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English optative

Corona virus has significantly switched our everyday lifestyles special in the
academy area. And has left several effect which can be positive or negative
depending on your personal perspective.

There are some pros of Learning from home

Pros of learning from home
You can wake up later and sleep more
You can manage your time as you like
You can eat while being in class
You can dress as you like
It’s more flexible in general

Nonetheless there are some cons such as

Cons of learning from home
You can’t ask your teacher at the moment, you need to send them an email and wait
for the answer
Sometimes the teachers take long to help you
It can be exhausting to be always in your bedroom
Your internet can fail you
You don’t have physical social interaction
You can get depressed for not going outside

What’s it been like to you

At the beginning was kind of overwhelming because it was something completely new
for me, and I needed to adjust to it quickly.
Also the fact that I don’t have a phone play me a bad joke because there were
information that I wasn’t receiving, and that complicated the things for me.
However I’ve managed to do all on time and be responsible with everything.
By the time I’ve learnt how to organize myself, and now I’m more relaxed with the
tasks and homework. I got used to this situation and I’ve learned to live with it
besides of my bumpy mood.

Would you rather learning from school, why?

Yes, because being all the time at home is utterly overwhelming, and I need
physical social interaction with the others.

Personal recommendation to improve the learning from home

The teachers need to get organized with the schedule, it would be good if all the
teachers used just one platform instead of different apps.
Furthermore teachers should put just the esencial homework, not just pumping us
with tons of material. We all are facing a tough situation and getting lots of
homework is stressful for the students, it would excellent if the teachers
considered us better.

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