have limited space for products d. to describe how product varieties change over time 128, How have stores responded to the results of the jam study? ‘a. by charging moré for their products b. by offering fewer expensive items (CO) by keeping the same business strategy . by conducting more studies 129. In the second sentence of paragraph 3, what does intricate mean? a. surprising by pleasant ‘complicated united 190, How does the author feel about people's desire to have choices? People's preferences vary depending on the individual. b. People's preferences are likely to change with age. c. Most people prefer to have many choices, d. Most people are heavily influenced by advertising, Ay _ [a] Come Away with Valley Museum sen the ae Mane of toy fra special opportunity: a trip to Egypt J ur Egyptian colton is among our most popular, and our lectures on ancient Eayet are alvaye wol attended. Tis fal joa pla by Your favor museum guides and lecturers, ‘Guided tours of important sites, ~\ NL ‘Both-ancient, ee * Airfare and accommodation icisded * Open to members ony Alm oen e ; av Contact the fon desk for deta o to __become a museum Egyptian Beauty ‘The Egyptian pyramids are known for thelr splendor, but the ancient Egyptians made more than just their architecture look beautiful. They Used cosmetics! { Beauty was considered fioly, 0 decorating the face. ‘Was a spiritual activity, it had practical purposes ‘6, {fom sun and even fles. The resuits verti Wat to recreate the look? Try these? * Kohl eyeliner ‘Wor by all types of Egyptians, this black substance was applied across the upper and ‘ower eyelids to create that distinctive almond- shaped look. It remains widely available, * Bright green eyeshadow ‘The Egyptians made theirs from malachite, a ‘beautiful copper mineral. * Henna Tals colored plant was used to decorate skin ‘and hair, a practice still common in modern ms SS Tut Mania "0d In Eayp, people began Wondering, What was his yours shoe ny like? How cd he ce? Despte various asa, Giang to have discovered the wate ng | ‘uch is eran about his stone Yeti legacy i stong and his status wel etabshed inpopur ‘ ary 2000s, ture Folds or Yak ebiBlions bare oes Bethe king wil remain a muchived eran Another Pharaoh’s Story sia Bi tame to Akhenaten, which teflects another significant change: a shit in religion, Before Akhenaten, Egyptians worshipped many gods. But ‘Akhenaten insisted there was ‘only one god, the sun god called Aten, Akhenaten moved the capital city from Thebes to a brand new location, an area known today as Amara, The art of his time was also Very different. New styles of architecture and of image representation were used. The Pottralts ofthe king himself show facial features and a body type that ditfer greatly ‘from representations of other Pharaohs. After Alhenaten’s death, the changes he made were rejected The capital moved back to Thebes, and the old religion was ‘festored, Akhenaten’s ‘name as literally erased fom | therecord, Heremained ff unknown ani els at iain were dicovered’n | the nineteenth entury, more than three thousand yeas after his eign, stn a at Century In the United States, these exhibition took aw renewed interest in the Its Ufyou think of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Thankhamen may come to mind. Bt there are many Pharaohs besides Tut, and thse cat eel fascinating. t who may actually have been r, Ting Tuts father the evidence on(thaDis not conclusive,” Akhenaten was'a truly unusual pharaoh, He took Power after his father, Amenhotep IIL In fact, Akhenaten’s name was originally Amenhotep IV. But it wasn't long before ‘major changes occurred, Amenhotep IV changed his $s The following questions refer to section A. 131. What is section A mainly about? 2 atoning lecture b. wong at a uceim &: visting «special iit G traveling somone 132, What can be found at the front desk? . names of museums in Egypt b. information about lectures (museum membership information . a group of museum guides, he following questions refer to section B. 133, What is the main purpose of section B? 2, to give information on a style of makeup 'b) to describe ancient Egyptian religious rituals %. to talk about decorative architecture d. to discuss plants used for health purposes 134, In the third sentence of paragraph 2, what does the word ‘outstanding mean? a. healthy ». great simple Caeovious Tha following question refer to section ©. 196, Whats sation mainly about? 2. discoveries of ancient objects b. anew museum exh interest in a historical figure % the art of ancient civilizations 136. According to section C, what became popular in the 19708? @ certain exhibitions B. astyle of at . a type of photography d. specific research subjects Th eading’’ the questions bel ‘The following questions refer to section D. 17. What is the main purpose of section D? (wo discuss how a certain ruler was unusual "B. to give an overview of rulers in ancient Egypt ©. to argue some rulers were better than others 4. to show how Egyptian rulers used religion 198. In the last sentence of paragraph 1, what does that refer to? ‘Akhenaten’s status as pharaoh Jakhenaten and Tutankhamen’s relationship ©. the appearance of Tutankhamen and Akhenaten 4. Tutankhamen's popularity 139. According to the passage, what significant event aga inmate ee G. Aruler changed his name. d. A capital city moved elsewhere. The following question refers to two or more sections, 140. How does section A differ from the other sections? @tt mentions arcint and modem Eayet. B. talks about one county only. c, Itis meant for a wider audience. 4. supports a dterent theo. Ww WRITING SECTION INSTRUCTIONS 30-MINUTE TIME LIMIT * De NOT write your essay in this test booklet. Write your, ‘essay on the writing answer document you have been provided. . . * Use a #2 (soft) pencil only, * Extra sheets of paper or scratch paper wll not be scored. Please use ONLY the space provided on the writing answer document to complete the writing section, * You will not be graded on the appearance of your paper, But your handwriting must be readable. You imay change or correct your writing, but you should net recopy the entire task, IWten you have selected your task, remember tofiln “letter* or “essay” in the ECCE Writing Response box in the front of your writing answer document. Tela 51. The most important question Is not necessarly its price. a. asks @roask ©. is asked d. be asked when buying a car 52, Dg you have to complete the job on time? @ enough resources b. enough of resources enough of resource enough resource 58. ony afew people tothe ply tomorow, he show wil ose rene Bcome ctenra &. wathave come 54. Yourtaste in msicis . similary as b. es similar 2s ¢, sma Q)simiario 55. That television show always makes me @ laugh ®. tolaugh «. laughing 4. tobe laughing 56, Henry arives, we can leave for the movie. @. Until b. Since ©)once . While 18 ECCE 2013 Sample Test Booklet ramm 87. 58. 59, 60. 6 letanlenteta Since James is well organized, ‘ever gat lost. @ none of %. nothing 4d. nothing of ___ his belongings “Does Laura speak French well "Yes, __comes naturally to her: a. lear foreign languages teaming foreign languages ©. foreign languages learn 4. foreign languages learning 1 to the party if had known Susan was going tobe there. a. will be going ». willgo would go @)would have gone Work was going well until Iran biggest client a against into ©. across 4. around difficulty with our You thik se is coming othe masting tonight, you? Dawn . went © cant at erent The fishermen released all a, but two ip) but two of . of but two 4d. of but two of the fish, 63 65, 66. 67. ammar Biking _ dangerous on that road ‘a) is becoming increasingly b. is being increasingly c. has become increasing 4, has been increasing Aists have painted the human body thousands oyeas a. since a cuing Gor & arouna Ther were four people on he commie, represerting aciferent department wich @ each o. that a wo ‘The purpose ofthis papers __the history of 2 atv evew b, bret reviewing ‘¢) to review briefly a tobiet review Don't wony. There is __for you to be troubled. a. nothing needed . needed nothing (©)no need d. no needs lt took a long time to do my homework, but |_ todoit a. have b. have had ©, had had had ammar 69. 70. m 73. 74, Ciectanlattetg ‘To: Thomas Mulligan Dear Mr. Mulgan, ‘Thank you for renewing your subscription to Science ‘ard You! You've made a smart decision to continue rectlving Science and You every month. We've confirmed your choice to renew your subscription for two years. As a long-term customer, you get a 70% discount on adalional subscriptions. ‘What better opportunity to send tends a git’ ‘subscription, 60 they too can enjoy reading Science ‘ang You? Please vst our website www.scienceandyoumagazine. Com/subscriptions to learn more about discounts, or if you need to change your mailing address. ‘Again, thank you for subseribing to Science and You! itis our pleasure to conveniently dalver ths source of Interesting up-to-date science information to you and. your tary. Sincerely, ‘Science and You Team Management Instincts SB) by Susan Lin, Caroor Aavsor Inthe business worl, instincts are an important management tool. ‘Some managers are extremely goal- ofiented. Like tigers, their instinets help them work precisely and fast. However, they tend to be aggressive and not work very well with others. This can lead to an uncomfortable office environment. ther managers have excellant social instinets and communicate well with others. | Nevertheless, they have difcully dealing with | Conficts. Like ostriches, they bury their heads | inthe sand and hide fam probes rather | ‘than confront ther, Clearly, natural instincts have both positive ‘and negative aspects. Those managers wholeam to monitor ther instintsand || ‘adapt their behavior are the most effective. Questions from Readers ini ici iby ei adi san Tomas ga, eto, Mt ‘A: People oftn say that when dangor approaches ostches bury thei heads In the sand, However, his i a myth that probably comes from a misunderstanding fone of the bits defensive behaviors | Sometimes, when they se potential predators, ostiches wl ty to “ide” by Wing low and stretching ther long rocks fat on the ground. Tis way, om {a distance, they look ke bushes, or part ‘ofthe landscape. To people observing ostriches tying to camoutagethemseives this wy it may appear thatthe birds are burying thei heads In the ground. Unfortunately, this common misconception about ostichas has given them asad reputation as defenseless animals, Nevertheless ths could not be further rom the truth. Ostiches ae the largest bid in the word Growing tobe 7 to 9 feet @.1 to 2.7 meter) tal the ostch is taler ‘nan the average man. They use thei long, power lags to deen ‘themselves wien necessary. In fact, an osc can kl a on with a single, wel- placed kick! = Margaret Holmes, Animal Biologist “To sutra qustens to epas t Sic and tu lease snd a eal | ‘weston scinceandyuagazne com ets no wat tik o Scnce and Yo Pease vis aur wba on scenetanyaumaczine corse ant eampiet uct ‘sfc sue. 26 ECGE 2013 Sample Test Booklet Reading Question 131 refers to section A on page 26. 131. In the first sentence, what does the phrase ranked among the top 10 refer to? 2. years in business », cost ‘c. popularity <. number of employees Qu jons 132-133 refer to section B on page 26. 132, Why did Mr. Mulligan receive this email? ® He recently renewed his subscription, '. He changed his mailing address, Cc. He requested information about discounts. d. He bought the magazine for a friend, 1133. What does the email encourage Mr Muligan to do? a. renew his subscription b. tell fiends how to get a discount © give somebody a subscription d. send comments to the editors of a magazine Questions 134-135 refer to section C on page 26. 14. In paragraph 2, why does the author mention tigers? 1a, to compare the instincts of humans and tigers ‘BD to explain how some managers behave ©. to explain why some managers have difficulty ‘working fast 4. to describe how people can become less aggressive 1185. According to the last paragraph, how should managers handle their instincts? 1. They should try to change them. b. They should always trust them. c. They should never follow them. {@ They should pay attention to them, eadin ‘Questions 136-138 refer to section D on page 26. 196. What is the main point of section D? @) Acommon belief about an animal is wrong, '. Scientists don’t understand an animal's behavior. c. One animal has changed its habits to survive. 4d. Some animals protect themselves better than others. 197. In paragraph 2, why does the author mention the average man? 2, to ge an example of ostich predators {b)to emphasize how big osches are ©. to contrast now fst ostiches and people grow GL to explain how cstiches got thelr reputation 198. What is the main point of paragraph 2? ‘a, The reputation ostriches have is well deserved. 'b. The future of ostriches is in danger. (on Qstriches are more aggressive than lions. (g. Dstriches are able to defend themselves. Questions 139-140 refer to sections A, B, C, and D. 198. Which sections encourage readers to contact the publisher? a. sections A, 8, and C 'b, sections A, B, and D c. sections B, C, and D 4. all sections 140 Whats probably rue about he psople who are compared to tigers in secon G? @ They would not be hited as managers by Soience and You . They would not subscribe to Sclence and You. 6. They would receive an award at Sconce and You 4. They would be goodinstctors at Sconce ard You ECE 2018 Sample Tost Booklet 27 Cc} To: Solutions Tech Supervisors From: ‘Subject: Company Picnic Dear Supervisors, This is a reminder about our annual company picnic on June 15. We stil need managers to Volunteer to help cut. + Set up children's activities (2-4 p.m.) * Groet employees (5-7 p.m.) + Assist with games (6-7 p.m. or 7-9 psn.) ‘Collec food donations (5-7 pum.or 7-9 pm) | ‘employees. If you can lend a hand, contact me by June 1. Please state activity and time shift ‘We want to make this a great event for all our i mane Sincerely Gloria Jones, Planning Committee “Evening at Riverside Park a erste Bachar Asoo Teh Conoay employe nd anes ee me espn opm ° 1 Farin more fn and maybe staring a new ‘atin, we Tehang aes at ou ana sompany picnic. As usval, rovide lots of good foo end rink and re muse. Or chart eve his retrckehe tar JB Circus wil perform under the Big Tent. ‘+ The Amazing Acrobats: The Ross Far «+ Slo he Clown and His White Dog ‘Clara and Her Dancing Hoses d ‘so, special children's games and activites Including face painting and clown magic 6e237 | ‘on’ forget to bring longa donation for City Food Bank City Food Bank in Urgent Need of Donations aia City Food Bank is running extremely low on canned ‘goods and other nonperishable foods. ‘month, so many people who don't normally use our serv came in for food assistance: City Food Bank is a notfor- profi organization dedicated to reducing hunger. It isthe coldest food-relief agency in the Riverside area Itis ‘To meet the need, City Food Bank is urging community groups, neighborhood clubs, and local businesses to hold food drives. “We are in located at 549 Park Road, particular need right now Riverside, and donations because ofthe bad weather are accepted every day from that hit our community. Many hhomes were flooded last 9am. to9 pm, Executive Profile: Jeff Blackstone Chief Development Officer, Solutions Tech Company ‘Jeff Blackstone, CDO of Solutions Tach Company, the largest computer-support business in Michigan, ikes working with people as much as with computers, Q Blackstone believes that success on the job is tied to several factors. One is that employees have fun together when they are not working, He is pleased that his company is even bringing in a circus for thei annual ‘company picnic. Blackstone worked for several years in computer development ‘before studying organizational psychology at State University He believes some companies’ employees end up just doing Jobs they are good at but don't ke. He thinks that is @ formula for stress on a worker. At Solutions Tech, Blackstone's primary responsiblity isto match employees with the Kind of tasks they like and do best. ‘Since joining Solutions Tech eight years ago, he's been earning the praise of the employees there as wellas the respect of the \whole community for his support of local chertes. “One of the Charities that | think isso important is Cty Food Bank,” said Blackstone. Blackstone volunteers at the food bank once a ‘month. He added that he's really looking forward to the company picnic where he'll be personally helping City Food Bank build up its food supply. 8 EOOE 2013 Sample Test Booklet Reading ‘Question 141 refers to section A on page 28. 141. What isthe main purpose of section A? 8, to find out who needs volunteers (©)to get help witha company event & to encourage people to attend an event 4, to announce the time of a company picnic ‘Questions 142-143 refer to section B on page 28. 142, What should people take to the event? pionic food and drinks for their family an item to donate to the food bank ‘games for children to play money to attend the circus 143, What will be available for the first time this year? ‘a. food and drinks b. live music c) circus performances 'd. charity collection Questions 144-145 refer to section C on page 2! 148. Why does the fod bank need donations now? 2: Its the ony place hungry people can get fod. b. Food there has become aut ol © More people than usual have used it recent. : ft doesnot have any canned goods avaabe 148, What kind of food would be an acceptable donation? a. eggs ». fresh fruit @. bread (2) dried beans eading EXelia} Questions 146-148 refer to section D on page 28. 146, What isthe main purpose of section D? a. tohelp City Food Bank b. to attract a new chief development officer c. to clarity the business ofa large computer company to provide information about a Solutions Tech “employes 1147. What did Blackstone do before working where he does now? '} worked with computers '. taught psychology at a university c. did financial planning at a bank 4. managed a charity 148. Inthe thir sentence of paragraph 3, what does that reer to? 62) workers doing jobs that they don't ike '. workers doing jobs that they're not good at 6. employees atraid of losing ther jobs 4, employees having too much work to do Questions 149-150 refer to refer to sections A, 1149, Which sections include information about a company event? a. AB,andC 8A, B, and D ©. A,G,andD 4. B,C, and D Cand D. 150. What will Jeff Blackstone probably be doing on June 15? ‘a setting up children’s activities

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