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You are not old... I went back to Dapolis after the may holiday.

The school
started. The monsoon also started. The clouds began to calm down on the hot ground.
The water poured on the heated ground and the smell of the beautiful smell was
gone! When the new rain starts, a beautiful smell of soil is released. The word
"the earth of the earth" is remembered at that time. The juice and smell that
flower is a kind of flavor is in the stomach of the earth. This time, I had come to
Dapolis from home. One day while at home on holiday, the younger brother was
sitting in a tight bed for a new member. Explaining to him, mother said, "Your
anna-dada will grow up, become employed, then you will be sewn into a new chapter
in six months. Don't be hold back anymore. Friends! When I was a child, the
clothing revolt was not very much. We didn't even know the coat. For days, the new
one would be received after two years. During the cold days, he would tie the dhoti
around his neck and go to school. There was no muffler. There were no jackets, no
hot coats. Don't ask in cities anymore. But even in villages, many clothes are
required. The more the wind and light touch the body, the better. It is jehovah who
comes to clean his organs in the form of wind and light! But we do not allow the
creation to touch our body, and many diseases eventually plague us. "Most of the
world's diseases are caused by clothes," says a Russian doctor. Russia is creating
a new trend of underwear. Russia is trying to see it with the eyes of thought and
is planning to walk. My younger brother's heart had torn apart. Mother had given
him two or three mattresses. I had decided to stitch my brother's new clothes; But
where to get the money from?

My father used to work in the court-machinery. The poverty was coming, but the
kajdaal was not escaped. Addiction is also there. Some people are not comfortable
without court-ochs. If they are finished, they take the case of others. If I win
your case, I will have so much money; I have seen people who have taken the
contracts to prosecute me, saying that the costs of the case are not allowed. My
father came to Dapolis, so he would give me two grains. I decided not to spend a
penny of food money in the food. Our school started in senior. It was three months
before Ganesh Chaturthi. In that month, I decided to stitch the coat or sada to the
younger brother of Ganesh Chaturthi.

The goal had eyes. I was counting money every day. Ganesh Chaturthi kept coming
near. I had a rupee or two. Gauri wears new clothes to Ganpati. Their parents will
stitch new clothes to their children in their village; But who will sew my brother?
I will stitch my brother.

I went to the tailor. I took a boy of my brother's age. I asked him to stitch his
coat. I took two times. I took half the line. The coat was ready. The money was
spent on the nearest money.

My eyes were in tears as I took the coat. New clothes are put on a mangal-rakok;
But i sprinkled the love-loving tears on the coat. I went home. I was saying the
rain. The one I had stayed with said, "Don't go to rainwater. The rivers may have
flooded. The peri-pariah of Pisai, the pariah of Sondeghar, will not have the
slope; Listen to us. I didn't listen to anyone. If love comes in your heart, you
will beg for a little if you can drain the river! I tied my coat and left. If i had
wings, I would have blown up. It was not a work of walking. It is a dream of
happiness. I was in the idea of how happy my mother would be. A nannity jumped over
my feet. There is a snake type as a nanty. It has a green color. Nanetti jumps. I
was a little scared. I walked with care. The pissai's peri-ywas filled with milk.
His water is very much drawn. What to do? I took my mother's name and entered the
water. There was a stick in his hand. You should put a stick next and then step in.
I was about to get carried away. But God knows how I came out! My love was in my
heart. That river that is lovingly visiting the other rivers! How will he drown me?
I was going to meet my brother. I was as excited as that drain, running. Like that
drain, I was carrying my heart.
The road was standing up. Stones like needles were hitting the feet. But I didn't
notice it. I was struggling to get home before it was dark. But it was dark on the
way. The sky was in need. The vijas were shining. The water flows. I was walking
````through the dance of the Five Mahabhutas. I finally came home once. I was
wet. "Mother!" I called out from the outside. It was very cold in the air. The
father was evening and mother had given the fireplace to cook. "Anna came, Mother,
Anna!" The younger brother opened the door. The two younger brothers met. "Why did
Shyam come through such rain? Sarah wet, don't you?" my mother asked. "Did the
water in the garden of The Sondeghar not have water?" asked the father. "Yes! But I
came somehow!" I said. "A woman was swept away that day!" said the father. 'Please
of Ganpati. Well, take out those clothes. Take a bath in the pan with water," my
mother said. I went to the bath. The younger brother gave up my little knots.
Children are accustomed. They think something has been brought for us. But what
will I bring my sibling? Which food will you bring? Which toys will you bring? What
colored picture book? I was poor. But my brother found something in that knot. The
coat was found in it. New coat! It was not a coat, it was a heart, it was love! It
was a fruitful teaching of mother. "Anna is a little coat? Who is this new coat?"
The younger brother came and asked me. "Then I'll tell you. Go home. "Mother! Look
at this coat. This is not anna's body. This brought me. Yes, Mother?" The younger
brother began to ask her. My mother gave me a dry laundry. I sat near the stove. My
mother said, "Shyam! Whose coat?" "Why do you want to pay for Moru Josh? Must have
sent it to the free man!" said the father. "No. I have sewn this for Purushottam,"
I said. "Money, ray, where? Whose loan did you borrow? Why are fees not worth the
fee?" asked the father. "Did you not touch anyone's money?" my mother said in a
singly tone. "Mother! I'd like to forget that you said that day, "This is the first
and last hand." I didn't take out loans, stole, and didn't pay fees," I said. "Why
did you borrow, Shyam?" asked the father. "Brother, you should bring me food and
give me two annas; I collected it. I have gathered all the last two or three
months. They stitched the coat. My mother would say, "Your Anna, dada will grow up,
then you will be given a new stitch coat." I had decided to bring Ganpati a new
coat. Purushottam, look at you?' I said. "Anna! This is nice and pockets inside
too! I won't lose my pencil anymore. Mother, look! Purushottam started showing her
mother. My mother was deeply moved to hear the story and said, "Shyam! You are not
big, not big with money, not big by learning; But you have grown up today, yes.
Keep this love, children, continue. I don't want to be anyone' Father also moved
his hand from my back. He didn't speak. All the talk was about moving those hands,
all the memories. 'Maa, let's make this a kunku?' purushottam asked. "Baby, keep it
now. Put your hands on your hands tomorrow, bow down to gods and put them in your
body. Wear a new coat and bring ganpati, yes, mother said.

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