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Review: "Communication Skills" - Allan & Barbara Pease

Title: Communication skills

Author: Allan & Barbara Pease

Year of publication: 2013

Category: practical psychology

Number of pages: 104

Publisher: Curtea Veche

,,The most important human instinct is to feel important and to be appreciated’’

,,Others react to you in the same way you treat them’’

,,Whatever you give you will someday get back sometimes multiplied’’

The book is useful to readers of various ages, because the man is still a social man and always needs

The bestselling Pease Communication Skills show you how to make a good and lasting first impression,
how to capture the attention of others, and how to persuade them to adopt your ideas. If you want
understanding, acceptance, affirmation, success, recognition, this book will help you develop your
communication skills so that you can reach them.

It is essential that with the help of this book you can learn to communicate more easily and to become
more convincing, more pleasant to others. Because here you can find how to react appropriately to a
criticism, how to support your own point of view and how to thank. Apparently we all know how to do
this, but very few do it in such a way as not to upset others.

I really liked it, it is an easy and useful book. We could call it a guide that is necessary for everyone,
because if everyone followed the advice in the book we would have a much happier society.

At the same time if you are a young businessman or simply looking for a job, the author comes up with a
series of rules on how you should behave at a business meeting and a job interview.

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